Chapter 4

I woke up at 7 am, really feeling the need to go outside. I didn't have that option at the foster home, so I had to go out and see the town. I got out of bed and looked in the dresser. It was summer so I went with a dress, with a couple flowers on. Basic, I know but i'm hot so that makes up for it. 

Who are you trying to impress? Panthera chuckled 

No one.  I assured her, as she can be really protective.

Yeah right,

Stop that I mean it

Mmmhh yeah totally I believe you with my full heart!!

Your are not very convincing. I told her and brushed my hair, then putting it up and a bun. I walked out of the door then realized I didn't know where the hell I was. I was wandering around once again until I realized what Natasha told me last night.

"Umm JARVIS?" I tried, maybe she wasn't lying. But it would be kinda-

"Yes Miss Fleeyer?" I froze of two things. The fact that an Alternative Idiot just talked to me, or the fact that he called me by that last name. My foster mothers last name. It was disgusting and didn't really feel good on your tongue

"Please, uh- Call me Y/N" I asked him, still looking around for something so I can hear and see him at the same time

"Of course Y/N, and please don't look for me, it would only be a waste of your time" He answered, and I couldn't help but smile. An AI talking to me. Talk about privacy. 

"Can you show me the way to the outside?" 

"I am sorry Y/N, I have orders not to let you outside" He answered. I furrowed my eyebrows at that. What the fuck was going on? 

Kill them. Panthera sneered

I think that is taking it too far. Even though I had the urge to do it right now. I bet Thor would taste delightful. 

"Take me to them JARVIS" I commanded, then realized I probably sounded a bit rude. "Please?" I finished, so I could sleep at night.

"Down the hall, to the left, then down another hall and to the right Y/N" He didn't sound offended so I figured we were still on good terms.

Did you just worry if an Alternative Idiot hates you? Panthera was mocking me. She could read my mind, as we were one person. Or animal. Or.. Something. 

You are dumb. 

I know

Can you stop? 

I would if I could but I cant so I shan't


Shush child and find them, She commanded me one last time, I chuckled at our little argument, but went down the hall, then to the left. With that being done I saw another hall and went that way. I turn the the left and I reached a the kitchen were they were all sitting. I walked in and slammed the door behind me. 

"Oh hi Y/N-" Clint began but I cut him off

"Why can't I leave?" I passively aggressively asked them. They all confused, but not by the question but by the fact that I knew, and that I had just told them. 

"Y/N we-" Natasha then began, but I realized this was just about nothing I wanted answer.

"Why can't I leave Natasha!" I yelled at her. I trusted her and she betrayed me. I growled like a bad bitch.

"Y/N listen okay?" Tony said. Of course he had something to do with this. "Of course you can leave. That was put on last night, when you tried to run away. That was only because Natasha had to pin you down, and because we were afraid that you would get afraid. You can leave now if you want. I am sorry" Instantly I smiled. I know I shouldn't forgive him that easily, but they all had the best interest in heart, so I forgave them. 

"We are sorry" Steve commented.

"Okay I just- I am sorry I got so mad"

"No, don't apoligize" Nat said and threw an apple at me. With my amazing skills I persuaded to miss the catch and quickly picking it up form the ground. 

"Well you look tired" Tony mocked me as I sat down.

"Well no shit, I am" I snapped back it him and took a bite of my apple. 

"Yup and training is in 10 minutes so get ready" Nat says. At the same time everyone leaves, except for Peter and I.

"Soo, guess it's just me and you" He begins, but I really didn't want to talk at the moment.

"Peace out!" I yell and walk out the door and back to my room, to get dressed for the training. As I look in my drawer I were to see some training pants and a sports bra. I put it on and walks out the door

"JARVIS, Take me to the training room please?" I ask him and he tells me intructions

I saw Clint on the way, he was clearly upset. "Ugh! Im loosing my mind!" He exclaimed, he hadn't seen me yet.

"Please don't, it's hard to find small things" I reply and walks up to him. He scoffs.

"Haha funny, but my son just got sick I have to leave for a couple of days"

"Oh i'm sorry" I told him as I didn't want him to think I was a cold hearted bitch. 

"Its fine, i'm gonna go. See ya in a couple of days!" He said and ran off. 

Well that was, uhm, well okay move on

I laughed at Panthera being to confused and kept going.

I reached the door to the training room, but as I walked through I hit my toe on the door.

"For Fucks sake!" I yelled out

"Language!" Steve corrected me. How dare this bitch snap at me in this kind of situation.

"NO!" I yell back at him and walk over there. All the others, which was only Nat, Wanda, Peter, and Thor looked at me. Nat lifted her eyebrows in respect.

"I have come to like this mortal"

"Thank you Thor" I exclaimed and high-fived him. 

"Okay focus!" Steve said to get everyones attention. Pick me behavior much. He really gotta chill with that attitude, aint no lady gonna like that. "We are sparring today"

YES! Panthera outburst in my head. I smirked. 

"And no powers allowed"

We're doomed...

Yup, I couldn't agree more Panthera. Couldn't agree more..

"Okay Nat and Y/N, Peter and Wanda, Me and Thor" he finished off. I froze.

"What the fuck?" I asked him. He looked at me. "Why do I get the Russian assassin, I don't see how this is fair" Steve just smirked. That fucking bitch planned this out. Someone is gonna die.

Pretty sure that's gonna be us

For sure, for sure. Again, I couldn't agree more.

Natasha grew impatient with me as she grabbed my hand and dragged me to the ring. Everyone gathered around it, waiting for me to show some secret Karate moves. Too bad I don't possess them. 

Seemed like we were beginning, and Natasha ran over to me. I also ran.. Out of the ring. She stopped and looked at me, like I was a dumb idiot. 


"I ain't fighting a Russian ninja!" I exclaimed, but Steve put me back in. I will sue him sometime in the future, when I have money

This time I didn't ran out. I just ran around ducking and sliding through Natasha's legs. I was impressed by my reflexes. 

Im good! I told Panthera

That's me, idiot. 

Oh. Well no matter who it was I still just ducking. Peter was laughing and so was Wanda. Natasha was growing impatient, she just couldn't hit me. A punch to my left, I ducked and ran to the other side. This was funny. Until she read my moves and went to punch me, I ducked was about to ran away, when she put her foot out and swept me off the floor. Within second the Russian was over me. I tried to stand up but she once again sat on my back and pinned my arms down. 

"Deja vu much?" I asked her, she snickered and waited for Steve to tell us we were done. 

"Alright great job you guys. Y/N you are really god at evading" Steve said and Natasha got off and offered me her hand. 

"I know" 

"Wha- Okay, Next is Wanda and Peter" He just shrugged it off. Good boy. Wanda and Peter got of on the ring and started fighting. It seemed like Peter had the upper hand, when- No wait Peter still had the upper hand, Wanda was dead on the floor. She's alive, but she's dead.

"Good job, guys" Steve said and they went down. Thor and Steve then jumped up. This was some hell of a fight.

"20 bucks on Thor" I whisper to Peter. He seems logical.

"Deal" He smiles. 

After two minutes Steve had hit Thor in the face and won. 

"Cough up" He said.

"Steve!" I yelled.


"Let me borrow 40 bucks!" I yelled back again, knowing I was broke and I don't like when I owe people anything. 

"Uhh, sure" He went over to his man-purse and gave me 40 bucks. I took them I handed Peter 20 before taking 20 myself. He looked shocked, at me being a bad bitch, so I left them. Yup, I left to go take a shower.


I love showers. Like how can you? Its hot water running down your body on purpose. What not to like?

I got out and went to bed. I had begun to like this group of idiots.
