Chapter 1

It was morning. Looking at the clock I realized I had slept over myself. Fuck, no breakfast. I hadn't eaten in two days now. Punishment for yawning at the table and talking back to Marcos, my 'brother'. Miss Grumpy isn't gonna be glad about it. I rolled around I few times, before pulling the torn duvet from my cold body. I sleep with normal clothing on, because of the cold. The duvet isn't helping and neither is the people here. I had been living here for the past 11 years. Trauma I can tell you. 

I got out of bed and looked in the closet. Not much here. Well, a half ruined dress and some shorts should do it, I looked hot anyways. On my way to the shower I stopped, and froze. I could practically feel my foster mothers eyes through the solid door, as she paced the halls, only waiting for me to wake up. She didn't bother waking me. Otherwise she wouldn't have a reason to hit me. The later I sleep the more I get beat. Hey that rhymes! I thought to myself as I slowly tiptoed into the bathroom and ran a comb through my hair, found a hair-tie and made a bun in the back of my head. Just as she likes it. 

I walked out and listened again. Crap she hadn't moved. Well guess it's time to bless her with my company. I made my bed, and closed the closet before I pushed the door open and peeked out. As soon as I did her precious face met me. What a grace. She grabbed my hand and pulled me out of my room. 

"You filthy animal! It's 8 am and you're still asleep" She spit as the dragged me through the boys rooms. They were all laughing and throwing comments at me. they had been here longer than me, therefore felt the need to bully me every second they had to spare. 

"Not a good time to tell you it's 7 am?" I spoke still trying to keep my balance. She stopped, and threw me on the floor. 

"Don't you ever disrespect me again, you slut!" She looked down on me then pulled her leg back and kicked me in the ribs. I coughed in a desperate attempt to breathe. 

Fight! Panthera yelled at me in my head. All she knew was fight. But I couldn't just crack my bones and transform into a panther so that I could bite her head. Even if I wanted to

Shut your mouth , we're fine! I yelled back at her. 

The boys had one by one joined us, all looking down on me. They smirked and then looked at Miss Grumpy.

"All yours" She spoke and then left us, and went down the stairs. No. No no please no, not those again! 

"Thank you Miss Davison" They all chimed in before the eldest, Thomas, stomped over to me. 

"Stop" I yelped, knowing what was coming. He lifted out my chin and then as fast as lightning he pulled back and punched me right in my cheekbone. I screamed and crawled away, until Marcos kicked me in the back, making me whimper and fall the the ground in pain. I screamed and tried to get control of my breath but nothing happened, and they kept kicking me. A punch to stomach. 

Just as Lillian was about to kick me I grabbed his foot and pushed him back causing him to fall and yelp. It didn't take him long to recover, and he was furious. 

"SLUT!" He yelled at me and stormed over, and kicked me in the stomach again. I winched and had trouble breathing. 

Pathetic. Panthera had make it clear what she thought about this, and I could practically hear her rolling her eyes at me. She always thought I should fight. But If I did then what? I Killed them all, then police would arrive, and I would have no place to go. 

Marcos went over and pressed his foot to my throat and applied pressure. 

"No, stop" I rasped and tried to get away. Black dots started forming in my eye sight, and I felt my arms go numb as I blacked out. 


I woke up in great pain everywhere. The wooden floor didn't exactly help. Great, I missed lunch too. I know food isn't what I should be thinking about right now, but to be honest; it's all I ever think about. 

I take my hand up to my head to feel how bad it was. At the pain coming back I winced and retreated my hand. 

Great job soldier! Panthera mocked me. 

You done? I asked her, to which she replied I should have killed them. 

With all my will power I got up and bit my teeth together, to numb the pain. It wasn't too bad when I stood up. I couldn't hear Miss Davison so I peeked through the door, and to my surprise no-one was there. Huh? Usually at least one of them are playing guard. 

"Yes, we are here because of Y/N" A voice from downstairs echoed. That's weird. I don't have any friends, and I don't go to school. Why would anyone be here. I tiptoed to the stairs and looked down on them. A guy dressed in all blue who looked like he fell into the American flag and glued in on. Beside him a women in all black, with red hair stood. She was covered in weapons. Just like the guy who was standing next to her. Bow and arrow and a vest, covered him. Is that who I think it is?

Katniss Everdeen it must be.

"What have that girl done again?" My foster mother asked them and I scrunched my nose and scoffed. I have a name. 

"Nothing, but she needs to come with us" America's flag spoke. 

"I am not just handing you over-" She began again, but stopped when she saw the women open a suitcase of money. "Hang on a second" She turns her attention to the stairs and meet my eyes. I gasp and back away. Fuck

"You little brat, you are not allowed to listen to our conversation!" She called after me. I stumbled backwards and headed towards my room, only hearing her telling the boys to get me down. I ran as fast as I can trying to get to my room, but then I felt a hand grab my arm, and trips me. Marcos. He kicks me in the stomach, and begins to drag me downstairs

"You little shit" He spit and pulls me forward so I trip and yelp. 

Don't let them take you! Panthera calls, but I can't fucking breathe so she needs to chill out. Just as we reach the stairs, he doesn't even give me a chance to catch my balance before he throws me of them. I rumble down screaming and landing right in front of Miss Davison. 

"We are finally getting rid of you" She smiles wickedly and pulls me up by my hair. 

"Hey stop that!" Katniss Everdeen says as he sticks his arm out as a comfort in some way. But she does not care and throw me at their feet like a toy. 

"Idiot" I mumble, but of course she hears it and walk over to me. 

"You have no manners-!" She yells at me but stop shocked when the women in all black steps in front of her. 

"I'll kill you" She says calm, but doesn't move, letting my foster mother know the threat only stands if she moves. 

Bow and arrow man grabs my arms gently and helps me up. I wanted to thank him but all I could think about was how threatening he looked. All those weapons. If they came here for good reason why the heck does one of them have a freaking shield on them. I got to get out of here. Together they placed the suitcase and I humped outside. I wondered why I couldn't feel the sun, but when I looked up I saw a goddamn plane, well more like a jet. 

"Holy-" I couldn't help but let out, and he grinned at that comment. 

Now! Panthera called at me, and for the first time in a long time, she was right. I twisted my arm from him and ran like hell. My bruises hurt like crap, but I had to keep running. I am not getting kidnapped by some dudes with weapons. I looked back and could see them all grunting then they began running. Flag man was really fast, so I knew what I had to do. 

Ready? I asked her. I dint need and answer as I midair shifted into a black panther and roared. 

YES! She yelled and we ran even faster now. I could feel I was loosing flag man, but then something hit my side and I was shocked. No literally shocked. Some little metal thing sat in my side and send electro pulses through me. I hissed at it, and fell to the ground. They all caught up and then I stopped. He picked me up again, this time I was almost unconscious so I didn't do anything. 

"Poor thing" He commented, as I hissed at him one last time. 

I guess I am getting kidnapped by some Dudes with weapons anyway...
