★彡03|04 - "Any chance this was already there?"彡★

After a minor argument between Uma and Mal, the group started to walk towards Ben's castle. Well, it was Ben's castle only in the sense that he was the king, but technically the entire royal family, past, present, and future, resided in it.

While they were walking, Asher asked, "Is Jane alright?"

Carlos gave him a glance. "We don't know."

It was silent after that.

Once having arrived in the castle, the group moved swiftly through the halls.

"Ben!" Mal called out. Y/n could hear the quiver in her voice. Subconsciously, she gripped Carlos' hand, for she knew that she would've been the same way if he had been lost.

"This way!" Dude called, ever enthusiastic.

"Ben could be asleep anywhere," Mal said, shrugging her arms.

"Or turned to stone."

Evie smoothly covered Celia's mouth with her hand after that, clearly stating not helping.

"Ben!" Mal called again.

"I've got a scent. Very pungent cologne. Easy to track. Follow me, people!"

"That's great, Dude!" Jay praised.

"FYI, I give great cuddles, too." And with that the dog was off, the group hot on his tail (but not literally in any way, shape or form).

Their steps echoed through the halls. The castle seemed asleep, too. Not a speck of dust moved on the carpets, not a gust of wind ruffled the curtains in front of the windows. All of it felt very off-putting to Y/n, though she'd never admit it aloud in such a group.

"Hold up!" Uma commanded, her hand tracing claw marks on the wall.

Y/n quickly took note of their height. There is no way an animal could've made those.

"Any chance this was already there?" Carlos tried but Mal just walked on without a word. Y/n frowned. Just how much could the future queen of Auradon take before shattering to pieces?
