★彡02|40 - "But Ben, that's me!"彡★

With newfound confidence Y/n straightened her back and, having given a reassuring smile to Carlos, faced the situation with much more put-togetherness than anyone else on the boat. The fact was immediately reflected when Ben reached his hand out to Fairy Godmother, calling her name, and the woman immediately denied the request, her eyes filled with horror even while she stayed confident.

"I am your king!"

"Obey him!" Uma supported.

Y/n, who hadn't jumped this time around, took a step forth and the crowd parted as she talked. "Actually, according to the main law of Auradon, she does not have to," she interrupted, her Auradon's political history lessons coming into play. "As described in paragraph 47, the barrier must not be brought down unless all living royalty and the current Guardian of Magical Items, that is Fairy Godmother, agree to it."

Uma growled and ripped away from Ben. "You think you're so important—" she challenged but was cut off by Asher drawing his dagger, the blade of it glinting dangerously in the light of the yacht's lanterns.

"One more step, fishface, and your so-called "girlfriend status" won't help you," he spoke coldly. The crowd immediately drew back at his words and so did Uma, still seething. But, as it was, she was late. Mal had already got to Ben and was now talking to him.

"Ben, I never told you that I loved you because I thought that I wasn't good enough."

Y/n smiled, happy that she'd managed to cause a sufficient diversion. Carlos appeared behind her. She initially expected to be hugged from behind but the boy remained standing upright this time, only his hand touching hers as they followed the scene before them with anticipation.

"And I thought it was only a matter of time until you realised that yourself!"

After Mal said that, a wave of dread suddenly washed over Carlos and he became oh so very aware of Y/n's closeness. Despite the moments they'd shared — dancing after Ben's coronation, conversations, dancing in the library and finally coming to Cotillion together, he felt a little afraid that it would all end someday. Thus, he took Y/n's hand tighter into his own.

The girl turned her head for a moment to give him a soft smile and then she turned back but stepped closer to Carlos anyway, leaning into his chest. Carlos' heart warmed and he let out a breath he didn't know he'd been keeping in, smiling as he watched Mal continue to talk.

"But Ben, that's me!" she exclaimed, her voice breaking when she gestured to the stain-glass window. "I'm part-Isle and part-Auradon!"

Uma grabbed onto Ben's arm roughly and made him face her as she said, "Ben, eyes over here."

Ben, despite his upper body facing Uma, still looked at Mal. He still looked lost and dazed but Mal didn't give up, continuing to speak through the tense silence that had taken the boat under its veil.

"And Ben, you've always known who we were and who we can be."

Y/n tightened her hold on Carlos' hand.

"Don't listen to her," Uma interjected again.

"Ben, I know what love feels like now." Mal smiled. "Ben... Of course I love you! Ben, I've always loved you."

And then she kissed him. The scene played out like a fairytale on the brightly lit boat. The crowd gasped, many, including Evie, softly wiped tears from their eyes. Carlos wrapped an arm around Y/n's waist and pulled her even closer before kissing the top of her head. The girl smiled broadly and turned herself so she could wrap an arm around Carlos as well.

Together, they watched as Mal pulled away and Ben was himself again. He smiled softly, saying the girl's name whose true love's kiss had just broken the spell he was under.

"True love's kiss," Evie commented from the side. "Works every time."

And, had it been a fairytale, they would've lived happily ever after.
