Chapter 6: The Conqueror of Flames

3rd POv
Today was the day where Eren, Cabal, Gido and Shizu were leaving. Y/n were hoping that Shizu were feeling better after her sudden "stomach ache". Right now, we can see Y/n and Rimuru on top Ranga walking toward Shizu while our future couple are talking.

Rimuru: Nice outfit you have, Y/n.

Y/N: Thank you, Rimuru. I asked Garm to make it.

(KlyToxin: This is the outfit)


After our walk, we finally found Shizu looking at the village.

Y/N: So, do you like our town? I said while getting off of Ranga.

Shizu turn around and move aside her mask and smiles.

Shizu: Yes, very much.

As Shizu said that Ranga immedialty open his mouth and start to wag his tail indicating that he was happy to hear that.

Y/N: You're welcome to stay as long you'd like, Shizu-san.

Shizu: Thank you...but i have to go.

Y/N: You do?

Shizu: If i stay here, i might bring trouble for you.

Y/N: Huh?

Shizu look away

Shizu: The goal of my journey find the man who summoned me.

Rimuru: What will you do when you find him?

Shizu don't answered and continued to look away.

Y/N: Well, you can come visit us anytime. I said smiling a bit.

Shizu blushed again a bit like the last time. Rimuru see it and the only thing she could think was

Rimuru: 'Don't tell me that i have to share Y/n?!'

Y/N: Right, Ranga?

Ranga: Of course! Ranga said looking at his left, where Y/n was.

Shizu: O-okay. Thank you.

Shizu started to walk toward me and pull me in a hug.

Shizu: Thank you, Y/n.

Shizu let me free and hug Ranga and Rimuru.

Shizu: Thank you, too. Ranga, Rimuru.


Me, Rimuru, Rigurd, Rigur, Kaval and Gido were waiting Eren and Shizu.

Rigur: Ah, here they come.

Eren: Sorry for the wait!

Gido: Oh, we waited, all right.

Cabal: Jeez, why do woman take so long to get ready?

Then strangely Shizu stopped

Eren: Shizu-san?

Shizu: Argh!

Rigurd: Is something wrong?

Shizu: Not... again...

Gido: Shizu-san?

Cabal: Hey, what's wrong with you?

Shizu: Argh! Shizu fall on the floor on her knees for the pain.

Eren: Shizu-san!

Shizu: Argh!!

Then Shizu mask breaks a bit as a bright light come from it.

Y/N: 'I have a bad feeling about this.'

Eren: Shizu-san! Shizu-san!

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While everyone were worried for Shizu, a fire cover her and go on the sky creating grey clouds covering completely the sky.
As the fire disappeared Shizu start to levitate from the ground.

Then a ball of fire form around Shizu and it suddenly explode. Before the explosion can hurt everyone, Y/n put in front of everyone and evocate the final form of Itachi Susano'o and put the shield in front of them.

Everyone open their eyes seeing Y/n in front of them with his susano'o covering them.

Eren, Gabal and Gido: What the hell is this?!

Y/N: We don't have time to talk, we must take care of Shizu. Y/n said poiting at Shizu.

Eren: *Gasp* Shizu-san! Shizu-san!

Cabal: Shizu...Shizue Izawa?

Eren: Huh?

Gido: Isn't Shizue Izawa...the Conqueror of Flame?!

Y/n: 'Huh?'

Eren: Y-You mean the hero of the guild from about 50 years ago?! Shizu is her?

Gido: The Conqueror of...

Cabal: Wasn't she retired already? Kaval say it with hate in his voice.

Y/N: Rigurd, Rigur.

The two of them looked at Y/n.

Y/N: Evacuate the others.

Rigurd: But...

Rigur: Y/n-sama...

Y/N: That's an order.

Rigurd: Yes, sir! As you wish!

Rigurd and Rigur leave

Y/N: {Ranga, are you in Rimuru shadow?}

Ranga: {Right there, master.}

Y/N: {Once it starts, you will help Rimuru.}

Ranga: {Yes, master.}

The mask of Shizu fall on the ground and Y/n looked at it before he looked at Shizu and see her crying while her tears were evaporating from the fire.

The tornado of fire forms a ball around Shizu and when the fire ball died, something appear.

Cabal: The fire spirit, Ifrit...

Gido: There's no mistake, then. Shizu is...

Eren: ...the legendary hero, the Conqueror of Flames. Th-There's now way we can win if we have to fight that!

Y/N: Who say that you all are going to fight it?

The three of them turn to Y/n.

Y/N: Me and Rimuru will fight it.

Eren: Are you crazy?! You can't defeat him!

Y/n ignored Eren and looked down at his left where Rimuru was.

Y/N: Rimuru, i have a plan. When yo-

As Y/n was telling his plan, he was interrupted by Ifrit, who let a roar and evocate 3 mini-dragons, who started to burn  curtains around the village.

Rimuru: Damn it! We just built all that!

Ifrit looked at Y/n and his susano'o and threw a huge tornado of fire. Y/n eyes widened before he dissolved itachi susano'o and evocate the perfect susano'o of Sasuke and block the tornado with his two sword.

Y/n couldn't hold a tornado of fire for eternity so he make shadow clones over the tornado and they made a water jutsu.

Y/N Clones: Water Style: Giant waterfall!

While the jutsu were dissolving the tornado, Y/n was telling his plan to Rimuru who were with him in the head of his susano'o.

Y/N: Before i was interrupted, i was telling that when you will see a black fire on Ifrit you will eat Ifrit while he will be distracted. Ok?

Rimuru: A Black fire?

Y/N: We don't have time to talk now.

Rimuru: Ok! I do it.

Y/n dissolved again his susano'o and both of them landed on the ground while Rimuru were on top of Ranga, waiting the Black fire of Y/n. Y/n closed his eyes and re-opened saying only one thing.

Y/N: Ameterasu.

The amaterasu apperead on Ifrit and he started to scream in pain even if it was the Conqueror of the flames. As Rimuru see it, Ranga started to run towards Ifrit that were distracted from the pain of the amaterasu. As Ranga were near, Rimuru jumped high before going down with speed while Great Sage ask her a question.

Great Sage: {Use unique skill "Predator"?}

Rimuru: Yes!

3rd POv
Then Rimuru eat Ifrit, sending him in her "stomach" but he was not alone there. Then Shizu re-appear and start falling but Y/n immedialty run and catch her in time. Then Shizu said something before she fall unconscious.

Shizu: Thank you, Y/n-san.
