Chapter 12: Finding The Orc Lord

3rd POv
Y/n and Rimuru are on their way to the marshlands to sign a treaty with the Lizardmen chieftain and fight the Orc Army. The ones are accompanying Y/n and Rimuru are Benimaru, Shion, Hakurou, and Souei, who's out scouting. There's also Ranga, who have Y/n and Rimuru on top of him and the Goblin riders. They left Rigurd and the rest to watch the village. The plan is that they'll flee immedialty if they lose. While traveling, Souei call via telepathy Y/n and Rimuru and he said that he come across two groups currently enganged in battle. One of them is a personal guard to the Lizardman chieftain and she appear fighting to be fighting a high-ranking Orc. Then Souei asked what he shall do and we say that we have to help them since we made allience. After, we came to Souei and healed the female lizardman, she asked a favor, kneeling down, after she knew who Y/n and Rimuru were are. She asked us to save Lizardmen and she told that idiot of Gabiru led a rebellion and imprisoned the chieftain. Then Shion kneel down next and said

Shion: Well said, indeed! That you recognize our leaders Rimuru's and Y/n's greatness means you have potential!

Rimuru: H-Hey, Shion...

Shion: Come now, stand up. I'm certain the Lizardmen can be saved, just as you hoped!

Rimuru: 'Whoa, whoa...'

Chieftain's daughter: Thank you! Thank you!

Y/N: Don't worry, Rimuru. We'll be fighting the Orc Lord, either way.

Rimuru: Yeah, you're right. So, um... You're the chieftain's daughter, you say?

Chieftain's daughter: Y-Yes, sir! I am at your command. She said kneeling down on one knee.

Rimuru: Then i'll acknowledge you as a representative of the chieftain. Do you object to forging an allience right here and now?

Chieftain's daughter: No, not at all.

Rimuru: Then it's settled. The allience is complete.

Chieftain's daughter: Thank you so much.

Y/N: Souei, can you use Shadow Movement to get to the chieftain from here?

Souei: Of course.

Y/N: I'm ordering the rescue of the Lizardman chieftain.

Souei: Understood. He said before he teleported.

Chieftain's daughter: You have my gratitude.

Y/N: The rest of us will continue our match!

Everyone: Yes!

[Timeskip by Rimuru thinking how to get Y/n heart]

Me and Rimuru came in time to save that idiot of Gabiru and the lizardmen while Souei was saving the chieftain. Me and Rimuru were watching in the sky, Benimaru and Hakurou massacring the Orcs Army. Then i watch Shion, who looked at me back (Y/n doesn't notice that she was blushing a bit) and then...

(KlyToxin: From 4:43 to 4:51)

Shion: Y/n-sama! Shion said waving her hand at me while smiling.

Y/N: Y-Yeah... 'I hope I never piss her off.'

Rimuru: Wow, that overwhelming Orc army is shrinking before our eyes. I guess those Kijin really are a major assest.

Y/N: You're right. I hope they'll still want to be friends after this war's over.

3rd POv
Then Y/n and Rimuru spot the Orc Lord, who said

Orc Lord: I'm hungry... I want to eat something... anything!

Y/N: Orc Lord... I'm going to put an end to you. Y/n said activating the perfect mangekyou sharing and the rinne mangekyou sharingan.
