Chapter Two

No One's POV
Adam was playing a virtual video game, while Abby sketched in a notebook. The only noise in the room was Adam clicking a button on his remote and the sound of led touching paper.

It was peaceful until the power randomly went down. Abby looked up from her notebook and furrowed her eyebrows in confusion.

"Adam." She said softly, getting his attention.

Hawking started to growl and whine as if something was wrong. Adam lifted his headset and looked at Hawking before the dog took off barking.

Adam took his headset all the way off and looked at Abby's confused and freaked out face. Adam looked out of his door not getting off his bed.

"Hawking?" He asked, getting no response from the dog.

Adam took Abby's hand and walked out the door, grabbing a flashlight before going outside. Hawking was still barking at the woods causing Abby to crouch down.

"What is it? You see something?" She asked softly. Abby's always loved Hawking and when she came to stay with the Reed's, Hawking seemed to like her and normally Hawking was very protective around people outside of the Reed family.

Hawking whined and took off running towards the woods.

"Hawking stop!"


Adam sighed, his hand still holding Abby's, he started to slowly walk to the woods, grabbing a bat just in case.

"Hawking!" They called out, but got nothing in response.

Orange particles were falling from the sky, leaving a really beautiful sight to see. The two kids looked up in amazement as they continued walking. Adam stopped abruptly, looking up at the trees.

"Whoa." He said quietly.

The tops of the trees were gone and the only thing that was left were the burnt ends. Abby and Adam continued to look at the trees but Hawking barked and scared the two, causing them to jump.

"Oh my God. You scared the crap out of us." Abby said, crouching down to let the dog. Rustling was heard behind Adam, which made him turn around very quickly.

"Who's there?" He asked, his voice laced with fear. Adam turned back around to face Abby.

"I don't think we should be out here."

Hawking was in front of them, while they ran back to the house. Adam was breathing heavily, and Abby was right behind him. Once they made it back, Adam was wheezing and Abby was catching her breath.

Adam pulled out his inhaler and fixed his breathing. Crouching down to pet Hawking.

"We're okay." He breathed, still catching his breath.

There was a loud clattering sound that came from Adam's dad's garage, causing the kids to look over. Hawking barked and ran over there.


Hawking ran inside, still barking. Adam took Abby's hand keeping her slightly behind him as they proceeded to walk towards the door.

Adam scanned the flashlight over the room, passing a mans face before doubling back.

"Take it easy." The man said, holding up his hand, which was covered in blood.

Adam screamed and fell bringing Abby down with him since they were holding hands.

"Or, you know, fall down and scream."

Abby quickly got back up and turned on the light.

"Jeez. Who the hell are you?" Adam asked, grabbing the bat again.

"Put the bat down."

Adam definitely didn't listen.

"Just put the bat down. I'm not going to hurt either of you, I promise." The man said.

He was sitting up against the couch, his face scrunched like he was in pain.

"What are you doing in here?" Abby asked.

"Mostly bleeding." The man answered. He then got a good look at their faces and asked, "Wait, how old are you two?"


"How old are you two?"

"Twelve." Abby answered

"Twelve..shit!" The man mumbled to himself.

"How did you get in my dad's garage?" Adam asked, looking at the open door.

" was open."

"No, it wasn't. And that's is a flight suit." Adam said, holding up the bat still.

"Are you a pilot?" Abby asked.

"Yeah. Yeah, listen to me. Uh-" the man started, but stopped when he saw Adam pull out a phone.

"Don't- Hey, don't call anyone. Put the phone down. I won't hurt you guys."

"Yeah, you said that already." Adam argued, looking at the phone.

"Well, it bears—God damn it! It bears repeating." The man held his wound tightly as it kept bleeding.

"That's a lot of blood. Adam..maybe we should help him." Abby suggested, but got a pair of wide eyes back from Adam like she just told him to drink a whole bottle of bleach. (Please don't ever do that.)

"Are you insane?" Adam asked, quietly.

"No, but right now, there is a man bleeding out in your dad's garage, and I personally wouldn't be to happy to find a blood stained floor." Abby defended.

"I would listen to the little lady. She seems to be the nicer one out of you two." The man piped up. "And I have so much more blood in my body. Where's your mother?" The man asked Adam.

"On a date." He answered, skeptical.

"With who?"


"With who? What's his name?"

"I think it was Derek, I don't know." Abby answered.

"Derek? Derek. Derek, Derek, Derek. That's, yes, the guy with the, um..with the mouth mullet." The guy said, gesturing to his face.

"The goatee?"


"So say goatee."

"Yeah, he doesn't matter." The man commented.

"None of them matter."

Hawking's head laid on the mans leg while he pet him. "Nice dog." He commented, causing the two kids to look at Hawking.

"I'm gonna go inside the house. I'm gonna get some stuff. Hey, careful with that." The man said, as he went to walk out the door.

Adam swung the bat towards the mans back, but the man caught the bad without looking and took it out of Adam's hands.

"Stay here."

Adam looked bewildered, his hands still in the position they were in when he was holding the bat.

Adam and Abby followed the man inside, Adam picking up the bat once again. The man put his bag down on the counter and took his jacket off.

He opened the fridge and grabbed an apple, closing it. The fridge opened up again, and without looking he closed it with his foot.

The man opened the box of pizza only to find it empty, making him groan in annoyance.

"Told you to stay in the garage." The man said, not even looking at them.

"And let some creepy dude just wander around the house alone? I don't think so." Abby asked, as her and Adam started to go through his bag.

"Yeah, believe me. I don't wanna be here any more than you two want me here. I just gotta stop bleeding long enough. Gotta dress the wound, prevent a nasty infection, and I will be in my merry way." The man said to mostly himself, since the kids weren't listening.

Adam tossed some sort of ball in the air, but the man caught it.

"Don't touch that."

"I was just looking."

"Don't touch my stuff."

"Is this a lightsaber?" Abby asked, holding up a..thing.

"No, it's not a lightsaber."

Adam held the bat up again after he snatched the thing out of Abby's hands.

"Enough with the bat!" The man said, taking it and throwing it away. "If I wanted to hurt you two, I would have done it already, an if I'm being honest with myself, you have a very punchable face, and I would never hurt her." The man said, making Abby make a confused face and Adam put a hand up to touch his.

The man pulled his shirt up, which shocked the kids.

"Oh my-!"

"God! That-Gah! That bullet went straight through. Good."

"Wait, wait, wait. Bullet?" Abby asked, concern laced with her voice.

"You were shot?" Adam asked

"Yeah—No, actually, no. No, I was stabbed with a bullet. What do you think, you moron?" The man said sarcastically, which made Abby roll her eyes.

"He's the moron? You were the one who was shot." Abby barked back.

"Oh, okay, that's it." The man said, and coughed. It sounded like his wound farted when he did.

", uh..That's weird. It farts when I cough."


"Super gross. I'm gonna go upstairs, grab some stuff. Stay cool. You guys and trust me." The man said, walking up the stairs.

"That's easy for you to say. We're the ones who ends up in a therapist's office, telling them about where the bad man touched us." Adam said, earring a slight punch from Abby in the arm.

"Oh God! That's where you go? Immediately? You are dark, man." The guy said, entering a room and turning on the light.

"Who even are you?" Abby asked

"That is classified."

"Why are you here?" Adam tried, leading against the door frame.

"Also classi..classified." The man said, as he squeezed alcohol on the bullet wound.

"Are you in the Air Force?"

"When I say "classified"what is your brain here? Chocolate?" The man asked, irritated.

"What's with the lightsaber?" Abby asked, following the man out of the room with Adam.

"It's not a lightsaber. Jesus Christ, Abbs. I need you two to play it cool." The man said, causing Adam to grow more protective.


"I know playing it cool isn't either of your guy's thing."


"It never has been—"

"Wait. Wait!" How do you know her name?" Adam asked, outing a finger in the mans face.

"She's Abigail Harrington. Born December 12th, 2010. Her parents are Marisa and Jake Harrington. Marisa would have died about a year ago with your father. She doesn't play any sports because she broke her ankle when she was little and it never healed properly. Plus you're both freakishly small for 12 year olds. You both go to Franklin Middle School, where you've both been suspended two, three times for fighting, which is ironic because you both can't fight to save your life."

"Hawking! Zip it!" All three of them said in unison.

"How do you know my dogs name?" Adam asked, keeping a tight grip on Abby's hand that he grabbed when he was spitting out facts only he knew about her.

"Because I named him." The man answered.

Adam started to fall backwards, but the man caught him.

"Where are you going?"

Adam started wheezing and the man rolled his eyes. Abby put a comforting hand on Adam's back as she went to reach for his inhaler. Before she could grab it, the man took it out of Adam's pocket and shook it.

"All right. Here, ready? Deep breath."

Adam took a deep breath in with his inhaler.

"Hold it. Three, two, one. Everybody gets a trophy."

"When I was seven, Abby and I ran into a table on the patio. She was thankfully okay, but I got 12 stitches." Adam started before they both pointed to the bottom of their chins.

"Right here." They said together.

Abby looked between the two, putting the pieces together.

"You knew how to get into my dad's garage. You knew how to close the fridge. You knew how to time my breathing. We have the same scar. And you're wearing my dads watch."

Adam lifted up his arm to showcase the watch that rested at both of their wrists.

"This watch."

"This watch."

"Holy shit, you're him." Abby concluded.

"Holy shi-"

"That's classified. But yes..I once was."

Authors Note:
Much longer chapter than the last one. Wow. I'm going to sleep. It's very late. Good night people. 🥰
