Chapter One

No Ones POV
"Adam! Harrington!" An angry voice shouted.

Adam and Abby ran out the door as fast as they can, tripping over their own feet.

"I'm gonna kill you!"

Adam looked back, his eyes widening as he saw how close they were.

"Reed! Harrington!"

Adam and Abby dodged other people as they ran threw the halls, but of course Adam being Adam ran into a girl, making her drop her stuff.

"Oh no. I'm so sorry. That's my bad." Adam said picking up some of her stuff. When he looked at her he did the Adam Reed thing and tried to flirt.



"Okay. Bye!"

Abby took his hand, rolling her eyes as the ran down the stairs.

"Reed! Harrington! Get your asses back here!"

"You really had to flirt while we're practically running for our lives right now?" Abby asked, not very shocked.

"Yeah, I know. I know."

Abby and Adam went to run down the other set of stairs when Adam and Abby got pinned to the wall.

"There anything else you two wanna say?" He asked angrily.

Abby made a face like she was considering it while Adam started to same something.

"Actually, I-"

Adam didn't get to finish because the boy punched him in the face.

"Adam!" Abby yelled, but the boy slammed her head against the wall, causing it to bleed.

"Huh, no more jokes? Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this."

"Who talks like that?" Adam asked, blood trickling out of his nose.

"Did you order, like, a "Bully Starter Kit" on Amazon or something?" Abby mocked.

"I'm mean, do you even hear yourself? Chuck, we talked about this."

"I didn't even say anything." Chuck defended.

"Shut up, Chuck." Abby said, but was greeted with the other guys fist going into her stomach.

"That's what I'm talking about." They two boys laughed and walked away together, leaving a hunched over Abby with a bleeding head and a worried Adam with a bloody nose.

Abby slid down the wall clutching her stomach as Adam followed her movements.

"You alright?" He asked, placing a gentle hand on her shoulder.

"Oh yeah, I'm fine, but now my urge to throw them out of a window just went up." Abby answered, causing Adam to chuckle.

Adam started wheezing, so he pulled out his inhaler and took a breath in.

"Now, are you alright?"



Adam and Abby sat outside the principals office waiting for Adams mom to pick them up. A voice over the speaker ran out through the school saying 'There will be an assembly in the gymnasium now.'

Angry footsteps were heard coming towards them, and they looked over to see Adam's mom walking towards them.

"Not a word from either of you." She said, going to walk into the office. Before she knocked she saw Adams blood under his nose and Abbys on her head.

Mrs. Reed walked in and started shouting.

"Mrs. Reed-"

"Did you see their faces? And what, you're gonna suspend them? Because what? You think they started a fight with that thug Ray?"

Adam looked down in shame causing Abby to grab his hand in comfort.

"Was it Ray Dollarhyde again? It's barely been a year since Adam and I lost his father. And same with Abby but with her mother. You could show some compassion."


Adam, Abby, and Mrs. Reed we're heading to Adams house. Adam sat in the front while Abby sat in the back with her knees pulled up to her chest as she looked out the window.

"It wasn't our fault." Adam defended the two.

"I know you both. I know those mouths of yours. I know exactly what got you both punched." Mrs. Reed said, her voice angry.

"He was giving us crap in front of the whole class. We couldn't just take it." Abby piped up, trying to tell Mrs. Reed what really happened.

"He's twice your guys's size."

"Everyone is twice our size. I've seen babies bigger that us." Adam said rolling his eyes.

Adam hated being smaller that everyone else because nobody ever took him seriously. To him, Abby was the only one who could really understand what he was going through because she was going through it with him.

"I don't understand you." Mrs. Reed said, more to Adam than to Abby.

"Dad would." Adam barked back. Silence filled the car before Mrs. Reed broke it.

"What's going on you two? Can you just tell me? If I keep having to leave work in the middle of the day, I'm gonna lose my job. It's the third time you guys have been suspended for fighting." Mrs. Reed ranged, using her hands while she talked.

"I know. You'd think we'd be better at it by now." Abby said sarcastically, causing Adam to smile.

"This goes on your permanent record. Do you get that? Do you guys care about your futures? Do you?"

Adam and Abby remained silent. Not knowing how to respond.

"Guys, you'd better start caring, because the future is coming, sooner than you think."
Adam threw a baseball at a net that bounced it back so he could catch it, while Abby laid on the ground next to Hawking, Adams dog, and stared at the sky.

"Adam! Abby! I'm headed out. Come and have your dinner." Mrs. Reed told them, as she adjusted her necklace.

Adam and Abby looked at each other, skeptical before coming inside.

"Where you going?" Adam asked, his voice laced with suspicion.

"Oh just out to dinner with a friend." She answered, putting money in her wallet.

Adam and Abby sat down at the table, pizza on their plates.

"Which friend?"

"His names Derek. We work together."

"You're going on a date." Abby concluded, taking a bite out of her pizza.

"It's not a date. I don't think it's a date." Mrs. Reed defended.

"Your dress thinks it's a date." Adam said, pointing at it with his pizza.

"Oh, it is a date. I am going on a date. Why am I going on a date?" Mrs. Reed rambled.

"Can we please stop saying 'date' now? Thanks." Adam said still pointing his slice of pizza at her.

"Kids, I'm sorry. We..we should have spoken about this. I don't know how to handle it. Let's talk about it now."

"Dear God, no." Abby said getting up and walking to the fridge, while Adam followed.

"No! You can have any kind of feeling. It's all totally normal. As long as we're a team-"

Mrs. Reed got cut off by her phone going off.

"Oh! Time to go."

Adam went to close the fridge but I opened again so Abby closed it twice making sure it stayed.

"He texted me?" Mrs. Reed asked herself. "Well, look at that. It a whole new world. But we will talk about it tonight, kids."

Mrs. Reed turned around and Adam and Abby saw the back of her dress not zipped up all the way.

"Mom, wait." Adam called, causing her to turn around.


"Turn around."

Adam walked up to his mom and zipped up her dress.

"Make good choices, okay?" Adam said softly.

"Said the boy who got suspended." His mom jokingly shit back. "I love you, honey." She grabbed Adams face and kissed his forehead. "I love you too, mom. More than I know." She said, mocking his high pitched voice.

Adam rolled his eyes playfully before heading back to the table next to Abby.

"Listen, while I'm out, lock up the back. No ovens, no answering the door, no video games." Mrs. Reed told the two, but they weren't really listening.

And with that she was out of the house, leaving the two friends alone.

Authors Note:
I am so excited to be writing this. It's summer time so I don't have much to do right now, but during July I'm going to Georgia with my family and a few friends for my birthday so that week I'm probably not going to be posting at all. But that's then and this is now so I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Love you all❤️
