part 18

After that incident they always ignored you as much as they can... whenever you go where members are... they leave from there as soon as they see you... even they don't eat with you... you tried millions times to explain but they never listened instead they say hurtful words which never failed to bring tears in your eyes... they only with you in practice room or in public that because you holding the badge which is "member of BTS"...

although BTS already started to hate you... Sujin naver lose a chance to humiliated you...


BTS, Yn, Sujin all are practicing... in choreography yn and Sujin has to spin and change their positions into eachothers... boys are dancing behing you two... when you did that step Sujin bumb into you purposely and fell by herself... you were too confused to realize wth happened... but when you saw sujin on the floor you understand that whatever it is you are the one who gonna face something...

Music turn off boys stopped dancing and ran to sujin as soon as they saw her

BTS - sujin what happened? Are you okay? How did you fell?
Sujin - yn what have I done to you? Why you always try to hurt me?

You.. who was standing there was shocked as soon as you herd what sujin just asked

Yn - me?? Wth did I do??
Sujin - you pushed me yn why did you do that? aah! my leg it's hurting! (Fake cry)
Yn - I didn't do anything... you were the one who bumped on me-
Rm - ENOUGH YN!!! We all knw that you don't like her but why you always hurt jer? Huh? Don't you have any humanity? Don't you have a heart??
Jk - hyung who are you even asking? If she had a heart she will not play with our feelings like that

Hearing him you felt like someone stabbing your heart... your eyes got twinkled because of tears

Yn - but I di-
Yoongi - SHUT UP!!! JUST SHUT UP YN!!! Your this behavior made me to hate you yn! I hate to see your face! I hate you yn!
Jin - not only yoongi we all hate you

You was too broken hearing 'we hate you' from those who you love the didn't had any courage to hold anymore... you ran from there as fast as you could... you stopped when you crossed the door of the company... you didn't know where to go so you just walked wherever your body turn... you walked along in loud road... you walked in small road which has big trees with full of flowers both side along the way... there was no noices... like an entrance of heaven... there was no one so you just walked and walked... it was quiet as under the water...but the voices in your mind was too loud that didn't let you to feel the silence of this place.. it didn't let you to control your emotions anymore... finally you release your pain which you was holding... you cried your heart out... just cried and cried... you feel like you are slowly dy!ng

Yn - why?? WHY ALWAYS ME? WHY EVERYONE HATES ME? WHAT WAS MY FAULT? JUST BECAUSE I LOVED THEM? (You shouted) t-they h-hates me (sobbing)

You cried until you feel some peace... until able to control yourself...


Members and sujin still there but they didn't practice because they can't focus... they didn't regret about what they did earlier.. they thinks that yn is a fraud she lied to them from the beginning so they mad at you so much.... but then pd nim came to see their practice but he noticed something

Pd nim - where is yn? Aren't she suppose to be here?
Rm - we don't know
Pd nim - what do you mean by you don't know??

They told him everything which happened after sujin came 'everything' what they saw and what they listen

Pd nim - what?? How is it possible?? Yn is not like that!
Jk - that's what we also thought but this is the truth
