part 64

Few days passed Jungkook always flirt with Yn and he ask about her feelings for him

But Yn always change that topic

One day Yn was in her room

She opened the drawer to find something but a bracelet caught her attention which was in the drawer

She took it in her hand

It was the bracelet wich has letter J on it the bracelet she found from her tshirt which was tangled with it

It was Jungkook's bracelet which fell from his wrist in the first meeting of Yn and Jungkook

Yn couldn't give it to him that time as she was just a trainee but after debut she forgot about it

And about Jungkook he doesn't even know his bracelet is with Yn

Yn was looking at it while remembering the confession of Jungkook

Jk - I am in love with you Yn.. not just now... but from the first time I saw you

Jk - remember the first time we met at the company where you bump on me...

Jk - my heart beat increase the moment I saw you... you wanted to know why I don't let you call mr oppa right?

Jk - because I don't want my love to call me oppa... I don't want to be your brother... I want to be your lover... your boyfriend...

Jk - I am not lying... I truely love you... But I was afraid to tell you... I wanted to know your feelings about me first...

Jk - because I was afraid that you won't even want to be my friend if I did... I was afraid you might reject me...

Jk - but now I don't care... I don't want to hide my love from you... I love you Yn... I want to be with you forever...

Jk - Yn... do you love me?.. will you be my girlfriend?...

Unknowingly a smile appeared on her lips but suddenly someone came inside the room it was Jungkook

Jk - sorry the door was open that's... hey is that my bracelet in your hand?

Jungkook asked as he notice the bracelet which Yn was holding

Jungkook came towards her

Yn - yes it's yours
Jk - where did you found it? I was looking for this since a long time

Yn - it was always with me

Jungkook look at her with suprise

Jk - how?

Yn - remember the first time we met I bump on you... that's when this bracelet stuck with my tshirt

Yn - I notice it when I went back to dorm... after that I wanted to give this to you but I couldn't and I forgot about it that's why it's still with me

Yn - I saw this just now

Jk - oh never mind since you had it.. oh I forgot to tell Jiho hyung and mom are here they are in downstair I came to call you

They both went downstair and saw Mrs Kim and Jiho chatting with boys

Yn - mom! Oppa!
Mrs Kim - oh Yn how are you?
Yn - I am good

They all chatted for sometime

Mrs Kim - Jungkook
Jk - yes mom?

Yn - MOM?! (Shocked)
Jk - yes... mom

Yn - why are you calling er mom?!

Jk - don't you know why?

Yn shut his mouth immediately as she understand what Jungkook meant as everyone chuckle

Mrs Kim - did you do something about what we talked about that day?

Jungkook removed Yn's hand from his mouth and spoke

Jk - oh yes mom I did the result is not clear... not negative but still 50% positive
Yn - what are you both talking about?? And what is this negative positive??

Everyone tried their best not to laugh at Yn's confuse look

Jk - you don't have to know it's between me and mom

Yn - it's not fair she is my mom too I have right to know!

Mrs Kim - no Yn it's between me and Jungkook

Yn - mom are you supporting your son-in-law already?!

Yn asked out of jealousy

Hearing what she said everyone suprised that's when Yn realized what she just spit out from her mouth

Jk - son-in-law?
Yn - I..I have something to

She said as she ran to upstairs in embarrassment as everyone chuckle

Yn - Aarrgh! What the heck did I said?!

Yn buried her face harshly in her pillow as she remembered tje embarrassing moment

Suddenly she heard a knock on the door as she got up and open the door

It was Mrs Kim... they sat on the bed

Mrs Kim - Yn just accept it that you love Jungkook

Yn - do you know?

Mrs Kim - not only me everyone knows it and we all know that you also love him

Yn keep quiet while looking down... Mrs Kim smile and continue

Mrs Kim - Yn I know it's not easy to forget everything...but also I Jungkook os a good guy and you know who is he better than me

Mrs Kim - it's not like we are forcing you to love him... you are already in love with him

Mrs Kim - we are just telling you to accept it... remember you once told me about how the type of your love should be?

Mrs Kim - after what happened you might forget it but now it's time to recall it... and you yourself will realize what is in your heart

Mrs Kim patted Yn's head and left from there

Mrs Kim - there will be a guy whom my Yn will love

Yn -   no... I won't love anyone just like that

Mrs Kim - really? Then tell me what type of a guy will you love?

Yn - umm... a guy who will make me smile... who will stay with me in every situation... who will fight with me for silly reasons but in the next moment he will love me like we never fought...

Yn - who will be my safe place... with whom I can share everything in my heart without any hesitance... who will fight with the world for me if necessary... I will fall in love with someone like that

Mrs Kim - (chuckle) he will surely come to you and you will fall in love with him even you didn't realize

Yn - then how am I suppose to find him? How am I suppose to know if I love him?

Mrs Kim - when he come to you, your heart will know... your heart will react to him when he comes to you... and you will know that's him

❤️ TBC ❤️

Tell me about your thoughts my dear readers

Love you All ❤️
