Getting better

Josh POV

Colleen has been in the hospital for over a week and is getting better everyday. They found out that the hormones she took to get pregnant with Noah were messing with her levels of Seratonin [the happiness chemical in the brain]. They gave her some meds to counteract them and she started to come back to me daily. Today when I walked in to her room she was sitting on her laptop with headphones in. Then she saw me and threw them on the bed and ran over to me. She kissed me sooo hard. I enjoyed every second. "Baby! I missed you" she says as her arms are wrapped around my neck. "Mmm baby me too" I reply and grab around her waist. "Feeling good today?" I ask. "Yes" she says and hugs me again. This is my Colleen. This is our love coming back. I can feel it and nothing makes me happier. "The doctor says I can come home tomorrow. How are my babies?" she says with a sad look. "they are good Colleen. Don't worry" I say as I kiss her. "I am sorry you have had to do so much Josh. I love you so much baby" she says. "Not your fault babe" I say.

The next day I get to pick up my wife and bring her home. The entire family is over at our house waiting for her.She looks so excited packing her stuff up and saying goodbye to all the staff that took care of her. She links fingers with me as we walk out hand in hand."i love you honey. I don't know what I did to deserve you Josh" she says as we walk. "I feel that way everyday about you Colleen. Every day" I reply.

Colleen POV

Josh has been above and beyond the best husband and father possible. He has stepped in and done so much for me and the kids, He loves me and holds me tight as we walk to the car. I instantly want to go home and shower and get changed. We pull up to our house and everyones cars are here. I start jumping up and down in my seat as the car comes to park. He smiles at me and leans into the backseat and pulls up a dozen roses and passes them to me. "Welcome home baby!" he says and leans in to kiss me. We sit in the car for 5 minutes making out. I didn't care who was waiting for us in the house. "Babe I can't wait to get the clear from the doctors in 2 weeks" she says as she smiles. "I am counting down the days baby" he says and kisses me again. 

I jump out of the car and everyone comes running up to me. There was lots of tears and hugging. Everyone knew I struggled and I fought to stay here. We had a wonderful day. I never let go of Noah as I cried for 30 minutes after seeing how much he had changed in the short time I was away. Josh walked up to me and hugged me and reminded me don't worry about the time I lost but the time I gained on getting better. 

After the get together Josh and I bathed the kids and put them to bed. We came back downstairs and snuggled on the couch. It felt so good to be where we should be. I reached up and grabbed Joshs face and brought his lips down to me and kissed them I was so proud he was my husband and again so honoured he loved me so much. I will make it up to him.
