Family time

Colleen POV

We say good bye to my parents and walk back into watch Lilly play. Noah is just starting to wake up, I can hear him on the monitor. Josh says he will get him but I say I want to and I make my way upstairs. I walk into Noahs room. He is soooo cute and it makes me smile. "Hi mommys boy, did you have a good sleep?" I say as I kiss him. I walk over to change his diaper and onesie and sing to him as I do. He calms right down as I finish up and just listens to me. I smile. I make my way downstairs and Josh is sitting smiling with tears in his eyes. He has his arms open as he wants me to sit on his lap. I sit on his lap and ask why the big smile "Cause I heard you singing to him and it makes me happy" he says as he hugs me tight. I kiss his lips.I pass Noah to Josh for a second as I get ready with pillows to breastfeed him. I get Josh to pass him to me and Noah starts eating. I rub his head as I look down on him. Josh again is all smiles. "Glad we had #2 Mr Evans ?" I ask Josh. "Yes Mrs Evans" Josh says. "Can I convince you for #...?" I ask. "no you cannot thank you" Josh says.

Josh POV

Colleen just asked about having a third. She isn't serious is she? I hope not. Its not that I don't like kids or wouldn't love more I just can't deal with the struggles my beautiful Colleen goes through to give them to me. "Want me to get you something to eat babe? I ask. "Sure thank you" she says. I pop up and make her a burger and some sweet potatoe fries. I pass her the food and she passes me Noah to burp. She eats every bite. I love seeing that. I want her to build herself up and get healthy. I put Noah down in his bouncy seat and get Lilly some apple slices as she watches her TV show and cuddles beside Colleen. I take a picture of them cuddling. It makes my heart so happy. I slide the bouncy seat over to the couch and pass Lilly the slices as we all cuddle on the couch. This is happiness for me. I ask Colleen if she needs anything. She says she would love a Tylenol for the stitches pain. I jump up and grab her two and pass them to her. She smiles and has her arms out for me. I snuggle into her. She is safe in my arms. After the program ends Lilly is ready for a bath and bed. I walk her upstairs and wash her up and put her into bed. I come downstairs and see Colleen feeding Noah. So amazing to watch your baby and wife and the bond they have. I just smile.She smiles back at me. After he is done and been burped we all make our way upstairs and go to sleep. Tomorrow is another busy day but I wouldn't want it any other way.
