Chapter 7


I know what I am saying, I have come this far without slipping but I can't stand her thinking that I don't care about her. Sometimes I even forget what we are fighting for. I keep waiting for a chance that never seems to come. And I am aware that she's dating Pichy in private they haven't come out publicly but I see them and I have heard things from Nudee.

So I am being selfish.

Sue me.

"What are you saying?" Her eyes are a little hopeful or maybe it's just me. She shakes her head trying to push me off. "Stop toying with me."

She doesn't believe me and I don't blame her for that, I wouldn't believe me to after the stuff I pulled. But I can't let her leave, not yet at least. I slide a hand in her hair, running to back to her jaw. My lips coming into contact with hers. OH! I didn't to do it.

At first I am just pressing my lips against her, as the shock leaves my body. A fuzzy feeling takes over, shooting down my spine. I pull her close as I feel her open her mouth slightly. There was so much more I wanted to do with, if she'd let me. Just as my tongue flicks her lips, Engfa pulls away. Creating a distance between us. Her hands are in her hair and I know she must be feeling some mixed emotions.

"What did I do?"

"I kissed you." Her eyes widen like she's' just seeing me for the first time.

"You shouldn't have done that." Her frown is so cute right now. "What? You're suddenly interested in me now?"

"I've always noticed." She scoffs and I take a step towards her. "Your lips, that cute nod you do. The flick of your hair or eye lashes. I notice," I press my finger at her cheek, something I used to do back then when I wanted to see her dimples. She swallows nothing, her brown eyes not leaving mine not even to blink and I am standing right back where I was in her space.

"Miss Austin." Someone hold me. Those dimples appear and I feel myself getting weak in the knees. "Are you seducing me?"

Acting shocked, I place a hand on my chest. "Me, how could I do such a thing." She laughs and I am feeling confident, she's going to give in to me."

Engfa takes my hand in hers, her thumb rubbing gently. Such a simple thing yet my entire body is lighting up. "Our time is dead and gone, it's too late for this, I am in a relationship which I know you are aware of." She quickly turns and heads out of my office. I can't help but smile.

"Soon, P'fa, very soon, you will be mine."


"Why didn't you give her a heads up at least." Heidi asks. She's my best friend but I won't tell her or anyone else what I plan to do next, I felt it in the kiss, Engfa still has feelings for me, whatever those feelings are, I know they are pure because her heart is pure.

I'm done staying strong, when she was sick and I had her right in front of me, all I wanted in that moment... "Hello, you keep zoning out what are you thinking about." That's because I am thinking of something important Heidi.

"I was just thinking what you said, I was wrong and I shouldn't have blindsided her like that."

The folk is frozen on her lips. Taking the peace from it. "Honestly I didn't think you would agree."

I'm surprising myself as well.

"It's not a big deal anyway how's the shooting going? Having fun?"

"I'm always having fun."

"As you should."

"I have my first scene with Tina tomorrow." Her eyebrows flicking up and down. All the amount of trouble these will cause for the crew. "Don't give me that look, we are professional." I can't disagree with that, when is down to get business done, they bring 150% without complaining. "Oh before I forget, I met Pichy today."

What? "Um where." So she's in town.

"At the mall, she was talking to a florist."

Basically she was buying flowers for Engfa.

"Um." Pulling my phone out. I can no longer hear what she's going on about.

ME: hey

As soon as she reads it, I get my reply.

P'fa: Hi.

ME: I don't know what to say next.

The babbles appear and I wait, and wait.

Wait some more. I am about to place the phone on the table.

"P'fa: Then why text me?

All that time and she only types four words.

ME: Because I realized that you can't handle what I have to say and not saying anything else after a greeting would have been weird.

"Who are you texting?"

I should have brought someone else Heidi can play with while I dig a hole.

"Just..." my phone vibrates, she's calling me. Sitting up straight. "Hello." Does my voice sound sultry? Damn, I was aiming for sexy kitten.

"Alright I'm listening,"

"Where are you?"


"Can I come over?" biting my lip.

"Are you going to tell me"

"I would rather tell you in person, want to see your reaction." She chuckles and I know she's about to agree, I should get going so that I can be there on time, since I happen to have a board meeting in an hour.
