Mother Knows Best

Mitch walked around his tower thinking of something to do. He had already painted today and coat and cleaned and made a dress and played chess and play the piano and brush his hair and brushed his hair again and again and again and then a few more times Mitch had a lot of hair his mother never cut it but metro is fine with that he side and sat down on the floor.

Mitch:Wyatt I don't know what to do

He said and lying on the floor. His grey sphinx cat came over he mowed and purred as Mitch sat up

Mitch: That's it! You're a genius Wyatt! 

 he jumped up and grab his hair brush. He crawled onto the mantle above the fireplace. 

Mitch:Thank you all for coming out tonight! I will people forming my new hit single, The Lights!

Wyatt meowed.

Mitch:Okay okay so it's an old hit single but I haven't given up on my dream!

He said pulling back or curtain to avail his painting of the lights. Wyatt yawned.

Mitch:1 day I'll see them, 1 day

He whispered.

Unknown:Oh Mitchell

Mitch Crawled off the mantel.

Mitch: Coming mother!

He called gathering up his hair he threw it over the pulley and weighed into his mother grabbed on he pulled up and she crawled inside.

Mitch:Mother I have a question.

He said as his mother set down her basket.

Mother: Yes, Mitchell?

She asked as Mitch took a deep breath.

Mitch:Well you see my birthday is coming up mother.

Mother:Your birthday? No I remember precisely that you have one last year.

Mitch:Well that's the thing about birthdays mother they're kind of an annual thing.

Mother:Oh is that right well what is it you want for your birthday?

Mitch:Well it's the lights.

He said, ticking his hair behind his ear.

Mother: what lights?

Mitch:The lights that appear on my birthday every year I want to go see them......

Mother:Nope that's much too dangerous

She said  as she grabbed her coat.

M itch: But why?

Mother:Well the men would practically eat you up for starters then there is the poison ivy the plague quicksand it's a way too dangerous for a young boy like you.

Mitch:But...I wanna see the lights.....

He whispered.

Mother:They are as not as important as your safety Mitchell now stay safe I'll be back soon.

Mitch:But you just came back.

He whispered as he lowered his mother back down. He watched her go and headed back up to his room. Maybe she would change her mind when she got back

A/N: was it bad? Good? I'm between? I I hope you guys like this so far I will hopefully be updating as soon as I can. Love you guys!
