
Mitch:Come on!

Mitch giggled, pulling Scott along. Scott chuckled.

Scott: I'm coming, I'm coming. 

They walked over the bridge and saw some little girls who kind of look like Anna from Frozen and they're braidng each other hair. Scott went over to them.

Scott: hi, can you do me a favor?

They let that I'm confused but then they so much they gasped and then over minutes later they braid his hair and to break that hung just bellow his wa ist.

Scott: You're so pretty.

Mitch blushed and turned to thank the girls. Then they went to get food and Scott got some Starbucks(it's my fan fiction so hush)He turned around but Mitch was gone. He found him looking at the glass picture of the lost princess. Mitch saw people painting and squealed running over he started painting and Scott sa t next to him. Mitch looked up at him.

Mitch: You got me Starbucks?

Scott:Do you know what Starbucks is

Mitch giggled

Mitch: duh. I would always steal some of m others.I'm kind of addicted.

Hi continued painting and eventually he had made a giant sun picture.It was getting late, so they w ent to get a good spot for the lanterns. They gotta small boat and Scott took them out to the middle of the water. They waited, watching the stars come out.

Scott: happy birthday mitchie

Mitch: thanks scotty Suddenly the light started going into the sky Mitch gasped put his hands over his mouth.

SCott: uh...m it ch?

Mitch turned around and saw thatMitch turned around and saw that Scott was holding two lanterns. Mitch wrapped himself around Scott hugging them.

Mitch: I love you

Scott: I love you too

Mitch broke a way and sat down.Scott handed him a lantern he took it and then lifted the lanterns into the sky the watched it's loaded up higher and higher Mitchell llooked at Scott and blushed. Scott looked at Mitch right as Mitch looked up of the lanterns just dress had come up with it and he hadn't noticed. Scotts eyes were trailing up mitch's legs. Mitch sighed and put out the bag.

Mitch: here, this is yours. 

Scott didn't let him give it to him.

MItch: w-what are you doing?(Mitch keeps autocorrect ing to bitch now in case you wanted an update)

Scott:Mitch I don't need a crown.  I need you. 

Mitch: m-me?

Scott nodded. Mitch crawled into Scott's lap and Scott held him in his arms. Mitch looked up and saw Scott off into the distance.

MItch: baby what is it?

He saw fear in Scott's eyea. Scott looked down at mitch. 

Scott: no th ing. Don't worry. 

He kissed mitchs  head.

Mitch: Are you sure?

Scott nodded. They went back to shore. Mitch staying  in Scott's arms, not wanting to let go. 

Scott: I'll be right back, ok? 

He set Mitch down and kissed his forhead. Mitch p oute d.

Mitch: ok

Scott took the satchel and walked off. 

Mitch:he'll be back

He said to wyatt.A few minutes later, a figure approached and walked over to mitch

Mitch: hey baby! You're bac k!

The figure turned into 2 and mitchs eyes widened, clutching his pan. See turned and saw boat headed towards the castle a tall handsome figure at the wheel.


he dog ed the guys and started running. His hair got caught as he tried to run away.He heard 2 thumps and he pulled his hair of the would. H e peeked around the corner and size mother holding her branch she dropped it.

Mother: oh honey, you're ok!

Mitch ran to her,tears streaming down his cheeks.

Mother: It will be alright. We'll go home now. 

Mitch: I'm s-so sorry

He choked.

Mother: There, there. It's alright.
