
luna x belly
( tw : slight sexual content ) 

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— Luna pressed the button on her car, unlocking the doors. She was parked in front of a house decorated by Christmas decorations that looked like they belonged in movies. Her head bobbed along to the beat of One Directions song Steal My Girl. The door opened and before Luna could even turn her head to see who was getting in her car, the person had already sat down and reached to turn the music up only slightly.

"Hi, sweetheart." Belly let her bag fall to the floor of the car and reached over to place a quick kiss to her girlfriends cheek.

"Hi, baby." Luna let her cheeks turn a shade of pink as she kept her one hand on the steering wheel, the other reaching over for Belly's hand. She took in her girlfriends appearance; rosy red cheeks, rudolf red nose, sparkling happy eyes, and no winter coat. "Bells, where's your coat? Are you not cold?"

Belly shrugged, pulling her sleeves sleeves down to cover her hands. She was colder than she expected to be, but she wouldn't tell Luna that. Luna would get out of the car and build Belly a fire if it meant that she would be warm. She unzipped her own coat, pulling it off her shoulders and passing it to Belly. "Here."

Luna shifted the car into drive, pressing her foot down onto the gas peddle. She kept her eyes onto the road for the majority of the car ride, but every few minutes she would glance over to see her girlfriend reading, sleeping, or playing on her phone. Just the presence of being with Belly made her heart feel warm and fuzzy. The road was smooth, no ice hidden anywhere, luckily. The few hour ride flew buy in a moment and before they both knew it, they were parked outside of the home they loved so much.

The beach house.

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— Belly let out a nervous breath of air as she stepped towards her ex girlfriend. She missed her, and the last time they had talked was at the funeral where everything had seemingly gone wrong. Her heart ached as she eyed the girl she held so much love for.

"Belly." Jeremiah smiled sadly. He had called her late the night before, asking if Conrad had been with her by any chance. He hadn't been, which caused Belly to panic and get on a bus where she would wait four and a half hours to meet up with someone who struggled to look at her, and someone who couldn't stop looking at her.

( can you guess who is who? )

"Jer," Belly handed him a coffee that she had boughten from a coffee cart near the bus stop. She had three, one for herself and the other two for the Fisher siblings that stood in front of her. "Here, I got you a coffee."

Jeremiah nodded thankfully, taking the coffee and allowing it warm his hands. He wasn't the biggest coffee drinker; his mom once told him that it stunted his growth and he really didn't wanna be short. "Thanks Belly." He took small sips as he watched Belly and Luna practically have a stare off in the middle of a campus ground near the entrance doors to the dorms,

"Hi, Lu." Belly handed the coffee to her ex-girlfriend, a kind smile on her lips. Belly knows she isn't a saint, she hadn't pushed Jeremiah away when he kissed her the day of his mothers death.

She's always been that way, wanting to help others in the way that works best for them. So has Luna. It's why they worked so well together because they are similar in many ways.

Luna paused before she speaks back. Seeing Belly made her feel all these things she felt when they had been dating, when they had been together like peas in a pod. She let a small smile grace her lips, "Hi, Bells. It's nice seeing you."

Jeremiah watched in horror as the two stood in awkward silence. He knew that they hadn't talked since the funeral. Plus he knew that they had been in a rough spot, broken up even, right after Susannah died — that probably wasn't the best decision either could have made, but it was what happened.

"Let's go check is dorm room," Jeremiah announced, stepping between the two girls and walking up the steps and through the door. He didn't even wait to see if they were following.

Up an elevator and through some hallways, they finally found Conrads dorm room. The door was labeled with Conrads name and another name any of them knew.

Luna stepped in first, twisting the door knob and pushing it open. She looked around. Conrads side of the room was clean. Not just no clothes on the floor, but bed made and even books organized clean. It wasn't like her older brother, he craved the mess he left behind. "It's clean..." Luna opened his bed side table, eyeing the things inside. His phone charger, his headphones, a box of condoms, a teddy fish that Luna had won him at the fair, and his watch.

Luna gave him that watch as a congratulations present on his first day of collage. She spent so much money on it and it's just sitting in the bottom of a drawer.

"Uh, hey? Whatcha doing digging around in my roommates stuff?" A curly haired guy, wrapped in a robe stepped into the room with a bin full of shower essentials in one hand and a towel in the other. He wore a shocked and confused face; things like this didn't happen very often. "Don't steal from us, please, we're in debt."

Luna stifled a laugh at his debt comment but stuck out her hand for the man to shake. She wondered how old he was, he looked the same age as her older brother, only more free and full of party. "I'm Luna, Conrads sister. We spoke the phone this morning. Its nice to meet you, I've heard great things."

Realization washed over the curly dark haired boy. "Right, Luna! Oh, you definitely look like how you did when you were younger -" The student gestured to the framed photograph of Luna, Jeremiah and Conrad from when they were much younger. "-I haven't seen your brother since Thursday afternoon ... but he did text me this morning asking if I could take notes since he would be missing it. I wasn't going too but I've spent forever copying off his notes so.. "

Belly shook her head slightly. "Would you mind calling him from your phone to see if he answers?"

The student did so, putting it on speaker so the other three could hear the phone go straight to voicemail. When Conrad didn't answer the three shared a disappointed look, maybe Conrad would have know that they would have gone to see his roommate, which is why he answer. "Sorry, bro, he didn't answer but Sophie might know where he went they're tight."

Sophie, who has stepped into the room just as the phone call was ended, smiled last the three. "He said something about going to hangout with his cousin by the beach." She seemed full of joy and happiness, Luna wondered if the box of condoms were for the girl he was supposably tight with. She defiantly looked like someone Conrad would have an interest in. 

"Hey, good luck. Oh and tell him he needs to be back for his bio final otherwise he fails the class." 

The two siblings left once they had gathered all the stuff that Conrad would need too study with. They weren't happy knowing that Conrad had just up and eft his school without and warning, along with ditching his classes that he never missed. He was so passionate about his schooling and what he could be come. 

The ride to the beach house took more that normal. The three had gotten a flat tire, a good apologetic cry in, and had to stop for some very very yummy pie. But the second they got there, it was the beach house, and the only thing difference was that Susannah wouldn't ever be in it again. 

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— Luna and Belly laid on the sand, hands intertwined as they watched the snow fall from the clouds above. It was cold, both girls teeth chattering as the giggled.  They had been laying in the sand, fingertips freezing as they held onto each other. They has been dancing together before, their feet kicking up sand as they had done so. 

"Can we go inside?" Belly whispered, her head turning towards Luna.

Luna nodded, standing up and lepton her arm dangle so she could help Belly up too. "Of course, Bells."

Stepping inside didn't make anything any better. The house was cold and the only area warm enough for the both of them was the fireplace that Luna had lit with struggle. The two, hand in hand, sat in front of the fireplace and let the warm air heat up their bodies and outreached hands. 

They both are happy. They're in love with each other. 

"Can I kiss you?"Belly voice is quiet as she leans in and goes for a kiss. Luna nods in response to her question, closing the gap between them both. The fire place lights up each others skins, a golden glow. Belly makes the first move, placing her hands against her girlfriends waist. She lets them rest there for a few kisses that the two share. Then, the soft hands roam along Luna's side and come to a rest on her thighs. "Is this okay?"

Luna sucks in a deep breath. Yes of course its okay, she feels safe sand comfortable with her girlfriend. But she doesn't want to seem eager, like she's been waiting for this moment since they the first time they kissed. ( okay, it hasn't been this long but the thought has crossed her mind once or twice. ) "Yes, yes, of course it is."

Belly seems hesitant now. She's never done anything like this, and she can only assume that maybe Luna has. "I, uh, am I doing okay, Lu?" 

Luna leans back, shifting so she's now resting on her knees and slightly hovering over Belly. "You can't do anything wrong when I'm with you, you're perfect, this is perfect."

Belly smiles, her cheeks warming. At the words her girlfriend spoke, she felt much more confident and happy with herself now. Thinking that this was heading somewhere, she started to unbutton her sweatshirt. She had gotten through two buttons before Luna stopped her by placing a gentle hand on her own.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" Luna questioned, her hands still placed over Bellys.

Belly looked up, eyes locking with Luna and she nodded. "Yes."

So Belly continued to unbutton her sweatshirt slowly, shrugging it off her shoulders and leaving herself in her white lace bra. Luna grabbed the bottom of her t-shift, pealing it off and tossing it to the side, left in her own green lace bra. Within each others company, feeling safe and happy, each of them took their own moment to admire and soak in each other. 

"Can I?" Luna asked, reaching to unclasp Belly bra. Belly nodded and shifted so her back was facing Lunas chest. Her cheeks shaded red as the bra slid off her shoulders and down her arms, leaving herself exposed for Luna. "Ah, my pretty baby Bells."

Belly let out a slight giggle, tilting her head to the side as Luna leaned forward and placed a kiss to her neck. Her mom would kill her if she saw a hickey on her skin, but she loved the feeling of Lunas lips on her skin. Luna trailed kisses down her girlfriends body, starting at her neck and working her way down her ram until she landed at her hand, placing a quick kiss. to the promise ring that was snuggled placed around Belly finger.

The two shared a night that they wouldn't forget, one that was absolutely perfect
