
luna x belly

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— The rained poured down and splattered across the window and thunder roared over the music and lightning flashed around them. Luna loved the rain, she did, but this was too much. Jeremiah and Conrad were sitting in the front seats, attempting to drive through the store ahead of them, arguing with every few words. Belly was leaning against Luna in the back seat, her head resting on her shoulder, relaxing and choosing not to listen to the two in front of her.

"They just added another half an hour to our wait." Jeremiah groaned, throwing his head back into the seat. His phone buzzed another time and he couldn't even bring himself to look at it. "We could try a backroad or something?"

Conrad shook his head, disagreeing with his younger brother. "No, that's not a good idea."

Jeremiah ignored his brother, turning and looking over his shoulder at the two in the back seat. "What do you two think?"

"Yeah, Bells, Lu. What do you two think." Conrad bugged, put into a mood. He was doing this all to be annoying, but he secretly loved the way his sisters face twisted with something negative every time he spoke recently.

"I'm hungry and need to pee." Belly muttered, head still pressed against Luna, her eyes that were closed because she refused to open them.

Conrad laughed, "Woah, I change my mind. We do not wanna deal with hangry Belly."

"I'll pull out then." Jeremiah turned his blinkers on, gripping the steering wheel and turning his wheels on the wet road.

Luna giggled, "Pull out."

Within a few minutes, Belly was already running out the door and towards the restrooms of the small little truck stop. It was lit up by dainty white lights and there were bars on the windows.

Luna grabbed her hood, swinging it over her head to keep her hair from getting wet. She swung the door open, ignoring her brothers calls and raced towards the entrance door of the small store.

"Pouring out there, huh, dear." The old man, wrinkled but full of happiness, smiled.

"It sure is, sir." Luna grinned back, picking up a handful of candies that she knew Belly would like. Sour patch kids, sour cherry balls, sour bottle caps, anything with the word sour. Luna looked around, missing what she was looking for but she knew it didn't hurt to ask. "Do you have a slushy machine?"

"Ah, yes we do dear. Just at the end of the shop." The old man directed Luna towards where she found coke, cherry and root-beer flavoured slushies that she was excited to try.

One Luna had more than enough candy and chocolates, three slushies and a separate drink for Conrad, she made her way back towards the counter where the old man rung up all her items.

"Twenty four ninety." Luna pulled out a twenty dollar bill and a ten dollar bill. She waved the old man off when he tried to hand her back the chance she didn't need. She would rather give him some more, a silent thank you for being open in the current weather state. "Thank you dear."

"Of course sir, have a goodnight."

Just as the door was about to be opened, the old man called out once more. "There's a motel down the road, they should have some more rooms available."

Luna sighed with relief, knowing it was a motel or sleeping in the car. "Thank you!"

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— "We have two rooms." The lady behind the counter spoke, the side of her face pressed against the phone. She was listening to someone talk and talk.

Conrad looked towards his brother. "We share? Girls share?"

Jeremiah nodded, handing over his fathers amex card that was to be used for emergencies. He believed that this counted as one. The woman swiped his card, placing two keys down on the counter for the teenagers to grab. She didn't question their age, or how Luna and Belly shivered because they had chosen to dance in the pouring rain.

The girls and guys went their separate ways, despite their rooms being right next to each other. Luna nor Belly had an idea where the two brothers had gone, but nether of them really cared. They were occupied with the fact that they had a room together all by themselves.

Dropping her small bag, Luna flopped onto the bed, her arms and legs spread out like she was a starfish. She could faintly hear Belly giggling at her action, but Luna didn't care too much, she was too tired.

"Lollie, I'm gonna have a shower." Belly whispered, nudging Luna slightly.

Luna hummed, pressing her head further into her pillow. She heard Belly walk away and go into the shower. Once she heard the water running, Luna rolled over and off the bed. Her hair was wet, her clothes stuck to her body, she was cold and wanted to stand underneath the warmth of the hot shower. Walking towards the shower, slowing pushing open the door that hadn't been shut, Luna hummed some music. Bellys phone was resting on the counter, open with a playlist ready to go. It was hers and Bellys playlist, the songs they believed to be their love story.

"Bells?" Luna spoke, scrolling on Belly's phone until she found the prefect song. "Can I join you?"

Belly peaked her head outside of the curtain, she nodded. "Of course, please."

Luna pulled off her clothes, letting them pile up on the floor against the wall. She pressed play on the song, letting it start up. Opening the curtain slightly, she stepped into the shower and instantly felt the warm water splash against her skin.

"Hey! Golden, golden, golden. As I open my eyes. Hold it, focus, hoping, take me back to the light. I know you were way too bright for me. I'm hopeless, broken. So you wait for me in the sky. Browns my skin just right."

Luna stepped towards Belly, gently wrapping her arms around her waist from behind. She could go on and on about how much she loved the way her body felt agents Belly's. How her hands rested perfectly against her skin. She would always love the feeling, she always had. Luna rested her chin against Bellys shoulder.

"You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head and I know that you're scared because hearts get broken."

Belly turned, looking towards Luna and tilting her head. She leaned in, pressing her lips against Lunas and allowing each others heads to tilt and lips to move against each other. It was like nothing had ever happened, as if they were two people who were meant to be, molded together in pure happiness. If this was a cartoon, pink pretty hearts would be floating above the two right now.

"Don't wanna be alone. I don't wanna be alone when it ends. Don't wanna let you know. I don't wanna be alone. But I, I can feel it take a hold. I can feel you take control. Of who I am and all I've ever known. Loving you's the antidote."

Luna pulled away first, her fingers moving away from where they had been tangled in Belly's black hair. She murmured something to Belly, something only she could hear. Luna pressed her forehead against Belly's, thanking the spirits that she and Belly were the same hight.

"Golden. You're so golden. I don't wanna be alone. You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head and I know that you're scared because hearts get broken. I know that you're scared because I'm so open."

Belly placed her lips against Lunas neck, slowing leaving small nips and kisses along her skin. She loved the way Luna bruised with simple things; purple skin that Luna loved to touch and poke. Belly placed a kiss along every place she could, from her cheeks to her things to her scared knees from falling in the rocks one to many times.

"You're so golden. I don't wanna be alone. You're so golden. You're so golden. You're so golden. I'm out of my head and I know that you're scared because hearts get broken."

Luna and Belly were two people who would fight to get back to each other, no matter what. They both believed that they belonged with each other, that they were each others stars and forever. No matter what, in that moment, they both vowed that they would do everything in their power to love each other for the rest of their long living lives.

*ੈ ‧₊˚ ————— Luna sat on the bench, Steven beside her. As she watched Belly play volleyball with her team, she couldn't be more proud that she was proving to everyone that she belonged where she was.

Luna smiled even more when Belly looked towards her. It made her heart flutter.

"She loves you, so much." Steven poked Lunas side, saying what she already knew.

Luna hummed, looking back at the girl she hoped to spend her forever with. "I love her too."
