Shut The Fuck Up, Sit The Fuck Down, And Listen To One Direction Songs

Hello lovelies! I have a few things to share with you this lovely morning/afternoon/evening/taco. Firstly, I have a few shoutouts to give.

Go read Another World by My1dlovestory because it's really good along with these other ones.

I'm not innocent by ItsAyumiDuh99

Ours Forever by nialls_princess_andy

Accidentally Met by softball_directioner

Best Friends Brother by NataliTomlinson, a long overdue shoutout that I had promised a while ago but forgot.

Lost but found by CrystalDuff

Fix Her Styles by cutiepielove321

Now, the dedication for this chapter goes to one of my newly found friends that shares some of the same interests as me and can barely speak Spanish! Drumroll please!

Dedications goes to: emilylove17 !!! Congratulations!!! Do Not, I repeat Do Not fret if you did not get a dedication this chapter because you can get one next chapter by being my favourite commenter!

Some of this chapter was written by @smartbookworm my co author who unfortunately gave the job up, but I still hope you enjoy it!!

Read the authors note at the end to know officially who got the parts as girlfriends, and some extra stuff! Bye lovelies xx

~Amanda xx

Chapter 28

Emma's POV

" LIZZ!"

She's always so hard to wake up.

"LIZZZZZ!!" I continued jumping up and down until she finally rolled over.    

"The...muffins the...cupboard...." She says, then proceeds to fall right back to sleep.    

But those muffins do sound good.    

"Liz!" I whined, "Today is our day! Come on get up! Don't make me get the hosepipe" I yawned still tired from getting up at a time like this.    

"You don't even know where hosepipe is. Wait... We don't even have a hosepipe."    After this realisation she was more awake sitting in her bed and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.    

"Ugh fine I'll be right down, just go...pick something to do."   I already decided I actually wanted to try girly things today.  Therefore I have decided to go to the beauty parlour and spend my coupon for free stuff there.    But let's just go down and pretend to be thinking...   When in fact I'm going to be snaking on the muffins...hehe evil little me.    

Liz came skipping downstairs but stopped at the sight of me.  

A muffin hung half in-half out, of my mouth while I looked like a deer in the headlights.    

She gave me and unusual look but decided not to question it. Phew... I told you guys I'm a ninja...Potato Ninja.

"Let's do something fun today. You know, to take your mind off of things. I'm thinking skiing, or bungee jumping, or OH MY GOD we should go sky diving!" Liz exclaimed, slapping her hands over her mouth as she leaped around the room. 

"Liz, I'm not doing any of those things. And if anything we need to get me caught up on school work. How many days do you think I've missed exactly? 20 or 30?" 

She rolled her eyes before holding her fingers in front of her face and mouthing numbers to herself. 

"I think you've missed around 13. But don't worry, we only had a little work. We can go get you caught up now." 

My hand was forcefully tugged up her stairs as we made our way towards her room. Liz was simple—sometimes—so her room was decorated with plain light purple wall paper and fuzzy white carpet that had a few drink stains from all the years we had movie nights in here. Her bed was covered in a lavender coloured duvet with pink roses on the design. I always loved to trace the outline of it with my fingers when I was little. 

"MY BUTT IS VIBRATING!" I squealed, jumping in shock at the sudden movement coming from my back pocket. 

"I don't think that's how you do it. Aren't you supposed to insert it in your vag-"

"Oh my god shut up! It's just my phone!" Quickly I pulled the Apple product from my back pocket and checked the text I had just received. 

From: Hazzy Haz

Hey babe. We've arrived and I miss you already. Louis says he wants you to feed his cat xx

"D'awww can I feed his cat?" Liz whispered from behind me, laying her chin on my shoulder as she peered down at my iPhone. 

"He doesn't even have a fucking cat, moron," I laughed, typing in a reply. 

To: Hazzy Haz

I was gonna say tell him to go fuck himself but I forgot we're friends now... Oopsies :p xx

From: Hazzy Haz

He says he'd rather fuck Eleanor 

To: Hazzy Haz


"Hey. Remember me? Your best friend? The one who's supposed to help you with your school work?" Liz whined, tugging at my arm in an attempt to catch my attention. 

I laughed, "I'm sorry Lizzy! Okay okay, let's go. What maths did I miss?" 

For the next few hours, I studied for upcoming tests, finished stupid work, and managed to break a record by catching the most gummy bears in my mouth.




But then Liz got mad and beat it. Hashtag Best Friend Problems. 

"So have you reconsidered my sky diving idea?" She questioned, throwing away our most recent empty bag of gummy bears. 

"I'm not going sky diving. But, we can go out for lunch and a movie? Then maybe some mini golfing?" I suggested, listing the ideas that were on my mind for a fun day. It beats staying inside and being bored all day.

Well, you can never be bored when you're with Emma Starr but I mean whatever right? 

Right Emma. Self High Five! 

I really need to get more friends. 

"That sounds cool. Let me just grab my wallet," she murmured, patting her pockets. 

"What are you talking about, you never pay anyway," I snapped, pulling her down the stairs and out to the driveway where we entered her car. 

Routinely I switched on the radio, turning the dial in hopes of finding a good station. 

Oh, I just wanna take you anywhere that you like

We can go out any day any night

The music burst out through the speakers, loudly blaring in our ears as we looked at each other knowingly before belting out the correct lyrics. 

Harry's face appeared in my mind once he began singing his part and my lips immediately curved down into a frown. If I could barely last one day without missing him so much how would I last the months he was on tour. 

When we first got together, the thought of tour never really crossed my mind. I guess the saying all good things must come to an end is actually true. 

Wait a second, did I really just use a cheesy saying? Oh my god what is happening to me. I used to be so fun but now I'm so unfun—if that's even a word. 

I need counselling or something. 

Ha what am I saying I'm fucking awesome! And you know, Liz is...... getting there. She's not really on my level yet. It'll take her a while to get on my level. 

I just said get on my level. 

Geez I think I just got even cooler. 

"Is Nando's good for lunch?" Liz asked, rudely interrupting my thoughts. 

"Yup. I'm going to do my weekly twitter update. I'm hardly on here anymore." 

Once I pressed the blue twitter icon on my phone I waited impatiently as my profile came up. 

"HOLY TOAST!" I yelled, causing Liz to swerve into the opposite lane. 

We simultaneously screamed as a semi truck came around the corner, heading in our direction. My hands shot over to the wheel where I turned it to take us back into the other lane. 

Liz let out a breath as the car went back to its previous position. 

"That's what you get for scaring me!" She exclaimed, roughly punching my shoulder. 

"Sorry! But oh my god I'm at 1 million followers on Twitter. That's like, a million people!" 

"That's not fair! I'm only at 132!" Liz pouted, causing laughter to escape my mouth. 



Upon our arrival at Nando's we were immediately escorted to our table where we got an excellent view of the TV hanging on the creme coloured wall. 

"What can I get for you?" The waitress asked, pulling out a small note pad and pencil from her apron. 

"I want the Peri Peri Chicken," I spoke, giving her my usual order. 

As my best friend gave her order my gaze traveled to the TV where I was shocked to see my boyfriend and his other band mates. 

"So guys, how do you feel now that you're back on tour?" The interviewer asked, crossing his legs as a friendly smile spread onto his face. 

"It's awesome. We miss our families and friends of course, but we love entertaining the fans. They're why we're here today," Liam answered, looking a bit nervous. That was unusual. Actually looking at them, they all seemed a bit nervous. 

"That's great. We all know you guys are very dedicated. So who's single and who's taken?" 

"I'm taken by Perrie. Our relationships been going amazing." Zayn grinned, making the crowd aww. I think I even internally aww'ed. 

"I'm actually currently seeing someone too. Her names Liberty," Liam smiled and I gasped. He didn't tell me about her! And I thought what me and Liam had was real. Oh and don't all you grammar people tell me it's Liam and I, because if you do I have a message for you: Shut the fuck up, sit the fuck down and listen to One Direction songs. Cause' Harry's my boyfriend. Smiley face. 

"I'm taken by Eleanor of course." Louis spoke and I rolled my eyes. He's been trying to get with my man! No I'm just kidding he's not gay. 

Well, as far as I know...

Niall cleared his throat, "I'm seeing someone too. Her names Charlotte."

Ugh no one tells me anything anymore. I think Directioners knew about their relationship before I did. And I actually know him. 

"I'm single," Harry said causing my eyes to widen. But I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion when Louis leaned over and whispered something in Harry's ear.

"Oh uh no I'm actually taken by my girlfriend um, Emma." He corrected himself as Louis returned to his position on the couch. Did Louis have to help him remember me?

I turned to Liz, "Did he-?"


"What's going-?"

"I have no idea. But that is not something you just forget."

"So what do you think is wrong with Harry?" 

"We'll just have to find out."

So um, hey everybody. I know you guys are probably like waiting for me with pitchforks and torches, ready to kill me for not updating in so long. 

But you can put them away now! Cause' I did update.... After a pretty long while.

I'm so sorry and I know I keep apologising but I really really mean it. Congratulations to the lucky winners of the contest. Instead of just picking two of you for the two remaining members I actually picked 3. The third one is going to come in soon, but unfortunately not as a girlfriend. So congrats to these three: 

@DirectionatorHater who is going to come in later. Thanks for the lovely comment Fili <3

@Charlotte002 who is now Niall's girlfriend. Congrats love and thanks for the kind words! 

And then Liberty!


You have been blessed with Liam as your boyfriend in my story. Thank you for your comment and I love you! 

I love you all!

Oh my fuck guys there were so many comments! More than I've ever gotten. I know some of them were just for the contest but I don't care, they were still amazing and sweet. 

Geez I'm so sorry for the people who didn't get a part! Hopefully I'll hold additional contests for others later. Please don't be sad if you didn't get a part. You can get a dedication in my next chapter. If you're my favourite commenter I will give you the dedication! Good luck. 

One more thing. I will announce my co author on Sunday. Everyone got it? Suunnndaaayyy! So send me in some of your writing if you want to  be my co author!

Okay comment something sweet if you read all this! 

I fucking love you all! Thanks so muck for over 300k reads. Until next time xxxxxx

~Amanda xx
