I Put The Fun In Theme Park

Chapter 11

Emma's POV

"Lets do something fun!" Harry cheered.

"I'm fun!" Louis smirked, winking at Harry.

"Cheeky cheeky boy." I scolded, tsking my finger at him.

"Well we have the rest of the day free. Why don't we go out?" Liam suggested.

"Sorry Liam I have a boyfriend." I smiled, patting Liam's head.

"Your heads not in the right place." Zayn shook his head, secretly smiling at me.

"Neither is your ego but you still have it." I said, earning a few 'Ohhs' from the other boys.

"Okay Zayn that was a huge burn." Harry said, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"Can we go to a theme park? With food?" Niall asked, grinning madly.


"Ha I put the fun in theme park." Louis smirked.

"Louis, that doesn't even make sense."

"So what? I don't wake up everyday to make sense." He said in a duh tone.

"Yeah we know." Liam mumbled. I giggled and nudged him in the side.

"So lets go to a theme park!" I cheered. We all agreed and the driver took us to the park, Louis pouting the whole time.


"Awh is Harry scared off a wittle wollercoaster?" I cooed, pinching Harry's cheeks.

"Nooooo." He said, looking down at the ground.

"Please come with me babe? I'll hold your hand the whole time!" I assured him, intertwining our fingers.

"Fine." He huffed. Clapping was heard from behind us and I turned to see all 4 boys, grinning and clapping.

"Harry must really love you. He never goes on roller coasters." Liam said, standing with us in the line.

"I go on them all the time! I'm badass!" He yelled, earning a few disapproving glares from the elderly people.

"What? He's secure!" I screamed at them. They looked scared and turned around, obviously thinking I was in a gang or something.

"Emma, I think their going to get security." Zayn chuckled.

"Shit! Run run run!" I pulled them along with me as we got on the roller coaster. I sat beside Harry, our fingers still intertwined, Zayn sat beside Liam and Niall sat beside Louis. Man I really feel bad for Niall.

"Ready?" I asked Harry.

"Nope." He said popping the 'p'. I rolled my eyes and grinned as the ride began to start.

"Shits about to get real!" I yelled, screaming like crazy.


After riding a gazillion roller coasters and other regular rides, we decided it was time to go home.

"Did Hazza have fun?" I asked Harry, putting my arms around his neck.

"Only because you were there." He smiled, pecking me on the lips.

"Cheesy." I giggled. Someone cleared their throat, breaking us apart. I looked to see Louis was the source of the noise and he was grinning madly.

"You two should hold off your couplyness until later. We don't find it very entertaining." He said. I stuck out my tongue at him, while he returned the favor, before I kicked him in the shin. He slapped my on the arm and it turned into a full on cat fight. I tried to lunge forward at him, but someone held me back as Zayn did for Louis.

"Watch your back Starr." He threatened.

"I should be saying the same for you Tomloser!" I yelled. He tried to slap my arm again but Zayn held his hand back, laughing also.

"I don't think we should stop! It's so funny." Niall laughed, falling on the floor of the van.

"Bitch." Louis mumbled, glaring at me.

"Douchbag." I shot back.


"Self centered!"



"Enough!" Liam said, throwing a hand over my mouth. Niall and Zayn were still laughing uncontrollably while Liam was being Mr. Daddy Direction. Harry was holding me back from taking another punch at Louis and Louis was having an epic stare down with me.

I licked Liam's hand, causing him to remove it from my mouth and squeal.

"Liam! You squeal like a girl!" I teased, giggling like mad.

"Are you high?" Harry whispered into my ear, letting out a chuckle.

"I'm high on cotton candy!" I yelled, burying my head in the crook of his neck.

"I had a fun time Harry." I said as we said our goodbyes.

"Me too babe. We should do something like that again. Without Louis." He joked.

"We should. Bye Haz."

"Bye EmmaBoo." He connected our lips, the kiss taking longer than we expected.

"C'mon Harry!" Louis called, sticking out his tongue at me.

"Jerk!" I yelled, hugging Harry goodbye and waving him off.


"Bye love." Harry chuckled. I smiled and walked into my house, shutting the door behind me.

A/N Boring! It'll get more dramatic next chapter I promise! Thanks for 195 reads! You guys are the best.

Now that that blurb is done with I want to say Thanks again!

~Amanda xx
