Chapter 18

Minjeong's Pov
I woke up and Jimin is snuggling herself more unto me

"Baby.. ah.."
I whimpered as she snuggled more to me

Jimin then moaned as I slowly thrusted in her

I said slowly thrusting my cock into her

Jimin: Hmm.. baby..

I then thrusted hardly into her while holding her waist but on slow pace

"On four."
I said as I removed my cock on her as she obeyed me

I then kneeled infront of her pussy as I licked it causing her to moan

I then entered my cock again into her slamming to her hardly at slow pace

She then moved her ass to meet my thrust as we moan

We enjoyed it on a slow pace until we came

She then took all my seeds inside her again

I stood up and goes to prepare her breakfast

"Can you stand?"
I said teasing her

Jimin: You have the audacity to ask me that when you just did me?
She said irritatedly

I placed her breakfast on bed for her to eat

After breakfast I joined her on the bathroom to help her take a bath

Did we fuck? No.. She doesnt want to be limp

She is irritated to me I guess cause she's Ignoring me


Jimin is not responding and she's looking at some papers

*knock knock*

I opened the door to see Jennie unnie

"Uhm hello unnie.."

Jennie: Oh.. So it's real that you're here..

"Uhm wae?"

Jennie: Owh I just want to see you actually

"Yeah?Uhm "
I gulped when Jimin is beside me already

Jimin: Hai
she smiled fakely

Jennie: Uhm .. Hi! I'm Jennie

Jimin: Yeah Uhm congrats I guess

Jennie: May I borrow your Minjeong for a minute?
She said

Jimin: Uhm.. wae?
She said curiously

Jennie: We just need to talk about important things
she then smiled at her and faced me

"Uhm.. Okay unnie .."

I then faced Jimin to see her fakely smiling at me
"I'll be going Baby."
I said infront of them

Jimin then smirked at Kissed me on lips infront of Jennie unnie

"Bye baby" she said looking at us and I nodded

As we walk
Jennie: Woah! You know I can feel the tension there! You're girlfriend is really chilly you know

"As well as you unnie .."
I chuckled as she flicked my forehead

Jennie: I'm not!

"Yes you are! Lisa is even afraid of you when you turned your lovely face to serious one"

Jennie: I said I'm not!

"As you said unnie."
I chuckled at her and I arrived at a lab

Jennie then then turns serious facing me
Jennie: I need to show you something And very urgent

Jennie: Zombies are mutating Minjeong-ah
The one we encountered before coming here in USA is a zombie but they're like human you know.. Zombie virus penetrates their minds and controlling the way they think they speak

I asked curiously

Jennie: The results are out and Lee Felix 's blood is really the cure we just discovered this with Heesung a few days ago But..
I don't really like the idea.. of my Co-doctors

Lee Felix is going to be the experiment here whether the Cure is really going to effect.

"Wh-what do you mean?"
I said getting nervous

Jennie: Minjeong-ah He's going to be bitten by mutated zombie they caught a few days ago..
by now ..

After hearing what Jennie unnie said I sprinted out to go to Felix

As I got to their room I saw soldiers carrying him sleeping

"Yah! don't!"
I shouted as looking at Felix

Soldiers then raised their guns at me
Soldier 1: Step back! Or you'll be dead!
They said to me

"You think I'm afraid of guns?"
I said walking infront of them getting the guns from their hands and pointing it unto my head

"Come and shoot it!"
I said

"Take me instead of him!"
I said

Soldier 2: Miss.. It's against the order of Sir Chanyeol.

"I said take me instead!"

Soldier 3 then tries to attack me but I put him to the ground

"I will spare his life if you put that kid back on his sleep."
I said pointing my gun to soldier 3

The soldier that is holding Felix put him back in the room

Soldier 2: Give me the gun.

I followed his commands as I drop the gun below me and they immediately restrain me

We entered the lab as I saw Jennie unnie is shocked to see me there

Doctor 1: I said the kid!

"Check my medical background sir!"
I said as they immediately looked for it
I saw Heesung looked at me in pity ad Jennie barged out of the room

Heesung then handed the files to the Head doctor

Doctor: Perfect!
Give me the sample blood from felix! now!

They then took the blood sample out and they looked at me from above

Doctor: Release the zombie!

I then looked at Heesung and say
"Please extend this to Jimin Say That I loved her truly."

I then looked for this gate infront of me opened to see a human like zombie

The zombie then stepped out

"Missed me?"

A familiar voice..
A sudden attack startled me causing me to fall down

"You got so weak..! Should I eat you ? whole?"
Said the familiar voice

Jennie's Pov
I saw Minjeong substituting her self
Heesung then entered and also startled when Minjeong is the test subject

Heesung: Yah.. Minjeong is there? Jennie.. Can you call her friends immediately
he whispered in my ears

I then ran out as I go immediately to her friends

"Uhm.. Lisa-yah! Baby!
I need you to tell Every Minjeong's friend to go to the lab now!"

Lisa : wae?

"Baby faster we don't have any time"

Lisa : owh okay..

Lisa then knocked at every door where Minjeong's friends were at as I go to Jimin

Karina's Pov
I was actually wondering why did Jennie unnie took my Minjeong amd what is that important thing they would talk about?

I was literally can't shrug the feeling of worrying as well as wondering

Then My overthinking cuts when someone is banging at my door

I said as I stood up supporting  myself stand staright cause I really can't

I opened the door to see Jennie unnie panting

I asked

She grabbed my hands
Jennie: Minjeong..Minjeong she.. she.. Let's go!

she said dragging me

"Wai-wait why? did something happened?"

Jennie: She's probably being devoured by zombie now Jimin-ah!

As I heard that my sore legs started to run with Jennie unnie

Aish.. I thought were fine already?!
Why does problem keeps coming!!

I said as we sprinted

Hola! Hope you liked this update again
Thanks btw for supporting Survivor 1
It gave me lots of thrill because of your feedback
I'm sorry from any grammatical errors you may encounter while reading

