Chapter 11

Minjeong's Pov
Time passed by I was getting comfortable alone Felix and Giselle Visits me every Time and Giselle is close now with my new friends

I was awaken by Lisa unnie

Lisa: Yah! Minjeongie wake up .. tournament is a starting!!
She said banging at the door shouting

I got up and opened the door

"Unnie.. its early in the morning!"

She then dragged me and I didn't even fix myself up

My hair is messy and it covers my face
As we are walking down the hall

"Yah unnie where are we going.."
I said sleepy

Lisa: I told you a tournament!

"You know that I'm not allowed to interact with people right?"

Lisa: Don't worry Kim I got your back

We then stopped at a crowded place outside where I can see a stage where opponents fight

Lisa: There they are..
She dragged me again

Jennie: Baby! what are you doing!

Lisa: Letting her also to have fun?

Jennie: You know she-

Lisa: Shh.. no one will know if we don't say it

Felix: Unnie!
he said coming at me and I carried him and went to sit beside Rose unnie

Felix fixed my hair

We were watching a match and someone caught my attention

Karina and Jaemin is being close infront of us (other side )

I then got up and Let Feix sit on my seat

"I gotta Pee."

Lisa: Okay come back right away..

I said and make my way to find comfortroom

I'm not actually going to pee I just need..
Need to relax a b-

I said as someone dragged me in a room

"Hey miss.. Can you substitute one my team?"
She said putting a mask on my face

I said struggling

"I'm sorry but my team that should fight is sick so please"
She said again dragging me near the stage where opponent fight

I was pushed infront and waiting for my opponent to come

I looked around to see my new friends whereabouts and I saw them

Lisa seem a bit shocked as well as Jisoo unnie

I try to make signs to them to help me get out of here but they just clapped
supporting me

"Aish.!! I guess I need to fight!"
I said

Looking at my opponent she also wears a mask
We close to each other looking in the eyes

Mc: A round of applause!!
All of them clapped

Mc: Here we can see the defending champion
"Myoui Mina!!"

I see that's why her eyes are very familiar

Mc: The challenger comes from Team 4
Somi should be the fighting now but substituted by

He asked my name


Mc: Miss Kim!

All of the audience were booing to me

Mc: You may Fight!

I was waiting for her to attack but I think she's also waiting for me

She then draw near me attempting to give me a smack

I then hold her hand and turn around to flip her to the ground
I then strangled her

All of the audience were shocked and cheering for Mina's name

"I'm sorry but Im going to win this time."
I said looking at her in the eyes

Mina's Pov
Why do you look familiar huh?
I thought

"I'm sorry but Im going to win this time"
she said getting my attention to fully observe her

I can't really think straight cause I'm fighting also to get out from her hold
She's choking me !

I then recovered also and strangled her down on me
I sat on her body pinning her hands beside her head

"Rule number one: Don't show mercy."
I said

"Rule number 2 : Just focus!"
She said as she uses her legs to hold me and flipped us again

"Hey! Where did you know that?!"
I said realy confused now .

"From someone?"
She said leaning down

She then hold me in her arms choking me again

"You really like to choke me huh?!"
I said getting out of breath

"I suppose to win AGAIN."
She said

I then tapped her hands to release me
and she did She stood up and helped me stand up
I was about to fall when she held my waist to support me

"I.. thank you.."
I said to her

She nodded back

Mc: I guess we have new winner? this time?
Give around of applause to Miss Kim from Team 4!

All of them clapped

I saw Karina walking unto us and I released Mina already going down on the stage

I immediately go back to my room as I washed up

Aish.. Mina? When did you get so strong huh
I thought

Someone is knocking at my door again

"Yah! open up !"
Aish it's Lisa unnie again

I said opening the door

Lisa: You.. Bro.. I didn't think you would beat a master of sparring.

"Huh really?"
I said as I sat on my bed and she entered my room with Felix

Lisa: You know I heard somebody talking about her that she won every tournament every month here!
No one was able to beat her even the boys!

I said sleepy

Lisa: Yah! Aren't you happy ?

"Unnie Why would I ? When I saw her there being lovey dovey again with that Jaemin?!"
I said groaning

Lisa: Oh.. KarinaI suppose again?


Lisa: Yah why don't you ask her? why don't you go to her and say Baby.. I'm here..

"Its not that easy unnie."

Felix: Really? Would I have again Anorher unnie? The qua egg unnie???
He said to us enthusaistically

Lisa: Yes..Felix

Lisa: Btw.. Sargeant Karina will train us this afternoon to form another squad

I said

Time skip.
Karina and her team is on the gymnasium now

Karina: Are you all in?

Lisa : Yes ma'am

Karina: Where's the other one?

Jennie: Uhm Miss she got to train with sir Chanyeol

Karina: Oh..
Okay then please come with me I need to show you your weapons

They all got gun

Minjeong's Pov
"I thought I'm going to train with them?"
I said curiously as I look upon weapon infront of me

Chanyeol: No miss Kim.. You're going to train with me.

He said attacking me from behind as I flipped him to the ground

"Sorry sir my senses are up."
I said as I helped him

Chanyeol: You.. You're really something

"I should."
We chuckled as I picked up the sniper riffle
infront of me

Chanyeol: Good choice.

He then led me to the rooftop testing what I chose

Chanyeol: Shoot at 25 degree right

I then followed everything he said as I tried also other weapons

We are now at the rooftop exhausted

*Door opened*

They said synchronized

I then stood still on my place

I whispered

Thanks for reading again
