It's demons inside my heart and
I can feel growin', I brought people around
Me without even knowin they all had secret agendas that they wasn't showin
Bitches will stab you in yo back
But smile in yo face
Rod wave : Dark Clouds

Santana sat in the studio with Mikah. They were listening to a beat that Mikah made a couple weeks ago for Paris. She had asked Santana to be on the song for her album cause she felt like he would give the song and different type of vibe. He was kinda hesitant at first when she asked him but he ended up saying yes. He listened to the beat for a bit trying to feel it out. Once he thought of lyrics he wrote it down on the paper. When the beat cut off he looked over at Paris who was sitting on the couch behind them.

"So you do wanna go in and record first?" Santana questioned her.

"I actually recorded my two verses yesterday we can just let you listen to that and go from there." She replied.

Santana nodded his head and turned a round looking at the paper. He took a sip of  his Hennessy while Mikah put on the song. He was a bit tipsy so this was definitely the perfect time to record this song.
By the time her verses were finished Santana had put down his notebook.

"Bet yo ass ready now you a lil drunk." Mikah laughed.

"Not even my nigga." Santana said smiling. He got up and put his cup on the table. " I'm ready."

"Ight my boy gone head get in there."

Santana took one last sip of his drink then went in the booth.

When they finished recording his verse they listened to it twice then they finished doing the adlibs.

"That shit sound good asf." Paris said cheesing.

"Word." Santana said while he was looking at his phone. He would've expected his baby mama to be calling or texting him but she wasn't. "I'm bout to head out tho."

He dapped up Mikah and hugged Paris then went out to his car. Once he got in he texted his son's mother and let her know that he was on his way.

He pulled out of the parking lot and headed to her house.

He sighed thinkin about even speaking to her. Him and his baby mama have always had problems, even through out the relationship. She was always trying sneak back into his life and would always want to argue with him about bitches. He felt like if he wasn't fucking her then she didn't need to know who he was spending his time with. She would always ask him where he was and who he was with like it was any of her business.

He pulled up at her house and he saw that none of the lights were on. His first thought was that she might be sleep so he started to call her. He scrunched you his face when she wasn't answering. After sitting in his car, calling and texting her for 20 minutes he was highly pissed off. He smacked his lips and got out of the car. As soon as he was about to knock on the door a car pulled up and she got out of it. He stood on her porch and watched her as she hurriedly took his son's car seat out the car.

He looked at the car seeing that it was some nigga that he saw maybe once or twice before in the driver seat. He shook his head at her.

The car pulled off as she walked toward Santana with Legend.

"I thought I told yo ass to stop bringing my son around these random ass niggas Jordan." Santana said with irritation in his voice. He picked up Legend out the car seat while she was still holding it.

"Stop trying to tell me what to do." She said with a hint attitude.

"I'm not finna keep saying this shit over and over. Keep this shit up and that nigga body gone end up in a river somewhere." He said walking off from her.

Jordan watched him walk off to his car and started to follow him.

"Shut the fuck up you act like you don't be around all them groupie ass bitches every fucking day."

Santana opens the backseat door and put London in the car seat.

"Why you wanna know so damn bad? You shouldn't be asking me shit if it ain't bout Legend. Stay the fuck out my business bro. Do Legend be around any of them bitches you claim I be wit? No so shut the fuck up and stay in yo place you really pissin me off."

He closed the door and got in.

"Well I wouldn't have to question you if you would answer when I text you." Jordan tried to argue. Santana rolled his eyes looking up at her.

"Get the fuck out my face with that dumb shit." He said closing his car door. He pulled off leaving her standing right there.

He hated that she loves to argue with him just to get a reaction. He hated getting out of character over dumb shit and that was something he always had to do with her. He had a short temper so he would always tried to avoid shit that could potentially irritate him.

He looked over at his phone as it started ringing.

"Hello," He said focusing on the road.

"Santana I wanna see my grandson." He smiled hearing his grandma's voice.

"Wassup g mama."

"I know you heard me. Where is my baby?" She questioned him with all seriousness.

"He right here. You want me to bring him over there right now?"

"Yes I do if your not busy right now. If you are bring him over another day."

"Nah I'm on my way now."

"Alright I made food if your hungry. Call when your outside. Love you mijo."

"Love you too mama." He hung up and sat his phone down in his lap.

He pulled up noticing some other cars were there but he had seen them before so he didn't pay it any mind. He got out and got Legend out the car.

"Dude why you slobberin everywhere." He said looking at legends shirt. He smiled and stuck his tongue out at him.

Santana knocked on the door hearing his grandma laughing. She opened door and gave him a big hug.

"I missed you guys. I haven't seen you in so long bebé." She said grabbing Legend and kissing his face.

"You dragging it mama." Santana chuckled.

"Your daddy don't ever want to let you come by and see me with his rude ass." She talked Legend walking in to the house.

Santana closed door. He looked over into the living room seeing one of his grandma's friends. He waved and she waved back with a warm smile.

"Where pop at?" Santana asked walking into the kitchen. The smell of his favorite food , Sancocho filled his nose and his body danced with excitement on the inside.

"He in the backyard doing something." She said sitting on the couch.

He walked back to the patio and saw his grandpa sitting in a chair smoking a joint. He opened the sliding door and went out.

"Wassup pimp." He said dapping him up.

"Wassup Pistola." Santana laughed at that name. He instantly thought back on that time he almost shot his self with a pistol ever since then his grandpa called him that.

"When you gone stop calling me that man?" Santana playfully questioned him while sitting down in the chair next to him.

"When you stop playing with guns little boy." He started passing the blunt to Santana.

Santana hit the blunt and watched him go through his grandma's picture book.

"What you looking at?"

"All these old pictures bringing back memories." His grandpa said showing him some of the pictures.

"I remember that day," Santana said pointing at one of the pictures. "I fell of my bike and scratched my elbow and my knee. All y'all did was laugh at my ass." He shook his head.

" You was always doing something you ain't have no business doing." He smiled.

They reminisced on old times. It made Santana miss being a kid when he didn't have to worry bout nothing. He loved being over here cause even he's a grown man they still treat him like a kid.

"You and Dia really was bad as hell." His grandpa laughed.

He looked the book he stopped at picture of him, Dia, and his mother. He stared at it for awhile.

"You miss her?"

"Nope." Santana said with a straight face closing the book.

His grandpa wasn't even surprised he said that. He wouldn't miss her either if she had put him through any of the shit Santana and Dia went through. Santana did love his mother but only because she was his mother. He didn't love who she was. When she died he didn't feel anything. He felt like she betrayed him and his little sister.

Santana handed the book to his grandpa and stood up. "I'm gonna go eat you coming in?"

His grandpa shook his head and Santana went into the house. He pushed the thoughts of his mother out of his head as fast as he could. To me she never acted like a mother should because she was always up under his father. Sometimes she would leave with his father for hours and not even call to check up on them at the house. If she wasn't back but night time he would call his grandma to come get them and they stayed there til their parents came to get them.

He walked into the kitchen making his self a plate. He grabbed bottle of water and sat at the table. He scrolled on his phone while he eat. He looked up and saw Legend coming his way.

"Every time you see me wit some food you always want to be by me." Legend wined as he held his arms up to be picked up.

"No you not getting nothing." Santana said looking at down at him.

"Santana give my baby some of that food." He heard his grandma yell at him.

Santana smacked his lips and picked Legend up putting him on his lap.

"You better not be starving him or I'll beat your ass Santana." Santana fanned her off knowing she wasn't bout it.

Santana looked at his phone and saw that he had a missed call from Jevonte. He probably would call him back when he was in the car.

"When are you going to get a girlfriend and give me some more grandkids.? I want a girl." She asked him sitting down at the table.

"Never. I told you I don't do relations mama." He said shrugging. She rolled her eyes.

"You still holding on to what happened with you and Jordan?"

"Nah I just don't wanna deal with anybody." Santana stayed simply. He honestly didn't want to be in relationship cause he didn't feel like dealing with all the stuff that came with it. He already has a sister who get his nerves and a son already he didn't need a bitch asking him shit and tryna tell him what to do on top of that.

If he happened to get into something he would be fine with it but he wasn't just out looking for a girlfriend.

"Why not? You could just find a nice girl and y'all could get together and have some kids. Then get married and live happily ever after." Santana pulled his head back at the last part.

"Slow yo role old lady you moving too fast." He said adjusting Legend on his lap.

"Alright don't say I didn't give you any advice when you 50 years old and lonely." She said getting up and walking off.

He chuckled at her. He knew if he really wanted to have a girlfriend he could but he just wasn't into all the extra shit that might come with a relationship.

After him and Legend finished eating he got up and threw his paper plate away. He picked up Legend and looked at him knowing that he was getting sleepy.

"Mama I'm finna head out." He said grabbing his phone off the table.

"Okay bye I'll see y'all later." She said hugging him. They said I love you and Santana went to his car.

Once he was settled he called Jevonte back.

"Wassup Von."

"Yo. Where you at right now?" Jevonte asked as he shuffled around.

"About to leave my mama house."

"This girl hit me up yesterday trying to see if she could work at the club. She said she would be moving out here in about a week or so."

"So when will she be out here?" Santana asked starting his car.

"She actually coming today in about an hour." Santana looked at the time on his phone at it was about 7:30pm.

"Ight well I'm about to head to the crib and drop Legend off with my sister. Ima meet you at the club."

"Ight let me know when you make it."

Santana said okay and hung the phone. Once he made it to his house he called his sister down to come and get Legend. When she came down she didn't speak to him.

"You still mad?" He asked smiling at her. She continued to ignore him and went straight back in the house after getting Legend out the car.

He shook his head took off to his club , XXX. It was a well known club in New York. One of the livest strip clubs in NewYork actually. Him and Jevonte shared ownership of the club. They opened it about 2 years ago and planned to open another one soon.

He pulled up seeing infront of the club seeing Jevonte's car parked out side. He got out the car and went inside.

Gianni sat in her uber looking out the window. She hadn't realized how much she missed being New York.  Before she knew it they were in front of XXX.

She told the Uber driver thank you and she got out. Right before she went inside nervousness shot through her body. She didn't really know why but she just shook it off and walked inside the building.

"Nigga you buggin foreal." She heard a deep voice say.

"Bro I'm deadass that's exactly how she said that shit to me." Another voice laughed.

There was one guy standing over by the bar area and another guy sitting on a red couch.

"Oh shit I ain't even see you come in. I'm Jevonte." A tall darkskin dude said walking towards her with his hand out.

"Yea I know. I'm Gianni but you can call me Gigi. Nice to meet you." Gianni said shaking his hand.

Santana's ears perked up at the name Gigi but he didn't turn his head.

"That's my nigga Santana over there. He owns this club too." He said pointing to the guy on the couch.

Gianni thought about that name. She had hoped it was a different Santana and not her Santana. She saw that he had braids so she knew it couldn't be him. They walked over to him.

"Wassup. Santana Legend." He introduced himself blowing smoke out of his mouth. She started to feel butterflies in her stomach.

"Gianni." They went into an kind of awkward silence as he stared at her. She felt a little uncomfortable and looked away.

"Y'all know each other or something?" Jevonte questioned looking at Gianni then back at Santana.

"Nah never met her before." He said leaning up to ash his blunt.

"Alright well I'll show you where the dressing room is so you can change."

As they walked away Gianni could feel his eyes piercing into her back. At this point she didn't even want to try out anymore but she shook it off. The thought of him watching her bothered her because of how things ended the last time she saw him.

After he showed her where it was went and go dressed. She looked around the room looking at the mirrors and pictures on the wall. The room was pink, black and white. She put her bag down on the counter and pulled out a couple outfits. She brought more than one with her because she couldn't decide. She ended up putting on black lace garter lingerie set. Put on her 6 inch glitter bootie.

When she was done she turned around and looked at herself in the mirror. She grabbed her hair brush out of her bag and bushes her hair out. After that she sprayed herself with perfume. She was extremely nervous and she didn't like that at all. She sat down trying her hype herself. One she felt like she was okay she stood up and zipped her bag up. She walked out of the dressing room and walked down the hall to where hot he main stage was at.

She saw that the colored lights were turned on. She she walked out she saw a big pink neon sign with a girls body on it. Santana and Jevonte were still talking as she walked out but that stopped when Santana saw her coming. Jevonte turned and looked her up and down.

" You ready?" Jevonte asked standing up. Gianni nodded her head. "Is there any specific song you want to dance to?"

"Maniac by Jhené Aiko." She replied. He nodded and went to put the song on for her.

She turned to walk on the stage. She looked over at Santana and watched him take a sip of his drink. She scanned over his arms seeing all the tattoos he had gotten over the years. It turned her on a little, to say the least. She looked at his face seeing that he still looked the same. She almost smiled but she turned away when he started to look up. She stood there waiting for the music to come on. She wasn't going to be too worried about Santana watching her once the music turns on.

She let the music flow through her ears a little bit before starting to move. She walked forward slowly while she shared eye contact with Santana. It kinda felt like she was just dancing for Santana because he was the only one sitting on the couch infront of the stage and Jevonte was at the dj booth, watching from there. The feeling of him watching her made her want to show out and she was going to do just that.

"I'm a low key freak you don't know me yet, good head got a little bite to it, little booty got a little bounce to it,"

Gianni dropped in to a low squat twerking he ass to the beat. She slowly stood up grabbing on to the pole. She spun around it twice before climbing up.

Santana took a sip of his drink while watching Gianni move. He looked at her legs wrap around the pole then she slide down off the pole into a split.
She knew that he was watching her so she gave him something to look at.

Once the dance finished Jevonte turned on the lights and walked over to the stage.

"That was good as fuck Gianni." Jevonte said clapping his hands. "What you think San?"

"Yea she was good." He simply said standing up fixing his pants.

Gianni was a little shocked to see that he was so tall. He looked like he was about 6'4maybe. As he walked closer to them she looked at his neck.

He still has it.

"We'll give you a call tomorrow and let you know what the decision is." Santana said putting his black hoodie back on.

Gianni said okay and walked back to the dressing room to change back into her clothes. She was hoping that she got it despite her and Santana's history because she still had a son to take care of and still had to pay for school.

Once she was finished she walked out and said goodbye to Jevonte and Santana.

"Nice to meet you Gigi." Hearing Santana call her by her nickname made her shiver. His voice a lot deeper and rougher than it was 4 years ago.

She left the building and got in an Uber back to her hotel. She got in the shower before getting on her laptop and finishing her school work. Ever since she left the club she kept rewinding that whole encounter in her head. Seeing his face and hearing brought back some bad memories and good ones too but she would look at him the same because of how things ended and the way he ended them. An hour later she closed her MacBook deciding to go to sleep. She had to get up in the morning to go look at a house in Upper Manhattan.
