
"Karma, sneaking up behind you like a thief in the night. Sometimes you can't put up a fight. Watching what you do in the day, it might come back to you in every way. Keep the darkness out, bring the light in.

Karma is what we call it, it may it may not be your friend. Your existence is challenged by karma, choose wisely..."

Gianni stood in the living room looking out of the window and listening to music. It was a cold rainy night and watching the rain was one of her favorite things to do. This was also something she did when she wanted to drown out her parents voices.

They were in their bedroom arguing about something that Gianni had no desire to hear about. She turned up the volume on her mp3 player trying to drown them out. She felt the vibrations of the front door opening  and closing but she never looked away from the window that was until she felt a tap on her shoulder. She turned around and it was her older brothers Gunner and Pharaoh. She looked up at Gunner while taking out her earphones.

"What are they arguing about now?" He asked as he took off his wet hoodie.

"I don't know," Gianni said shrugging.
"They've been doing that since daddy got here and I just tuned them out."

"Are you fucking serious Kareem!?" They heard their mother, Karin, scream.

"I already told you I was sorry Karin what else you want me to say?" Kareem pleaded.

Gianni shook her head. Her father was always doing stupid things that made her mother cry. Gianni always wondered why she stayed with him when all he did was hurt her. All she knew is that no matter how much she loved a man she would never put up with all the shit her mother went through.

When Kareem came out the room, she looked at him and felt disgusted with him. Knowing what he does to people and their families made her sick and she vowed to never get into anything like that when she got older.

Santana closed his eyes and day dreamed of what he wanted to become when he was older.

He wanted to be the most feared hit man in all of New York, living his best life in a big ass mansion with a bunch of naked hoes. Since he was born his father would always say "Regardless of the situation get to the money and do whatever you gotta do to get it".

Santana was never one to wish for children or a wife. He felt like the life he wanted to live was too dangerous for a big family. That would put too much worry on his shoulders trying to protect them but he did want one son so he could carry Santana's legacy.

He knew that it was gonna take a lot of hard work and dedication in order to get to where he wanted to be. But none of that matter to him, he was going to do whatever it takes and he wasn't going to let a child or woman stop that. No matter what.
