
It's the worse thing you could possibly do when you don't know what's gonna happen.

And that's how it is right now. Me, sitting in the waiting room, waiting to hear the news about Dinger.

Is he okay?
Is he severely injured?
Can he ever play sports again?
Is he paralyzed?
Is he dead?

I bounce my leg crazily as Bobby sits next to me. He looks at me with dry eyes, unlike me with wet eyes.

"Hey. He's gonna be alright. I know Dinger, Lacey. He's my best friend." Bobby says putting his arm around me. I put my head on his shoulder.

"I never stopped loving him." I whisper so only Bobby can hear me.

"I know honey, I know." He kisses my head.

"Mr. and Mrs. Holfield?" A nurse with a clipboard asks. Bobby and I shoot up from our seats.

"That's us." We say at the same time. The nurse looks at us confused, people around us stare at us shocked. I look at Bobby and laugh.

"Follow me this way." She says slightly laughing. I catch up with the lady and she looks about in her early twenties.

"Is he okay? Is Dinger okay?" I ask her rapidly.

"I'm not allowed to say anything until you see him." She says.

"What that's bullshit! Come on tell us!" I beg, new tears replacing the dry ones.

"Miss, he's right in this room. You may go in and see him." She says. I glare at her and Bobby grabs my hand.

"Let's go Lace, come on." He says walking until Dinger's room. I follow him, only stopping in the doorway.

We walk into his room. It's depressing; no lights on, blinds down, no "get well soon!" balloons, teddy bears, nothing.

He's awake, watching cartoons. Giggling here and there at the normal routine of Bugs Bunny. The sound of his giggling makes my heart fill with joy.

"Hey man, how'ya feelin?" Bobby asks Dinger.

"Shitty." He sighs adjusting himself and wincing. I gasp quietly, my heart aching.

"How they treating ya?" Bobby asks pulling up a chair.

"Eh, decent, the food here sucks." He laughs lightly.

"What time is it, man?" Dinger asks. Bobby checks his watch.

"10:37, you better get some sleep."

"Nah man, sleep is for losers!" Dinger exclaims. I giggle at his silliness. He must've heard me because he looks over at my direction.

"Hey little thing, come over here. I won't bite." He smiles brightly. I look at Bobby and he nods. I make my way over to them and stand at the edge of Dinger's hospital bed.

"Make yourself comfortable." He grins.

"I'm fine right here." I smile. He rolls his eyes and holds his hand out to me. I take it and walk over to his side. He kisses my hand and has me sit on the bed. I smile at him.

"I'm gonna get some food, I'm hungry man. I'll see you two later, and don't do anything you're not supposed to!" Bobby says leaving the room.

"He's crazy." Dinger says. He looks at me and sighs.

"Hey now, look at me. I'm alright, it's still me. Good old Dinger. I'm okay honey." He nods.

"I know, I just can't stand to see you like this!" I cry. He wipes my tears away.

"I know Lace, but look! I'm still alive!" He chuckles. I laugh too.

"Yeah I guess you are." I say.

"You're so beautiful, even with your smeared mascara and puffy, red eyes. You're gorgeous." Dinger smirks.

"And you're handsome."

"Handsome? That's the best you've got?"

"Okay, you're..hot." I smile.



"Ooh, I like that." He smirks and winks.

"I haven't stopped loving you." He says.

"You took the words right out of my mouth," I smile. We lean in for a kiss, our lips barely touch, when I pull back.

"Dinger, stop. This doesn't feel right," I say.

"What do you mean? Are you uncomfortable? Here, lay down next to me. Maybe you'll feel more comfortable here." He says scooting over. He winces and breathes in a shaky breath.

"No, stop, I'm fine. Don't hurt yourself anymore. I'm fine where I'm at." I say holding his hand.

"Then what's wrong honey?" His eyes soften. I sigh and close my eyes.

"I don't think we should be doing this," I say.

"Doing what? It's not like we're having sex or anything," He shrugs.

"I know, but, you're dating Lisa and we're flirting with each other again and..I'm sorry, it just doesn't seem right."

He shakes his head and closes his eyes.

"What? Why are you doing that?" I ask.

"You don't know?" He asks. I look at him confused, "No I don't know actually." He holds both of my hands and kisses my left one.

"Dinger, stop, you're dating-"

"No, I'm not!" He raises his voice lightly.

"I-I don't understand."

"I broke up with her."


"Right when you went to the bathroom. She was all over me. She only liked me to get her hands on me. I told her it was over and walked out of the gym," He explains.

"Why did you break up with her?"

"Didn't love her." He says.


"Her hair is always gorgeous. Either if it's frizzy and knotted by the wind, or curled and all pretty looking. Her eyes are the perfect amount of brown. Her little freckles on her nose, and her how she has some acne on her forehead. She's natural. Doesn't wear too much makeup, just the right amount. She's modest, a real lady. Doesn't wear anything that she feels uncomfortable in. She's a real leader, likes to get things done and sometimes likes it to be her way," Dinger rants.

"She's just beautiful. Inside and out. And her personality, wow. She's a real life Disney princess! Man, she's the definition of perfect," he smiles.

"I thought you didn't love her, Dinger?" I say with jealousy, stand up and start to walk out of the room.

"Don't leave me stranded on this bed like you leave me stranded for your love," he calls. I stop dead in my tracks.

"Your hair is always gorgeous. Frizzy or pretty looking. Your eyes have the perfect amount of brown. Your freckles on your nose and how you have some acne on your forehead. You're natural, modest. A leader is what you are." I hear him get up out of his bed, wincing more. I turn around, tears in my eyes and rush over to him, putting him back into bed.

"Pain won't stop me from being able to love you," he smiles.

"Why are you so perfect?" I ask with tears in my eyes.

"Because I was meant to be with you," He says while leaning into me. I lean forward too and we kiss.

This kiss is like no other. It's better than any kiss we've ever shared. We both are experiencing love. This kiss is not just a "I really like you, so let's kiss!" kind of kiss. It's a "I really love you. With all my heart, and I'd die just to make sure you live," kind of kiss.

We both pull away and we're both smiling. My face feels brighter and Dinger's face is brighter.

"You know how people ask if you'd take a bullet for someone you love?" He asks, smirking. I nod and smile.

"I guess we both understand that now, since that's the reason I'm in this place," He's says, we both laugh. I kiss him again, I'm crying again too.

"Oh geez! Get a room," Bobby yells coming into the room. Without coming up from the kiss, I grab the curtain that goes around Dinger's bed, and shut it. Bobby laughs and cheers. I break the kiss and laugh, Dinger laughing at me laughing.

"I'm so happy we hated each other," I say to him.

"Me too, Lace."

Tell me what you thought about this chapter :)
