
"And now class we are gonna start a project," Mrs. Hills our history teacher announces. Everyone groans and wants to die.

"Pick a partner and begin to discuss what you want to do for your project over this list." She says handing out a list of topics. I look at it.

Topics for Project!
Bill of Rights
The Constitution
George Washington
Thomas Jefferson
Election of 1789

Blah blah blah. All boring to me.

I look around the room to find someone who doesn't have a partner but of course everyone is already taken. I sigh and look at my list again.

"I guess I could do George Washington," I sigh.

"Do you have a partner Lacey?" Mrs. Hills asks me. I look up at her.

"Oh uh, no. But it's okay! I can work alone." I smile.

"Are you sure? I don't want you to feel excluded."

"Positive." I nod. Mrs. Hills walks away and I sigh and put my head in my hands.

"How am I gonna do this by myself?" I ask myself.

"You won't have to." A familiar voice says. I look up to see my..."ex"...Dinger.

"Go away-don't you think you've caused enough pain for me?" I say. He shrugs.

"Where's your girlfriend anyways?" I ask. He looks around.

"Over there, with Jessica." He waves to Lisa. Lisa winks back and I almost puke.

"Don't you have a partner?" I ask.


"Why not?"

"Because no one wanted to be with the dumb kid I guess." He smirks.

"And neither do I." I say and turn back around in my seat. I open my history book and search for George Washington. As I begin to read, a hand slams my book shut.

"Dinger! What the hell." I roll my eyes.

"Come on baby, you need a partner, and I need a better grade in this class. Help a friend out!" He begs.

"The last time I helped a 'friend' out I got hurt. And do not ever call me 'baby' again!" I snap. I still have feelings for Dinger, but I don't like to admit it.

"Come here, I wanna show you something." He says and pulls my hand.

"No, no, no!" I whine as he drags me out of my seat. He manages to sneak me out of the door and out in the hallway. He pushes me against the lockers and pins my wrists by my head.

"Let go of me Dinger." I say between gritted teeth.

"And why would I do that?" He says looking at my lips.

Don't look in his eyes, you'll get lost. I tell myself.

"Dinger, please." I beg looking down.

"Babygirl, look at me."

"Dinger-" I begin to say but I notice Lisa out of the corner of my eye, coming out of the classroom and getting a drink at the water fountain. I look back at Dinger.

"You're hot, real sexy." He whispers. I look over at Lisa real quick. She's beginning the turn around.

"Kiss me," I say in a fake turned on voice to Dinger. He smirks and I feel him press himself against me as he kisses me. I hear Lisa gasp and I grin into the kiss.

"Mmm Lacey, you're so great." Dinger slightly moans. Foot steps get louder as they come towards us. I continue the kiss with Dinger until Lisa rips him off of me. I breathe heavily out of breath.

"Dinger? What the hell!" She screams.

"She wanted me to kiss her!" He yells at Lisa and points to me. I smirk and feel proud.

"And you did?" She screams. Dinger looks confused, like a little loss puppy dog.

"Well, I-" He begins but then Lisa looks at me and punches me in the stomach. Man, she is pretty strong for a girl her size. I double over and fall to the ground.

"Lisa, what the fck!" Dinger yells. I feel a bruise coming on already. I look up and people are starting to come out of classrooms. I put my head back down and try not to cry from the pain. Let's just say, I'm a sissy when it comes to pain and I do not take it well.

"She's acting! She's fcking acting, stop it you bitch!" Lisa yells. She kicks me in the ribs. I yelp and gasp for breath. Mrs. Hills comes out of her classroom and takes Lisa to the principals office.

Someone wraps their arms around me trying to lift me up.

"Sit up, sit up." I hear Bobby say. He must've gotten out of his class. He helps me sit up against the lockers and I have tears pouring out of my eyes.

I look around at the scene. Kids are crowding around and staring at me, Dinger, Bobby, and Mrs. Hills screaming at Lisa while taking her to the principals office. Dinger has his hands behind his head and looks confused like what his next move should be. I look at him and make eye contact. I see the pain in his eyes.

"Dinger." I whisper. He looks at me, then at the direction Lisa is walking, and back at me. He stares at me for a couple seconds then looks back down the hall to Lisa.

"Lisa, wait!" He yells and runs.

I feel all the hope in my body die as he runs further and further away from me.

And for a second, I thought I was going to get Dinger back.

I feel bad for Lacey and I'm the fricken author. Is that bad?
