Entry 3

4th of February 2021 

Sorry I skipped yesterday's entry; my homework made me literally fall asleep at my desk. Why do they assign so much as we got older, shouldn't it get lower? Anyways today after school my mum made me babysit, without any talk about it before, so she can go on a date with her bf. She can be so annoying. 

It's like 10 pm right now and she only got back at 9:50 like it's a goddamn school night. My homework is about to suffocate me if I don't do it soon. So, if I don't write here, I'm probably dead. That's not such a bad idea if I think more about it. I have such annoying kids in my damn care class they scream like a mentally disturbed person all morning during the roll and everything. 

My sister was quiet in the afternoon, I might ask her what's wrong tomorrow if she's still down. Okay that's the lot, night. 
