Entry 4

5th of February 2021

Hey uh I got told to kill myself today. It was by a random boy in year 8 by the looks of his uniform. It's crazy that a year 8 had the balls to say that to me, a year 10. Like we are barely two years apart, but he still had some balls, also hickeys a lot of hickeys on his neck. I guess he has a kink or something. Oh, his poor neck ahaha. 

The reason he told me to kill myself is because it's Connors younger brother who thinks he can say anything and get away with it. 

Also, I found a funny app called discord where I joined a lgbt server. So far, it's been pretty fun the people there are great, nice and lovely. I think I made me first friend on there already. 

Victoria did look upset again this whole day, so I asked her. She was super defensive about the question. 'I'm fine emo' was some of her words. I'm worried but I can't bring it up to my mum or Dick because they couldn't care less. 

Okay, I'm probably not going to write over the weekend but who knows. Bye. 
