End of the article (I)

"Yuan Feng, why are you doing this?

You are willing to betray your own son, aren't you afraid that he will turn against you?"

Li Zhenbang became anxious as he saw his good friend doing things more and more recklessly.

It would have been fine if she had snatched orders from her own son before, but now she is setting a trap for her son and is eager to bankrupt his thriving company.

"Tell me, what exactly are you after?"

"I want him to come back, admit his mistake and beg me."

Luo Yuanfeng became more and more paranoid, thinking that it was Ye Jiang's fault that Xiao Nan refused to return to him.

He looked for Xiao Nan, but the child refused to see him.

Since he doesn't want to see me, I'll just force him to beg me.

Li Zhenbang was so angry that he almost died. "I'm too lazy to persuade you anymore. I'm going back to Shenzhen. If you want to do something, just do it yourself."

Even his good friend of many years could not stand the way he made things difficult for his son.

This is not doing business at all, it's just bankrupting his son at any cost and without regard for the consequences.

He really couldn't agree with that.

"Then I won't send you off."

Luo Yuanfeng stood up and opened the door for him, "Zhenbang, no one can understand the pain in my heart."

Xiao Nan was the last straw in his heart, and he was unwilling to admit his failure.

The woman he loved most was leaving him, and even his son was unwilling to return to him.

Li Zhenbang sighed, "Hey, since you didn't listen to my advice, you'd better take care of yourself."

Luo Yuanfeng's only good friend also left him like this.

Xiao Nan waited until Li Zhenbang left before entering Luo Yuanfeng's office.

Luo Yuanfeng was not too surprised. From the day he set a trap for his son, he knew that his son would come to find him one day.

Even though he's so stubborn, don't you still have to beg him?

Xiao Nan looked at his biological father in front of him, not knowing what to say, "Why did you..."

Luo Yuanfeng interrupted him, "Let's talk about it when we get home. There are too many people in the office."

On the way, Luo Yuanfeng also bought vegetables, fish and meat. Xiao Nan followed behind silently without saying a word.

After buying the vegetables, Luo Yuanfeng took Xiao Nan to a group of old houses. This place used to be a concession, and each house had several decades of history.

Luo Yuanfeng spent a lot of money to buy one of them

"This house is for you to use when you get married."

Luo Yuanfeng took Xiao Nan on a tour and pointed to the unfinished construction site behind the main building and said, "It's a pity to leave this large piece of land empty. I plan to expand the main building. I also hope that you will have many children in the future and have a lively family. If you're worried that the house won't be big enough, expand it by a few rooms in advance."

Xiao Nan shook his head silently, "I don't want your house, I don't want anything from you, please don't do anything that I can't accept, okay?"

For example, they set traps for him to fall into in business, and at the same time they buy him a Western-style house and ask him to get married and have more children.

Is it true that his biological father is mentally sound?

Luo Yuanfeng turned around and went to the kitchen to cook. "I have never cooked a meal for you since you were a child. Actually, Dad is a very good cook. It's just that he is alone and lonely and doesn't want to cook."

Xiao Nan felt a little uncomfortable, after all, this was his biological father.

He helped pick the vegetables, and there was a rare moment of harmony in the kitchen.

Luo Yuanfeng thought, this is what a home looks like, this is how a father and son should get along.

The food was served, and Luo Yuanfeng opened a bottle of white wine, "Do you drink?"

Xiao Nan shook his head. "No, don't persuade me. Drinking can easily cause delays. I have something else to do in the afternoon."


Luo Yuanfeng put down his wine glass and said, "Let's eat."

Xiao Nan endured it all the time and finished the silent lunch in silence before asking, "Why did you do this?"

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Nan was stunned. What was it?

Is everything good or not.

"Why are you trying to make things difficult for my mom? You want Grandpa Luo to transfer Uncle Mu away. My mom is about to give birth, and Xiaoxi and Xiaobei are still young. How can Uncle Mu leave?"

"My brother and I have a good business. Since you keep saying that you hope for my well-being, why did you join others in setting a trap for me to fall into? Tell me yourself, how many times have you done this?"

Although I carefully resolved or avoided the situation every time, it was really heartbreaking.

Luo Yuanfeng gets angry when talking about this. Luo Hongxin was willing to give up his job, but in the end he failed to transfer Mu Liancheng away. It was a waste of his good interpersonal relationships.

"Why do you still call him Uncle Mu? Mu Liancheng has sent your grandfather to the police station, and you are still staying at his house?"

He didn't understand why his son refused to come back.

"Do you still have any conscience?

I am your real father! You say every day that I am targeting Ye Jiang, but I just want you to come back. Do you know how much pain I feel when I hear you call her mom?

She is not your biological mother!"

Looking at his son's stubbornness, he became furious and couldn't control his emotions at all.

"Don't say that Dad didn't warn you. If someone over there gets hurt because of you one day, it will all be caused by your stubbornness!"

"What else do you want to do?"

Xiao Nan was shocked.


his family?

Isn't Luo Yuanfeng going to do something more extreme?

It would be fine if you just put obstacles in his way in business, but you also threaten to harm his family?

He absolutely cannot allow anyone to hurt his family. This is his bottom line.

Even if this person is his biological father.

"Dad, I beg you, please stop being stubborn, okay? Stop making trouble, I'll support you when you're old, okay?"

Luo Yuanfeng was delighted. It turned out that the threat was effective and the child compromised.

This was the first time Xiao Nan called him dad.

But he was not satisfied, "Do you finally know you are wrong?

If you want Dad to stop, you can move your household registration out and change your surname to Qin, which is the original surname of our Qin family."

"This is impossible!"

Xiao Nan's chest heaved with anger, "So, you've been using Grandpa Luo all along, right?"

"Grandpa Luo lost his job to meet your request, and now you even want to change your last name. If he knew about this in there, he would probably be heartbroken!"

Why, does his father have any feelings at all?

Grandpa Luo was so good to him, but he was thinking about changing his surname?

So, how sincere is Luo Yuanfeng to his son whom he met only after more than ten years?

He is so scary.

Xiao Nan felt cold all over, but this person was his biological father.

"My mother didn't even let me change my last name, why do you want me to change it?"

The mother Xiao Nan was referring to was Ye Jiang. Ye Jiang had never mentioned that Xiao Nan should change his surname.

The two of them started arguing.

Luo Yuanfeng was furious. The atmosphere was originally very good, but the quarrel started because his son's family was mentioned.

"Just tell Dad something straightforward. Do you want to change your last name or not?"

"to not fix!"

The two of them froze for a moment. Xiao Nan felt that there was no way to reason with Luo Yuanfeng because he was too paranoid.

Coming today, Luo Yuanfeng might be even more extreme.

He began to regret coming to him to try to ease the relationship.

"It shouldn't have been like this between us. During the two years you were my homeroom teacher, I actually respected you very much."

"But I can't forgive you for what you did to my mother now."

Luo Yuanfeng also got angry and said loudly: "That woman is not your mother at all. Your mother died a long time ago!"

Arou had died a long time ago, and he buried her with his own hands. When she died, she was still missing her children.

But now, no child remembers her.

"Okay, then let me ask you, how did my biological mother die?"

Xiao Nan suddenly stood up and questioned Luo Yuanfeng. He was very smart and could roughly infer some things from many fragmentary words.

When he was a child, he believed that his mother had an accident, but now seeing his father getting more and more crazy, he began to doubt whether his mother died in an accident or...

Luo Yuanfeng was a little panicked. Why did his son suddenly ask this?

Xiao Rou's death was his biggest secret, and it was impossible for anyone else to know it.

Not necessarily. Before Xiao Rou died, he and Xiao Rou had several quarrels, which were seen by some people.

Mu Liancheng is so capable that if he really wants to find out, he can find someone.

Did Ye Jiang guess something?

"Did Ye Jiang tell you that I was the one who killed your mother?

She is trying to sow discord between us without any evidence!"

Xiao Nan's heart sank, from the moment he asked the question, to Luo Yuanfeng's panicked expression, and then to his explanation that made things even more obvious.

He was not a fool and he immediately realized that his mother's death might not have been an accident.

He couldn't think about it any further. The dead woman was not only his biological mother, but also the biological mother of Xiaonan, Xiaobei and Xiaoxi. And the one who killed that woman might be Luo Yuanfeng...his biological father.

"That's it. Don't come to see me in the future, and I won't see you."

Xiao Nan was exhausted and got up and left.

He never wanted to come to this place again, and he never wanted to see the person in front of him again.

Luo Yuanfeng regretted what he said. He was too impulsive. How could he say such a thing?

The son was so smart that he might have guessed that Xiao Rou was so determined to leave and he couldn't keep her, so he pushed her into the landslide.

In this way, Arou will never leave him.

After Xiao Nan left, Luo Yuanfeng sat at the dining table in the villa for a long time.


"Aunt Ye, my dad wants me to bring Xiao Nan home for dinner, do you agree?"

Susie's father came to City C some time ago, but this was the first time he invited Xiao Nan to dinner.

Susie was full of anticipation. Her father had already agreed to her and Xiao Nan's relationship, and today was the official day for them to meet their parents.

Fearing that Xiao Nan would be embarrassed, Su Xi deliberately said: "My dad also invited Mu Xiangnan and Qiu Yibei."

Ye Jiang's due date has arrived and she has seldom gone out recently. Her children also go home as early as possible at night, fearing that their mother might give birth at any time.

However, this was the first time that Susie's father invited several children, so Ye Jiang asked, "Is it tonight?

When Xiao Nan comes back, you can ask him. It's fine as long as they have time. I have no objection."

"Thank you, Aunt Ye."

Susie smiled sweetly, but after a moment she became a little worried again.

"Aunt Ye, Jin Wei is such a good liar. I don't know why my dad was so soft-hearted by her and didn't chase her away."

It's so infuriating. Dad clearly knows what kind of person Jin Wei is, but Jin Wei cried and confessed in front of him.

She said that she admired her father so much and would behave herself in the future. Unexpectedly, her father softened his heart and let her stay.

Su Xi carefully looked at Ye Jiang's expression, and seeing that she was not angry, she continued, "But my father promised me that I would not get a marriage certificate with Jin Wei, would not let her interfere in my life, and would not allow her to bother you."

Ye Jiang sighed in her heart. Mu Liancheng's stepmother was also very mean, but she still married Mu Liancheng anyway.

It would not be good to prevent the two children from being together just because Susie's father continues to date Jin Wei.

"It's good that you can see Jin Wei for what he is."

Ye Jiang didn't blame her, "By the way, when does your dad plan to go back?"

"Go back after you see Xiao Nan."

Susie wanted to tell Xiao Nan the good news as soon as possible, "My dad agreed to let me stay in City C."

Seeing Xiao Nan coming back, Susie immediately ran over and said, "Xiao Nan, come to my house for dinner tonight. My dad will be back in the next two days, and I want to have dinner with you before he leaves."


Xiao Nan nodded, "Then I'll go change my clothes."

He had to dress appropriately when he was going to meet his girlfriend's father.

Luo Yuanfeng did not come to see him again in this month, nor did he continue to make things difficult for him in business.

The days seemed to have calmed down, but Xiao Nan was still a little worried.

I hope Luo Yuanfeng has really figured it out.

His mother's due date is these days, and she could give birth at any time, so please don't let anything go wrong.

After thinking about all sorts of things, Xiao Nan changed his clothes, went downstairs and said to Ye Jiang, "Mom, Xiao Nan and I will be back early in the evening."

"Don't worry, Xiaonan's father is at home. He will be back from get off work soon."

When Mu Liancheng got off work and saw that Ye Jiang was the only one at home, he became a little worried, "Ah Jiang, why are you alone at home?"

My wife is about to give birth, but I don't even leave anyone at home. This is too careless.

"My parents took Xiaoxi and Xiaobei to their aunt's house. Xiaonan went to his girlfriend's house to meet her parents. Xiaonan and Qiu Yibei also went. It was just a coincidence that no one was home."

"These bastards forget their mothers once they get married."

Ah, it turns out that sons are all unreliable.

Thinking of this, the man became serious, "I'll take a few days off to stay at home with you."

"You don't need to take leave. It's just a birth. You're all so nervous. It makes me even more nervous."

Seeing Mu Liancheng's nervous look, Ye Jiang touched her belly and said to the baby, "Baby, please come out quickly. Daddy can't wait to see you."

End of the article (Part 2)

Jin Wei was also very nervous because she had cheated a large sum of money outside using Su Huaijing's name.

After returning to Shenzhen that time, she begged for forgiveness. Although Su Huaijing did not drive her away, he no longer allowed her to spend money without restraint as before.

Moreover, Su Huaijing clearly stated that he would not get a marriage certificate with her, nor would he take her to Country C.

There is nothing to gain, so why should she waste her time on an old man?

So Jin Wei took advantage of the last chance and used Su Huaijing's name and official seal to sign a contract outside to defraud the advance payment.

The boss behind the company that she was defrauded of money was Luo Yuanfeng.

Just when she was about to run away, she was caught by Luo Yuanfeng.

For such a huge amount of money, she will go to jail.

"I'll return all your money to you, please don't call the police, okay?"

Jin Wei begged bitterly, she didn't want to go to jail.

Why is she so unlucky? She was caught even when she was about to leave. It's all because of Ye Jiang who is unlucky for her.

From the very beginning, Luo Yuanfeng had set up the trap and was waiting for Jin Wei to take the bait, and this stupid woman really did take the bait.

I don't know what her brain is for.

"I don't need you to pay me back."

Luo Yuanfeng said: "But you have to help me do one thing."

"What's up?"

Jin Wei said anxiously: "I will definitely help you do it."

As long as she doesn't have to pay back the money, she is willing to do anything. I just don't know if what Luo Yuanfeng asks her to do is difficult?

Can she do it.

"Su Huaijing is going to invite a few children to dinner at the small western-style building tonight, right?"

"Yes, that's what happened."

Jin Wei wondered, could it be that Luo Yuanfeng wanted to make friends with Su Huaijing and asked her to introduce him?

But she deceived Su Huaijing and stole his official and private seals, and he might find out at any time, so it was too dangerous to go back.

"Go find Ye Jiang and bring her to the western-style building."

Luo Yuanfeng gave her an address and continued, "It's not the small western-style building that Su Huaijing just bought to leave for his daughter, but the one that's under construction in the back. Do you understand?"

Jin Wei took the address and looked at it. Isn't this the Western-style building in the same area as Su Huaijing's house? It was indeed under construction.

"Whose building is this?

Why did you bring Ye Jiang there?"

"Don't ask questions that you shouldn't ask!"

Luo Yuanfeng's face darkened. "I don't care what method you use, you must bring Ye Jiang over."

"As long as you bring Ye Jiang over, I won't pursue the money you cheated me of,"

Luo Yuanfeng handed her an envelope in his hand, "Here is the ticket I bought for you for tomorrow morning at nine o'clock. After you finish this, you have to go to the station overnight."

Jin Wei was very conflicted, as cheating people out of money was the worst thing she had ever done in her life.

It's not impossible to deceive Ye Jiang, but what does Luo Yuanfeng want to do?

If anything happened to Ye Jiang, Mu Liancheng and her sons would find her and tear her to pieces no matter where they went.

Luo Yuanfeng saw her hesitation and said firmly: "If you don't want to, pay the money back now. Do you think Su Huaijing will still want you if he knows that you used his name to cheat money outside?"

"By then you will be penniless and kicked out by Su Huaijing. Just imagine how miserable your fate will be."

Every day without money is a torture for Jin Wei. She has become so spoiled that she has no way to work and earn money.

"Then I'll bring Ye Jiang over. Will you really give me the money?"

"I mean what I say."

Jin Wei gritted his teeth and said, "Okay, I'll go find Ye Jiang now, but what if Mu Liancheng is at home? He is a very cautious person."

Luo Yuanfeng smiled faintly, "He had an urgent matter at work, so he was called back. Now Ye Jiang is the only one at home. You should hurry up. You will have no chance when he comes back."


"Secretary Mu, there is an important impromptu meeting tonight. Several leaders have arrived. I asked you to come over now."

"Tell the leaders I can't leave."

If it were any other day, Mu Liancheng would have gone, but today no one was at home. If he left, who would be at home to accompany his wife?

Xiao Gu looked embarrassed. Even Secretary Cui had come over. If he couldn't call Mu Liancheng over, he would definitely be scolded.

But Secretary Mu was very determined. Everyone knew that Secretary Mu was most afraid of his wife. His wife was about to give birth, and he had already written a note asking for leave.

But tonight this matter is really urgent.

Seeing that Xiao Gu's eyebrows were wrinkled, Ye Jiang said to Mu Liancheng, "Look at how embarrassed Xiao Gu is. He is also listening to his leader. Don't embarrass him. Go over quickly."

Mu Liancheng hesitated for a moment, "Okay then, I'll be back as soon as possible. You won't give birth tonight, right?"

"There is no sign of activation at all."

Ye Jiang smiled and said, "Not so fast. I definitely won't give birth tonight."

Not long after Mu Liancheng left, Jin Wei came and knocked on her yard door.

Ye Jiang opened the door halfway and saw that it was Jin Wei who didn't bother to pay attention to her, "What are you doing here?

There is nothing to talk about between us."

As she was about to close the door, Jin Wei hurriedly squeezed half a foot in, "Ye Jiang, I'm here to apologize to you. Please take a few minutes to listen to me."

Jin Wei's feet blocked the door, and Ye Jiang couldn't close it. She said impatiently, "Hurry up and tell me."

I don't know what this woman is up to.

"Su Huaijing asked me to invite you to dinner at his home. He is very satisfied with Xiao Nan and plans to return to Shenzhen tomorrow. He said he wants to discuss the two children with you in the evening."

"Didn't you say two days?

So urgent? "

Ye Jiang was quite skeptical.

Jin Wei said hurriedly, "We had a pleasant chat tonight, and then it seemed like something urgent happened in Shenzhen. The tickets for tomorrow morning have been bought, so they asked me to come to you."

"With so many people, why did they let you come?"

All four children were there, so it wouldn't be strange no matter who called her, but it would be too strange if it was Jin Wei.

Jin Wei secretly hated Ye Jiang, wondering why he was so alert. It was so annoying.

Her family might come back at any time, so she had to hurry.

"I took the initiative to ask to come and pick you up."

Jin Wei cried and said, "Ye Jiang, I am really miserable now. Su Huaijing said that he would not get married with me. I must ask for your forgiveness if I want to stay with him. I don't have any survival skills at all now. Where can I go without Su Huaijing?"

"I didn't want to come, but Su Huaijing said that if I couldn't invite you tonight, he would ask me not to go back to Shenzhen with him tomorrow and asked me to apologize sincerely."

"I beg you, please have pity on me and come with me. You have to discuss Xiao Nan and Su Xi's matter with Su Huaijing anyway."

Ye Jiang was annoyed by her noise. Since it was Su Huaijing who invited her, she decided to go over.

"Wait a moment, I'll leave a note for Mu Liancheng."

If she hasn't returned when the man comes back, Mu Liancheng will be extremely worried.

Ye Jiang put the note on the table in the main room, closed the door and went out with Jin Wei.

She was still extremely vigilant along the way, and only felt relieved when she saw that Jin Wei indeed took her to the old villa area.

Susie said that her father had just bought her a western-style house here, and Xiao Nan and his family had dinner in the newly bought house in the evening.

But Ye Jiang didn't know which building it was.

"Ye Jiang, this is it."

Jin Wei pushed open the door and stood at the gate waiting for Ye Jiang to come in.

Ye Jiang saw that the house was brightly lit and could faintly smell the aroma of food. She did not suspect anything and followed Jin Wei in.

"Please sit in the living room for a while. They are in the study upstairs. I will go and call them."

Jin Wei slipped away without waiting for Ye Jiang's answer. She ran to the backyard and Luo Yuanfeng was waiting for her at the back door.

"It's OK now."

Jin Wei's face turned pale. "Can I leave now?"

She was becoming more and more frightened. She didn't know what this man was going to do and she vaguely felt that she was making a big mistake.

But she couldn't care less now, she just wanted to escape quickly.

"You go now."

Luo Yuanfeng warned, "Leave here immediately and don't tell anyone."

Jin Wei ran away from Luo Yuanfeng, out of the backyard and disappeared into the night.

Luo Yuanfeng locked the door from the inside. He walked slowly to the living room and smiled gently when he saw Ye Jiang.

"You're here."

Ye Jiang: "..."


She reacted very quickly and realized at once that she had been tricked by Jin Wei and Luo Yuanfeng.

Her sons live in a western-style building in this area, but unfortunately, she is now with a lunatic.

Luo Yuanfeng saw that Ye Jiang remained calm and felt a little impressed by her.

This woman is quite calm.

"You are pregnant and are about to give birth."

Luo Yuanfeng said: "I advise you to think about the baby in your belly and not to act rashly and try to climb the wall when I'm not paying attention."

He smiled and said, "It would be bad if you fell."

Ye Jiang: "..." This psychopath.

"Tell me, what do you want me to do?"

Ye Jiang thought that when her family found out she was missing, she hoped someone would suspect Luo Yuanfeng.

"I've cooked a lot of dishes. Let's eat and chat in the restaurant."

Luo Yuanfeng walked into the restaurant and considerately pulled out a chair for Ye Jiang.

"I've eaten, you can eat it yourself."

Ye Jiang sat down at the table and asked, "How long do you plan to keep me locked up?"

Luo Yuanfeng was stunned for a moment, thought about what Ye Jiang had just said, and then laughed.

"You misunderstood. I won't hurt you. I asked you to come here only because I want to see my son."

He sighed, "Xiao Nan refused to see me. I think as long as you are here, he should come again."

Ye Jiang suddenly remembered the nightmare that Mu Liancheng had told her before, in which she dreamed that Xiao Nan pushed Luo Yuanfeng down to the construction site.

Behind the main building, a three-story building is indeed being built, and it's not finished yet and is a construction site...

Ye Jiang felt cold in her heart and was very worried about her son. She thought it would be better if Xiao Nan didn't come, as she was afraid that Mu Liancheng's nightmare would come true.

"Has Xiao Nan been to your place?"

"Why, didn't he tell you?"

Luo Yuanfeng took the chopsticks and ate the food on the table slowly and leisurely by himself.

"He came here once a month ago and sat where you are now. We had a pretty unhappy argument that time, and he never wanted to see me again after that."

Ye Jiang thought that Luo Yuanfeng must have lost his temper and said something that irritated Xiao Nan, so his son didn't want to pay attention to him anymore.

You deserve it!

"Jin Wei should have run away, right?"

Ye Jiang said: "Then no one will know that I came to your place at night. How could Xiao Nan know that you tricked me into coming here?"

"There's no point in you doing this."

Ye Jiang tried to persuade the man not to continue going crazy.

"Luo Yuanfeng, Xiao Nan is really a very kind-hearted child. He doesn't want to see you now, it's all your fault. You can try to ease the situation in a different way. Maybe one day he will be willing to call you dad."

"That's too late."

Luo Yuanfeng had a painful look on his face. "I killed Arou with my own hands. Xiao Nan knows about it."

His son is so smart, he must have known it that day, right?

Ye Jiang: "..."

This guy is really a lunatic. Although she had guessed this result, she still couldn't calm down after hearing Luo Yuanfeng admit it himself.

How could he... kill his favorite woman with his own hands?

He's crazy.

Looking at Ye Jiang who was speechless, Luo Yuanfeng said, "Don't be afraid. I have said that I will not hurt you or the baby in your belly. I am just waiting for my son to come. When he comes, you can go home."

Ye Jiang didn't believe what he said. If he was telling the truth, how could Mu Liancheng have that nightmare?

If Xiao Nan came over, Luo Yuanfeng would plan how to provoke the poor child.

Hasn't he been hurt enough?

Luo Yuanfeng thought it was boring to eat alone, so he asked her, "Ye Jiang, don't you want to know why I killed the woman I love the most?"

Ye Jiang: "..." I didn't want to ask at all, because this guy was crazy.

"Do not want to know."

She answered very straightforwardly, she didn't want to be a spiritual mentor to this madman, it was not worth it.

This person's heart is twisted and cannot be saved.

Luo Yuanfeng didn't expect Ye Jiang to answer him like this.

He thought about it and felt unwilling, "Arou said at that time that I was not as good as Mu Liancheng, I didn't understand, I love her so much, how could I not be as good as Mu Liancheng?"

"You really want to know?"

Ye Jiang paused for a moment and said, "Forget it, I won't say anything. If you get angry after hearing it, I can't even guarantee my personal safety."

"Why do you think so badly of me?"

Luo Yuanfeng put down his chopsticks, led Ye Jiang to the living room, pointed to the bedrooms on the second floor and said, "The bedding in the rooms upstairs is complete. Which one do you want to sleep in?"

"I am not sleepy."

Ye Jiang couldn't sleep, so he sat on the sofa in the living room.

"It's getting a little chilly."

Luo Yuanfeng found a soft wool blanket and handed it to Ye Jiang, "Cover yourself with it, don't let your stomach get cold."

Ye Jiang still felt chilled even as he hugged the blanket. This man was a murderer.

How did he sit there without changing his expression and still look like a gentle gentleman who is basking in the spring breeze?

And handed her a blanket...

Have Xiao Nan and the others returned home?

Has Mu Liancheng returned home?

Did anyone in the family know she was missing?

She was obviously not far away from her sons.

"You haven't answered my question yet?"

Luo Yuanfeng sat down on the single sofa next to him. "The night is so long. If you are not sleepy, just tell me. I won't be angry. I just want to understand everything."

Ye Jiang lay on the sofa and closed his eyes, several thoughts running through his mind, wondering if he could escape from here.

But when she looked at her belly which was about to give birth, all her worries were dispelled.

"I'm not Xiao Rou, so I don't know what she was thinking at the time. But when Xiao Rou wanted to divorce Mu Liancheng, Mu Liancheng let her go. When Xiao Rou wanted to leave you, what about you?

What have you done! Can't you compare yourself? "

How dare you ask her?

Selective blindness?

Luo Yuanfeng just didn't want to admit his failure and couldn't tolerate Xiao Rou's disappointment in him. What was he planning to do to Xiao Nan now?

This madman.

Ye Jiang was very anxious.

Ye Jiang's words made Luo Yuanfeng's heart surge. Xiao Rou thought that he was inferior to Mu Liancheng just because he refused to let her go?

How ridiculous! It's obvious that Xiao Rou changed her mind because she couldn't stand the hardship.

Luo Yuanfeng turned off all the lights. "Since you don't want to sleep in the bedroom, you can sleep on the sofa. It's weird to leave the lights on in the room so late. After all, I don't usually live here."


"Xiao Nan, from now on, my Su Su will be handed over to you."

Su Huaijing was quite satisfied with this dinner, not because of the food, but because of his daughter's partner.

It's a pity that I didn't meet Ye Jiang today, but Xiao Nan's character is beyond reproach, and Ye Jiang, who raised him, must be no mistake.

And Su Su said that Ye Jiang is very easy to get along with.

"Don't worry, Uncle Su, I will take good care of Susie."

Xiao Nan is usually a calm and steady type, and although he doesn't talk much, every word he says carries weight.

Susie looked at the boy she liked with joy in her eyes. Now even her father didn't object to them, so she could stay.

Xiao Nan was worried about their mother being at home, and was anxious to go back. "Uncle Su, Xiao Nan and I will go back first. We are worried about my mother being alone at home."

Su Huaijing looked at the time and saw that it was getting late. "Okay, you guys go back."

Xiao Nan left the house and said to his brother, "Xiao Nan, take Xiao Qiu home. I'll go home to see our mom first."


Mu Xiangnan agreed, and he was also worried about his mother. No one was at home today, and he didn't know what time his father would be back.

"I'll go back after I send Xiao Qiu home."

When Xiao Nan got home, his grandparents and his younger brothers and sisters were not back yet, but he saw the note left by his mother in the main room.

His mother said she followed Jin Wei to the villa to find them?

Xiao Nan ran out subconsciously, then turned back after thinking about it, and wrote a few more words on the blank space below the note: Uncle Mu, I didn't see my mother, I'm going to find her now.

In less than twenty minutes, Xiao Nan returned to Su Huaijing's house and knocked on the door desperately.

When Susie heard the knock on the door, she quickly crawled out of bed and opened the door. When she saw it was Xiao Nan, she said in surprise, "Why are you back?"

Xiao Nan pedaled his bike as fast as he could, his lungs almost bursting, "Jin...Where's Jin Wei?

Why isn't she home tonight?"

I always felt something was wrong while having dinner, and now I realize that I didn't see Jin Wei who was supposed to be at home.

"She said she had an appointment tonight and won't be back."

Susie said confusedly, "I'll ask my dad."

She turned and shouted towards the bedroom on the second floor: "Dad, come down for a moment."

Su Huaijing walked down the stairs and asked, "Xiao Nan, why are you back again?"

Xiao Nan's face turned pale. "My mother is missing. She left a note saying that you asked Jin Wei to bring her here."

There was absolutely no mistake in Ye Jiang's handwriting. The person must have left with Jin Wei, but Jin Wei did not take his mother back to the Su family's villa.

Xiao Nan was so frightened that he broke out in a cold sweat.

Su Huaijing's face also turned pale. What was Jin Wei doing?

"I didn't ask Jin Wei to look for your mother. Jin Wei told me that she would be playing cards with some ladies at night and would not be back until very late. How could she go to look for your mother?"

"have no idea."

Xiao Nan thought of countless possibilities in his mind but couldn't figure it out. "Uncle Su, please help me call the police. I'm going to my aunt's house to look for her now."

Xiao Nan had no better idea for the moment and could only look for it in familiar places.

Su Huaijing knew that Ye Jiang was about to give birth in the next two days. Now that she was missing and it was related to Jin Wei, he felt extremely regretful.

Why didn't I make up my mind to break up with Jin Wei last time? I softened my heart after she cried for several days.

If anything happened to Ye Jiang, the relationship between Susie and Xiao Nan would be over.

He hurriedly said: "Then Susie and I will go to the police station to report the crime."


Xiao Nan couldn't run anymore after just a few steps. The more he thought about it, the more he felt something was wrong. Since Uncle Su didn't ask Jin Wei to pick up his mother, then who asked Jin Wei to go?

Is that the person?

He was in mixed feelings and didn't have time to think too much. He immediately ran to the villa that Luo Yuanfeng had taken him to last time.

There was no light inside, and Xiao Nan was not sure. He must have been overthinking it. If it was Luo Yuanfeng, how could he let Jin Wei trick his mother to a place he knew.

There was no light in the room, so it didn't look like anyone was there.

But still take a look at it to rest assured.

He remembered that the area at the back was under construction and that he could climb in.

Luo Yuanfeng heard the noise in the backyard from inside the house and said, "Xiao Nan is the same kid. He could have just knocked on the door, but he insisted on going to the back. What if he falls in the dark? There are steel bars and nails all over the floor that haven't been cleaned up."

Ye Jiang was thinking darkly: It was you, you bastard, who turned off all the lights, and Xiao Nan didn't know there was anyone in the room, so what could he do?

"Why don't you turn on the light?

Don't you just want him to come?"

Luo Yuanfeng didn't care about Ye Jiang at this time, "The switch is on the wall on your left, find it yourself."

After saying that, he hurried to the construction site in the backyard.

Ye Jiang became anxious and her stomach began to ache. She took deep breaths and it took several minutes for the first wave of pain to stop.

No way, giving birth to a baby at this time?

She felt along the wall and turned on the light.

Xiao Nan climbed up the high outer wall, followed the scaffolding and just entered the small building which was still under construction, he saw that the lights in the main house were on.

There is someone in the house...

There was a man standing in the backyard. Xiao Nan could clearly see his outline in the dark night, and all he felt was disgust for his biological father.

"This is another good thing you did, right?

Where's my mom!"

Was the person who turned on the light in the room just now his mother or Jin Wei?

"She is in the house. The moonlight is beautiful tonight."

Luo Yuanfeng walked up the stairs to the roof of the unfinished building, sat down on the cement platform, patted the empty space beside him, and said, "Come, watch the moon with Dad."

When he was sent to the mining area and his life was the most difficult, he liked to sit alone in a high place, looking up at the moon in the sky, so that he would not feel so miserable.

Xiao Nan looked up at the moon obscured by dark clouds and thought to himself that this man was indeed crazy.

You tricked his mother here just to get him to see the moon covered by dark clouds?

What's wrong with this?

"I want to take my mother away."

Xiao Nan said.

Luo Yuanfeng looked at his son quietly. It was useless to talk to this child nicely. He had to use both coaxing and scaring.

"Okay, I'll let you take her away today, but what about tomorrow?

If she disappears again tomorrow, you may not be able to find her here."

"What do you want?"

Luo Yuanfeng threatened him with his family just to make him change his surname?

So if he changes his surname, will he stop harassing his family?

Xiao Nan said, "I'm changing my last name with you, and you have to promise not to disturb my family again."

Luo Yuanfeng was very satisfied. See, this is the only way he would compromise.

He said, "You have to come with me, leave City C, leave Ye Jiang's family, and we will be a family. If your girlfriend is willing, you can take her with us. If you want to go to Shenzhen, that's fine too."

"Don't push your luck. I won't leave City C. My brothers and sisters, my mom, and my family are here. I won't leave."

Ye Jiang waited until the labor pains had temporarily passed and hurried to the backyard. She saw Xiao Nan and Luo Yuanfeng standing on the roof of the three-story building. There was no guardrail and a lot of wood and steel were scattered on the ground.

Isn't this scene the same as the dream described by Mu Liancheng?

That lunatic Luo Yuanfeng keeps stimulating Xiao Nan's rationality. It would be terrible if Xiao Nan loses control and pushes Luo Yuanfeng down.

If that lunatic Luo Yuanfeng wants to die, don't drag her son with him.


When Xiao Nan saw Ye Jiang, his nerves that had been irritated by Luo Yuanfeng recovered a little.

Ye Jiang didn't dare let Xiao Nan stay there any longer. She was afraid that Luo Yuanfeng would continue talking nonsense. If Xiao Nan couldn't control herself and pushed him down, the child's life would be ruined.

No matter how bad Luo Yuanfeng is, he is still Xiao Nan's biological father. If he accidentally kills his biological father, Xiao Nan will never get over the psychological hurdle for the rest of his life.

"Son, come down and talk."

"Well, I'll go down now, Mom, let's go home."

Xiao Nan didn't want to stay with Luo Yuanfeng at all now. When he got home, his mother would definitely find a way to help him get rid of Luo Yuanfeng's entanglement.

Xiao Nan wanted to go down, but Luo Yuanfeng wouldn't let him. He grabbed Xiao Nan's arm and the two of them were in a stalemate on the roof.

Luo Yuanfeng sneered: "You are quite stubborn. You know Dad's methods. Today it was your mother, next time it could be your brother, and your girlfriend. I think she likes you to death, so she must be very easy to deceive."

"Oh, by the way, the one you care about the most is your little sister, what's her name?


Do you think I can handle a girl who only knows how to learn martial arts and fight with her male classmates all day long?"

Xiao Nan was about to collapse. Why? Why would they threaten him with his family, the people he cared about most?

"Are you crazy?"

He pointed at Luo Yuanfeng and said angrily: "Don't force me... I can do anything for them!"

Ye Jiang understood that in Mu Liancheng's dream, Luo Yuanfeng threatened Xiao Nan in this way. If he continued to talk, the nightmare would probably become a reality.

Before she could say anything, Luo Yuanfeng said ruthlessly: "Do you want to know how your mother died?

If she wants to leave me just like you, I will push her into the rocks rolling down from the landslide, and then your mother will never leave me. I don't want to keep you this way!"

"I can be cruel to your mother, do you think I can be cruel to your younger brothers and sisters?"

The string of rationality in Xiao Nan's mind was shattered. Luo Yuanfeng killed his biological mother and threatened his adoptive mother, as well as his younger brothers and sisters.

He couldn't hear what Ye Jiang was saying downstairs at all.

He had only one thought in his mind, that he must not let the man in front of him continue to harm his relatives.

Luo Yuanfeng said: "If you don't want them to die, then come with me."

Xiao Nan just felt that the person opposite him was extremely terrifying, like a devil.

He pushed the devil away.

Luo Yuanfeng fell backwards. There was no guardrail on the platform and he fell straight to the ground.

Xiao Nan didn't intend to push Luo Yuanfeng down. He subconsciously tried to pull him, but failed.

Another big hand grabbed Luo Yuanfeng from the side. Luo Yuanfeng thought he would be disabled if not dead. But when he saw clearly who saved him, he laughed at himself.

"Mu Liancheng, why did you save me?"

Mu Liancheng frowned, "Just get it clear, I saved Xiao Nan, not you!"

He wished he could let go right now and let this madman fall to death.

But it wasn't possible, because it was Xiao Nan who pushed the person. If he let go, Xiao Nan would not only have to bear legal responsibility, but he would also never have peace of mind for the rest of his life.

When he returned home, he saw the note left by Ye Jiang and the words added by Xiao Nan on it. He immediately rushed to Su Huaijing's house. When he saw the police officers at his door, his heart skipped a beat. After asking about the situation, Mu Liancheng immediately thought of the dream.

It turns out that it wasn't just a dream?

Following the memories in the dream, he and the police actually found the western-style building under construction, which was exactly the same as the one in the dream.

So his wife and son are also in that small building under construction?

Mu Liancheng didn't have time to think too much, and climbed up the scaffolding along the back wall from the same position as Xiao Nan, just in time to grab Luo Yuanfeng who was falling.

"The police outside heard what you just said."

Mu Liancheng pulled Luo Yuanfeng up and said, "You killed the child's biological mother. I'm not the only one who heard this. Murder means death. Luo Yuanfeng, you wait to be punished by law. You will never have the chance to hurt my wife and child again."

Luo Yuanfeng looked ashen.

After Luo Yuanfeng was taken away, Xiao Nan's face was numb. How could that man be his biological father?

Mu Liancheng didn't know how to comfort his adopted son. He thought of many words and finally patted his shoulder. "Go home. Susie and your brothers and sisters are still waiting for you. From now on... I will be your father."

Ye Jiang felt relieved. Fortunately, Mu Liancheng arrived in time and prevented the nightmare from coming true.

The pain in her stomach became more and more frequent, and she couldn't help it, "Can you two stop hanging around upstairs chatting?

I feel like I'm about to give birth."

End of the article (Part 3)

"Luo Yuanfeng, you are so despicable. You said you wouldn't let me pay back the money, so why did you call the police to arrest me?"

Jin Wei was caught by police from the train station in the early morning. In the police station, she passed by the handcuffed Luo Yuanfeng.

She knew that Ye Jiang was her nemesis, so she tricked Ye Jiang into going to Luo Yuanfeng's house, and ended up being caught.

The rest of her life was over.

Luo Yuanfeng had an indifferent expression on his face and didn't say a word.

He did say that he didn't want Jin Wei to pay back the money, but he never said that he wouldn't report her.

This woman had cheated his son, how could he let her go?

Jin Wei looked at Luo Yuanfeng being taken away and cursed in her heart. If it weren't for Luo Yuanfeng, how could she have ended up like this.

She wished that Luo Yuanfeng would die a miserable death.

"Comrade police officer, what crime did that man commit? How many years will he be sentenced to?"

Jin Wei wished that Luo Yuanfeng could never get out again, and it would be best if he was locked up in there for the rest of his life.

Don't come out and harm others.

The police looked at Luo Yuanfeng's calm back and couldn't help but be secretly shocked. Who would have thought that the wealthy businessman with a gentle and elegant appearance was actually a murderer many years ago.

that person?

I'm afraid I can never get out again.

The police officer shouted coldly: "Is this something you should ask?

Give your own problem a clear account."

"Okay, I'll tell you."

Jin Wei had a bitter face. Until now, she still didn't understand why she ended up like this.

Her ex-husband Qin Wei pursued a career in politics and is now the city leader of City C. If she had not divorced him, she would now be Mrs. Qin.

When her aunt introduced her to Mu Liancheng, if she had not disliked the fact that he had three children, would all the good days that belonged to Ye Jiang now belong to her?

After hooking up with Su Huaijing, if she had not selfishly wanted to go back to City C to show off to her former friends, but had stayed in Shenzhen, she would be enjoying a life in a big villa in Shenzhen today instead of being imprisoned.

She really regretted every decision she made.

She had at least three chances in her life, but she made the wrong choices each time. Wrong...

Jin Wei suddenly felt cold all over. Was her life ruined by herself?

Regret it now.


"Who is Ye Jiang's family member?"

"We are her parents."

"We are her sons."

Mu Liancheng thought that the person inside was his wife, so why was he squeezed to the back?

"I am her husband."

Mu Liancheng walked forward and waited for his wife to come out so that she would be the first one to see him.

The nurse in the obstetrics and gynecology department smiled and said, "It's born, a boy and a girl, twins. A family member, please push the mother back to the ward."

Ye Jiang, who had just given birth, was pushed out and all the family members surrounded her.

"Ajiang, I will never let you have a child again."

Mu Liancheng held his wife's hand, not knowing how to express his heartache.

His wife gave birth in there for seven or eight hours, which exhausted him.

I will never let my wife have children again.

Everyone was busy looking at Ye Jiang, and no one paid attention to the two children when they were sent out. Mu Xiangbei was squeezed out of the crowd and saw the tiny, wrinkled baby. He curiously held the nurse's hand and couldn't stop looking at it.

The younger brother and sister are so cute, they look exactly the same.

Was it like this when he and Xiaoxi were just born?

Seeing the little kids who were ignored by everyone, Mu Xiangbei really cared about them. He promised the two kids, "Brother will protect you from now on."

Seeing that everyone was surrounding her and that her newborn baby was nowhere to be seen, Ye Jiang quickly grabbed the man's hand and said, "Mu Liancheng, go check on your child."

"The child is here."

Mu Liancheng turned around and took the two little babies from his sons. They were soft and tender little kids, sleeping with their eyes closed, with exactly the same eyebrows and features.

This is his and Ye Jiang's child.

Mu Liancheng put the child in Ye Jiang's arms, "Ah Jiang, you are tired, go to sleep for a while, I promise that when you wake up, the children and I will be by your side."

Ye Jiang looked at the cute little twins in her arms, and a stone in her heart finally fell to the ground.

Ye's father and mother did not suffer in their lives. They came to City C early. Mu Liancheng did not die. She met him in her best years.

Xiaonan is also fine, and he and his brother Xiaonan have avoided manslaughter.

She has no regrets in her life.

Ye Jiang was very sleepy and closed her eyes with peace of mind. She knew that when she woke up, her parents, husband and children would still be by her side.


During the full moon banquet, Mu Liancheng's elder sister Mu Lianhua came.

"Sister, it's OK for you to be here. How can you carry so many things by yourself?"

After Ye Jiang finished her confinement, she squatted in the yard and watched Mu Lianhua and Ye's mother pack up the things they had brought.

"Why can't I carry it anymore? This is much easier than carrying a load in the fields."

Mu Lianhua had just seen the little twins and was in high spirits.

"I was ready when I knew you were pregnant. These six old hens are alive. You can keep them in the yard and eat one every three days. There are also these 200 free-range eggs. The weather is not too hot now, so you can store them."

There were also a lot of peanuts, sun-dried dates, and homemade sesame oil. Ye Jiang got tired of squatting and sat on a small stool nearby, smiling and saying, "You can buy all of these here."

"The ones you buy are not as good as the ones you raise at home."

Mu Lianhua neatly locked the old hens into the newly built chicken coop, and when she saw a nest of rabbits next to them, she asked in surprise, "You guys are still raising rabbits?

This thing is not as delicious as an old hen."

Ye Jiang pointed at the rabbit's long ears and said, "This is Mu Xiaoxi's pet. She has raised it for more than a year. I dare not eat her little rabbit."

Mother Ye made some tea and served some snacks. "Liancheng's elder sister, please sit down and chat with A Jiang at home for a while. I'm going to call Old Ye back. I don't know where he went to show off again."

"Sister, is everything okay at home?"

Ye Jiang handed the cup of hot tea to Mu Lianhua.

"Everything is fine. Two years ago, our family changed to the responsibility system. We are no longer a large collective. Every household is motivated to work, and life is much better than before."

"I raise chickens and ducks for myself, and I also raise two pigs. I have cleared some wasteland in front of and behind the house to grow beans. The harvest is getting better every year."

There were some things Mu Lianhua didn't know whether she should say or not. Ye Jiang saw her hesitation and asked hurriedly, "Sister, if you have something to say, just tell me. I'm worried about you being so hesitant."

"Well, I am also being pestered by the second brother and his friends, otherwise I would not mention these troublesome things to you, so as not to cause you trouble."

If it was Mu Liancheng's brothers who asked the elder sister to pass on a message, then it must be a family matter. Ye Jiang said, "It's okay, sister. Go ahead."

Mu Lianhua sighed, "Wu Zhilan is sick. I think she is really in a bad condition this time. She may not make it to the New Year. She told us that she wants to see you, Liancheng, and the children."

"Why do you want to see me?"

Ye Jiang didn't really want to go back, "Isn't it enough that she has her own son and grandson guarding her?"

It seems that Ye Jiang has never returned to Shanshui Village since he left it. He usually only communicates with Mu Lianhua through phone calls or letters.

When she was in college, Mu Liancheng was away for four years. She couldn't leave with the child, so it was Mu Lianhua who went back and forth between City C.

However, every time the three younger brothers came to Mu Liancheng, they would ask their eldest sister to bring some local specialties from home.

Ye Jiang had no problem with Mu Liancheng's brothers, but not Wu Zhilan.

Mu Lianhua held the teacup, thinking of her three younger brothers' pleadings, and could only say:

"Ah, I don't know what Wu Zhilan is thinking. She tells her sons every day that she just wants to see you before she dies. I also agree that you should not go back, so as not to see her quarreling and getting angry again."

Since Ye Jiang doesn't want to go back, don't force him.

My aunt came today, and the children went home early. Ye Jiang pointed at Su Xi and Mu Lianhua and said, "Sister, this is Xiao Nan's girlfriend."

"Hello, aunt."

Susie is not shy at all, and she is very happy that Xiao Nan can take her home to meet relatives.

Mu Lianhua quickly took out a red envelope and said, "This is our first meeting, you must give it up."

Susie didn't know the rules of her hometown, so she asked coquettishly, "Aunt Ye, should I take it?"

Ye Jiang smiled and nodded, "Just take what your aunt gave you."

"Thank you, aunt."

Ye Jiang pulled the shy Qiu Yibei to Mu Lianhua again, "Sister, this is Xiaonan's girlfriend."

Qiu Yibei blushed and called out, "Hello, aunt."


Mu Lianhua happily took out another red envelope and stuffed it into her hand.

Oh my God, Xiaonan already has a girlfriend. Mu Lianhua felt happy just thinking about it. That year, this skinny boy was treated harshly by his step-grandmother in his hometown and didn't even have a piece of clothing that fit him.

Now he is in college and has grown into a grown man, as tall and handsome as his father.

If it weren't for Ye Jiang, her brother wouldn't have such a happy life today.

So Mu Lianhua immediately put Wu Zhilan's obsession behind her and never mentioned it again.

Mu Lianhua stayed for two days and then went back. On the day she left, Qiu Yibei and Susie came to see her off. They bought a lot of specialties from City C. Mu Lianhua's empty luggage bag was filled even more when she left.

At the end of December, there was a call from home saying that Wu Zhilan would not last long and wanted to see the eldest brother and his family, so she asked Ye Jiang if he could go back.

Mu Liancheng did not respond, and said, "I'll go back and ask my wife."

The man and his sons were waiting for Ye Jiang to make a decision. Ye Jiang thought for a moment and said, "Then let's go back."

It didn't matter if she decided to go back. Susie heard it and ran over, "Aunt Ye, I want to go back with you too."

What is this young lady going to do by following him? Ye Jiang advised her with a smile.

"Susie, Aunt Xiaonan's place is in the countryside, and the accommodation conditions there aren't as good as in City C. I'm afraid you'll want to come back after just one day."

"no, I can not."

Susie hugged Xiao Nan's arm and assured, "I'm used to living here. I just want to be with Xiao Nan and don't want to be apart for a day."

Xiao Nan blushed, "With so many people coming, there won't be enough room at home. Don't go."

"I'll go."

Susie was anxious. "At worst, I can sleep on the floor. I also slept on the floor when I went to buy goods with you last time."

Qiu Yibei, who came to help Ye Jiang pack her luggage, also wanted to go, but was too embarrassed to ask.

Now that Su Xi had mentioned it, she also said nervously: "Aunt Ye, I want to go too, but...can I?"

Qiu Yibi still longed to follow Mu Xiangnan back to his hometown. Su Xi said that she didn't want to be separated from Brother Xiao Nan for even a day, and she also didn't want to be separated from Mu Xiangnan for even a moment.

I just don't know if Aunt Ye agrees.

Since they wanted to go, Ye Jiang looked at the two older sons who were reluctant to part with their partners and discussed with Mu Liancheng, "How about we go together?"

"Okay, you have the final say."

The man had no objection at all.

Qiu Yibei and Susie looked at each other, happily went back to pack their luggage, and went to the station with their partners to buy tickets.

When Ye Jiang and his family arrived at Shanshui Village, half of the production team came to watch the fun.

The large courtyard where Wu Zhilan lived alone became lively for the first time.

She opened her cloudy eyes in the house and asked her son, "Is the eldest brother back?"

Mu Lao Er helped his mother sit up, "Brother and sister-in-law are back with the child."

The old lady hasn't been making much trouble in the past two years. After the responsibility system was implemented, every household could live a prosperous life as long as they were willing to work hard, and many families built large red brick and tile houses.

Wu Zhilan's three blue brick and tile houses are not so conspicuous in the village.

"Please ask them to come in."

Wu Zhilan tidied her hair and clothes and sat waiting for the woman who became a stepmother like her.

Mu Lianhua and her sister-in-law helped Ye Jiang hold the two little twins and showed them to the neighbors gathered in the yard. They said to Ye Jiang, "It's too stuffy in the house. The little ones should not go in."


Ye Jiang took the children into Wu Zhilan's room.

The whole family, Mu Liancheng and Ye Jiang stood in front of the bed, Xiao Nan and Mu Xiangnan stood behind with their partners. Xiaoxi and Xiaobei could hardly remember what Wu Zhilan looked like, as she was only five years old when she left.

All they knew was that this step-grandmother treated them badly and often didn't give them food.

"Are you Ye Jiang?

How come you haven't changed at all, still the same as when you left that year?"

Wu Zhilan hurriedly took out a small mirror from under the pillow and looked at herself. She saw her dying face in the mirror and put the mirror down dejectedly.

"I'm not dreaming. You really are back."

Ye Jiang sat down beside her bed and said, "Aunt Wu, wasn't it you who asked us to come back?"

"Why did you come back with so many children?

Where is Xiaonan? Which one is Xiaonan? "

Wu Zhilan's eyes were blurry and she couldn't tell which was which.

Ye Jiang only took three children away back then. It's only been eight years. How come she brought back a house full of children?

"Xiao Nan, come here."

Ye Jiang waved and Mu Xiangnan stepped forward. He was tall, and when he stood beside the bed, Wu Zhilan had to look up.

He squatted beside the bed and followed Ye Jiang and called out, "Grandma Wu, I'm Xiaonan."

Mu Xiangnan no longer had the resentment he had as a teenager, and he could face Wu Zhilan calmly.

Ye Jiang said, "When Liancheng and I left the city, we adopted another child, named Xiaonan, and his girlfriend Susie also came with us."

The two men stepped forward and showed it to Wu Zhilan.

"The one on the left is Xiaonan's boyfriend, and the half-grown children next to them are Xiaoxi and Xiaobei. I took three with me when I left, and brought eight back when I came back. Oh, and the two I gave birth to are too young, so my eldest sister is holding them in the yard."

Wu Zhilan's cloudy eyes tried to find reluctance in Ye Jiang's eyes. How could she be so willing to be a stepmother to so many children at such a young age?

They are not your own children, so why should you be so sincere to them?

But she was disappointed. There was a satisfaction in Ye Jiang's eyes that she had never felt before.

Is Ye Jiang so satisfied with her life?

Wu Zhilan asked the children, "Xiaonan, is your stepmother good to you?

Has she abused you over the years?"

"My mother is very kind to us."

Mu Xiangnan said: "Grandma Wu, stepmothers can be very good, why were you not nice to my aunt and my father at that time?

Doesn't it mean that being a child is not filial?

Look at my mom. Everyone in the family listens to her. Our family is very happy now. Do you have anything else to ask?"

Wu Zhilan didn't say anything for a long time. Over the years, she never felt that she had missed anything.

She called Ye Jiang back just to see Ye Jiang's regret and resentment, so as to prove that what she did was not wrong at all.

She was wrong. Ye Jiang was very happy and the child was also happy.

But Wu Zhilan was not happy, and she didn't want to see this eye-catching Ye Jiang again.

"Ye Jiang, please go."

Wu Zhilan said: "I don't want you to see me off to my grave. If you were to be in front of my funeral hall, it would only highlight the failure and unhappiness of my second half of life."

"I have sons and grandchildren, and you..." She looked at the room full of energetic children, and her heart was bleeding.

"You are not my children, go away!"

The next day, Ye Jiang, the man and the children took the train back to City C.

"What about the two little ones?

Where did you take it to?"

In the sleeper compartment, Ye Jiang woke up from a nap. She was shocked when she couldn't see her child and asked Mu Liancheng quickly.

"In order to prevent you from sleeping, the brothers prepared the milk powder. Xiaoqiu and Xiaosu are holding them outside."

Mu Liancheng ruffled Ye Jiang's hair, "A Jiang, we are all here."

His wife has been worrying a lot lately. As soon as she wakes up, she's afraid that they're missing, and she always asks about it if she can't see them.

Ye Jiang climbed up from the bed, leaned on Mu Liancheng's shoulder, and watched the scenery passing by outside the car window.

None of the things I worried about when I left that year happened, or rather, they were all avoided.

The rest of my life should be smooth sailing.

She turned around and kissed the man's face, "Mu Liancheng, are you still dreaming?"

"If you have any dreams in the future, no matter whether they are good or bad, you must tell me immediately."

That way, even if something bad happens, it can be avoided early.

"No, I haven't had a nightmare since."

Mu Liancheng hugged his wife in his arms, "Ah Jiang, as long as I am here, our family will be safe and sound."

"But I had another dream, which felt like my past life. In that dream, we missed each other for many years. I felt really anxious and helpless when I saw it."

"A Jiang, I was really heartbroken, so I told myself in my dream that even in my dream, I must find you as soon as possible and take the initiative to marry you home so that you would not suffer so much."

Ye Jiang covered her mouth to prevent herself from crying. Did Mu Liancheng dream about things from his previous life?

Will he go to her ahead of time?

Does that mean I didn't have to live such a hard life in my previous life?

She had tears in her eyes, "Okay, you have to remember what you said and come find me as soon as possible."

(End of text)

Extra (I)

"Teacher Ye, there are many excellent male teachers at this social gathering. You must attend."

Teacher Zou tried his best to persuade the new young female teacher who taught the third grade to attend the social gathering.

"Oh...a sorority?"

Ye Jiang hasn't come back to his senses yet.

She had no idea what was going on.

Ever since she kicked Guo Yang so hard that he could not be inhumane on the wedding night, she had suffered a lot in the two years since she was harmed by that disgusting man, and she couldn't get a divorce.

Yesterday, they were at Guo Yang's house in City A and were arguing for a divorce. When Guo Yang was about to break her legs, he was stopped by his uncle Guo who came rushing over.

No one knew what Uncle Guo said to Guo Yang, but the man who swore to break her legs divorced her without saying a word.

After her divorce, Ye Jiang was transferred from City A to No. 1 Middle School in City C, where she was directly teaching Chinese to the third grade graduating class. She just reported to the school today.

Now she just wanted to go home as soon as possible to see if Ye's father and mother, who were sent to Z City to dig stones, had returned.

Ye Jiang politely refused, "I'm divorced, so I won't go to social gatherings."

Teacher Zou was stunned for a moment. How could such a young and beautiful female teacher be divorced?

That's a bit of a pity.

If she were single, she would definitely be the most popular among young men at the social gathering.

There were too few young women at this kind of dating party, so in order to make up the number of young women, Teacher Zou gave Ye Jiang a collection of essays that had just been printed by a publishing house.

"When you go back, write a note with your personal information and put it between the pages of the book. Remember to write that you are divorced and don't hide your divorce experience. If you like someone at the social gathering, exchange books with him."

At least we can get some people together.

Teacher Zou was very enthusiastic, and it looked like she would not give up unless Ye Jiang agreed.

Ye Jiang had no choice but to take the collection of essays that smelled of ink.

But she doesn't plan to go to the social gathering; she wants to get things straight first.

It has been more than ten years since Ye Jiang last returned to his small courtyard in City C. Taking the bus back home, he thought that the courtyard must be covered in dust and in disrepair.

I don't know how my parents are doing?

are you home yet?

Or went to graduate school?

"Ajahn, Ajahn, is that you?"

Just as they reached the gate of the yard, Ye's father and mother in the house heard footsteps outside and hurriedly opened the gate.

Seeing his parents whom he hadn't seen for three years, Ye Jiang threw himself into his mother's arms, "Mom, you're back too..."

The Ye family's small courtyard had obviously been carefully restored. The courtyard was clean and tidy, with a bunch of roses planted against the corner of the wall and an empty rabbit cage.

Ye Jiang was both touched and confused. Who on earth had helped Ye's mother and her, and been so thoughtful as to clean and renovate her house so that it could be lived in directly?

"Mom, what's going on?

Who transferred you back to City C?

Who helped us clean the yard? "

The yard, which had not been inhabited for more than ten years, would take at least ten days or half a month to repair to its current state. Ye Jiang thought about it and decided that the Ye family did not have such a kind relative.

Who on earth is it?

Mother Ye felt heartbroken when she saw her daughter, who was still as cute as ever after not seeing her for several years.

She is such a good girl, how could she be forced to get married by Guo Yang if her parents had not implicated her?

If it weren't for that person, her daughter would still be suffering in the Guo family, and she and her husband would still be sent to Z City to dig stones. How could they return to C City so quickly and enter the research institute?

"It was a captain named Mu Liancheng in the C City garrison who found a lot of materials to help apply to the superiors, so that my parents could return to C City."

"You were able to divorce Guo Yang smoothly because someone found evidence to report Guo Yang's second uncle's illegal activities. The Guo family thought that Captain Mu was our family's backer, so they didn't dare to offend him and let you go."

When Ye's mother heard the news, she was extremely surprised. Their family had no relationship with Captain Mu, so why would he help them?

"But we don't know this Captain Mu, why would he help our family?"

"Mu Liancheng?"

Ye Jiang tilted her head and thought about it. She remembered this man. He was the parent of a student she taught at Shanshui Village Primary School that year.

I met him once when I reported to school and we talked for a few words.

Just for a few words of friendship, Mu Liancheng spent so much effort to help her transfer her parents from City Z back to the research institute in City C?

You know, this is almost impossible to accomplish.

But Mu Liancheng did it.

He also helped Ye Jiang transfer back to City C and arranged for him to be a teacher at No. 1 Middle School.

Ye Jiang has made up his mind that he must repay such a big favor.

"Mom and Dad, Captain Mu is the parent of a student I taught in Shanshui Village. He did our family such a big favor, I must repay him."

"Return it, of course I have to return it."

Ye's father and mother nodded repeatedly, "So he is someone A Jiang knows. See what he needs the most right now. We must help him if we can."


On the first day of class, Ye Jiang kept wondering, what did Mu Liancheng lack the most?

He is already a regimental-level cadre and has a high salary, so he is definitely not short of money.

This man was able to help her parents transfer back to City C, and to make Guo Yang, who was a tyrant in City A, agree to divorce. How powerful must his means and abilities be to be able to do this.

Does a man like this need help from others?

Ye Jiang was also worried. How could she help Mu Liancheng and repay such a great favor?

"Xiao Nan, it's not time to go home yet, where are you going after you climb over the fence?"

Ye Jiang stood at the foot of the wall, smiling as he watched the embarrassed young man riding on the top of the wall, awkwardly not knowing which side of the wall to jump to.

This young man was Mu Liancheng's eldest son, Mu Xiangnan. He was in Class 2, Grade 9, which she taught. He transferred to C City No. 1 Middle School with his father to join the army.

This child is very smart. That year in Shanshui Village's primary school, Ye Jiang even helped him learn junior high school courses.

"Ye... Teacher Ye."

Mu Xiangnan was caught skipping class on the first day of school. He was very nervous. If Teacher Ye told his father, he would definitely be beaten.

The only person he knew in the entire school was Teacher Ye.

When he was in Shanshui Village, Teacher Ye took special care of him, often gave him extra lessons, and even gave him white flour buns when he was hungry.

He likes Teacher Ye very much. On the first day of school, he was very resistant to this unfamiliar school, but when he saw that Teacher Ye was his homeroom teacher, he felt a little relieved.

The boy confessed to Ye Jiang, "Teacher Ye, I want to pick up my younger brother and sister from school. I'm afraid they will cry if I'm late."

His father said he would be busy until very late in the evening, so he asked him to go to the elementary school after school to pick up his younger siblings and go home first.

But the elementary school finishes school half an hour earlier than the junior high school, so he wants to go now.

"Come down first and we'll talk."

The boy hesitated for a while, but finally listened to Teacher Ye, jumped off the wall, and stood in front of Ye Jiang with his head down.

Ye Jiang asked hurriedly: "Why do you have to pick up your brothers and sisters? Where is your mother?

Is she too busy to pick it up?"

Captain Mu must be too busy to pick up the children, so what about the children's mother?

No time to answer?

When in Shanshui Village, Ye Jiang learned that Mu Liancheng's ex-wife abandoned their three children and divorced him. Could it be because the stepmother was not good to the children?

Are you lazy and unwilling to pick up your children from school on time?

That's too much. The twins are only seven years old and have just started first grade.

If this happened in Shanshui Village, it would be fine because the child could go home by himself. But now that we have just arrived in City C, the environment is unfamiliar and we don't even know all the roads. What if he gets lost?

Mu Xiangnan twisted his fingers and looked up at Ye Jiang, "Teacher Ye, my mom divorced my dad and ran away. My brother, sister and I are left without a mother."

"Didn't your father find you a stepmother later?"

Ye Jiang asked in surprise: "Just bring you to City C like this?

Have you found a nanny for your family?"

"No stepmother."

Mu Xiangnan stiffened his neck and said, "I don't want my dad to find a stepmother for us. We don't have a nanny at home."

His stepmother must be as bad as his step-grandmother. He and his brothers and sisters don't want a stepmother.

Ye Jiang thought to himself, Mu Liancheng is really generous. He is a grown man and is in the army. He is usually very busy and has no time to take care of a child.


Mu Liancheng doesn't have time, but she does.

Ye Jiang had a smile on her lips. She was worried that she had no way to repay Mu Liancheng's favor.

In that case, she would try her best to help the man take care of the three children.

"Xiao Nan, Teacher Ye will go with you to pick up your brother and sister."

She patted the boy's shoulder and said, "Come on, I'll ask the PE teacher for leave for you. We'll be together today. You can go to class with peace of mind in the future. Teacher Ye will help you pick up your younger brothers and sisters."


Thank you, Teacher Ye."

The boy's eyes were full of surprise. Teacher Ye was so nice. He didn't know if his younger brothers and sisters still recognized Teacher Ye.

The primary school is only a few hundred meters away from the middle school, and we get there just in time for get out of class to end.

Ye Jiang and Xiaoxi and Xiaobei's class teachers got to know each other.

"Teacher Cheng, Xiaonan is my student. His father is very busy. I will pick up Xiaoxi and Xiaobei and bring them to my office after school. When Xiaonan finishes school, he can take his younger brother and sister home."

"Okay, Teacher Ye is really enthusiastic."

Teacher Cheng hopes that someone will come to pick up the children on time so that she doesn't have to wait for late parents after school.

"Xiaoxi, do you still remember Teacher Ye?"

Ye Jiang squatted down and touched Mu Xiaoxi's dry and yellow hair. The new clothes she was wearing didn't fit her well. It was estimated that Mu Liancheng didn't know the size when he bought them.

Xiaoxi nodded. She remembered this beautiful aunt.

When she was in Shanshui Village, only this aunt treated her well, gave her food, and let her wait for her brother in the school yard.

But one day this beautiful aunt suddenly disappeared, and Mu Xiaoxi was very sad at that time.

Now that her aunt was back, she threw herself into Ye Jiang's arms and hugged her tightly, refusing to let go.

Ye Jiang's heart softened and her eyes felt a little sore. Xiaoxi still remembered her.

Teacher Cheng sighed, "Mu Xiaoxi didn't speak all day today. I heard from Xiaobei that she used to be silent and ignored people at home, but now she is very close to Teacher Ye."

"She will definitely be able to speak in the future."

Ye Jiang kissed Xiaoxi and said, "Teacher Cheng, I've taken the child back. If Mu Liancheng comes to pick up the child at night, please tell the teacher on duty that my home is the first house in Qianjin Alley and ask him to pick up the child from my home."


"Teacher Ye picked up Xiaoxi and Xiaobei?"

Mu Liancheng stood at the entrance of the elementary school in a daze.

Teacher Wei on duty said, "Yes, she came with your eldest son and asked you to pick up the child from her home. Oh, and Teacher Ye said her home is the first house in Qianjin Alley."

"Thank you, Teacher Wei."

Mu Liancheng thanked him.

If Xiaoxi and Xiaobei were taken away, Xiaonan would go with them, right?

His three children are all at Teacher Ye's house?

Of course he knew where Ye Jiang's home was.

In his continuous dreams, he and Ye Jiang lived in that small courtyard with several children for many years.

After waking up, he never dared to imagine such a beautiful day as in his dream.

In his dream, he kept telling himself to go to Shanshui Village to pick up the children early, to find Ye Jiang early, and to come to City C early.

He can do all of these and has done them.

But how could he have such a ridiculous obsession in his dream to marry Ye Jiang? After waking up, he didn't dare to do it...

As he walked toward the gate of the small courtyard in the alley, Mu Liancheng felt a little nervous. The closer he got to the small courtyard, the more uncomfortable he felt in his heart.

In the dream, the girl who always smiled like a rose was his wife.

After waking up from the dream, I'm afraid Ye Jiang won't even remember him.

They only met once in Shanshui Village that year. How could Ye Jiang still remember him and marry him?

Why did he have that strange and sweet dream?

The dream was so beautiful, so beautiful that when he woke up and faced the reality, he felt his heart frozen.

Every time he returned home in his dreams, his wife was always waiting for him in the yard.

Mu Liancheng pinched his palm, and the pain made him sober up a little.

He was not in that unreal beautiful dream now, and the girl in the yard was not someone he could hug after waking up from the dream.

But he knocked on the gate anyway.

"Knock knock knock..."

After a moment, the brisk and familiar footsteps that were just like in the dream approached.

Mu Liancheng became nervous. Ye Jiang, the wife in his dream, came to open the door for him...

Extra (II)

"Xiao Nan, have you finished your homework?

Help Teacher Ye to peel the edamame."

"It's already been done."

Ye Jiang put a small basket of edamame on the small stone table in the yard, and Mu Xiangnan and Xiaobei ran over to shell the edamame.

"Teacher Ye, will my dad come to pick us up in the evening?"

Mu Xiangnan was quite worried. His father had only brought him and his younger brother and sister to City C for half a month, but he had not been able to go home for three nights.

He thinks his father is unreliable.

Ye Jiang handled the chicken in her hand skillfully, "If your dad doesn't come to pick you up, you'll stay at Teacher Ye's house tonight."

She also felt strange in her heart, as if she had lived with the three children for many years and there was no sense of strangeness at all.

The children were very obedient and got along better than I expected.

When the chicken was cooked, Xiaoxi and Xiaobei couldn't resist the aroma and went into the kitchen to salivate.

When I was in my hometown, I dared not say a word no matter how hungry or greedy I was, otherwise I would be slapped in the face.

Although I was hungry at this moment, I could only look at the fragrant half pot of local chicken and edamame and swallow my saliva silently.

Ye Jiang listened to the two children's hungry growlings, took a small bowl and scooped half a bowl of chicken from the pot and brought it to the small dining table, "Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, come over and eat first."

She took out a pair of chopsticks from the chopstick basket and gave them to him. "Eat a little first to fill your stomach. Teacher Ye will stir-fry some water spinach with garlic and then we'll eat."

After getting permission, Xiaobei quickly picked up a piece of chicken covered in rich soup with chopsticks and stuffed it into his sister's mouth.

Seeing his sister eating happily, he asked hurriedly: "Is it better than what Dad made?"

Mu Xiaoxi chewed it carefully for a few times before she was willing to swallow it. The chicken cooked by Aunt Ye was so delicious, many times better than the food cooked by her father.

It would be nice if I could eat Aunt Ye's cooking every day.

After swallowing the chicken nugget in her mouth, she nodded her head a few times and sat obediently at the small square table waiting for dinner.

Ye's father and mother only come back once every one or two months from the research institute. In the evening, the four of them gathered together. Ye Jiang made a roast chicken with edamame, a tofu with crab roe, a plate of mashed water spinach with garlic, and a tofu and egg skin soup.

The three children couldn't remember the last time they had such a delicious meal. Each of them ate a large bowl of white rice and cleared all the dishes and soup on the table.

Ye Jiang wiped Xiaoxi's mouth lovingly, and Mu Xiangnan took the initiative to wash the dishes.

After having dinner with Teacher Ye, I would feel embarrassed if I didn't do some housework.

"Is your dad coming too?"

Ye Jiang looked at the tightly closed gate and asked, "Will he be unable to find this place?"

"Who knows, maybe he won't come back tonight."

Mu Xiangnan had quite a few complaints about his father, as he had left him and his younger brothers and sisters in his hometown for so long and only now remembered to bring them back.

In the past ten days, he and his father haven't said a few words to each other.

When there was a knock on the door, Ye Jiang looked at the clock in the living room and it was already half past eight.

Is it Mu Liancheng who is here?

Ye Jiang went to open the door, and the man in military uniform outside the door was Mu Liancheng.

The first time Ye Jiang met Mu Liancheng was at the school in Shanshui Village. It was the first day of school that day, and Mu Liancheng happened to be home to visit his relatives. The two of them only spoke three sentences under the eaves of the corridor.

Just because of these three sentences, Mu Liancheng helped her family so much, how could Ye Jiang not be grateful.

Today was the second time she saw him.

The man hadn't changed much from two years ago. Ye Jiang opened the gate and let him in with a smile. "Captain Mu, please come in for a moment. I've only peeled half of the pomegranate for Xiaoxi."

She turned around and continued to peel the big red pomegranate for Mu Xiaoxi.

After not hearing any footsteps behind him for a long time, Ye Jiang looked up and saw Mu Liancheng still standing at the gate of the yard without moving.

She wondered if the man was embarrassed to come in. He was the one who renovated and cleaned the yard, so why would he be embarrassed to come in?

"Captain Mu, please come in. This pomegranate is difficult to peel. I estimate it will take another ten minutes."

"Hmm..." Mu Liancheng was actually a little nervous.

Is it that hard to peel a pomegranate?

Before Ye Jiang moved in, he had been to this small courtyard several times. At that time, he had a sense of déjà vu and felt that he had lived here for a long time.

After the yard was cleaned, he set up a small stone table in the yard according to what he had dreamed of and made a rabbit cage with his own hands.

At this moment, his sons and daughters were sitting around the stone table watching Ye Jiang peeling pomegranates.

The girl was wrestling with the pomegranate with a fruit knife. There were four or five big, red pomegranates lying next to her.

The scene was so warm and beautiful that it made his heart warm.

Clearly in the dream, he called this girl his wife...

Mu Liancheng suppressed the extremely absurd thought in his mind, walked over, took the fruit knife from Ye Jiang's hand, and cut a square hole on the top of the pomegranate.

"You have to cut along the septum of the pomegranate."

The man lowered his head to look at the pomegranate in his hand, not daring to look at the girl opposite him, "Do you have an iron spoon?

Bring me another big bowl."

"Yes, I'll get it for you."

Ye Jiang took out an iron spoon from the kitchen and handed it to Mu Liancheng.

The man simply cut a few times on the pomegranate, turned the pomegranate upside down along the cut, and tapped the bottom of the pomegranate a few times with an iron spoon. The pomegranate seeds fell into the bowl in a round shape.

In less than a minute, half a bowl of pomegranate seeds was collected, and not a single one was left in the pomegranate peel.


"Captain Mu, you are so awesome."

Ye Jiang showed him an admiring look and handed him the remaining pomegranates. "Could you please peel the remaining ones as well?"


The man didn't say much and quickly peeled the remaining pomegranates in the same way. Ye Jiang found a clean lunch box and poured half of the peeled pomegranate seeds into it.

"Take this back, Xiaoxi loves it."

Ye Jiang put the lunch box containing pomegranates into the bag and handed it to Mu Liancheng.

The man took it and said, "A Jiang... Teacher Ye, I'm sorry to trouble you."

Fortunately, the lights in the yard were dim, so Ye Jiang probably didn't see the embarrassment on his face, right?

Why did he just blurt out calling her A Jiang?

Teacher Ye must be angry at being addressed so intimately.

"It's no trouble."

Ye Jiang sent Mu Liancheng out of the yard, feeling a little surprised. What did Mu Liancheng call her just now?

Although the man changed his words quickly, she still heard it.

Apart from Ye's father, mother and adoptive sister, no one has ever called her A Jiang.

Mu Xiaoxi didn't want to go back at all and held Ye Jiang's trouser legs tightly and was unwilling to let go.

Dad's house was so cold and the brothers were not fun at all. Teacher Ye was so nice. She cooked for her and washed her face and applied perfume to her.

She wanted to stay and look after this beautiful aunt and didn't want her to run away again.

Mu Liancheng squatted down and twisted Mu Xiaoxi's fingers, "Xiaoxi, be good and go home with Daddy."

This little girl still refuses to speak. We took her to the hospital and the doctor said that the child lacked love and care since childhood and was mentally traumatized, which is why she is unwilling to speak. She is not congenitally dumb.

Mu Liancheng didn't know what to do. Xiaoxi seemed to like Ye Jiang very much. In that dream, his daughter was smart and cool. She called Ye Jiang mom...

Mu Xiaoxi reluctantly let go of her father's hand and climbed onto his father's back unwillingly.

Seeing Mu Xiaoxi's aggrieved look, Ye Jiang felt an inexplicable pain in her heart and she blurted out.

"Captain Mu, if you can't pick up the children on time in the future, I will help you pick them up and let them have dinner at my house. This way, the children won't go hungry and you can work with peace of mind. When you get off work, you can come to my house to pick them up. What do you think?"

Mu Liancheng was stunned. Ye Jiang wanted to help him take care of the child?

Three children... He was exhausted after taking care of them for half a month, so how could he have the nerve to trouble Ye Jiang.

"Isn't this inappropriate?"

"Captain Mu, are you worried about me?"

Ye Jiang felt a little depressed. "You asked someone to find a connection to transfer me to C City No. 1 Middle School. You should have checked my information. Do you still not trust me?"


Mu Liancheng hurriedly explained, "Teacher Ye misunderstood. I just think this is too much trouble for you."

Ye Jiang smiled and raised the corners of his lips. "As long as you don't object, it's settled. I'll still go pick up the child tomorrow."

If it weren't for Mu Liancheng's help, Ye Jiang would still be suffering in the Guo family.

He also helped her parents transfer back to the research institute in City C. It was such a big favor, Ye Jiang thought, that she would never be able to repay it even if she helped Mu Liancheng take care of his children for the rest of his life.

Mu Liancheng took the children home, still in a daze. When he left, he said to Ye Jiang, "Then I'll ask the children if they are willing."

How could he, who has always been cautious and steady, say such a stupid thing?

People are kind enough to help pick up the child, so what else is there for him to do?

As soon as they got out of the intersection, Xiaobei asked anxiously: "Dad, I want to come to Teacher Ye's house tomorrow night. The dinner that Teacher Ye cooks is delicious."

Mu Xiangbei held his father's big hand and looked at him expectantly.

Mu Liancheng looked at the soft street lights on both sides of the road, extending all the way to the invisible end in front of him, and his thoughts drifted back to that dream.

If I remember correctly, the college entrance examination will be resumed next winter. Ye Jiang will definitely take the college entrance examination then, right?

Once that girl gets admitted to university, it may be difficult to see her.

"Xiao Nan, are you willing to wait for daddy at Teacher Ye's house every night with your brothers and sisters?"

Mu Liancheng still asked for his eldest son's opinion. Among his three children, the eldest son had the most stubborn temper.

In the past half month, he has not found a good way to communicate with his son, and the two of them have not said a few words to each other in total.

Mu Xiangnan kicked the stones on the side of the road and didn't say anything for a long time.

"Teacher Ye's cooking is much better than yours, and you can't guarantee to go home on time every day. I don't care, but what about my younger brothers and sisters?

You were not at home that day, and Xiaoxi ate the half-cooked rice I cooked, and she had a stomachache in the middle of the night."

"So you are willing?"

Mu Liancheng asked.


Mu Xiangnan said, "If we go there more often, will Teacher Ye be annoyed?"

Mu Liancheng carried his daughter on his back, held his youngest son's hand, and listened to his eldest son's words. He felt as if his heart was being cut by a knife. What if Ye Jiang got annoyed with them one day?

"Then when Teacher Ye gets annoyed, let's not bother her."


"Teacher Ye, after school, don't forget to go to the Grand Theater to attend the evening social gathering. It starts at six o'clock and ends at eight o'clock. Dinner is also provided."

When school was about to end, the enthusiastic teacher Zou stopped Ye Jiang and reminded her not to forget the social gathering in the evening.

Ye Jiang knew that Teacher Zou would not give up easily, and she failed to escape.

"Teacher Zou, I have to go pick up Xiaonan's brother and sister. I really don't have time to attend the social gathering. How about waiting until next year? I will definitely go next year."

As she said this she wanted to run.

"I don't know if it will be held next year. Let me tell you, this time we are connecting with several units outside. There are many senior intellectuals. They are very conscious and will definitely not mind if the female comrades are divorced. You can go with confidence and you will definitely find like-minded male comrades."

After observing for two days, Teacher Zou had a favorable impression of the new teacher, Teacher Ye.

Teacher Ye has been helping Mu Xiangnan, a classmate in our class, pick up his younger brothers and sisters for several days in a row. This kind of concern is really rare. She is a good girl.

After much inquiry and understanding by Teacher Zou, it was found that the unfortunate breakup of Teacher Ye's last marriage was not her fault, and he hoped that she could find the right person this time.

"I'll go with you to pick up the kids, and then we'll go together."

Teacher Zou excitedly took Ye Jiang to the primary school department. Everyone knew that Teacher Ye was single, and several single male teachers had already asked her whether she wanted to go to the social gathering tonight.

Of course I will go.

Ye Jiang was helpless and couldn't refuse at all. Forget it, just go and go through the motions, otherwise he would be nagged by Teacher Zou for the whole year.

The young and pretty Ye Jiang naturally attracted many people's attention.

Several men who were attracted to Ye Jiang came over to talk to her openly.

Ye Jiang doesn't talk much. When asked urgently, he just said, "I'm divorced and haven't gotten over my last failed marriage yet. I don't plan to accept a new relationship for the time being. Thank you for your kindness."

I rejected seven or eight of them in a row.

Teacher Zou was standing far away and didn't know that Ye Jiang had rejected all the young men who approached her.

She was delighted, as expected, the excellent teacher Ye was the most popular.

Teacher Zou was happy, but Mu Xiangbei couldn't be happy at all. He took Mu Xiangnan's hand and slipped aside, "Brother, do those uncles want to marry Teacher Ye?"

Mu Xiangnan really hated coming to this kind of social gathering, but there was nothing he could do. They had to wait for Teacher Ye, and they didn't know when the adults' social gathering would end.

It's called a social gathering, but it's actually a blind date gathering.

"Right, adults come here for blind dates, and if they find someone they like, they will definitely get married."

"That's terrible."

Mu Xiangbei said sadly: "Brother, I don't want Teacher Ye to marry someone else. When she was in her hometown, Teacher Ye was taken away by that bad guy Guo Yang to get married and never came back. If Teacher Ye gets married again, will we never see her again in the future?"


Mu Xiangnan is already a teenager and he understands a little bit about many things.

If Teacher Ye gets married, she will definitely not bring them home anymore, and they will not be able to eat the delicious meals cooked by Teacher Ye.

Teacher Ye won't give him extra lessons anymore, right?

"Brother, let's go over now and tell Teacher Ye to ignore those uncles and not get married, okay?"

"Mu Xiangbei, you are too selfish."

Mu Xiangnan knocked his brother's head and said, "You are not related to Teacher Ye, so what right do you have to say that?"

The boy felt that it was time to wake up from the past few days which had been like a dream, and he planned to leave the theater with his younger brother and sister.

"Let's go, let's go home and don't disturb Teacher Ye."

"Going back to Teacher Ye's house?"

Mu Xiangbei was very happy that he could finally go back.

"No, let's go back to our own home."

Mu Xiangbei pouted and didn't want to go back to his home. Recently, his father would go to Teacher Ye's house to pick them up every night no matter how late it was. He was so angry. Why couldn't his father stay out at night like before? In this way, he and his sister could live in Teacher Ye's house.

Even for one night.

Unfortunately, there is no chance now. Teacher Ye is going on a blind date and getting married, so I can't go anymore.

After walking a few steps, Mu Xiangnan saw his father was also in the crowd, being stopped by a young woman, whose hand was almost pulling his sleeve.

Doesn't his father know about this?

Mu Xiangnan's mind was in a mess. His father was also here for a blind date?

Are you going to find a stepmother for him and his younger siblings?

no, do not want!

He doesn't want a stepmother.

Mu Xiangnan ran over quickly holding his brother and sister's hands, pushed his father away, and squeezed between him and the young woman.

The boy was so angry that he asked his father in a hoarse voice, "Dad, what are you doing here?

I told you we don't want a stepmother."

"what are you thinking about."

Mu Liancheng glanced at the half-grown boy and picked up the little girl, "Dad is here to look for Teacher Ye."

"Are you looking for Teacher Ye?"

Mu Xiangnan opened his mouth wide and asked in surprise, "You're here for a blind date with Teacher Ye?"

Mu Liancheng: "..."

Young man, you think too much, your dad is here to take you home...

Mu Liancheng thought to himself: If Ye Jiang could look back, even if she saw him, she would never choose him, a man with three children, for a blind date among so many people.

Extra (3)

Tu Hongyi has participated in three social gatherings and has given up hope on such matchmaking events between brother units, as there are no young men she likes.

However, this year there is a new research institute, and an older young man named Fu Xinzhi meets the requirements.

He was a senior intellectual, well-spoken, and estimated to be about 1.78 meters tall, which was a few dozen centimeters short of her ideal type of 1.82 meters. Although his height did not meet her expectations, he was still quite handsome, and was the most eye-catching person in the entire social gathering.

Tu Hongyi went to him to exchange ideas as soon as possible, but the man quickly answered her with a few words and ran to the school's new female teacher Ye Jiang, talking endlessly.

It was obvious that he had a better impression of Ye Jiang, which made her very angry.

Just when Tu Hongyi had given up all hope for this social gathering, she saw a man in military uniform suddenly appear at the door. With her sharp eyes, she saw that the man's shoulder straps were at least at the battalion level, possibly even at the regimental level.

My God, how come there is a cadre from the army attending this year's social gathering?

The man was tall and handsome, and looked to be only in his early thirties.

If someone comes to a social gathering at this age, they are either divorced or widowed; it is impossible for them to be single.

However, Tu Hongyi doesn't care whether the other person is divorced or widowed. If not, they would not come to the social gathering for a blind date.

She immediately stepped forward and stopped Mu Liancheng with a polite smile, "Comrade, can we exchange books?"

She deliberately took out a little of her carefully edited personal information from the page and looked at the man opposite her with expectation.

Mu Liancheng was a little dazed as he looked at the collection of essays that had just been handed to him by the old lady with an armband at the door.

When he came in, he found that everyone here had a copy. No wonder the old lady said enthusiastically that it was the admission ticket.

"Sorry, I'm not here for a blind date. I'm here to find someone."

He glanced around the theater and saw Ye Jiang chatting happily with a handsome young man behind a potted orchid.

The young man wanted to exchange books with Ye Jiang.

Mu Liancheng felt an indescribable annoyance in his heart. He had already seen Xiaonan running over with his younger brother and sister.

Or I could take the child back first, but I shouldn't go and say hello to Ye Jiang. Will she be worried if she finds out the child is missing after the blind date?

At the moment he hesitated, the man in red had already placed his hand on the book in his hand, and was about to pull it away.

Mu Liancheng was speechless. This female comrade couldn't understand what people were saying?

He said he wasn't here for a blind date.

This means that the books that she is willing to continue to read and understand cannot be given to her.

He immediately withdrew his hand and said, "Comrade, I am here to pick up my son. Don't waste your time on me."

Tu Hongyi's hands were empty. She said shyly, "What's your name? We can get to know each other... Wait, you have a son?"

Her face changed drastically. She could accept divorce and widowership. After all, the other party was so good, and his height and appearance perfectly met her expectations.

But if the man has a child, that's a different matter.

It's not easy to be a stepmother. She has to see how old the child is first. If the child is over five years old, then forget it because she won't be able to raise him well.

Then she saw the man's eldest son standing between the two of them, saying fiercely that he didn't want a stepmother.

My God, this kid is already a teenager, right?

Tu Hongyi felt disappointed, "This, this is your son?

You're already this big?"

Mu Liancheng nodded, "Yes, this is my eldest son, and these two little twins are my youngest son and daughter."

"Oh, then I won't bother you anymore and continue looking for someone."

Tu Hongyi turned around and left. No matter how good a man is, you can't keep him with three children.

What she wanted was a handsome and capable husband, and Mu Liancheng met all the requirements.

It's a pity that he has three children. She doesn't want to become a nanny to take care of other people's children. This man is not worth it.

Mu Liancheng smiled self-deprecatingly. You see, as long as they knew that he had three children, those women would turn around and leave.

He looked at the girl's profile with her eyes lowered in the distance. She was so pretty, and the young men surrounding her looked good, so it was better not to disturb her.

Mu Liancheng said to his son: "Go home."

Mu Xiangnan stared at his father, feeling mixed emotions, "Aren't you here for a blind date with Teacher Ye?

Leaving now?"

"What nonsense are you talking about."

Mu Liancheng knocked his son's head with the book in his hand, "Don't disturb Teacher Ye, let's go."


Mu Xiangnan said nothing.

Mu Xiangbei looked in Ye Jiang's direction reluctantly. Aunt Ye Jiang was so nice, why didn't his father go on a blind date with her and marry her home?

What a stupid dad! He is not happy at all. No one will pick him up after school in the future. He and his sister will be laughed at by their classmates and called wild children that no one wants.

Mu Xiangbei lowered his head, looking unhappy and not saying a word.

Mu Xiangnan was also in a bad mood. Although his father was not here for a blind date, Teacher Ye was indeed here to find a partner. He didn't want a stepmother, but he couldn't stop Teacher Ye from getting married.

Alas, one should not be so selfish. It seems that his younger brothers and sisters will often have to eat the half-cooked rice he cooked in the future.


"Ye Jiang, can you give me a chance and let me make it up to you with the rest of my life?"

Fu Xinmin heard that Ye Jiang would come to the social gathering, so he signed up in advance and went to the Grand Theater to wait for her early in the morning.

"We are not suitable for each other. Thank you for your kindness."

This was the ninth time Ye Jiang had said this euphemistic refusal.

"Ye Jiang, in your heart you still blame me for reporting your father, causing him to be sent down to suffer, so you rejected me, right?"

Fu Xinmin was heartbroken. "I was young and ignorant at the time, and I was so hot-blooded that I followed the trend and reported my teacher. I didn't know the consequences would be so serious. I regret it so much."

It would have been fine if he didn't mention it, but when he mentioned the incident that caused Ye's father and mother to be demoted, Ye Jiang became furious.

"Is your brain not fully developed?

You were already in your twenties when you reported my dad. This is the first time I've heard of someone in his twenties still being young and ignorant. I'm divorced and I'm not worthy of an elite (scumbag) like you. Please leave now."

Fu Xinmin pleaded bitterly, "Ye Jiang, Professor Ye is my teacher. From the day I met you, I made up my mind to marry you. I have realized my mistake. Please give me another chance."

Ye Jiang snorted coldly and shook off Fu Xinmin's hand that was trying to grab her. "I was only fifteen years old when you became my father's student. You really are a beast to have such dirty thoughts about a fifteen-year-old girl."

She had no good feelings towards Fu Xinmin, her father's most favored student. After graduation, he recommended Fu Xinmin to the research institute. But this scumbag immediately wrote a letter of complaint, reporting that his teacher had a problem with his family background.

As a result, both Ye's father and mother were demoted. If Ye's father and mother had not been demoted, how could she have been entangled by Guo Yang.

It can be said that the suffering she endured in those two years was indirectly caused by Fu Xinmin's letter of complaint.

Today he came to her with such a flattering face to ask her out for a blind date. Who gave him the face?

Fu Xinmin really liked this little junior sister, and he knew that Ye Jiang would not easily forgive his previous unintentional mistake.

However, he also believed that as long as he persisted, he would be able to impress Ye Jiang.

"Ye Jiang, I know you were forced to marry in Shanshui Village. Do you know how much pain I feel?

I have wanted to find you countless times..."

"Then why don't you go?

The love you say is pretty cheap. You better understand that it was your fault that my parents were sent down to the countryside. I've been married and divorced before. Do you think I'm still an ignorant girl?"

Ye Jiang interrupted him mercilessly. She had only met Fu Xinmin a few times and they had never spoken to each other. How could he suddenly come to her and say that he liked her and wanted to marry her?

Could it be that because her parents were transferred to the research institute and became the leaders of Fu Xinmin's team, this scumbag came to please him again?

Fu Xinmin explained anxiously, "There was a reason why I didn't go looking for you. You were married at that time, and I couldn't get you to leave that place, so I didn't have the courage to look for you. If I went, I could only watch you suffer. I, I couldn't do it."

"To put it bluntly, you are just afraid of offending the second uncle of the Guo family. What excuses are you looking for? I don't expect you to rescue me. Can you please have some self-awareness and stop pestering me? Isn't that disgusting?"

Ye Jiang hated hypocrites the most who claimed to be invincible and made all kinds of excuses for themselves.

She was able to come back because of Mu Liancheng, who gave silently without saying a word.

When she thought of Mu Liancheng, she thought of the three children she brought here today.

I haven't eaten yet, so I'd better take the children home and cook. I don't have time to waste on this kind of person. It doesn't worth wasting even a second.

She didn't see Xiaonan and his siblings around, and she became anxious, fearing that the children could not wait and ran out.

Ye Jiang hurried to the door, and Fu Xinmin was still chasing after her, "Ye Jiang, are you feeling inferior because you're divorced? I don't mind that you're divorced, and I promise I won't mention this past in front of you in the future."

Ye Jiang: "..."

I really want to slap this arrogant man in the face.

Ye Jiang adhered to the principle of talking instead of taking action and ran forward a few steps. She saw Xiaonan, Xiaoxi, Xiaobei, and their father.

The sight of those four dejected figures made her feel heartbroken.

"Mu Liancheng, wait for me."

Mu Liancheng's heart skipped a beat. Is this Ye Jiang's voice?

She only called her own name in her dreams. After waking up, she always called him Captain Mu, which was so unfamiliar that he found it hard to accept.

They were so close in the dream.

"Teacher Ye, is there anything wrong?"

Mu Liancheng turned around and asked.

"I have something to say. We agreed to come to the social gathering today and exchange our prose collections. I've been waiting for you for quite some time."

Ye Jiang smiled generously, handed the book in her hand to Mu Liancheng, and then took his book from him.

Ye Jiang easily took the book from Mu Liancheng's hand, which Tu Hongyi had tried hard to pull out for a long time.

The man was confused. When had we agreed on this?

Looking at the young man chasing after Ye Jiang, he roughly guessed that Ye Jiang couldn't refuse this shameless guy and came to him for help.

Seeing Mu Liancheng on the other side cooperating with him, Ye Jiang immediately turned around and said to Fu Xinmin: "You see, I like Mu Liancheng, you can go now."

When Fu Xinmin saw that the man Ye Jiang liked had three children, he was extremely angry.

"Ye Jiang, why do you want to treat yourself so badly? He, he has three children. How could you possibly like him?"

He doesn't believe it, he doesn't believe it!

His conditions are so good. He works in a good company, has good knowledge, and is an even better person. In the past few years, many leaders of other companies wanted to introduce him to a girl, but he rejected them all because he had to wait for Ye Jiang.

This girl is still too naive. How could she fall in love with such a man?

Although Mu Xiangnan didn't want his father to find a stepmother for him, he couldn't bear to see others slandering his father.

The boy's voice was even louder than Fu Xinmin's. "My teacher Ye likes my dad but not you, which means my dad is much better than you."

He turned to his father and said, "Dad, don't you want to say something?

You are too unmanly."

Mu Liancheng: "..." Is it because he spends too little time with children and doesn't understand the world?

Do kids nowadays talk to their fathers like this?

What did he say?

It is obvious that Ye Jiang just needs him to remain silent and act as a background board.

But his son's words hurt his self-esteem too much. "Comrade Fu, Ye Jiang has already exchanged books with me. You should not disturb her."

Fu Xinmin said confidently, "Comrade Mu, please have some self-awareness. You have three children, so don't drag down Ye Jiang. I am the most suitable candidate for her."

Ye Jiang thought that Fu Xinmin was too confident and it was time for him to recognize who he was.

"Captain Mu is taller and more handsome than you, more capable than you, and his salary is higher than yours. He transferred my parents to City C and helped me divorce my scumbag. Of course I would choose such a capable man."

"Is...was it Captain Mu who transferred him back to Professor Ye?"

Fu Xinmin asked in surprise.

Ye Jiang looked at him with disdain, "Now you know the gap between you and others, don't embarrass yourself in front of me. I just like to be a stepmother to a few children, what's it to you?"

"I can't control it, but Professor Ye can!"

Fu Xinmin's self-esteem suffered a huge blow. He had originally thought that this blind date with Ye Jiang would go smoothly. As long as he could date Ye Jiang, Professor Ye would definitely forgive him.

These days at work, no matter how sincerely he admitted his mistakes, his teacher was indifferent to him and was unwilling to say a word to him in private except for work matters.

So he was determined to pursue Ye Jiang.

Professor Ye and his wife would definitely not look down on Mu Liancheng, who has three men with him, as a son-in-law. He would go back now to remind the teacher to discipline Ye Jiang and prevent her from choosing the wrong person again.

Fu Xinmin left with a grim face.

Finally, the annoying Fu Xinmin was sent away. Ye Jiang said to Mu Liancheng, "Captain Mu, thank you for helping me out."


Mu Liancheng responded softly, "Are you... leaving now?"

For some reason, he was reluctant to let Ye Jiang continue to stay in this social gathering. What if there were still some blind people who continued to harass her?

Ye Jiang said, "Let's go. If Teacher Zou hadn't insisted that I stay for half an hour, I would have left long ago."

"Teacher Ye, wait a moment."

Teacher Zou rushed over and stopped Ye Jiang.

"You haven't exchanged your books with anyone, have you?

I'm telling you, Mr. Liao from the high school wants to meet you. I told him about your situation, and he said that if we can get along, he can tolerate the fact that you're divorced."

Ye Jiang: "..."

She was too lazy to deal with these arrogant men. "Teacher Zou, you are too late. I just exchanged books with Captain Mu and was planning to talk on the way back."

When Teacher Zou saw that Ye Jiang chose Mu Liancheng, she became anxious. Isn't this a parent in Ye Jiang's class?

She knew this man's situation. He had three children. She didn't want the single young man, but chose Mu Liancheng. What a fool Teacher Ye was.

Teacher Zou was particularly sorry. He pulled Ye Jiang aside and whispered, "Teacher Ye, Xiaonan's father is divorced and has a child. I tell you that Teacher Liao's conditions are very good. Would you consider it again?"

"Don't think about it."

Ye Jiang did not avoid suspicion and said in front of Mu Liancheng: "He has been divorced, and I have been divorced too. At least neither of us will use this matter to cause trouble for the other. I think it is quite appropriate."

Teacher Zou looked at the three children staring at her with hostility and was too embarrassed to say anything else.

After leaving the theater, Mu Xiangbei was the happiest. "Teacher Ye, you are dating my dad. Do you plan to be my mother?"

If Teacher Ye could be his mother, he and his sister would be so happy.

Ye Jiang looked at the depressed Mu Xiangnan and thought that this eldest child was already in his teens and was a little troublemaker with his own ideas. He definitely didn't want to have a stepmother.

Looking at Mu Liancheng's slightly shy face, this man was probably also quite embarrassed.

She smiled and explained to Mu Xiangbei: "Thank you for your father's help to Teacher Ye. Teacher Ye is not dating your father. Don't worry, your father will not find a stepmother for you."

"But," Mu Xiangbei was extremely disappointed, "If you don't become my mother, will Teacher Ye still pick me up from school in the future?"

"Of course."

When they reached the fork in the road, Ye Jiang said to Mu Liancheng, "Captain Mu, I will go pick up Xiaoxi and Xiaobei tomorrow."


The man agreed.

Seeing Ye Jiang disappear around the corner of the intersection, Mu Liancheng couldn't hide the disappointment on his face. He stood at the intersection for a long time before leaving with the child.

After arriving home, Ye Jiang saw the more than one hundred dumplings that she had made early in the morning on the small square table in the kitchen. Then she remembered that she had prepared dumplings for the children in the evening.

I heard from Xiaobei that his father's cooking is terrible, and his brother's rice is either undercooked or burnt. The children haven't eaten yet because they followed her to the theater in the evening.

Ye Jiang thought about it and felt worried again. Why not send some dumplings to Mu Liancheng? No, no, send some dumplings to Mu Liancheng's children.

Having made up her mind, she packed thirty dumplings with pork and cabbage, and thirty dumplings with pork and leek.

Before leaving, she thought about it and realized that the children were big eaters, and sixty dumplings were only enough for three children. It seemed that she had overlooked Mu Liancheng.

He turned back and packed another thirty dumplings in before leaving the yard.

According to the address Mu Liancheng registered at school, Ye Jiang got on the bus. It only took three stops to reach his home.

Extra (IV)

"Dad, the food you cook is really terrible."

After eating Ye Jiang's dinner for several days in a row, Mu Xiangbei was almost poisoned by his father's roast chestnut chicken.

The chicken nuggets smelled fishy, ​​the chestnuts were too hard, and they were not tasty at all.

Mu Xiangnan served his brother a bowl of soup, "If you don't want to eat, drink the soup."

The boy knew very well that this would be the result of not wanting a stepmother.

Eat if you want, or you won't. If you don't eat, you'll be hungry.

Mu Xiangnan lowered his head and ate.

Although Xiaoxi was not satisfied, she still pinched her nose and ate a bowl of rice. No matter how bad it tasted, it was better than going hungry at home.

She missed the beautiful Aunt Ye who could cook and braid her hair.

"Dad, can you work overtime tomorrow and not go home?"

Mu Xiangbei asked.


Mu Liancheng asked his youngest son, "You cried when I didn't come back before, and now you're asking dad to work overtime. What's going on in your mind?"

He tried to understand and communicate with these three children, but found that his thoughts were not on the same level as theirs.

He always couldn't understand children's various strange ideas.

Mu Xiangbei expressed his thoughts, "If you don't come back, my sister and I can stay overnight at Teacher Ye's house."

He said longingly, "I haven't eaten the breakfast made by Teacher Ye yet."

"You just eat."

Mu Xiangnan glared at his brother and said, "Don't cause more trouble for Teacher Ye. She doesn't owe us anything, so why should she make breakfast for you?"

Mu Xiangbei sobbed because of his brother's scolding. He wanted to cry but didn't dare to.

All the other children have mothers, but he and his sister don't, so they can't even have breakfast at Teacher Ye's house.

Mu Liancheng sighed. He had originally thought about finding a nanny to cook for the three children, but after Ye Jiang said she would help him pick up the children in the evening, he gave up the idea.

If he hired a nanny, he wouldn't be able to see the girl at night when he picked up his child.

It's hard to bear those days just thinking about it, but now at least I can see her every day.

Just for this one look, he would come back no matter how late it is.

Mu Liancheng lived in the military family compound, and he happened to live in the innermost building.

Xiaoguan from the guard company knocked on the door, "Captain Mu, someone is looking for you outside the compound."

"Who's looking for me?"

Mu Liancheng opened the door, but he had no idea who was looking for him so late.

Apart from his colleagues, leaders and subordinates in the army, few people knew his address.

Xiao Guan ran out of breath, "She's a very pretty girl. She said she was going to deliver dumplings to Captain Mu at the gate of the compound... No, she said she was going to visit the captain's children. Please go to the gate to meet her."

Home visit?

Xiaonan's teacher?

Leaf ginger?

Mu Liancheng turned around and said to the children, "Stay at home, Dad will go to the gate of the compound to check."

The management in the compound is quite strict, and unfamiliar visitors will not be allowed in without someone to greet them.

Mu Liancheng walked in a hurry and his heart was beating faster. Was it Ye Jiang?

Is she here to deliver dumplings or for a home visit so late?


"Teacher Ye, you are here to bring dumplings to Xiao Mu... No, you are here to visit Xiao Mu's son."

As soon as Qi Dahai came back, he heard this young and beautiful girl at the gate of the compound. She told the guard that she was delivering dumplings to Mu Liancheng, but the guard didn't let her in.

You can't blame the guards. With so many visitors every day, how could they let them in without asking clearly?

Later, the girl said she was Xiaonan's class teacher and came for a home visit, so the guard went in and called someone.

Qi Dahai knew that this girl was indeed Xiaonan's class teacher. He lived next door to Mu Liancheng's house and had heard from the children that their father went to Teacher Ye's house to pick them up every night.

How come Xiao Mu is so lucky?

Ye Jiang knew that someone had already gone to call Mu Liancheng, so she didn't bother to pretend and said with a smile, "I'm not doing a home visit today. I'm just here to deliver dumplings."

Qi Dahai: "..."

The girl was so direct. Why didn't anyone send him dumplings? Qi Dahai felt even more upset.

"Teacher Ye."

Mu Liancheng hurried over.

He saw the small basket in Ye Jiang's hand, which was covered with a piece of gauze. He could vaguely see layers of white dumplings inside.

Is this girl really here to deliver dumplings?

Mu Liancheng couldn't quite believe it.

Ye Jiang handed the small basket to him and said, "I promised Xiaoxi that we would have dumplings for dinner, so I brought them to you. I separated each layer with bamboo strips."

"Ah..." Mu Liancheng didn't know how to answer.

Ye Jiang instructed him, "The bottom layer is pork and cabbage, which is what Xiaoxi likes to eat. The layers above are pork and leeks. Remember to separate them so as not to mix them up."

This heavy basket of dumplings has already made Mu Liancheng a little confused.

He didn't come back to his senses, "Are you still visiting homes tonight?"

Ye Jiang pursed her lips and smiled. This man is so stupid. School has just started for a few days, why is he visiting home?

"I'm leaving now. Go back and make dumplings for your child."

Mu Liancheng was stunned and didn't move.

Qi Dahai was getting anxious when he saw this. Xiao Mu was single, and Teacher Ye was single too. Where could he find such nice girls to come and deliver dumplings so late at night?

He took the basket from Mu Liancheng and pushed him, "There are no buses this late at night, you can take Teacher Ye home."

Ye Jiang turned around and said, "He still has three children to take care of. I can catch the last bus, so I don't have to send him. It's only three stops away."

Three stops away?

That means we have to send you there even if it's one stop away.

Qi Dahai said, "Xiao Mu, you better see me off. I'll go to your house to make dumplings for the kids."

Having said that, he walked away quickly without looking back.

Mu Liancheng calmed himself down and caught up with Ye Jiang in a few steps. "Let's go. I'll see you off."

Finally they caught the last bus. Ye Jiang sat in the seat next to the window, with Mu Liancheng next to her.

She thought this was stupid, but she was too embarrassed to say it because the other person meant well.

After getting off the bus, Mu Liancheng accompanied Ye Jiang to the entrance of Qianjin Alley. Ye Jiang saw a figure standing at the gate of her yard and her heart was startled.

Could it be that Fu Xinmin was determined to block her gate?

That man is such a scumbag, how could he be so shameless.

Ye Jiang said to the man beside him, "Captain Mu, I need a favor from you. Do you mind if I take your arm and pretend to be your boyfriend for a while?"

Mu Liancheng: "..."

What can he say? Let her do whatever she wants.

"do not mind."

Ye Jiang held Mu Liancheng's arm and said, "I don't mean to take advantage of you. The figure at my door is probably Fu Xinmin. If he sees you sending me home, he will definitely give up."

Is that so?

Mu Liancheng suppressed the random thoughts in his mind and said, "Okay, I understand."

It turns out that I shouldn't have had those false thoughts.

As they got closer, the shadow at the door turned into two. The figure on the other side asked with a hint of uncertainty, "A Jiang?"

Ye Jiang: "..."

"Mom and Dad, why are you back?"

She estimated that it would take more than half a month for Ye's father and mother to come back, so why did they come back tonight?

Ye's mother saw the tall and handsome man that Ye Jiang was holding intimately, and thought to herself, this man is wearing a military uniform, could it be Mu Liancheng?

"Ajahn, who is this?

..." Father Ye calmed down a little and asked.

Ye Jiang suddenly let go of Mu Liancheng's arm and ran to introduce Ye's father and mother.

"Mom, he is Mu Liancheng, who has helped our family a lot."

It turned out to be Mu Liancheng. Ye's father and mother looked at each other and thought that Fu Xinmin did not lie. Did A Jiang really confirm his relationship with Mu Liancheng at the social gathering?

This is too fast. When Ye's mother heard that Mu Liancheng had three children at home, she felt sorry for her daughter for finding a partner so soon, especially one with three children.

But Mu Liancheng had helped her family so much, and judging from what his daughter had said just now, he didn't want them to ask questions in front of them.

"Captain Mu, please go back first."

Ye Jiang could already see that Ye's mother was about to lose control and was about to have a fit, so he quickly asked Mu Liancheng to go back first.

"Don't you want me to stay and explain?"

The man asked.

Ye Jiang pushed Ye's father and mother into the small courtyard, turned around and said with a smile: "No, my parents are the most reasonable, you should go back quickly."


"Uncle Qi, these are the dumplings that Teacher Ye made for us. You've already eaten two plates by yourself. What are we going to eat when my dad comes back?"

Mu Xiangbei held the remaining plate of dumplings in his arms. He really couldn't give it to Uncle Qi.

Qi Dahai swallowed the last pork and leek dumpling on the plate in front of him and sighed with satisfaction.

"Xiao Bei, don't be so stingy. When Teacher Ye becomes your stepmother, you can eat whenever you want."

Qi Dahai finally understood why Mu Liancheng had applied to be transferred to City C some time ago. It turned out to be for this girl...

If you like someone, then chase her. What is he waiting for?

Qi Dahai planned to wait for Mu Liancheng to come back and have a good talk with him.

Mu Xiangbei was very happy. He lay on Qi Dahai's legs and asked with his little face up: "Uncle Qi, can Teacher Ye really be my mother?"

"As long as your dad works hard, it shouldn't be a problem."

Qi Dahai looked at Mu Xiangnan, a half-grown boy who seemed unhappy, and said to him:

"Xiao Nan, you don't need anyone to take care of you now that you are older, what about your brothers and sisters?

They are both in the first grade. Look, your sister has caught a cold twice because she took a bath by herself at night. You, as a brother, can't be so ignorant."

"But, but Teacher Ye promised to pick up my brothers and sisters every night."

Mu Xiangnan still couldn't accept that Teacher Ye had become his stepmother. "Isn't it good like this?"

"Teacher Ye is not your babysitter, why should she do voluntary labor?"

Qi Dahai sighed, "I think your teacher is really nice. If you don't let your father marry her, then if she finds you a powerful stepmother in the future, I think you will regret it."

Mu Xiangnan was shocked. A powerful stepmother?

Like his step-grandmother?

he does not want.

"Is Captain Mu at home?"

A pretty woman was standing outside the open door. She was still wearing a floral dress even in autumn. Qi Dahai felt cold just looking at her.

Qingxiu is quite pretty, but not as pretty as Ye Jiang.

This is a military compound. Anyone who can come in here on their own to look for someone must be of extraordinary status.

Qi Dahai said, "Xiao Mu is out, what do you want with him?"

Extra (V)

When Mu Liancheng got home, Qi Dahai was still there. When he saw him, he smiled meaningfully.

"Sent them home?

Come quickly, your son left you a plate of dumplings."

Mu Liancheng's fortune is not something that ordinary people can match. As soon as he arrived in City C, a beautiful girl brought him dumplings.

"Why don't you go back?

Why are you staying at my house?

Haven't had enough dumplings yet? "

Mu Liancheng replied unhappily.

As soon as he sat down, Mu Xiangnan brought out the dumplings that were warm in the steamer to his father.

Qi Dahai was even more shameless after being retorted by Mu Liancheng, "I have done some ideological work on Xiaonan, and he agrees that you can find him a stepmother."

Mu Liancheng's family is really not in a good shape. The eldest child is in his teens and can take care of himself, but the two younger ones are too young, especially the little girl who still can't speak.

She eats whatever is given to her. Her hair is tied up in a mess by her brother every day when she goes to school. In this weather, the children even take cold showers. It's heartbreaking to see them.

If Mu Liancheng could marry a wife and bring her home, his family would feel like a home.

"Qi Dahai, you are really good at talking."

Mu Liancheng didn't know what Qi Dahai had said to Xiaonan, but he just gave him a few seconds and the boss's attitude changed suddenly.

Mu Liancheng didn't plan to find another one, for he was afraid that the woman he found would not be good to the child, and Xiaonan would not want her either.

Besides, how could he marry another woman since he had those strange dreams?

In the dream, his wife was Ye Jiang.

But still curious, Mu Liancheng looked at his son and asked, "You refused to have a stepmother before, why are you willing now?"

Xiaonan was scared by being beaten by his step-grandmother and thinks all stepmothers are bad.

Mu Xiangnan squatted on the ground angrily. The woman who was at the door just now was so annoying. He heard from Uncle Qi that she was a relative of his father's leader and had a crush on his father.

The woman actually said that she wanted to transfer his father away and then find a live-in nanny to take care of his younger brothers and sisters.

Isn't this just to separate them from their father?

There are still people who are so shameless.

Uncle Qi said that the woman's uncle was very powerful and even his father had to listen to what he said. Maybe his father could be transferred next month.

The only way is to ask his father to find a stepmother for them, then the woman will give up, and he and his younger brothers and sisters will not have to be separated from their father.

The boy looked up and said to his father, "You can find me a stepmother, but you can only find Teacher Ye. I don't want anyone else!"

Mu Xiangnan thought to himself: I didn't want a stepmother before, but now I'm afraid that Teacher Ye won't agree.

Teacher Ye is such a good person, why did she ask his dad to be a stepmother to him and his younger siblings?

Oh, it's so annoying.

The dumplings on Mu Liancheng's chopsticks fell into the plate. He looked at his eldest son and was speechless.

He turned around and said fiercely, "Qi Dahai, what did you say to my son?"

Ye Jiang...is that something he could think of?

Mu Liancheng felt bitter.

He really couldn't do what his son asked.

"Qiao Meimei came over tonight. Her husband died last year. Her family introduced several candidates to her but she didn't want any of them. She only fell in love with you."

Qi Dahai reminded Mu Liancheng, "That woman's family is not good people. She may like you, but she doesn't like your children. You should make a decision quickly, whether to marry Ye Jiang or let her pester you."

Mu Liancheng: "..."

"How do I marry?

I can't force her to marry me, she has to be willing to do it, do you think Ye Jiang would be willing?"

How is that possible? With Ye Jiang's conditions, she can find any man she wants. At the social gathering that day, many young men were attracted to Ye Jiang.

"If people don't want to send you dumplings, then why doesn't anyone send me dumplings?"

Qi Dahai was jealous. "At least you should ask. Don't wait any longer. Ask when you go to pick up the child tomorrow."

Mu Liancheng remained silent. He really couldn't ask this question.

Ye Jiang helped him take care of the child for a few days, and he already had the delusion of marrying her?

If you get rejected, you won't even be able to see each other again.

Seeing that his father didn't say anything, Mu Xiangbei was afraid that his father would not agree, so he ran to his father and begged pitifully.

"Dad, my classmates all laugh at me and my sister. We are so pitiful because we don't have a mother. Please marry Teacher Ye and bring her home to be my mother."

Mu Liancheng felt choked with pain in his heart. Xiaobei and Xiaoxi had been without a mother since they were born. They grew up rolling in the mud. Do they want a mother so much?

In that dream, their whole family lived in Ye Jiang's small courtyard. Why did he have such a real dream?

Thinking of that girl and the roses he planted in the yard, Mu Liancheng felt a little confused.

"Then Dad will ask tomorrow. If Teacher Ye doesn't agree, you will never be able to go home with her again."

"Go ask now!"

Mu Xiangbei was afraid that Teacher Ye would run away if he was late for the night. Since his brother had no objection and his father had agreed, why wait until tomorrow? Why not do it now?

He took his father's hand and said, "Let's go to Teacher Ye's house. Dad doesn't want you to ask. I'll ask Teacher Ye if she is willing to be my mother."

Mu Xiaoxi stood up suddenly. She had wanted Aunt Ye to be her mother for a long time, so she went to ask now.

Anyway, she knew where Aunt Ye's house was, so she could go there by herself.

Mu Xiaoxi, who was good at running, jumped out of the house and was caught by Mu Liancheng. "Where are you running to in the middle of the night?"

Mu Xiaoxi stuttered out a few words in her father's arms, "Go find... Mom..."

Mu Liancheng loosened his grip, and his daughter spoke for the first time.

Mu Xiaoxi jumped out of her father's arms and ran out of the house quickly.

Mu Liancheng came to his senses and hurriedly chased after him.


"A Jiang, tell me what happened between you and Captain Mu?"

"That's what you saw."

There were quite a few dumplings left at home, so Ye Jiang served two plates of dumplings to Ye's father and mother and placed them on the small square table.

Ye's mother immediately asked, "And then?

Fu Xinmin said that you and Mu Liancheng confirmed your relationship at the social gathering, and are you going to be a couple?"

Ye Jiang felt a little guilty. If she said no, she might not even have the chance to pick up Mu Liancheng's child in the future.

It will be difficult to see him again in the future.

Thinking of this, she suddenly felt very lost. She seemed to have fallen in love with Mu Liancheng.

I always feel like we lived together in our previous life.

She glanced at the expressions of Ye's father and mother, and said cautiously, "Mom, do you and my dad agree that I can be with Mu Liancheng?"

When she asked this question, she was very nervous, wondering if her parents would dislike the fact that Mu Liancheng had three children in his family.

She was so enthusiastic about this that she didn't know what the man was thinking.

Do you want to date her?

Ye Jiang bit her lip. As long as her parents didn't object, she would go and ask the man tomorrow.

"I agree. Why would my parents object?"


Ye Jiang almost knocked over the vinegar bottle in her hand. She poured some old vinegar into the empty plate in front of Ye's mother and said, "How strange! Don't you two mind that Captain Mu has three children?"

Ye's father and mother smiled at each other and said, "My child, your parents are not the old feudalists. Captain Mu's three children are all grown up, so it's not difficult to raise them. If you two can succeed, it would be great."

Ye Jiang: "..."

Mother Ye looked at her daughter lovingly, "Don't look down on me for having three children. If you are willing, I will go to Mu Liancheng to ask him tomorrow. He has helped our family so much without asking for anything in return. Your father asked someone about him and found out that he is a good person. Since you two are already dating, you should get your marriage certificate as soon as possible to prevent Fu Xinmin from thinking about you."

If Fu Xinmin hadn't looked for Ye's father and mother today, the two old people wouldn't have been so anxious.

Just when Fu Xinmin knelt in front of Ye's father and confessed that he would marry Ye Jiang no matter what, Ye's father and mother began to worry about their daughter.

They are old and cannot protect their daughter forever.

Mu Liancheng has this ability. Rather than being entangled by Fu Xinmin, Ye's father and mother would like to hand their daughter over to Mu Liancheng for protection.

Ye Jiang was a little embarrassed. She hadn't even asked the man, so who knew if he was willing? What if he wasn't willing?

Now that my parents are chasing me so urgently, how can I end it?

"Mom and Dad, you're too impatient. You always have to ask them to come to your house to pick it up. It's not good for us to pay for it, right?"

Ye Jiang just wanted to get through tonight and go ask in person tomorrow.

Otherwise my parents would have to go find Mu Liancheng. It would be so embarrassing if the man didn't want to.

"Kid, what's there to be embarrassed about? Your dad and I are in a free relationship, and I was the one who pursued your dad."

Mother Ye smiled and said angrily, "Okay, okay, then wait until Mu Liancheng comes to ask, and then Mom will agree."


Ye Jiang was fearless. From her observation, Mu Liancheng was a very reserved man.

The relationship hasn't even been confirmed yet, why would he mention anything?

Ye Jiang thought: It depends on my mood. When I feel better, I will ask Mu Liancheng if he wants to date her.

She sat on a small stool peeling chestnuts. Xiaobei said she liked chestnut roast chicken and would make this dish tomorrow night.

Mr. and Mrs. Ye had a big worry in their hearts, so they sat at the table eating dumplings happily. Before they had eaten a few, someone knocked on the gate of their house.

"Who is it so late?"

Father Ye stood up and went to open the door. "Hey, I'm really worried about letting our A Jiang live here alone."

The house was too big, with yards in front and back. Anyone with nimble hands and feet could climb over the wall in the middle of the night, but it made Ye's father very worried.

Once the certificate is obtained, Mu Liancheng will be able to move in legally, and he and Ye's mother can return to the research institute with peace of mind.

Father Ye thought that if Mu Liancheng only talked about dating and didn't mention getting married with A Jiang, he would definitely scold Mu Liancheng.

As soon as the courtyard gate opened, Mu Liancheng stood outside with his three children.

When Mu Liancheng saw Ye's father, he was unable to say what he had been struggling to say. Instead, Mu Xiaoxi ran into the kitchen as if she knew the place well and threw herself into Ye Jiang's arms.

Ye Jiang was startled. Why did Xiaoxi come so late?

She didn't have time to think about it, "Xiao Xi, how about we have chestnut roast chicken tomorrow?"

Mu Xiaoxi nodded and buried her head in Ye Jiang's arms.

Mu Xiaobei also ran over, hugged Ye Jiang's arm, and said anxiously: "Aunt Ye, my father asked me to ask you, are you willing to be my mother?"

Ye Jiang was stunned. What was going on?

She turned around and saw the man standing at the kitchen door. Realizing that her son had already asked the question, Mu Liancheng made up his mind and thought, let him die. The worst that could happen is that he would be driven away.

"A Jiang, do you want to be my wife?"

Mu Liancheng said: "I have had many dreams, in which I was told to marry you sooner. Now that I am here, are you willing?"

(The extra chapter of past and present life is over)
