
Chapter 41

"Teacher Xiaoye, are you going to school so early?"

"Master Dou, you're here so early too. You're waiting for me on the way from the staff quarters to the school. Aren't you waiting for me?"

Dou Ronghua is the logistics chef at the cafeteria window. Normally, they only look at each other briefly when getting food.

Her man is Yu Wanliang from the junior high school. Dou Ronghua is narrow-minded. Ever since Yu Wanliang lost the bet and was not transferred to the high school as vice principal, she has blamed all the sins on Ye Jiang.

Xiaonan told Ye Jiang several times that sometimes when he was getting food at the cafeteria window, if he met Dou Ronghua, she would deliberately reduce the amount, even the smallest steamed bun would be handed out.

Dou Ronghua greeted her on the road today with a smile and chatted with her enthusiastically. Ye Jiang felt that this woman wanted to cause trouble, so she spoke bluntly.

"Teacher Xiaoye, don't walk so fast. It's still early. You won't be late."

Ye Jiang always walks fast, and Dou Ronghua has to jog to keep up with him.

Ye Jiang slowed down his pace, turned around and said to her, "Just say what you want to say, don't beat around the bush."

Dou Ronghua was unhappy. She thought Ye Jiang was too arrogant. Was she always so unwilling to give face to others?

It might be because the overall score of Class 1 in the mid-term exam was the best in the grade, and then Chen Hua recommended them for selection by professional teachers, so they became inflated all of a sudden.

But the overall ranking of Class 1 was first, and that was not her credit alone.

The head teacher is still Luo Yuanfeng. She is a substitute teacher. Why was she recommended to be selected as a professional teacher at such a young age?

What qualifications does Ye Jiang have to compete with her man?

Dou Ronghua was filled with resentment and was not very polite in her words.

"Teacher Ye, I heard from my old Yu that your school wants to select a professional teacher between you and Old Yu, is that right?"

"You've heard everything, why are you asking me?"

"Teacher Xiaoye, are you always so rude when talking to others?"

Dou Ronghua was angry. No wonder her husband, Old Yu, didn't like Ye Jiang.

Director Jin also cursed Ye Jiang when he left.

Teacher Xiao Ye does speak very harshly. At such a young age, he doesn't know how to respect older people.

Even if she is just a logistics chef in the cafeteria, she is much older than Ye Jiang. Why shouldn't Ye Jiang respect her?

That Chen Hua even nominated her to run for professional teacher. Principal Chen must be getting old and confused.

Ye Jiang didn't even bother to look at her. Dou Ronghua came over with a large group of people to question her. Did she still think she could change the outcome by herself?

"I am usually more polite to people who speak human language."

Ye Jiang said, "Look, you're just asking nonsense. Teacher Yu has already told you, but you're still asking, and you don't even say what you want to do. Why should I care about you?"

"I'm ignoring you, and you're saying I don't respect people. Why don't you just say what you want to say? We're almost at the school gate, and if you don't say anything, I'll have to go in."


Dou Ronghua patted her chest and tried not to get angry. Soon Ye Jiang could no longer feel proud and had to beg her to show mercy.

"Okay, I'll just say it straight then."

Dou Ronghua straightened her back and said confidently, "Teacher Xiaoye, I hope you can take the initiative to ask the school to withdraw from the selection of professional teachers. My old Yu has served in the school for more than ten years and is much more qualified than you."

Ye Jiang turned to look at Dou Ronghua. When Xiaonan took the entrance examination, he did not have the confident expression that Dou Ronghua had now.

Dou Ronghua is very confident. Does she think that the school teachers' salaries are all paid by her family?

No, that's not right. She was asked to quit voluntarily. Did this logistics lady from the cafeteria think she had caught something against her?

Ye Jiang thought about it and felt that everything was normal during this period, from work to life, and there was no gossip about a strange man looking for her.

So, where does this woman's confidence come from?

Why do you think she will withdraw from the selection?

Ye Jiang smiled and said, "Master Dou, you may not be very good at math, so let me do the math for you."

"I am currently earning 62 yuan a month for a level 7 salary. After being promoted to a professional teacher, I can earn 87.5 yuan a month for the same level 7 salary. Tell me, why should I voluntarily withdraw from the election campaign and lose more than 20 yuan a month for nothing?"

"Mr. Ye is certainly very good at calculating. I'm not good at calculating, but I can still tell that some things are more important than the extra salary."

Dou Ronghua smiled proudly. A normal person certainly wouldn't quit, but Ye Jiang was different. First of all, her family didn't care about the extra twenty yuan in salary every month.

Captain Mu earns more than 200 yuan a month, which is enough for Ye Jiang's family even if she doesn't go to work. Besides, this is related to her son's reputation and future.

Compared with just twenty yuan, Ye Jiang must pretend to show others that her son is more important than her job.

"Teacher Ye, you know that many people secretly went to burn paper last night, right?"

There was a big fire that didn't start last night, and everyone who made the noise knew about it, including Xiaonan. How could Ye Jiang not know about it?

"Everyone knows about this."

Dou Ronghua said seriously, "The leaders above have issued an order. Anyone who violated the rules and secretly burned paper last night will not be allowed to escape and must be severely punished."

Ye Jiang nodded: "It should be. Fortunately, the fire was put out in time and no greater losses were caused. Severe handling can also avoid some people's fluke mentality."

"Teacher Xiaoye, don't you feel any back pain when you talk while standing?"

Dou Ronghua laughed at her, "Your son Mu Xiangnan also went to burn paper last night, you didn't know that, did you?

My brother saw everything. You are smart enough to withdraw from the selection of professional teachers and not compete with my old Yu. I will let my brother not report your son. "

Last night, Ye Jiang's good sons, for some reason, ran to burn paper and were seen by her younger brother.

When her brother came over and said this, Dou Ronghua felt that it was God helping her man, as Ye Jiang's son made a mistake during the selection.

This might not be a big deal under normal circumstances. After all, there are many people who burn paper secretly every year, and no one would single it out and talk about it.

But this year is different. Because burning paper almost caused a fire, the leaders decided to criticize and educate the person and deal with him/her seriously.

Ye Jiang is a woman who is good at pretending. She says that she loves her child, but let's see if she can still care about her adopted son when it comes to her own interests.

Even if Ye Jiang refuses to give in, Dou Ronghua is not afraid, she can still go find Captain Mu.

After all, Mu Xiangnan is Captain Mu's biological son. If he knew about this, he would definitely put pressure on Ye Jiang and ask Ye Jiang to give up the competition with Yu Wanliang for the sake of his son.

Dou Ronghua pretended to be surprised and said, "Oh, Teacher Xiaoye, you don't know that your son also went to burn paper last night, right? Why don't you go to school and ask your son before making a decision?"

Ye Jiang wanted to laugh. Did Dou Ronghua think that she could control her with this matter?

She never thought of helping Xiaonan hide it.

Since he had done something wrong, Xiaonan should accept criticism like everyone else.

What's more, there are people with bad intentions who want to use this matter to threaten others.

If there is a first time, there will be a second time. Today, Dou Ronghua can use this incident to threaten her to withdraw from the election with Yu Wanliang. Who knows how many unreasonable concessions she will force her to make next time.

Ye Jiang said calmly: "I already know that you don't need to remind me. What does Xiaonan burning paper have to do with my selection of professional teachers?

You're overthinking it."

Dou Ronghua was anxious. This woman acted like a good stepmother every day, but as soon as something related to her own interests came up, her true nature was exposed.

"Teacher Xiaoye, this concerns your son's future."

Her husband, Mr. Yu, absolutely cannot let this woman snatch away the opportunity to be promoted to a professional teacher, which would allow him to earn an extra 400 yuan a year.

"Teacher Xiao Ye, please don't be so ungrateful. When your eldest son graduates from high school, he will be burdened with the big mistake of feudal superstition and won't be able to arrange a good job for him."

"Even if he wants to join the army in the future, he won't be able to pass the political review. Don't think that he can get in through the back door just because his father is the deputy regiment commander. The public has sharp eyes."

Ye Jiang was too lazy to say another word to her, so he turned around and walked towards the school gate.

"Hey, woman, what's wrong with you? I've made it so clear, don't you understand?

Is your son's future less important than your salary?

Your man is not incapable of earning money, so why bother arguing over twenty bucks?"

"Two different things, and..." Ye Jiang stopped and looked at Dou Ronghua with annoyance, "Instead of worrying about my family's affairs, you might as well go back and take care of your brother. His troubles are bigger than ours."

What could happen to her brother? He just went to burn paper last night.

As long as Ye Jiang was persuaded to withdraw from the selection, her brother would not report Ye Jiang's son, and those children naturally would not dare to report her brother.

There's nothing to be afraid of.

"Teacher Xiaoye, are you really unwilling to quit?"

Dou Ronghua chased Ye Jiang all the way to the school gate, still not giving up. Seeing that Ye Jiang ignored her, she directly grabbed Ye Jiang's arm.

The logistics masters who swing the spatulas every day have strong hands, and Ye Jiang's arm was hurt by them.

Today is Monday, and the students and teachers who returned to school looked at them curiously.

It was quite strange to see a young teacher being pulled by the canteen's logistics chef.

Ye Jiang looked at the claw on his arm, which was getting stronger and stronger, and couldn't get it free. He said, "Master Dou, can you let it go first?"


Dou Ronghua was so angry at Ye Jiang's indifferent attitude that she vomited blood. After all, he was her stepson and her adopted son, so Ye Jiang was fearless.

"You must give an explanation. Do you really want to see your son criticized by name at a meeting?

If you don't think about your man, he will also be embarrassed."

"That's my family's business. It has nothing to do with you. You're meddling too much."

Ye Jiang thought that this quarrel was not going well, so she asked Mu Liancheng to take Xiaobei and Xiaoxi to preschool in the morning, and she came to school early to prepare for the class. She didn't want to waste time quarreling with Dou Ronghua.

She saw Chen Hua also arrived at the school gate and said loudly, "Teacher Chen, Master Dou said he has some opinions and wants to raise them with the school."

Dou Ronghua was so scared that she quickly let go and glared at Ye Jiang fiercely.

Doesn't she think it's a big deal?

You dare to call Principal Chen? Aren't you afraid that she will be angry and report Mu Xiangnan for burning paper?

Chen Hua walked over quickly, "Dou Ronghua, why are you pestering Teacher Ye instead of going to the cafeteria to prepare lunch?"

When Chen Hua saw Ye Jiang being blocked by the canteen's cook, he recognized her as Yu Wanliang's wife and couldn't help but step forward to question her.

Ye Jiang smiled and said to Chen Hua: "Master Dou said that I am not worthy of the position and advised me to withdraw from the selection of professional teachers. Don't be ignorant of the depth of the dispute with teacher Yu Wanliang."

"As a cafeteria chef, are you allowed to interfere in the decision of the Academic Affairs Office?"

Chen Hua got angry when he heard this. "Master Dou, many students have complained recently that the food you prepared for them was underweight. Please don't smear the entire cafeteria because of your personal emotions, or all the chefs in the cafeteria will be criticized along with you."

"Okay, okay, I got it."

With Chen Hua here, Dou Ronghua didn't dare to act presumptuously anymore. She didn't want to offend Principal Chen and lose her job in the cafeteria.

The work in the canteen is very lucrative and not everyone can get in.

Dou Ronghua turned around unwillingly, thinking that she couldn't convince Ye Jiang, so she went to talk to Captain Mu.


"Teacher Yu, why did you come to our high school department today?

What's up?"

When Luo Yuanfeng saw Yu Wanliang, he wondered if he came here to canvass for votes from the teacher.

Teacher Yu is not young anymore, why is he still so naive?

Teacher Ye was elected by the collective approval of the high school department. The teachers here would of course vote for Ye Jiang. How could they possibly vote for Yu Wanliang?

However, since Yu Wanliang is here, we still have to exchange a few words of greeting for the sake of face.

Yu Wanliang was awakened by his wife in the morning. He thought that instead of using connections to canvass votes, it would be better to find a teacher to persuade Ye Jiang to withdraw voluntarily.

The selection of this person is also very important, Luo Yuanfeng is the most suitable one.

He and Ye Jiang both teach Class 1 of Grade 1. They usually have a lot of interactions in their work, and the male comrade considers issues more comprehensively. He will definitely help Teacher Ye "analyze" from all aspects and persuade her to withdraw from the selection for the sake of her family.

"Teacher Luo, there's something I'm unsure about and I want to discuss it with you. Do you think it would be convenient for you to come out and talk?"

"Is it inconvenient to talk in the office?"

Luo Yuanfeng had no choice but to come out, "Teacher Yu, please tell me, but I can't do anything that violates the rules."

"Look at what you said. I am also a teacher. How could I let Teacher Luo do something that violates the rules?"

Yu Wanliang looked around to see if there was anyone around, then he said, "My brother-in-law saw the eldest son of Captain Mu's family, Mu Xiangnan from your class, running out to burn paper last night."

"It was announced on the radio today, asking fellow villagers who burned paper last night to go to the service center to register their names. We also asked everyone to supervise and report on each other. If anyone conceals anything and fails to report it, they will be dealt with seriously."

Luo Yuanfeng was shocked. Did Xiao Nan and the others see them burning paper?

If you are criticized and given a serious warning, it will be difficult to find a job after graduation.

He couldn't bear to see Xiao Nan ruined by this incident.

"Teacher Yu mentioned this to me, have you figured out a solution?

Just say it directly, don't beat around the bush."

Luo Yuanfeng spoke so directly that Yu Wanliang felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't beat around the bush.

He said directly: "My wife said that if Teacher Ye could withdraw from the selection of professional teachers this time, she would ask her brother not to report Mu Xiangnan's burning of paper. I said that we should keep things separate and asked her not to get involved in the school's teaching affairs, but my wife didn't listen to me and went to negotiate with Teacher Ye herself."

"Isn't this nonsense?

Adults should accept criticism, but children should be given a chance to reform. I said I was not convinced by my wife, and she said she wanted her brother not to report it, and Teacher Ye must withdraw from the selection. "

Yu Wanliang observed Luo Yuanfeng's expression, and seeing that his face was slightly moved, he continued:

"I came here for no other purpose. I just wanted Teacher Luo to analyze for Teacher Ye whether the child's future or her rating is more important. After thinking it over, I realized that Teacher Luo is the most selfless person in the school. He knows that I came here out of kindness. As for whether to tell Teacher Ye or not, it's up to Teacher Luo to decide."

Luo Yuanfeng looked at Yu Wanliang, the old wily fellow. He spoke nicely because he knew that there was a high probability that he would lose to Ye Jiang in this selection.

That's why he allowed his wife to threaten Ye Jiang in such a harmful way.

Luo Yuanfeng said: "Teacher Yu, please go back first. I will mention it to Teacher Ye when I see him."

"That's fine."

Yu Wanliang felt relieved and said with a smile: "Teacher Luo is a wise man who understands the greater good."

After Yu Wanliang left, Luo Yuanfeng was silent for a long time, but decided to talk to Ye Jiang.

He also wanted to know, in Ye Jiang's heart, whether the child was more important or her work was more important.

Faced with this dilemma, what choice will Ye Jiang make?


"Xiao Nan, just after class, Teacher Luo called Teacher Ye to the office and said he had something important to say. Let's go and listen."

"It's not good to eavesdrop on the teacher. You made a mistake just last night, and you're still so bold."

"No, I just heard Mr. Luo mention the paper we burned last night. It must be related to the two of us."

Mu Xiangnan became particularly sensitive after doing something wrong. When Teacher Luo called his stepmother away because of the paper burning incident last night, he had to go over and listen.

Because the overall mid-term exam scores of Class 1 were higher than those of the other two classes, and there were several students who scored full marks in Chinese and politics, her stepmother was recommended for selection as a professional teacher.

The school is going to vote today, but he happened to get into trouble last night. Now whoever looks for his stepmother, Mu Xiangnan thinks that person is trying to stir up trouble.

Being a stepmother is so difficult.

"If you don't go, I will."

Mu Xiangnan said this and ran out.

Xiao Nan stamped his feet and followed him, worried.

"Teacher Ye, I hope you can seriously consider this. Professional teachers will have another chance to be evaluated in the future, but Xiaonan and Xiaonan only have one chance. If you don't withdraw from the selection, they will be reported. Are you really unwilling to make some sacrifices for these two children?"

There were only Luo Yuanfeng and Ye Jiang in the office, and Luo Yuanfeng told them about what happened when Yu Wanliang came to see him in the morning.

Although he knew that the old wily Yu Wanliang wanted to threaten Ye Jiang to withdraw from the selection, Luo Yuanfeng thought about it carefully and still cautiously asked Ye Jiang to compromise.

There is no way. The child's future is more important. Now is a special period. Any small mistake may be repeatedly picked out and made into a fuss in the future.

It would be better if it could be covered up now. Why can't Teacher Ye understand this?

Ye Jiang had her own considerations on this matter. She said, "Teacher Luo, when Dou Ronghua came to negotiate with me this morning, I made it very clear that no one else needs to interfere in my family's affairs."

She smiled and said, "I didn't expect Yu Wanliang to be so persistent and come to you to lobby for him. Well, let me say a few more words. Do you think I'm unwilling to withdraw from the selection because I can't bear to do so?"

"if not?

What other reason could there be?"

Luo Yuanfeng sighed, "I don't want to force Teacher Ye, but I just don't want to see the children's future ruined because of a little careless mistake."

"Forget it. What I said today has already been excessively interfering in Teacher Ye's family's private affairs. I hope Teacher Ye will not take it as an offense because I am doing this for the good of the child."

I knew she would be surprised but I still said it. Books say that a modest gentleman is as gentle as jade, and Luo Yuanfeng looks like a modest gentleman.

But Ye Jiang didn't like it. She didn't like Luo Yuanfeng's personality.

No matter how you look at it, her man's character is better. What kind of perspective did Mu Liancheng's ex-wife have when looking at men?

Ye Jiang was filled with malice in his heart, "Teacher Luo, Xiaonan and Xiaonan are only thirteen or fourteen years old. Do you want to indulge these children and cover up their mistakes with lies and compromise?"

"There's still a long time to go, can I take care of everything for them?

Raise the two children into irresponsible good-for-nothings?"

"If we compromise once on paper burning today, and we compromise again on something else tomorrow, will the children learn to correct their mistakes?

You think you are helping them, but in fact you are harming them.


Big truths...Ye Jiang can speak better than him.

The college entrance examination will be resumed in two years, and the policies will gradually improve. By then, who will remember today's criticism of the meeting because of burning paper?

Xiao Nan and Xiao Nan went on stage to review themselves among so many fellow villagers. Who would pay special attention to them?

However, Dou Tiezhu, who burned a basket of paper money in the woods, is likely to be detained and cannot escape.

Ye Jiang weighed it over in his mind. If he asked Xiaonan to admit his mistake now, it would only mean writing a self-review and being punished by the school. It would not affect their college entrance examination.

If I compromise and conceal it, then if other fellow villagers saw it last night and reported it, it would be an even more serious crime.

By then, not to mention the children, even Mu Liancheng would be criticized by his leaders.

Who says Mu Xiangnan is his son?

It's not worth the loss, so there's no need to compromise with Dou Ronghua and let Yu Wanliang get the advantage for nothing.

Luo Yuanfeng's face turned pale after hearing what Ye Jiang said. Teacher Ye had a lot of great principles, but he couldn't convince her.

"Then Xiao Nan..." Luo Yuanfeng said, "Since Teacher Ye has made up his mind, I won't force it. If the other party didn't mention Xiao Nan when reporting, I hope Teacher Ye won't mention it either. If we can save one of the two children, then it's the best."

"Okay, I won't say anything."

Mu Xiangnan, who was outside the window, was filled with indignation when he heard this.

Why are they all trying to persuade his stepmother to give up the selection of professional teachers? Why should she give up?

His stepmother was recommended based on her ability, so why should she give way to that Teacher Yu?

Mu Xiangnan was so angry that he rushed out of the school gate.

"Where are you going, Xiaonan?"

Xiao Nan hurriedly chased after him, "I still have classes in the afternoon."

Mu Xiangnan ran for a while and stood on the street at a loss, not knowing what to do.

After thinking for a while, he decided, "I heard on the radio this morning that if those who burned paper money last night take the initiative to go to the service center to register and write a self-criticism, the punishment can be lighter, right?"

"Yes, you want to go?"

Xiao Nan asked, "I'm afraid your father and Teacher Ye will be criticized."

"What if I don't go?

Are you watching my little stepmother being bullied?

Are you giving the opportunity to select professional teachers to Yu Wanliang for nothing?"

"I won't do it! If Yu Wanliang wants to win over my stepmother, he should fight with his own ability. I won't let him succeed by making small moves to threaten my mother behind her back."

"Do you think you're afraid of reporting me?

I will take the initiative to admit my mistakes now, even if I have to drop out of school, I deserve it."

Mu Xiangnan's chest heaved with anger. He actually liked going to school very much. He never thought that he might be expelled because of his momentary stupidity.

It's all my fault.

Xiao Nan did not continue to stop Mu Xiangnan. He just stood firmly beside Xiao Nan and said, "Let's go together. You were not alone last night. I also burned paper."

Mu Xiangnan jumped up and shouted angrily, "Are you stupid? Dou Tiezhu only saw me burning paper, but didn't see you burning paper with his own eyes. Why are you showing off? I can go alone. You can go back to school and attend classes."

"If Dou Tiezhu didn't see it, I would have burned paper anyway."

Xiao Nan said, "I can't pretend I didn't do anything wrong just because he didn't see me. Stop arguing and hurry up to register with Director Li. I have to come back for class in the afternoon."

Teacher Ye said, do what he thinks is right.

Xiao Nan believes that his current decision is correct, so he wants to accompany Xiao Nan to admit his mistake.


Because of a mission that lasted more than three months, Mu Liancheng had three days of vacation this time. He was so exhausted last night, and his wife didn't even talk to him.

Not only did she stop talking to him, she also stopped being clingy. Maybe she was really hurt by the anger.

In the morning, Mu Liancheng took the initiative to send his child to preschool. At noon, he quietly prepared lunch at home. After waiting for a long time, his wife did not come home for lunch...

Mu Liancheng became withdrawn. Three months ago, his wife said that as long as he was at home, she would come back for lunch.

Mu Liancheng felt a little guilty and ran to the school gate without even having time to eat lunch.

He thought about it and felt embarrassed to go in and disturb his wife's work, so he walked back silently.

Then, Mu Liancheng met Ms. Dou Ronghua, who was looking for him everywhere to complain.

"Captain Mu, I finally found you."

Dou Ronghua thought there was still time, as the school's full-time teacher selection would be held after school in the afternoon.

As long as Captain Mu goes to the school in the afternoon to warn and teach Ye Jiang a lesson and ask her to withdraw voluntarily, her man Yu Wanliang will definitely win.

"Comrade Dou, what do you want from me?"

Although Mu Liancheng was in a bad mood, he still patiently stopped at the gate of the family compound.

"Hey, Captain Mu, you really need to have a good talk with Teacher Ye. She is stubborn and doesn't consider your eldest son at all. You can't let her do whatever she wants. Look at what Teacher Ye has spoiled her into. What kind of man would indulge his wife like this? If you spoil her too much, she will get you into trouble sooner or later."

Mu Liancheng wondered what was wrong with this woman. She started slandering Ye Jiang in front of him right away.

His wife has a really hard time.

"Oh, so you also tried to cause trouble for my wife but failed to gain any advantage, so you want to stir up internal conflicts in our family?"

"Captain Mu, look at what you are saying. I just want to tell you something. Ye Jiang won't listen to your advice. You have to go back and talk to her."

This woman's logic is unbelievable.

Mu Liancheng said: "I don't help my own wife, but help you to cause trouble for my wife. I am not that sick, do you think I am easier to fool?

Dou Ronghua rolled her eyes in anger. Has Mu Liancheng been bewitched by Ye Jiang?

"Captain Mu, let me be frank. Last night, your son Mu Xiangnan ran to the open space in the west to burn paper, and my brother happened to see him. How about this? You ask Ye Jiang to voluntarily withdraw from the selection of professional instructors this afternoon, and I will ask my brother not to report your son."

Mu Liancheng curled up the corners of his lips and sneered, "Are you threatening me?"

"No, no, how dare I threaten you? I'm doing this for your own good, Captain Mu. The child's future is so important. If he is reported, it will be ruined. In comparison, Teacher Ye's job is nothing. You must not make a mistake."

Things have come to this point. Mu Liancheng is a smart man and it is impossible for him not to understand.

Dou Ronghua couldn't guess what the man opposite was thinking. He looked calm. Did he really not care about his son?

Mu Liancheng asked back: "Why should I believe that your brother saw it? Are you lying to me and my wife?"

"How is that possible? My brother really saw it with his own eyes. He went to the woods to burn paper last night, and when he came out he ran into your Mu Xiangnan who was also burning paper. If you don't believe me, go back and ask your son."

Mu Liancheng nodded and said calmly, "I see. It turned out that it was your brother who burned paper in the woods last night. I will go to the service center to report to Director Li."

"You... Captain Mu, wait a minute."

Dou Ronghua was shocked. What happened? Shouldn't they report Mu Xiangnan?

This means that Captain Mu is going to report his brother.

He doesn't care about his son?

Captain Mu must have taken the wrong medicine.

Of course her brother cannot be reported, and her husband must be evaluated as a professional teacher.

Dou Ronghua was so anxious that she shouted, "Captain Mu, don't forget your son just because you married a new wife. You are his biological father, don't be so partial."

"Don't worry about my family's affairs."

Mu Liancheng's words made Dou Rong feel disappointed.

"You can go home now and ask your brother to turn himself in, and you can reduce his punishment. If he doesn't turn himself in, I will take my son with me to report him."

"You dare to threaten my wife? Not only will I not agree, but my son will not agree either. Your wishful thinking is wrong today."

Dou Ronghua stood there in a daze, no way?


Not only did she fail to help her husband Yu Wanliang, but she also implicated her own brother.

what to do?

Do I really have to let my brother turn himself in?

That's not possible. If you turn yourself in, you will definitely be sentenced.

But if you don't surrender and are reported, the sentence will only be heavier.

Otherwise, just pretend that nothing happened. If that little bastard Mu Xiangnan dares to report it, let her brother deny it.


After school in the afternoon, all the teachers in the school went to the auditorium to vote and select the final candidates for professional teaching staff.

Ye Jiang is young and cheerful, and has gotten along well with the teachers at school over the past few months.

Yu Wanliang watched Ye Jiang chatting with each teacher who had the right to vote.

How can she be so calm?

The voting is about to begin, why hasn't she told the school leaders to withdraw from the election?

Could it be because Dou Ronghua didn't do her job well in the morning and failed to convince Ye Jiang?

Hey, it's said that his wife's brain is like a paste. She can't even speak properly. How can she possibly win over Ye Jiang who is good at talking and has a lot of great principles to say?

What about Teacher Luo?

Teacher Luo didn't say anything either?

Yu Wanliang was anxious. He found Luo Yuanfeng and half complained, "Teacher Luo, my heartfelt words to you this morning were in vain. Didn't you mention it to Teacher Ye?"

Luo Yuanfeng looked at Ye Jiang who was moving freely among the crowd. This woman had a very strong affinity and almost every normal person loved to deal with her.

"I said that."

Luo Yuanfeng smiled helplessly: "Teacher Ye did not accept my opinion. She has her own ideas. Why don't you go and tell her yourself?"

It seemed that Luo Yuanfeng had also failed. Yu Wanliang could not sit still and ran to find Ye Jiang, "Teacher Ye, can I have a word with you?"

Ye Jiang smiled and said to the teacher next to him: "Sorry, Teacher Yu seems to have something urgent to talk to me about. I will come back later."

After taking a few steps, Ye Jiang asked, "Teacher Yu, do you have any instructions?"

"I don't deserve the instructions."

Yu Wanliang smiled and said, "Teacher Ye didn't care about what Teacher Luo said to Teacher Ye at noon. This is related to your son Mu Xiangnan."

Ye Jiang nodded and said, "I know, I understand, thank you for your kindness."

"But I don't like being threatened. You asked me to withdraw but I won't. If Teacher Yu wants to win, I'll go canvass for votes. Just now, at least half of the teachers said they would vote for me. Why don't you go and save the situation quickly?"

Yu Wanliang: "..."

She really isn't modest at all.

what to do?

Are you going to watch yourself lose?

Not being promoted to a professional teacher and not getting a salary increase are small matters, but losing face is a big matter.

Just when Yu Wanliang was anxious to go home and scold his wife Dou Ronghua, he saw Captain Mu walk into the auditorium.

Yu Wanliang was delighted. Yes, his silly wife was still a little smart. She knew that she couldn't persuade Ye Jiang, so she ran to Mu Liancheng to complain.

Mu Xiangnan is Mu Liancheng's biological son. Mu Liancheng's own salary is more than 200 yuan a month, so he doesn't need Ye Jiang's salary to support his family.

In contrast, he would definitely let Ye Jiang compromise for the sake of his son.

He came to school now, probably to stop Ye Jiang from acting on her own and make her withdraw from the selection.


Yu Wanliang felt relieved and was no longer anxious. He smiled and said, "Teacher Ye, look back. Captain Mu is here."

Ye Jiang looked back and saw that it was indeed her man.

What is Mu Liancheng doing here?

Ye Jiang ran over. With so many people in the auditorium, she was too embarrassed to pull him. She could only quietly pinch the man's palm and asked with a smile, "Why are you here?"

There were so many teachers in the auditorium, all looking towards the door with smiles on their faces.

I thought that this newlywed couple was really different. Captain Mu loved his young wife very much. He rushed over to pick her up when she didn't come home after school.

Probably only Yu Wanliang thought that Mu Liancheng came to force Ye Jiang to withdraw from the selection.

Originally it seemed that he had no hope in today's vote, but Captain Mu was persuaded by Dou Ronghua at the critical moment.

However, he heard that Captain Mu was quite afraid of his young wife. Yu Wanliang felt that he needed to encourage Captain Mu. As a man, it is impossible for him to be suppressed by his wife outside. It was too unreasonable.

Yu Wanliang stepped forward and greeted, "Captain Mu is here?

This morning, my wife told me that she had something to talk to Captain Mu about. No matter how I asked her, she wouldn't tell me. She looked very anxious. I wonder if she talked to Captain Mu yet?"

Yu Wanliang's original intention was to remind Mu Liancheng not to be indecisive and to take Ye Jiang home as soon as possible for his son's sake and not to delay his work here.

Mu Liancheng looked at Yu Wanliang. This was Dou Ronghua's husband. It seemed that Yu Wanliang knew about Dou Ronghua's plan to look for him.

So the man agreed to use despicable means to make Ye Jiang withdraw and bully and threaten Ye Jiang.




Yu Wanliang was delighted, and pretended to ask, "So how was your conversation?"


"My wife spoke from the bottom of her heart. Every word is true. A bystander can see things more clearly. Captain Mu can't just indulge my wife and listen to other people's opinions, right?"

Mu Liancheng said: "So Teacher Yu also knows that your wife is telling the truth?

Are you sure?

"Yes, of course I am sure. It couldn't be more true."

"That's good. I was afraid of wrongly accusing someone."

Mu Liancheng explained to Ye Jiang: "Dou Ronghua came to me today and said that her brother went to the grove to burn paper last night."

"Since Teacher Yu has also admitted that this is a fact, the person who went to the grove and burned a basket of paper, which caused the fire, must be Teacher Yu's brother-in-law."

Chapter 42

Ye Jiang almost clapped his hands.

When did such an honest man like Mu Liancheng learn to set traps for others?

Or is it that this man is only obedient in front of her?

Mu Liancheng looked at Ye Jiang's stunned expression and was afraid that his wife would be frightened. He was very serious outside, but when he got home and stood in front of Ye Jiang, he was always the one who didn't know what to do.

He whispered in Ye Jiang's ear: "Your man is not a fool. He thinks he can cheat our family with these little tricks. Even Xiaoxi and Xiaobei won't be fooled by him."

Ye Jiang lowered his head and smiled for a long time, and Mu Liancheng knew that he was protecting her.

Yu Wanliang and Dou Ronghua were really shameless. One went to Luo Yuanfeng to act as a lobbyist, and the other went directly to Mu Liancheng.

Now that he's been slapped in the face, does Yu Wanliang still not know what's tactful?

Yu Wanliang was tactless, and he had no time to think about whether his brother-in-law burned paper or not.

Even if Dou Tiezhu burned paper, so what? Mu Liancheng's son also burned paper.

Is Captain Mu a fool? He doesn't even care about his own son?

As expected, if there is a stepmother, there will be a stepfather.

Yu Wanliang said without giving up: "Captain Mu, don't you have anything to say to Teacher Ye?"

He kept praying in his heart: Tell me, tell me quickly, tell me so that your wife can take it away.

A young woman with three children, does she have the time and energy to devote it?

Are you qualified to evaluate professional teachers?

What on earth were those teachers who decided to vote for Ye Jiang thinking? It makes absolutely no sense.

Seeing Yu Wanliang so anxious, Ye Jiang also smiled and asked: "Captain Mu, do you have anything to say to me?"

"Hurry up and tell me, Captain Mu. Don't waste time. The voting is about to begin."

Yu Wanliang said anxiously.

Mu Liancheng saw that his young wife called him Captain Mu again, and he was not sure whether she was angry or not.

He thought for a moment and said, "It's nothing serious. I just want you to not be nervous or afraid. My son and I are here to support you. If you compete well, you will definitely be better than Teacher Yu."

Yu Wanliang: "..."

After all this time, this is what Mu Liancheng wanted to say?

Yu Wanliang felt a chill in his heart, knowing that he was sure to lose the selection today.

"Konan is outside too?"

Ye Jiang felt warm in his heart. With Mu Liancheng's words, the past three months of waiting for him were not in vain.

"I'm here. I won't delay your voting. I'll go out and wait for you with my son."

All the teachers were almost choked by the dog food these two showed off, except Yu Wanliang, who was so angry that he almost fell down.

The voting ended in more than half an hour. When the door of the auditorium opened, Ye Jiang walked out with a smile on her face.

Mu Xiangnan hurried over and asked, "Teacher Ye, what was the result? Did you win or did Teacher Yu win?"

After school, Mu Xiangnan did not go to the cafeteria to eat. Instead, he ran outside the auditorium to wait for the results of his stepmother's selection.

Ye Jiang smiled and said, "In the midterm exam, both Chinese and politics got full marks in our class. I can teach you so well, how could I possibly lose?"

"That means you win, right?

Have you been selected as a professional teacher?"

Mu Xiangnan asked excitedly.

"Of course."

Mu Xiangnan was relieved, and he wanted to tell Xiao Nan the good news.

"I'm not going home for dinner tonight. I still have to write a self-criticism. You two can go back now."

The teachers who came out one after another congratulated Ye Jiang and congratulated her on being evaluated as a professional teacher.

Only Yu Wanliang, who was walking at the end, returned home angrily and with a look of disappointment on his face.

His wife Dou Ronghua failed to convince Mu Liancheng at noon, and was so angry when she got home that she didn't even cook dinner.

Her negotiations with Ye Jiang completely failed. Ye Jiang was stubborn and refused to buy into the deal. Mu Liancheng didn't even think about his son and was always on the side of his wife.

Now Dou Ronghua only hopes that Yu Wanliang can convince Ye Jiang in school. If he is not convinced, he will try to get other teachers to vote for him.

After waiting for a long time for Yu Wanliang to come home, Dou Ronghua hurriedly went to meet him and took the briefcase from her man.

"How's it going, Old Yu? Have you come up with the results?"


Yu Wanliang lay down on the sofa as soon as he entered the room, and said in a bad tone, "Have you made dinner? I'm starving."

"How can I be in the mood to cook dinner? Am I not anxiously waiting for the results?"

Dou Ronghua sat next to her man and kept asking, "Who was selected? Tell me, you're making me anxious."

Yu Wanliang pushed his wife away.

"Look at the expression on my face, do I look like I was selected as a professional teacher?

If you hadn't vowed that you could persuade Ye Jiang to withdraw from the selection, I would have gone to other teachers to canvass for votes. How could I have realized that you had accomplished nothing when the selection started? I should have known that relying on your bad idea would not work. "

"Do you know how I was laughed at when the voting results came out today? I lost by a ratio of 2 to 8. That Ye Jiang was very eloquent and took away a lot of votes from our junior high school teachers. Once the voting results came out, I lost all my face for the rest of my life."

Yu Wanliang would never admit that his popularity in school was so bad that even the teachers at the headquarters voted for Ye Jiang.

The key point is that this is a real-name voting system. No one seems to be afraid of offending him, and they watch Ye Jiang's votes leave him far behind.

Dou Ronghua didn't stand steadily and was thrown to the ground by her man. She didn't care about being angry and got up and cursed Ye Jiang.

"I knew it was that woman who did this. She relied on her youth and beauty to get close to other teachers and canvass for votes. She is so shameless. Why is no one doing anything about it?"

Yu Wanliang said angrily: "What's the point of saying this now?"

"How can it be useless?"

Dou Ronghua went into the kitchen and started throwing things around, unable to swallow the anger she had brought. She turned around and came out again.

"Since Ye Jiang won't let our family live comfortably, I won't let her live comfortably either. It is a fact that her son Mu Xiangnan secretly burned paper. I must report it and make sure her son can't find a good job after graduation."

"You're still reporting him. Ye and Jiang both know that your brother burned paper in the woods. Your brother's behavior is much worse than others."

Yu Wanliang sneered and said, "If you ask me, don't go now. Wait until the review meeting is held before you go and report it."

Dou Ronghua was puzzled, "Why do we have to wait until the review meeting? Can't we just report it now?"

"You are stupid. You should report it right before the meeting. Then Ye Jiang won't be able to take advantage of it. Otherwise, once you report it, she will say that she just happened to bring her son here to reflect on herself."

"With Ye Jiang's mouth, he can even make a dead person alive. We must wait until they have no chance to regret it before we go."

Dou Ronghua nodded repeatedly, "Old Yu, you are really thoughtful. Humph, when I report her family, Ye Jiang will be implicated and criticized. Let her be proud for a few more days."

Yu Wanliang was angry and hungry, and said to his wife, "Why don't you go and cook? Do you want to starve your man to death?"

Yu Wanliang was in a bad mood because he didn't get promoted to a professional teacher. Dou Ronghua didn't dare to offend him any more, let alone mention asking for some money to give to her brother from her natal family.

Forget it, I'll just cook something to coax her man first.


Before Mu Liancheng went to the school to find Ye Jiang, he told Aunt Tu that they would be back late and asked her to pick up Xiaobei and Xiaoxi and bring them back to her home to play for a while.

After arriving at the family compound, Ye Jiang and Mu Liancheng first went to Aunt Tu's house to pick up the child.

When he got home, Mu Xiangbei saw three dishes and a soup covered with gauze on the dining table and ran over happily.

"Mom, you've already prepared dinner. I'm so hungry."

There were chopsticks on the dining table. Mu Xiangbei picked up a piece of steamed white pomfret with chopsticks, and immediately spit it into the trash can with a bitter face.

"It's cold and smells fishy. This is definitely not my mother's cooking. It must be my father's."

His father's cooking is not as delicious as his mother's. Mu Xiangbei looked at Ye Jiang pitifully, thinking that his mother must be very busy at work, so he might as well just force himself to eat the food his father cooked.

Ye Jiang saw the steamed fish, stir-fried razor clams, shredded squid and a clam soup on the table, but he didn't even pick up his chopsticks.

It would be strange if these seafood dishes didn't smell fishy after being cooled.

Ye Jiang took the food to heat up, and seeing that the rice in the pot had not been touched at all, she asked Mu Liancheng, "Why didn't you eat the rice you cooked at noon?"

Mu Liancheng followed Ye Jiang to the kitchen to help her, "You didn't come back at noon..."

Ye Jiang was stunned. This guy...he won't eat until she comes back?

"Mu Liancheng, you are a little willful."

Seeing the two children coming over, Ye Jiang smiled and said, "Xiaoxi and Xiaobei, don't be like your father. He refuses to eat when mom is not at home."

Ye Jiang fried another dish of leeks and eggs, thinking that her husband still had two days off, which unfortunately didn't happen to be on the weekend.

"Then I'll come back for lunch tomorrow. Will you still cook?"

While having dinner, Ye Jiang asked with a smile.

Since Mu Liancheng came back last night until now, he has not had much chance to have a good talk with his wife.

Last night, I brought a few children back to criticize and educate them. It was late at night when they fell asleep. Ye Jiang fell asleep as soon as he touched the pillow and had to go to school early in the morning.

I had thought I could go home and talk to her for a few minutes at noon, but she was too busy to come back.

He looked up at his wife and said, "How about I go and cancel my leave tomorrow and save it for the weekend, what do you think?"

Ye Jiang thought about it and it made sense. Otherwise, she and the children would be at school during the day, and Mu Liancheng would have no idea what to do at home alone.

When she went to the sink to wash the dishes, Mu Liancheng took out various fruit candies he bought from other places and exchanged them with Mu Xiaoxi.

"Xiaoxi, how about sleeping with brother Xiaobei at night? Brother Xiaonan is not at home, and your brother Xiaobei said he would be scared to sleep at night."

"Don't spoil it."

Mu Xiaoxi is already willing to say some simple sentences, but most of the meaning still has to be guessed.

Mu Liancheng had only been at home for a few days, and had even less time to spend with his children. He asked his youngest son, "What does your sister mean by that?"

Mu Xiangbei translated, "After my brother went to school, my mother took my sister to sleep with me in the big house for a few nights. Now I have been sleeping by myself for more than two months. Dad, don't you know that I can sleep by myself now?"

Mu Liancheng: "..." He really didn't know.

Mu Xiangbei immediately threw himself into his father's arms, rolling around and begging for a hug. "I'm so happy that Daddy is back. I don't have to sleep alone tonight. I can sleep with Daddy."

Mu Liancheng picked up his son helplessly. Come on, he couldn't even take care of his son and daughter, and he wanted to sleep with his wife?

Let's think about how to solve the housing problem.

After Ye Jiang finished packing, he went into the house and saw the father and his two sons bargaining. He then went out to get some hot water and put it in the big bathtub. "Xiao Xi, come and take a bath. Mu Liancheng, take your son to the bathroom to take a bath."

Mu Liancheng looked at the big bathtub that was big enough for two children and asked, "Didn't you bathe both children together last time?

Why is it so troublesome to wash them separately? "

"last time?

The last time was more than three months ago."

Ye Jiang said, "Your daughter has grown up. She no longer wants to take a bath with little boys, even if they are her twin brothers. Now she refuses to sleep on Xiaobei's bed. She already knows that boys and girls should sleep separately."


Mu Liancheng looked at his little girl in surprise. It had only been more than three months since they last met, but had she changed so much?

Yes, three months ago Xiaoxi refused to speak, but now when he is happy, he is willing to call him dad.

Seeing Mu Liancheng standing there in a daze, Ye Jiang urged him, "Why are you in a daze? Hurry up and take Xiaobei to take a bath. It's cold now, so just wipe him with hot water. Don't delay too long, or he'll catch a cold."


Mu Liancheng agreed, ran some hot water for his son to bathe, and took a cold shower himself in the bathroom.

Mu Xiangbei took some cold water in his palm and shivered, "Dad, isn't it cold to take a cold shower?"

"Dad is used to it."

Mu Liancheng dressed him and said, "You can't do that. If you get sick from the cold, your mother will need to take care of you."

Ye Jiang was too tired to take a shower yesterday because she stayed up too late. She boiled a large pot of hot water and said to Mu Liancheng, "Take the two children downstairs for a walk. I'm going to take a shower."

Mu Liancheng looked at the big bathtub in the middle of the living room, and his ears were not as red as before.

He said, "Then who will take the child downstairs while you take a bath when I'm not home?"

"Who else can help me take care of it? I'll have to lock her in the bedroom and let her out after I take a shower."

Ye Jiang turned his head to look at him. This man asked a lot of questions today. He was not as obedient as before. In the past, he would never ask any questions when asked to do something.

Sure enough, in more than three months, not only the child's growth had changed, but even Mu Liancheng was different.

"It's windy today so I'm afraid the kids will catch a cold if I take them downstairs."

Mu Liancheng coughed lightly and said, "You can lock me in the bedroom too. Why do you have to chase the three of us downstairs?"

Ye Jiang: "..."

Is this still the Mu Liancheng she knows who would blush when someone touched him?

You actually have the guts to watch her take a bath, right?


Ye Jiang smiled and said, "Come out later and help your wife rub her back."

Mu Liancheng couldn't hold it in any longer, "I'd better take the kids downstairs for a walk."

Ye Jiang couldn't help but laugh in his heart. This man was pretending to be brave. Really, when would he finally let go?

Before Mu Liancheng had time to go downstairs, Li Chunqin came over.

"Ye Jiang, have you had dinner?"

Li Chunqin asked.

"We finished eating early. The children will go to bed soon."

Director Li definitely didn't come here to chat at this time, so Ye Jiang hurriedly asked, "Director Li, come in and talk."

Li Chunqin came into the room and saw the hot water in the big bathtub. She then saw that Mu Liancheng's face was red. She said jokingly, "I came at an inopportune time. How about I wait until you finish taking a bath?"

Ye Jiang pulled Li Chunqin in and said, "Sister Li, please come in."

Mu Liancheng couldn't even let go of his own wife, let alone the teasing of an older sister like Director Li.

He took the two children and said, "You two talk, I'll take the children downstairs for a walk."

"Xiao Mu, don't go. Let's listen together."

Li Chunqin said quickly: "I came to discuss something with you two."

Mu Liancheng sent Xiaoxi and Xiaobei into the house, gave Xiaoxi a handful of colorful fruit candies, and gave Xiaobei a few White Rabbit candies.

"The adults are talking outside, you two can play inside for a while."

Mu Xiaoxi nodded, turned around and took out drawing paper and brushes with her brother to see who could draw the better crab.

Ye Jiang made tea for Li Chunqin. "This is the scented tea that Liancheng brought back. Please try it. If you like it, take a pack back later."

Li Chunqin took it and took a sip. It had a light sweet osmanthus fragrance and tasted very comfortable.

"Xiao Ye, this is what happened. At noon, your eldest son and Xiao Nan ran to the service center and said they wanted to register with me. They also ran to the open space in the west last night to burn paper and accept criticism and self-examination. Did you two know about this?"

Ye Jiang looked at Mu Liancheng, and her husband nodded. Ye Jiang then said, "Liancheng and I knew about it last night. We asked the children to write self-criticisms at home. They already know they were wrong. You announced it on the radio this morning, and the children went there at noon."

Director Li scolded, "You are a family that is too honest. Who would bother with two kids? Why not just keep it a secret? Criticizing and asking for self-criticism is a small matter, but being punished severely by the school is a big deal."

At noon, she was scared because the two children ran into her office and said that if they did something wrong, they should take the initiative to admit their mistakes.

His ideological awareness was quite high, fortunately there was no one in the office at that time.

"I didn't register the two children today on the list of those who violated the rules and burned paper last night. I came here just to discuss it with you two. You can just criticize and educate them at home. Don't register the two children to publicly reflect on themselves, so as not to affect their job hunting after graduation."

Like Mu Liancheng in the army, Xiaonan will most likely wait until he is old enough to join the army, just like his father. However, this mistake was due to his feudal and superstitious wrong ideas, and he will not pass the political review.

Li Chunqin also has good intentions.

Ye Jiang didn't think so. Even if Director Li let her off the hook this time and didn't register, Dou Ronghua would not let her off easily during the criticism meeting. Or she might be reported by other villagers, which would lead to even more serious consequences.

"Thank you for your kindness, Director Li. I have discussed with Liancheng that we should let the children reflect on themselves along with all the fellow villagers who have burned paper."

Li Chunqin saw Ye Jiang's firm attitude, then looked at Mu Liancheng and found that Mu Liancheng's attitude was even more resolute than Ye Jiang's. The couple were both honest people.

"Okay then. I'll put Xiaonan and Xiaonan's names at the end of the list. When they're doing the self-criticism, let them stand behind the adults and read the self-criticism letter. This way, they won't draw attention."

"Thank you, Director Li, for taking the trouble to come to my house so late at night."

Li Chunqin sighed, "It's easy for me to arrange it, but you need to think of ways to punish the school. Yu Wanliang has no competition from you for the selection of professional teachers. He is petty and will definitely think of ways to retaliate when he gets the chance, so you should be careful."

Ye Jiang has already considered the possible punishment from the school. He can't escape being punished, but he shouldn't be expelled. It's not that serious. As long as it doesn't affect the children's college entrance examination in two years, it will be fine.

"Okay, I know what I'm doing."

Seeing that Li Chunqin liked to drink osmanthus-flavored tea, Ye Jiang gave her a bag of it when she left. Li Chunqin took it without any hesitation.

As she left, she looked at the big bathtub in the living room that made her blush and her heart beat fast, and she didn't forget to tease the two of them, "The water is getting cold, take a bath quickly."

After sending Li Chunqin away, Mu Liancheng added some hot water to the bathtub and said, "You take a bath. I'll take the children downstairs for a walk."

Ye Jiang saw that Xiaobei was dozing off on the small desk, while Xiaoxi was still quite energetic and continued to draw. She pushed the man into the bedroom and said, "Don't bother the child. Just stay in the room."

Outside in the living room, there was the sound of water splashing as his wife took a bath. Mu Liancheng's heart beat faster and he couldn't help thinking about things he shouldn't have thought about.

He needed to find something to distract himself.

"Xiaoxi, tell daddy when you will dare to sleep alone like your brother?

You need to practice courage. Xiaoxi has grown up and can't always sleep with her mother. "

Mu Xiaoxi is five years old and can sleep with Ye Jiang until she is fifteen. Doesn't that mean he has to wait ten years?

I didn't think this was a problem before.

Now... that's a big problem.

Mu Xiaoxi looked up at her father and thought to herself that she was not as timid as Brother Xiaobei. She had dared to sleep alone a long time ago. Her father underestimated her.

"Change house."


Xiaoxi, you need to speak clearly. Even daddy can't understand you, let alone others."

Mu Xiaoxi stopped talking. Her mother and brothers could understand her. So could the fat kid in kindergarten. Only her father couldn't understand her.

Ye Jiang heard the conversation between the father and daughter clearly. After taking a shower, she opened the door and explained with a smile:

"What our Xiaoxi said is that the house we have now is too small for her to sleep in. When we move to a bigger house, she will have her own room and sleep there by herself."

Mu Liancheng saw Ye Jiang still wearing short-sleeved pajamas in late autumn, and was afraid that she would catch a cold. "You are so old, but you still like to stay cool like a child. Hurry up and take Xiaoxi to bed. I will clean up outside."

As long as Mu Liancheng comes home, Ye Jiang doesn't have to worry about the family affairs. She said to her daughter, "Xiaoxi, go to bed with mom."

His wife and children were sleeping soundly, but Mu Liancheng tossed and turned and couldn't fall asleep.

Where did he get the confidence to say that he would not touch her for three years and let Ye Jiang wait for three years?

Now, he couldn't even wait for three months. There was no way he would let his young wife go...

After figuring it out, Mu Liancheng got out of bed and walked to the small room where Ye Jiang and her daughter slept, and sat down next to the bed.

Ye Jiang was half asleep and felt someone beside her. She turned over and felt around, and found that it was her man sitting next to her.

Can't you bear it anymore?

Ye Jiang gritted his teeth and thought bitterly, Mu Liancheng, you have come to this day.

"Why are you here instead of sleeping?

There's really no room. If you don't want to leave, just sleep on the floor with your quilt."

In the dark night, the man suddenly leaned over and whispered in her ear: "Ye Jiang, when I get back, I'll report to the army and apply for a bigger house, okay?"

The man seemed to struggle for a long time, and finally said: "I... don't want to sleep in a separate room from you anymore."

Mu Liancheng said this with great determination. He said to Ye Jiang, "Think it over. If you agree, you won't be able to escape in the future."

Ye Jiang smiled silently, her man finally figured it out.

She resisted the urge to bite him and replied, "Okay."


The criticism and self-review meeting was scheduled for Saturday afternoon. Mu Liancheng transferred his remaining two days of leave to the weekend, and Ye Jiang went to school early in the morning.

She said to Mu Liancheng, "Captain Mu, thank you for taking care of the children at home today. Why don't you not go to the criticism meeting this afternoon?"

Mu Liancheng is a deputy head of the group after all, and his son violated the rules and went to burn paper. Mu Liancheng felt ashamed after being criticized, and he would probably be pointed at when he arrived at the scene.

Ye Jiang didn't really want him to go.

Mu Liancheng knew what his wife meant, and he smiled and said, "My wife and son are here, so how can I hide? No matter what happens, I will take care of it for you."

Ye Jiang pursed her lips and smiled. This was the Mu Liancheng she liked.

Mu Xiangnan was still a little nervous about the review meeting in the afternoon, so Ye Jiang took him and Xiao Nan to the cafeteria for lunch.

"It's just a letter of apology. Don't be nervous. If you are sincere, the school will give you a chance when you come back."

No matter how busy you are, you still have to eat. Teachers have a special meal window. The food is good today. Ye Jiang ordered two taels of rice, a fried small yellow croaker, and an eggplant with minced meat.

She heard the student window was surrounded by students and there was a lot of noise, as if her Xiaonan was arguing with someone. She didn't even have time to take the lunch box and hurried over.

"What's going on?"

Ye Jiang asked while standing outside the group of students.

When the students saw that it was Teacher Ye, they quickly made way for her. "Teacher Ye, Xiaonan and Master Dou at the window had an argument. Master Dou even threw Xiaonan's lunch box on the ground."

Dourong flower?

Today she was getting her meals at the student window.

Ye Jiang walked over and saw Xiaonan's lunch box innocently fallen to the ground, with food scattered all over the floor.

Dou Ronghua was holding a large iron spoon. When she saw Ye Jiang coming, she put her hands on her hips and said, "You can't blame me. He didn't catch it firmly."

Dou Ronghua's husband Yu Wanliang failed to be promoted to a professional teacher. He has been in a bad mood when he returned home for several days. Dou Ronghua has been suffering from her husband's anger for several days.

If it weren't for Ye Jiang, how could her husband not be promoted to a professional teacher? Ye Jiang caused her family to lose more than 40 yuan in income a month, and caused her to lose more than 400 yuan in pocket money a year.

Dou Ronghua brings all her anger to work.

It's not just Ye Jiang's children who are targeted. Over the past week, other students have all suffered from Dou Ronghua's contempt and deductions when they got their meals.

Normally Ye Jiang would not say anything if Dou Ronghua was a little stingy, but now that Dou Ronghua actually dared to smash Xiaonan's lunch box, Ye Jiang could not bear to see her son being bullied like this.

"Xiao Nan, tell me, what's going on?

Did you not catch the lunch box firmly and it fell to the ground?"

"certainly not."

The young man stiffened his neck and was so angry that his blood boiled. "I beat four ounces of rice, and she only gave me half a spoonful, less than two ounces."

"I said I gave you a meal ticket worth 4 taels, and you must fill it up, otherwise I will take the lunch box to the principal's office and tell the principal."

Mu Xiangnan pointed angrily at Dou Ronghua in the window and complained, "She threw my lunch box out and smashed it on the ground. She also called me a starving ghost who only cared about eating. All the classmates around me heard it!"

Ye Jiang was furious, but he suppressed his anger and said in a cold voice: "Master Dou, I can't bear to scold my son, and you curse him to starve to death and reincarnate as a ghost. Haha... For what happened today, you must come out and apologize to my son!"

"Why should I apologize?

Which eye of yours saw me give him less rice?"

Dou Ronghua thought that since the rice in the lunch box was scattered all over the floor, it was impossible for Ye Jiang to pick up all the rice, and she would never admit that she didn't give the child enough rice.

She just didn't like this starving guy and didn't want him to have a full meal. It was all because Mu Xiangnan had such an annoying mother.

As the crowd gathered, Ye Jiang took Xiao Nan's lunch box from the side and put it on the window with a plop so that Dou Ronghua could see it clearly.

"Xiao Nan, how much rice did you order?"

"Four ounces of rice."

Xiao Nan stood over and spoke loudly.

Dou Ronghua looked at the four taels of rice in the lunch box and immediately became arrogant. She even called the other logistics chefs who were preparing the meals behind her.

"Everyone has seen it, and everyone has heard what Xiao Nan said. There is enough rice in this lunch box. Teacher Ye, what do you mean?

If you want to stand up for your son, you have to produce evidence to accuse me of withholding food from my classmates. Will you also apologize to me on the radio?"

"I, Teacher Ye, will never apologize to you."

Xiao Nan said angrily: "Are you the memory of a fish?

I just bought two orders of 4 liang of rice, and gave you a total of 8 liang of tickets. "

Dou Ronghua was shocked. Did she just collect two meal tickets from Xiao Nan?

She is so busy with so many students queuing up for meals every day, how could she remember?

"Student Xiao Nan, everyone knows that you have the best relationship with student Mu Xiangnan. Don't lie just to help him. I won't get any benefit from withholding your food, so who would believe what you say?"

Xiao Nan's face flushed. All his food expenses were given by Teacher Ye, but he wasted it so much. He felt very guilty and told everyone the situation.

"Teacher Ye, Master Dou sometimes only gives me half a portion of rice. If I'm not full, I have to give it again. I don't mean to waste it."

Ye Jiang gritted his teeth and cursed in his heart, thinking that Dou Ronghua was going too far.

She knew that Dou Ronghua held a grudge against her because of Yu Wanliang's incident, but she never thought that she could be so cruel.

She placed the lunch boxes of the students watching on the side on the window stand one by one and asked, "How much rice is in this?"

"Four taels. I usually don't eat much, so Master Dou can still fill me up with two taels. I was afraid that if I told her, she would give me even less next time, so I didn't dare to mention it."

Master Dou was not like this before, but starting this week, the students with bad tempers dared not say a single word when getting their meals.

If he had mentioned it, there would probably be one more person who would have his lunch box thrown at him today.

"and yours?"

Ye Jiang asked another classmate who had more than three taels of rice in his lunch box.

"I gave four taels of tickets. Usually, I would be starving by the afternoon after eating four taels of rice. Now, I have to eat a cold steamed bun in the afternoon."

The student who was asked said blankly.

The family was not well-off to begin with, and it was already difficult to send him to school. The boy was embarrassed to go home hungry and ask for more food expenses.

I have always had some grievances against Dou Ronghua.

This was also Dou Ronghua's own fault. She used to only target Xiao Nan and Mu Xiangnan. This week she was in a bad mood, and all the students who lined up for her meals had their meals deducted.

It cannot be mentioned yet. If it is mentioned, it will be even less next time.

Ye Jiang said loudly: "This is the high school department. The half-grown boys can eat more than adults. How can they have the energy to study if they are not full? I was wondering why the students are listless in the afternoon recently. It seems that the canteen does not provide enough food portions."

Ye Jiang started to scold all the back-of-house chefs, "Are all of you evil-minded?

What's the point of withholding the food from students when none of it goes into your own pocket?

I think it's time for the school to change its logistics staff."

The logistics masters were shocked. Working in the canteen is a lucrative job and they couldn't let Dou Ronghua go crazy and ruin everyone's job.

Everyone has always told her to be more restrained, but Dou Ronghua just wouldn't listen. Now she has hit a brick wall.

Master Liao next to him quickly assured, "Teacher Ye, don't worry. I will never arrange for Master Dou to work at the window again. I will just ask her to do odd jobs in the back. Is that okay with you?"

"Don't tell me that. I'm not a school leader, nor am I a student whose meals were withheld. Go explain it to the school yourself."

"Explain what?

What's there to explain?"

Dou Ronghua was so angry that she ran out of the window and jumped up and down.

"You are the one who has the most trouble. Your son broke his lunch box by himself and you kept on giving me trouble. Do you want to take this opportunity to ruin my work?

There is no way."

"I saw it. It was Xiaonan's lunch box that you dropped."

A weak female classmate next to her suddenly stood up and said, "I'm not afraid of you. I dare to say this even if we go to the principal's office."

It was a fact that Dou Ronghua was taking her anger out on Xiaonan and she smashed Xiaonan's lunch box. In the past few days, students who had had enough of her anger stood up one after another.

"We saw it too, and we can all testify for Xiaonan-san."

When Master Liao saw that Dou Ronghua could cause big trouble in just the time it took to eat a meal, he was so angry that he drove Dou Ronghua out of the cafeteria.

"Master Dou, since you are in a bad mood and cannot handle the canteen work, then go home and have a good rest for a few days. As for when to let you come to work, we will notify you after the school leaders have a meeting and decide."

Given what Dou Ronghua had done, the school definitely couldn't let her come back to work.

After sending Dou Ronghua away, Master Liao smiled and said, "Students who were short of food just now, please get in line again. I will give you more. I promise that there will be no more food deductions in the future."

Ye Jiang took Xiaonan to the teacher's window, got him two more ounces of rice, and handed him his lunch box: "Eat this. You still have to go to the self-criticism meeting in the afternoon. You can't go on an empty stomach."

Mu Xiangnan took the lunch box and murmured, "Mom...you gave me the lunch box, so what are you going to eat?"

Ye Jiang's heart sank. Did she hear it wrong?

Did the boss call her mom just now?

She smiled and said, "You're pretty easy to bribe. A meal can change your mind. It's a good deal. Call me mom again."

Mu Xiangnan blushed and returned the lunch box to Ye Jiang. "You eat it. I'll make some steamed buns. You can make me something delicious when we get home in the evening."

The boy turned and ran.

Ye Jiang smiled, found an empty seat and sat down to eat. She was so full of four taels of rice that she almost died of fullness.


Dou Ronghua ran back to her parents' home angrily and said to her brother, "Have you thought it over? I'm telling you, a self-criticism meeting will be held this afternoon. You should turn yourself in right away."

"I dont go."

Dou Tiezhu has been scared to death these past few days. No one has come to visit him. "Those two little brats are scared and they certainly don't dare to report me. I am the one burning paper in the woods. Others burn paper and get criticized and read a self-criticism in public, but I am different. If I turn myself in, I might end up in jail. Sister, you can't hurt me."

"No, you have to go."

Dou Ronghua was determined to report Ye Jiang's son this time.

Ye Jiang embarrassed her in public in the cafeteria and she might even lose her job. She had to wait until the last minute of the review meeting in the afternoon to report her son.

Dou Ronghua didn't know that Mu Xiangnan had already registered and admitted his mistake. She thought Ye Jiang also tacitly agreed in her heart that neither family should report each other.

Bah, how is that possible? She was just going to watch Ye Jiang embarrass herself in public at the last minute.

After the review meeting is over, Ye Jiang will follow her son to accept the school's punishment.

"Get up and stop lying there."

Dou Ronghua kicked her brother angrily, "The big stage in the commune has been set up. If you come with me and take the initiative to admit your mistakes, you will definitely not be sentenced. At most, you will lose your good job. I will give you all the private money I have saved over the years. Is that okay?"

Dou Tiezhu then stood up reluctantly and asked, "How many are there?

I won't do it for less."

Dou Ronghua was furious. "It's definitely more than what you can earn in a year. Hurry up. I want to vent my anger even if it means giving up my private savings for so many years."

Chapter 43

A platform was specially set up in the large square of the commune for the criticism and review meeting, and basically all those who could be mobilized were mobilized to come and receive education.

In addition, we also gave everyone some scientific knowledge on fire prevention and told them not to be superstitious and to never burn paper in the future.

Because the main force for extinguishing the fire this time was personnel drawn from the army, the county leaders invited several leaders from the army to come and review the review meeting together.

Li Chunqin's man Lu Xinming looked at Mu Liancheng holding his little girl and holding his little son's hand while standing under the stage, and waved at him.

"Xiao Mu, come up to the stage quickly, what are you doing standing there?"

It can be said that Mu Liancheng also made a contribution in putting out the fire. Xiao Guan and Xiao Song, his subordinates, were the first to discover the fire and were able to control it in time, preventing the fire from spreading.

Mu Liancheng walked over a few steps, still standing under the stage, and said, "Political Commissar Lu, it's not appropriate for me to go up. I'm here to accompany my wife and son. Xiaonan also went to burn paper that night. I'll go back after the review meeting is over."

Lu Xinmin turned to his wife Li Chunqin and asked, "What nonsense! They are only 13 or 14 years old. You can educate them privately. Why did you register their names?"

It's too late to remove the name now.

Li Chunqin had just had an argument with Dou Ronghua in the temporary registration office of the commune and was still a little emotional.

"Someone is jealous. Dou Ronghua just came to me to report Xiaonan for burning paper. I told her that she had already taken the initiative to come to me the next day to register and admit her mistake. She still didn't believe me and said that I was covering up for her and wanted to report me as well."

"Luckily I registered in advance so I have proof. Otherwise, Dou Ronghua would have dragged me up on stage to criticize me."

Li Chunqin was rarely so angry, so Lu Xinming advised: "You are the director of the service center, so be more tolerant. Forget it, just let the children turn around and stand at the back and recite the self-criticism."

Li Chunqin no longer liked her man anymore.

Dou Ronghua was throwing a tantrum and was about to start a fight. Li Chunqin was very angry as she had never seen anyone so unreasonable.

"Am I petty?

Political Commissar Lu, your wife was almost dragged onto the stage to be criticized, and you asked me to be magnanimous. "

Political Commissar Lu smiled and did not respond to Li Chunqin's words. He joked with Mu Liancheng, "You see, your sister-in-law is angry with me. Every time she calls me Political Commissar, I have to cook dinner for myself when I get home at night."

Mu Liancheng also laughed while holding the child, "My wife is like this too. When she calls me Captain Mu, I know she is angry. She is my leader at home, so how dare I act arrogantly in front of her?"

Lu Xinming said to Li Chunqin: "Xiao Mu summarized it very well. You are my leader at home, so please give me some face outside."

Li Chunqin was amused, and the depression in her heart dissipated a little. "Okay, Political Commissar Lu, the county leaders are still waiting for you to speak on the stage, don't talk nonsense to me."

Li Chunqin really admires Ye Jiang now. That night she even went to Ye Jiang's house to persuade him to keep Xiaonan's burning of paper a secret.

If Ye Jiang really agreed, then today's situation would be embarrassing because of Dou Ronghua alone.

But now, Dou Tiezhu took the initiative to admit that the person who had never been found and was burning paper in the woods was himself, thus solving the task assigned by his superiors.

The registration was successfully completed, and Dou Tiezhu was taken away by the police. Dou Ronghua asked innocently, "Didn't they say that those who voluntarily come to register and admit their mistakes can be given a lighter sentence?

Why do you want to take it away?

Can't you just go on stage and read a letter of apology and then go home?"

She really had a wild idea. Could Dou Tiezhu's situation be the same as others?

It was because Dou Tiezhu voluntarily surrendered himself that he was able to be given a lighter sentence.

Although Ye Jiang was sharp-tongued and merciless, she was actually very fair-minded. Even though Dou Ronghua and Yu Wanliang tried to make things difficult for Ye Jiang at school, she did not let Xiaonan report Dou Tiezhu, and always left room for Dou Tiezhu to surrender himself.

Li Chunqin sighed. Dou Ronghua couldn't understand this. When she chased after her brother, she scolded Ye Jiang and even scolded her, the director of the service center.

But it's good that Dou Ronghua is gone. Without her to make trouble, the review meeting was profound and warm, and everyone was jubilant.

This matter is over.

It may be acceptable to others, but it is not acceptable to Dou Ronghua.

Not only did she fail to report Ye Jiang's son, but she might also lose her job.

What's even more infuriating is that all her private money was given to her younger brother Dou Tiezhu, and now her brother is still in the police station, and we don't know what will happen to him next.

Dou Ronghua cried and wailed at home, "Old Yu, you must help me get rid of this anger. Don't let Ye Jiang have an easy time."

"Vent your anger?

How else can I vent your anger! I can't help you."

"You are my man. My job was ruined by someone and you didn't fight back. Do you think you can be proud of yourself?"

"What did you say?

How come you lost your good job in the cafeteria?

Explain to me clearly, I begged for this job for you at the cost of my reputation. It pays 48 yuan a month and is very lucrative. How did you lose it?"

Yu Wanliang was so angry that he threw the teacup in his hand to the ground, and the tea leaves in the cup splashed onto Dou Ronghua's instep.

Dou Ronghua cried, "Do you think I want to lose my job? It was because Ye Jiang made a scene in the cafeteria, accusing me of withholding students' food, that I was sent home."

"Who would have thought that Ye Jiang would secretly ask her son to register for self-criticism, which caused me to be greatly embarrassed when I went to the commune to report it today."

"I can only count on you now, Old Yu. Your school will definitely criticize that little rascal Mu Xiangnan again. When the time comes, you can ask the school leaders to expel him."

Yu Wanliang sneered, "You are so confused. This time we found out that there are more than a hundred fellow villagers who burned paper. Mu Xiangnan was fired. Now that Ye Jiang is making a fuss, do we have to fire all of these more than a hundred fellow villagers who burned paper?

Then the city will be in chaos, and the leaders will be scolded."

"Besides, I'm no longer the dean of studies. I don't even have the right to speak. How can I make the school leaders listen to me? Don't dream. Go to the school and admit your mistake. Don't lose your job."

"It's too late for you to say that now."

Dou Ronghua cried and said, "I have offended Li Chunqin badly today, do you think they will let me go back to school to work?

Anyway, I can't go back to the school cafeteria, so please find a way to find me a job."

Yu Wanliang felt dizzy. How could this woman be so stupid? Why would she offend Li Chunqin for no reason?

All of this was triggered by things that happened in Ye Jiang's family.

He finally realized that as long as it involved people and things related to Teacher Ye's family, he would not be able to gain any advantage. That woman was too powerful and could not be bullied by his silly woman whenever she wanted.

It's better to stay away from her in the future to prevent this silly wife from suffering even greater losses.

Yu Wanliang sternly warned Dou Ronghua, "Remember this, you are not allowed to meddle in the affairs of the Ye Jiang family anymore. You are not allowed to even ask about it. Your job has been ruined. If you continue to mess around, sooner or later you will ruin my job too. Then you will leave our whole family starving."


"Teacher Ye, how do you think the school will deal with Xiao Nan and me?"

After passing the self-review meeting, there is still the school's punishment to face. In comparison, Mu Xiangnan is more worried about the school's punishment.

"As long as we are not expelled, Xiao Nan and I will accept any punishment."

Before the school's morning meeting, Mu Xiangnan ran to the office door to wait for Ye Jiang, and once again asked how the school planned to deal with him and Xiao Nan.

"You little rascal, are you scared too?"

Ye Jiang said slowly: "Will you dare to do bad things behind my back in the future?"

"I realized my mistake a long time ago and I won't do it again."

Ye Jiang sent him to the classroom door and said, "Go in and attend the class. You won't be expelled, but you and Xiao Nan will definitely be punished severely. This is also a lesson for both of you. Think about the consequences before doing anything in the future."

When Ye Jiang went to the morning meeting, a teacher indeed mentioned the only two students in the school who went to reflect on their burning of paper.

However, Ye Jiang didn't expect that the person who brought this up was Xie Yaoyi.

The history teacher of Class 3, female, 28 years old, was an educated youth who was sent down to the countryside.

Ye Jiang thought about it and realized that she and Teacher Xie had no grudge against each other.

Never mind. Someone will bring it up anyway.

Chen Hua presided over the morning meeting. She originally wanted to wait until the end of the morning meeting to pass over the punishment of the two children for burning paper.

The children had already apologized at the commune's review meeting, so there was no need for the school to dwell on it and hold a meeting to discuss the punishment.

Since Teacher Xie has brought it up, Chen Hua has to ask a symbolic question, "So what do you think the punishment should be?

You can raise any opinions you have. "

Xie Yaoyi proposed it herself and she was the first to speak.

"I think the school should deal with this matter seriously. After receiving such a long period of ideological and moral education, our students actually went out to burn paper and engage in feudal superstition. I suggest that the school expel the two students who burned paper so as to serve as a warning to all teachers and students in the school not to take chances. This feudal superstition is not acceptable."

Chen Hua: "..." Is Teacher Xie going to expel both the top and second best students in the school?

She must be mentally ill.

In order to be fair and just, Chen Hua still endured it and asked, "Do other teachers have different suggestions?"

Of course there were opinions. Ye Jiang wanted to speak, but after thinking about it, he decided to let other teachers speak first.

The four professors who were marking the papers were the most excited. When they thought about their own experiences, they strongly disagreed with Xie Yaoyi's point of view.

"We found out that more than 100 fellow villagers had burned paper money that day. If the school wants to expel the two students, we are afraid that it will have a bad impact on the outside world. We hope that the school can make a careful decision."

Xie Yao looked at these professors and thought that they should cherish the opportunity given to them by the school to teach again. They even dared to plead for students who made mistakes.

The ideological awareness is too poor.

"Teacher Cui, the fact that you can teach again in school is a sign of the trust that the leaders have in you. I hope you can cherish this and not make any more ideological mistakes. Tell me, what does the outside world have to do with the school expelling students?"

Teacher Cui held back his anger, but did Teacher Xie really not understand?

At the review meeting that day, the leaders had all said that the paper-burning incident should not be mentioned again after the review meeting.

No one wants to make things worse.

"Teacher Xie, if our school fires the two students who burned paper, and other units follow suit and fire more than a hundred villagers, what a bad impact that would cause. Have you ever thought about it?"

"This is an internal decision of our school. There is no need to consider other units. They can handle it however they want. Teacher Cui, please don't associate it with the school's decision. Are you trying to excuse those two students?"

None of the teachers below spoke. The young female teacher was filled with righteous indignation and thought she was not wrong. No one wanted to argue with her, so they decided to wait and see what Principal Chen proposed.

When Xie Yao saw that none of the dozen teachers present agreed with her proposal, she couldn't help but say, "Teacher Luo, do you think what I said is right?"

Luo Yuanfeng was spinning a Hero pen in his hand. When Xie Yao asked for his opinion, he said:

"It's not going to solve the problem if we discuss who is right and who is wrong now. I suggest that the teachers present vote anonymously on whether to expel the two students or give them a demerit and keep them on probation. It would be fair and just if we vote once. What do you think?"

Secret ballot?

Those old professors who were so angry at Xie Yao agreed on the spot. Anyway, it was anonymous and no one knew who voted for what.

"I agree."

"I agree."

Xie Yao was thinking that except for a few old professors who were demoted and might vote to keep Mu Xiangnan on campus for observation out of excessive sympathy, the other teachers would definitely vote to expel him.

With secret ballot, no one had any concerns and could safely kick the two bad apples out of the school.

"I agree."

Xie Yaoyi said: "But Teacher Ye doesn't have the right to vote. She is Mu Xiangnan's stepmother and she definitely hopes that the child can stay. She can't vote."

Ye Jiang didn't say a word, knowing that Xie Yao would talk about her identity as Xiaonan's stepmother.

Xie Yaoyi was waiting for her to come up with an opinion so that she could confront her head-on.

If she was not allowed to participate in the vote, there were still eleven teachers. Ye Jiang knew that except for this young and foolish Xie Yaoyi, no teacher would let the school expel the two children.

"Okay, I give up."

Ye Jiang stood up and started cutting the paper. "Teachers, please hurry up and submit the results as soon as possible so as not to delay the class."

Ye Jiang handed the cut white paper to each teacher one by one, and said sincerely to each teacher: "Thank you for your hard work. I thank you on behalf of the children."

Every teacher used their eyes to signal Ye Jiang not to worry, and that the children would definitely not be expelled.

Xie Yaoyi brought a cardboard box and threw the note she had written into it. She sat next to Luo Yuanfeng and said with admiration:

"Teacher Luo, your method is still the best. It solves the dispute in one go. Even Teacher Ye, who is eloquent, can't refute your fair and just method."

Luo Yuanfeng smiled faintly, "No one can object to the decision made by voting, including you, Mr. Xie."

"Of course, the voting method is the fairest, and the anonymous method is the most authentic. It's all Mr. Luo's idea."

"Teacher Xie, can you sit a little further away?"

Luo Yuanfeng said apologetically: "I am allergic to pollen. The dried flower sachet you are wearing will make me allergic."

"Feel sorry."

Xie Yao blushed, sat further away, and threw the dried flower sachet into the trash can.

All the teachers had already cast their votes. Ye Jiang walked up to Xie Yaoyi holding the ballot box and said, "Teacher Xie, you can open the results yourself."

Xie Yaoyi took the ballot box and said proudly, "Teacher Ye, I am not proposing to expel the two students just because of you. It is not easy to run a high school. We must seriously rectify the atmosphere and set a good example for other students, so that these students will not go astray in the future."

Ye Jiang said calmly: "Then I hope Teacher Xie will not make mistakes in the future. Even if you make a mistake, no one will forgive you."

"I have a high level of ideological awareness, so I won't make mistakes."

Xie Yao said coldly: "I suggest that after the voting results are announced, Teacher Ye should resign. You can't even teach your own son, so how can you teach your students?"

"Teacher Xie, don't rush to persuade me to resign. You should open the box and check the voting results first."

All the teachers present looked unhappy. A morning meeting was just a formality. They gave Mu Xiangnan and Xiao Nan a demerit and symbolically punished them, and the matter was over.

But Xie Yao just came out to interfere and refused to give in. If the school really expelled the two students, I'm afraid the school leaders would have to talk to Chen Hua.

Chen Hua also looked unhappy, "Teacher Xie, please don't delay other teachers' class time, and publish the results quickly."

Xie Yao gritted her teeth, threw away the sachet of dried petals, and bravely walked to the seat next to Luo Yuanfeng.

"Teacher Luo, others don't understand me, but you must understand that my starting point is for the school. Please don't misunderstand me like some teachers who have no ideological awareness."

Luo Yuanfeng pointed to the watch on his wrist and said, "The bell will ring in five minutes. Teacher Xie, please don't delay the children's class time."

Xie Yaoyi confidently took out the anonymous notes from the ballot box one by one, opened them, and handed them to Luo Yuanfeng for record.

After opening eight pieces of paper, Xie Yaoyi's hands were shaking. No, it was impossible. These eight anonymous votes all agreed to let Mu Xiangnan and Xiao Nan stay in school for observation. It was just a serious warning.

No one was in favor of expelling them from school.

Xie Yao looked around with a pale face. Every teacher looked at her with reproach.

How could these people have such poor ideological awareness? Since someone wants to engage in feudal superstition, they cannot be let off easily.

There are three more ballots left, and the results are out without having to separate them. However, Xie Yao is determined not to give up. Even if everyone opposes her proposal, Teacher Luo Yuanfeng will definitely support her.

Teacher Luo is the most conscious teacher in the whole school.

After tearing the last piece of paper, Xie Yao sat back in her seat dejectedly and said in disbelief: "Teacher Luo, why are you the same as them? What about your ideological awareness?

I misjudged you."

Luo Yuanfeng said calmly: "Teacher Xie, have you ever thought that the fact that you have different ideas from everyone else may not be our problem, but that Teacher Xie's ideas are too extreme."

He handed the statistical results to Ye Jiang.

"The voting results are out now. Teacher Xie is the only one who thinks Xiao Nan and Mu Xiangnan should be expelled. All other teachers, including me, think that the two students should be given a chance and given a serious warning and no demerit will be recorded."

"Even if you don't fire him, you can't just give him a warning."

Xie Yaoyi was so angry at the attitude of these teachers. The punishment was too light, which she never expected.

The class bell had already rung. Chen Hua saw that Xie Yaoyi was still saying that he would deal with the students seriously, and he couldn't bear it any longer.

"Okay, Teacher Xie, why are you so persistent? Now that the voting results are out, you are going to change your mind and vote again. Otherwise, I will let you be the principal. When you become the vice principal, you can directly suggest to the school party committee to expel all of us teachers who you despise."

"Teacher Chen, you are exaggerating. That's not what I meant."

When Xie Yao thought about what her parents had said to her, she realized that she was in the same situation in her hometown before. Because of her stubborn personality, she had offended many people without realizing it, so her parents sent her to this remote small town outside the city to hide for a few years.

Her parents told her to behave herself and not act recklessly like she did in the past, and they would take her back in a few years.

Forget it. She wouldn't be staying in the city for long anyway, so she wouldn't bother with these people.

"Well, I accept the result of this vote."

Chen Hua made the decision, "Okay, I will report the voting results of the two students to the school party committee. This matter ends here. I don't want any teacher to bring emotions into the classroom."

Ye Jiang was about to go to class when Luo Yuanfeng caught up with her from behind.

"Teacher Ye, why did you agree to my voting proposal just now?

Aren't you afraid that everyone will agree with Xie Yaoyi and vote to expel him?"

Luo Yuanfeng smiled and said, "Or, can I understand that Teacher Ye trusts me very much?"

Luo Yuanfeng asked what this meant?

Is it necessary to fire him for such a small matter?

Is he trying to get close to her?

It's not worth it.

Ye Jiang said, "Except for me and Xie Yaoyi, all other teachers in the high school department are college graduates. Of all the teachers present here today, except for Teacher Luo, whose background I don't know, the families of the other teachers all have class problems, including myself."

"If today they are expelling students for a small matter, will they expel teachers one by one tomorrow because of their family background?

Therefore, no one will vote in favor of the proposal to expel Teacher Xie."

Luo Yuanfeng nodded, "Teacher Ye is the one who thinks things through. I misunderstood you."

After hearing the school's voting results, Xiao Nan and Mu Xiangnan ran over to find Ye Jiang.

"Teacher Ye, are we really okay?

Just a serious warning without any penalty?"

There is a huge difference between this warning and a demerit. Ye Jiang originally thought that he would be punished, but now it is just a warning. It has exceeded her expectations and is much better than she expected.

"Yeah, you two can go back to class peacefully."

Ye Jiang told the two children seriously, "Now you know the seriousness of violating the rules, no matter it is in school or outside, you must not do it again.


"we know."

One time, they ran out to burn paper on a whim and almost got expelled from school, which scared them both to death.

The two teenagers looked at each other and nodded in assurance, "Let's use our brains when doing things in the future and think more about the consequences."


The controversy over burning paper on the winter solstice lasted for more than half a month. When everything was settled, time passed quickly and it was almost time for the final exams and holiday.

Mu Liancheng wanted to move to a bigger house before the Chinese New Year so that his family could spend the New Year in a spacious and spacious place.

He handed the housing application to Political Commissar Lu's desk and said, "Political Commissar, there is a vacant three-bedroom apartment in the family compound. I would like to apply for a housing change."

He said a little embarrassedly: "There are many children at home, and Xiaonan also wants to go home after the winter vacation, so there is really no room."

If you want to talk about selfish motives, there are definitely some. Last time, I told my wife that I didn't want to sleep in a separate room, and she bit me in anger for half the night. He was the one who suffered, so he should have changed the house earlier.

Lu Xinmin looked at the report in his hand, and then at Mu Liancheng who was standing upright in front of him. This was the youngest and most promising young officer under his command. If he could hold on for a few more years, he would have the hope of being promoted to the rank of full colonel.

When Mu Liancheng is promoted to the rank of regiment commander, then changing his housing will definitely be undisputed. It is not impossible to change it now, but I am afraid that someone will make a fuss about this matter in the future and say that Xiao Mu changed his housing in violation of regulations and bypassed his rank.

Others have a lot of things to say to him. It's your own problem if your child is the one you have. You can't blame others if the house is not big enough for you.

Lu Xinming was in a dilemma. It would be best if Xiao Mu did not make any mistakes in the next few years and did not give others any handle to hold against her.

This ideological work still needs to be done for him.

"Xiao Mu, by the end of next year, or at the latest in the spring of the year after, the new family building will be built. It will be large and spacious, and the environment will be better than the current North Building. If we move you to the North Building now, it will be difficult to move you to a new family building in the future. Please wait a little longer."

Lu Xinmin thought that Xiao Mu was young and strong, and he might have been bored by sleeping in a separate room. Otherwise, with his non-competitive personality, he would not have specially submitted an application report just because of the issue of housing size.

"It will only take one or two years. Just be patient. When the new residential building is completed, you will be the first one to be replaced."

Mu Liancheng: "..."

Since Political Commissar Lu had said so, Mu Liancheng didn't know what to say, so he said sullenly, "Okay, I'll wait for the new family building."

Lu Xinming returned home in the evening and told his wife about this.

"Xiao Mu is still a young man after all. He couldn't stand sharing a room with his wife, so he reported to me during the day and asked to move to a bigger house."

"It's hard for him. His wife has been with the army for several months. I wonder if they haven't slept together."

"How do you let them sleep together?"

Li Chunqin filled a basin with hot water for her husband to soak his feet and also made him a cup of hot tea.

"If it weren't for Jin Xiufeng's selfishness, Xiaoye might have been pregnant a long time ago. Now that Xiaomu, an honest man, has finally taken the initiative to offer to change houses."

"I rejected it."

Lu Xinmin took a sip of tea and frowned, "What did you make for me?

Why does it smell like osmanthus? "

"Lu Xinming, are you sick? Why did you reject Xiao Mu's housing application?

Are you like everyone else and can't stand the harmony between the couple and the family of Xiao Mu?"

Li Chunqin angrily snatched the teacup from the man's hand and said, "I won't give you any more."

This osmanthus tea was given to her by Ye Jiang.

"What do you think of your man? Am I that wicked?"

"You are just a wicked person. If you are not a wicked person, why don't you change Xiao Mu's house? Isn't there a vacant three-bedroom apartment in the north building?

Why can't you make an exception and let Xiao Mu live there first?"

Lu Xinming was so annoyed by his wife's impatience that she refused to listen to him finish his words.

"I'm doing this for Xiao Mu's own good. He's been working at the deputy regimental level for several years. After another year or two of experience, he can be promoted to the full regimental level. He can't make any mistakes in these two years. If he's assigned to live in a higher-level house and is criticized, and if we don't make a big fuss about it and affect his promotion, wouldn't that be too shameful?"

"What should I do then?

Just let the young couple keep it separate?"

Li Chunqin still couldn't understand what her man said, "Will someone really make trouble for Mu Liancheng over such a small matter as housing?"

"You don't understand what's going on here. It's not as simple as you think."

"Besides, the new family compound will be completed in more than a year, so we only have to wait for another year or two at most. For Xiao Mu's future, it's worth it."

Li Chunqin sighed heavily, "I don't know if Ye Jiangli doesn't understand. I have to do some ideological work on her. Don't let her blame our family because you rejected Mu Liancheng's application."

"Xiao Ye is not so stingy. I guess she will do some ideological work on Mu Liancheng."

Lu Xinmin smiled and said, "Xiao Mu must really like his young wife. Judging from his attitude, he would rather not get promoted than move to a bigger house to make his wife and children live more comfortably. He was not happy when I rejected his application. Haha, young people are really impulsive."

"I think Xiao Mu is great. What's wrong with loving his wife and children?"

Lu Xinmin did not argue with his wife, "Hey, give me two more sips of your osmanthus tea. It has a sweet aftertaste. I want to try it again."

"This is the flower tea that Ye Jiang gave me. You rejected her housing application, and you still have the nerve to drink her tea. You are so beautiful."

"Two different things, why don't you be reasonable?"

Seeing his wife was about to go out, Lu Xinming hurriedly asked, "Where are you going so late at night?"

"I'm going to look for Xiaoye."

Li Chunqin said, "Xiao Mu is a quiet person. He must be embarrassed to say that you, the political commissar, deliberately rejected his housing application. I will go and explain to Ye Jiang."

Lu Xinming was also afraid that because of his decision, Ye Jiang would get angry with Mu Liancheng, complaining that men were incapable of moving to a bigger house, so he asked his wife to go and explain things to Xiao Ye. He was also doing it for Mu Liancheng's own good.

"Just tell them nicely."

Lu Xinming said, "If Xiaoye doesn't understand and still makes trouble for Xiaomu, then I can't control Xiaomu's future and can only agree to change their housing."


The final exams were in a week, and Ye Jiang was busy at school. Mu Liancheng went home every other day and never mentioned the application for a change of housing.

Although he didn't mention it, Mu Xiangnan was thinking about it.

After returning home and staying for a night on the weekend, the boy asked his father, "Dad, didn't you mention last time that you wanted to move our family to a bigger house?

Has your leader approved it?"

Every weekend Mu Xiangnan wanted to bring Xiao Nan, who had nowhere to go, home to live, but unfortunately their home was too small. Since the night of the winter solstice, Xiao Nan refused to come home to live.

If the family could move to a bigger house and he could have his own room, he could go home with his deskmate on weekends.

Mu Liancheng's housing application had been rejected by Political Commissar Lu, and he was too embarrassed to tell his son, so he could only change the subject, "Go help your mother wash the vegetables."

"It definitely didn't pass."

Mu Xiangnan said disappointedly: "We don't really have to wait until the new residential building is built before we can move?

I've already graduated, so it's boring."

After graduation, they have to go to work. Although he and Xiaonan are only fifteen or sixteen years old when they graduate, the college entrance examination has been suspended and they cannot continue their studies. What can they do?

"Forget it, you stay in the house and take care of your brothers and sisters. I'll help your mother wash the vegetables."

Mu Liancheng felt that he couldn't continue chatting with his son. The eldest son didn't give him any face at all.

Ye Jiang must have heard it, and must have disliked him for being useless in his heart.

Mu Liancheng went to the big kitchen and silently helped Ye Jiang wash the vegetables.

The young green vegetables were almost torn to pieces in his hands.

Ye Jiang looked at Mu Liancheng's unhappy expression and said with a smile, "Your housing application was not approved, right?"

The man turned to her and asked, "How did you guess that?"

Do I need to guess?

You can tell from the man's expression, and Director Li came over to explain and talk about Lu Xinming's painstaking efforts.

It's not that she doesn't want to move her family to the North Building, but she doesn't want Mu Liancheng to be criticized for changing houses at this time.

Li Chunqin said quietly, "I heard from Old Lu that Mu Liancheng might be transferred out in the next few years. We have to be careful now and not let anyone catch us with any evidence."

Ye Jiang was moved at that time. She thought to herself that in the college entrance examination in two years, Xiaonan and Xiaonan would definitely be able to get into university since their scores were so good. She also wanted to take the exam again and return to City C.

In her previous life, she was admitted to a university in City C. Will she bring Xiaoxi and Xiaobei to City C and leave Mu Liancheng alone in Licheng?

Then this man must be so sad to death being alone.

He remembered that Mu Liancheng was transferred to City C several years later in his previous life, so in this life he urged him to work harder and strive to be transferred earlier.

"Director Li told me that housing is a small matter. Xiaonan burned some paper last time and people started to make trouble at the morning meeting and wanted to fire him."

"Political Commissar Lu has been very thoughtful. Although no one objects to the house change now, what will you do if you get promoted or transferred out in the future and someone accuses you of illegal operations?"

"So, let's not move this house now. It won't be too late to move after the new family building is built."

"I didn't think too much about it. I just wanted you and the kids to have a more spacious place."

Mu Liancheng looked at her wife's slender white hands, which were frozen red in the cold tap water, and said, "I'll wash the vegetables. You can use less cold water."

Ye Jiang went to cook and left the task of washing vegetables to the man.

"It's because you don't want to that I have to think more about it. I just hope that you and your son can be safe. What's the big deal about a smaller house? It's just a matter of moving later. I don't have any resentment in my heart, so don't feel burdened."

Mu Liancheng thought to himself that my psychological burden is not here.

Ever since he made up his mind to live a down-to-earth life with Ye Jiang, he told the girl that he would never agree to divorce and let her go no matter what the reason.

After Ye Jiang agreed with a smile, the fire in his heart grew stronger and stronger and he couldn't suppress it at all.

Every day is a torment.

Chapter 44

Mu Liancheng handed the washed green vegetables to his wife, "By the way, when I came back home tonight, I passed by the service center and brought back two letters from you."

"Why are you saying this now?"

Ye Jiang hasn't received any letters for a long time. It was either from her adopted sister's nephew or Shen Yuezhen.

She hurriedly cooked the dishes and brought them into the house without even bothering to eat, "Where is the letter?

show me."

Mu Liancheng brought the steamed fish into the room and asked Mu Xiangnan to get the chopsticks. "Eat first, and then watch it slowly after dinner."

"You can't wait, give it to me."

Ye Jiang kept pestering Mu Liancheng, "I'm really not hungry. If you don't show me the letter, I won't eat."

Mu Liancheng: "..." His wife also started to act like a spoiled brat at home, but she felt so sweet inside.

Mu Xiangnan picked up his bowl and ate. He said to his father, "Dad, why is Teacher Ye so childish in front of you? He doesn't even want to eat. This is totally different from when we were in school."

"Eat your meal, and you still dare to talk about your father and your teacher Ye."

Mu Liancheng blushed and pretended to teach his son a lesson to cover up the past. He took the letter out of the drawer and gave it to Ye Jiang, "Read it and eat quickly."

The postmarks on the envelopes of the two letters are the same, and both were sent from City C.

Ye Jiang opened the letter first. It was from Shen Yuezhen.

Mu Xiangnan tilted his head curiously and took a look, "Teacher Ye, who wrote it for you?"

"Don't read other people's letters."

Mu Liancheng tapped the rim of Mu Xiangnan's bowl with his chopsticks, "Do you understand what privacy is?"

Ye Jiang smiled and glanced at the man, "Mu Liancheng, you are too serious. It's not my lover who sent it to me. I'm not afraid of others seeing it."

She then told Mu Xiangnan: "It's a friend of Teacher Ye in City C."

After reading a few lines, Ye Jiang became happy, "Mu Liancheng, Yuezhen is getting married."


Mu Liancheng felt calm. Other people's marriage had nothing to do with him, but his wife seemed to have a good relationship with Shen Yuezhen, and they kept writing letters to each other.

Mu Liancheng asked one more question: "Who did she marry?"

"Guess it?"

Ye Jiang was very excited. Just as she thought, Shen Yuezhen married that man.

"Qin Wei?"

"Yes, it's Qin Wei. I think they are a good match and will definitely live a good life together."

"You too, you were so happy about someone's wedding that you forgot to read the letter your parents wrote to you?"

"Now watch."

The other letter was from Ye Jiang's parents. The content of the letter was much more concise, less than two pages.

Because it was a family letter, Mr. and Mrs. Ye were also the child's grandparents, so Ye Jiang read it together with Mu Xiangnan.

After Shen Yuezhen got married, she returned the two-story building with a yard to Ye Jiang's parents. Ye Jiang's parents could have a few days off for the New Year, so they wrote a letter asking Ye Jiang whether he wanted to take the children back to City C to celebrate the New Year.

If Ye Jiang goes back, they will apply to the institute to celebrate the Spring Festival at home.

If Ye Jiang didn't go back, they would stay in the institute and celebrate the New Year with their colleagues who couldn't go home.

Mu Xiangnan had never been to City C, but he had heard from his father that City C was much bigger and more lively than Licheng, so he was already longing for it.

In addition, his grandparents were also there, so Mu Xiangnan decided immediately, "Mom, let's go back to City C for the New Year."

Ye Jiang looked at Mu Liancheng who had been silent the whole time, sighed and said, "Your father may not be able to take a holiday during the New Year, and may not be able to go back. You don't want to leave your father alone in Licheng for the New Year, do you?"

So I can't go anymore?

Mu Xiangnan was so conflicted. He wanted to go to City C to visit his grandparents, but he couldn't bear to leave his father behind.

"Is there no way to take care of it?"

The boy felt that the braised pork in the bowl was no longer fragrant.

Mu Liancheng looked at his wife and son and felt a little flattered that they had given up on going to City C to celebrate the New Year because they were reluctant to leave him alone in Licheng.

For the first time, he felt so valued by his family.

"I'll apply to the army and I should be able to exchange a few days of vacation for the New Year."


Ye Jiang said in surprise: "I haven't celebrated the New Year with my parents for many years, so I wrote them a letter in reply."

"Why are you replying to this letter? Just call your parents and tell them."

Ye Jiang said in a dilemma: "It's not as convenient for me to call my parents as to write a letter. I have to go through several relays and be asked this and that. I'm tired of it. I'd better write a letter."

Mu Liancheng thought about the nature of his father-in-law and mother-in-law's workplace, and it was indeed not easy for outsiders to break in and look for people.

He said, "Then I will go back to the army tomorrow and call my parents. The New Year's Eve celebration is settled. You can buy something to bring over. Get ready now."

"Okay, after Xiaonan finishes his exams and the winter vacation comes, I'll take the kids to buy it."

Recently, Mu Xiangnan has started to become sensible and would rush with his father to wash the dishes at night. Tonight was an exception.

"Dad, you wash the dishes tonight. I still have homework to do."

Mu Liancheng looked up at his son. There was a hint of cunning on the boy's face, and a bit of panic after lying.

Haven't you finished your homework?

It would be strange if Mu Liancheng believed him. I wonder what else he wanted to discuss secretly with his mother.

Mu Liancheng felt puzzled. His son didn't tell him about things but was willing to discuss them with Ye Jiang instead. Also, since when did the eldest son start calling Ye Jiang "Mom" whenever he wanted help with something?

He touched his face. Was it because he was too harsh on the children at home?

He cleared the table and went out to wash the dishes, saying, "It won't take me five minutes to wash these dishes. If you have anything to say secretly, just say it quickly."

Mu Xiangnan was exposed by his father and felt very embarrassed.

Ye Jiang smiled and asked him, "What's the matter?

You can tell me while your father is not around."

Mu Xiangnan said: "Xiao Nan's uncle came to see Xiao Nan a few days ago and asked him to go home after the exam."

"But I saw that Xiao Nan was not happy about it. He even had an argument with his uncle, talking about whether to adopt him or not. I asked him, but he refused to say anything and told me to concentrate on studying and preparing for the final exam."

"Xiao Nan's uncle?"

Ye Jiang thought about it carefully, and recalled the memoirs of Xiao Nan's interviews after the college entrance examination that he had found in his previous life.

Xiao Nan's cheap uncle is called Xiao Yuanbao. His family disliked the cost of Xiao Nan's studies and kicked him out for several years.

If Ye Jiang hadn't mentioned it, he would have forgotten that Xiao Yuanbao didn't want Xiao Nan to be adopted by anyone, but wanted to sell Xiao Nan to Jiang Dashan's family in the neighboring village as a son-in-law.

How old is Xiao Nan? He is only fifteen years old after the Chinese New Year. Ye Jiang clenched his fists so hard that they made a crackling sound.

Seeing that his stepmother seemed to be thinking about something, Mu Xiangnan hurriedly asked, "Mom, have you thought of a good way to stop Xiao Nan's uncle from bothering him?"

"You take the test first."

Ye Jiang said to Mu Xiangnan: "Tell Xiao Nan not to see his uncle again before the exam."

As long as the little stepmother is willing to take care of it, Xiao Nan will definitely not be bullied by his uncle again. The little stepmother has the best solutions.

Mu Xiangnan happily agreed, "Mom, then I think I'll go back to school in the evening. Tell Xiao Nan not to worry, you will take care of him."

"go Go."

Ye Jiang packed his schoolbag and said, "Go say hello to your dad before you leave."

Mu Xiangnan grabbed his schoolbag and ran to the big kitchen and said to Mu Liancheng who was washing dishes, "Dad, I'm back to school."


Mu Liancheng stopped his son who wanted to escape and called him over, "What did you say to your mother?

Can't you tell your dad?

Your father can do it, so don't bother your mother anymore. She's already working hard enough."

"I know my mother works hard."

Mu Xiangnan spread his hands and said, "There's nothing I can do. You can't do this. Only my mother can do it."

After the boy said this, he was afraid that his father would beat him, so he ran downstairs.

After washing the dishes, Mu Liancheng went home and saw Ye Jiang writing a reply to Shen Yuezhen. The two children were standing beside her with their heads tucked together. He leaned against the door frame and watched for a long time.

Before he married Ye Jiang, he had only dreamed of such scenes, which he longed for even when he woke up.

Now we have everything.

"Mom, the last part of your letter, 'Have a baby soon', does that mean you want Aunt Shen to give birth to a brother or sister sooner?"

Mu Xiangbei pointed at a few words on the letter and asked seriously.

"Yes, that's what you understand. Generally, when you congratulate someone on their marriage, you have to say the first sentence."

Mu Xiangbei said: "Then why haven't mom and dad given birth to brothers or sisters since they got married?"

Ye Jiang smiled. Children really cause a lot of problems. "Our house is too small. There's no place for the baby to live after it's born."

Mu Xiangbei tilted his head and thought for a long time. Grandma Tu nagging every day, saying that when his mother gave birth to another brother or sister, their family would be complete.

Mu Xiangbei also hoped that his family would be complete, so he waited every day. Aunt Xiaoxia next door was about to give birth, but he still didn't wait for her mother to give birth to his younger brothers and sisters.

So it's because the family is too small that my mother can't give birth to younger brothers or sisters?

Mu Xiangbei was so sad that he said to Ye Jiang, "Mom, our house is a little small. I'll take care of your brother when you give birth to the baby. If you give birth to a sister, Xiaoxi will take care of her. It won't take up much space."

Ye Jiang laughed so hard that she couldn't straighten her back. Aunt Tu was really too enthusiastic. What did she say to the child that she suddenly asked this question?

"Don't worry, when our family is allocated a new residential building, there will be room for you to give birth to a brother or sister."

Ye Jiang folded the letter, looked up and saw Mu Liancheng standing at the door, and asked with a smile: "Dad, am I right?"

Mu Liancheng wanted to have a baby with his wife right now. Seeing that there was really no room for him at home, he turned around and took out an envelope from the drawer for Ye Jiang and whispered in her ear:

"Just flirt with me. I can't do anything to you after that."

Ye Jiang lowered his head and smiled secretly for a while, then sealed the envelope and planned to mail it out tomorrow.

Thinking of what Xiao Nan asked her to do, Xiao Nan's cheap uncle was indeed difficult to deal with. She thought about it and said to the man: "I'm not sure about what Xiao Nan told me today, I want to discuss it with you."

"You are in charge of the family affairs."

Mu Liancheng sent the two children back to their room and took out fruit candies and White Rabbit treats.

Mu Xiangbei understood everything and took the big white rabbit and started to eat it. "I know, I understand. If the adults want to talk about something, my sister and I will not go out to disturb them."

Mu Liancheng smiled and rubbed his son's head. "When Dad was a kid, he wasn't as cunning as you. Don't eat too much candy. Go to bed when you're sleepy."

He closed the door and came out to see his wife sitting up straight, looking serious, which was rare for her, as if she had something important to talk to him about.

"What did Xiaonan say to you last night?"

Mu Liancheng asked, "Look how worried you are. I'm here. If you tell me, there's nothing that can't be solved."

"Hey, it's Xiao Nan's uncle. He kicked the child out a few years ago because he didn't like the child's inability to work and the money for schooling. Now that Xiao Nan is older and will be able to work and earn money in a few years, he came back and wanted to take advantage of the child."

The people who adopted Xiao Nan were Xiao Yuanbao's eldest brother and his wife. They adopted Xiao Nan because they had no children. Later, they both died in a typhoon while fishing at sea. Xiao Nan couldn't stand it after staying in the Xiao family for several years, so he was kicked out by Xiao Yuanbao.

Now that the child has grown up and can earn money and be useful, they want to come back to recognize him, but it's like bullying the child, he has no choice. He hasn't even graduated from high school and can't support himself.

Mu Liancheng asked: "Does Xiao Yuanbao want to claim the child back?"

"It's even more troublesome than this. Xiao Yuanbao wants to recognize Xiao Nan as his own. He wants to arrange a marriage for Xiao Nan. When he reaches the age of marriage, he will become someone's son-in-law."

Mu Liancheng: "..."

There are still people so shameless.

"This matter is a bit troublesome."

The man frowned and said, "Even if we go to the police station to report the case, they won't accept it. This is a family matter and they can't intervene."

Although Xiao Yuanbao's behavior is hateful, what else can outsiders do except condemn it?

No wonder my wife is so worried.

Ye Jiang threw herself on Mu Liancheng, grabbed his collar and said, "As far as I know, when Xiao Nan's adoptive parents adopted him, they didn't register or apply for an adoption certificate. Xiao Nan's household registration is still in the local collective household registration."



What did his wife mean by this?

Holding his sweet and fragrant young wife in his arms, Mu Liancheng's brain couldn't think at all. He whispered in Ye Jiang's ear: "Just say whatever you want to say. There's nothing I won't agree to. Can you sit up straight and talk now?"

Ye Jiang then got off Mu Liancheng and said softly:

"No, I just want you to help me think of a solution. I really don't know what to do this time. Your son asked me to help Xiao Nan, and I can't solve it. I can only beg you."

Did the wife beg him?


It sounds more like he's being tricked.

Mu Liancheng's mind was clearer now. He hesitated for a moment and said, "How about we let Xiao Nan adopt the child? This way, we can solve the problem once and for all, and no one will think of taking advantage of the child again."

I just don't know if Ye Jiang is willing. There are already many children in the family, and now there is one more. Although this child will not need much worry when he grows up, he can graduate and find a job, and then find a wife for him. How easy is that?

Ye Jiangke was only 22 years old. She hadn't even given birth to a child of her own, but she was the mother of four.

This girl doesn't mind the trouble.

Ye Jiang felt that her man was so great that he didn't care about his ex-wife's son and helped the child when he was in trouble.

"I thought so too, but I was afraid you wouldn't agree."

She really couldn't help it, so she secretly looked at the two dolls in the room drawing quietly, then she pressed the man's lips and kissed him hard.

"Mu Liancheng, why do I like you so much?"

Mu Liancheng responded to his wife's enthusiasm, pinching her small chin and sighing.

"They are all debts, no matter if they are owed in the previous life or in this life, they must be repaid. I may have owed that child in a previous life. I am paying him back now, so that the retribution will not befall you and the children in the future."

He whispered in Ye Jiang's ear: "Ye Jiang, I owe you so much in this life. If you let me pay you back, you are not allowed to leave in this life."


Ye Jiang smiled with her eyebrows curved and pecked the man on the lips again.


"Lao Jiang, isn't your family planning to recruit a live-in son-in-law?

What do you think of my nephew?"

"No, no, your nephew is only fifteen years old, what use is he."

"Well, I know your family's situation. Your daughter is only sixteen and she's not in a hurry to get married. Our two families can decide on the marriage. Wait until my nephew graduates from high school, then you can bring him home, right?"

Old Jiang's family has no sons and has always wanted to find a son-in-law to live with them in their old age. Unfortunately, the three older daughters refused to stay at home and find a husband. Now only the oldest daughter is left, and Old Jiang must keep her and find a son-in-law to live with them.

Otherwise, the wealth his family has saved up throughout their lives would be given away to other families at a bargain price.

Xiao Yuanbao knew that the Jiang family was rich, so he set his sights on his adopted nephew who had been driven away a few years ago, hoping to take advantage of the opportunity to make a fortune.

He continued, "My nephew is currently attending high school in the county. He will definitely find a good job when he graduates from high school in two years. He is also good-looking, and your daughter will definitely like him. If you don't arrange a marriage now, my family will be reluctant to give him to you as a son-in-law in two years."

Lao Jiang hadn't seen Xiao Nan for a few years. In his impression, he was a very handsome boy, smart in studying, but too thin.

Xiao Yuanbao took the initiative to bring this up, surely wanting to make some money from the engagement. He heard that his eldest son was getting married soon, and the girl's family asked him to build three large tiled houses, and Xiao Yuanbao was anxious.

"Then you have to let me see the child first. Only when I am satisfied will I agree to the engagement."

"Look, of course I have to look."

Xiao Yuanbao agreed immediately.

The last time he went to see Xiao Nan, he hadn't seen him for several years. The young man looked like a pine tree, tall and strong, and incredibly handsome. Lao Jiang would definitely be satisfied to see him.

As for the rest, we will talk about it after Lao Jiang is satisfied. We will at least ask him for about a thousand or eight hundred.

After working hard to raise such a big boy, he will become a son-in-law in a few years, so Lao Jiang must make a big payment.

Otherwise, there is no such cheap thing in the world.

Xiao Yuanbao was also a very smart man. He waited until the final exam was over and the school was just on vacation before taking Lao Jiang to find Xiao Nan.

At this time, there were only a few students left in the school who had not had time to go home. They were busy packing their luggage in the dormitory, waiting for their parents to pick them up.

Xiao Yuanbao said to the security guard at the school gate: "I am Xiao Nan's uncle. Our home is far away, and I am here to pick up my nephew to go home for the holiday."

The old man didn't suspect anything and let Xiao Yuanbao into the school.

Xiao Nan looked at the empty dormitory and didn't know what to do. He was alone with nowhere to go.

His uncle, whom he hadn't seen for several years, suddenly came over and told him to go home during the holidays, but he didn't want to go back.

That was not his home at all. He was beaten out of that home by Xiao Yuanbao.

Xiao Yuanbao walked all the way to the dormitory and saw Xiao Nan sitting in the empty dormitory in a daze. The bedding on his bed had not been made yet, and he suddenly became angry.

"Why haven't you packed your bed yet? Hurry up and I'll take you to the state-owned restaurant for dinner and then we'll go back."

"I'm not going back."

Xiao Nan said stubbornly: "That place is no longer my home, and you are not my uncle."

"Do you think you have anywhere to go?

It's winter break here, so we have to be on vacation. We can't keep the school gate open just for you."

Xiao Yuanbao was certain that Xiao Nan had nowhere to go, and if he didn't go home he would sleep on the street.

Xiao Yuanbao folded the bedding on the bed in a hurry, tied it up and put it on his shoulder, then pulled Xiao Nan out of the school.

"Hurry up and follow me. They are waiting for you at the state-owned hotel."


Are you the one who said last time that you wanted to adopt me as their son?

I won't do it! I won't go there even if I kill myself. Don't dream about it."

The young boy was shaking with anger. If his mother didn't want him, he would be given away. If the Xiao family didn't want him, they would give him to someone else for adoption. Was he just an object to be bought and sold by others?

But Xiao Nan had no idea what to do. It was not until the exams and the holiday that he realized he had nowhere to go.

If he didn't go home with Xiao Yuanbao, where else could he go?


"Mom, why did you come to the state-owned restaurant to eat today? Didn't we agree to go find Xiao Nan and have him live with us?"

Mu Xiangnan was so excited. His stepmother had a way to persuade his father to adopt Xiao Nan, so that he wouldn't have to worry about Xiao Nan's uncle giving Xiao Nan to another family.

Winter vacation has already started, and I should go to the dormitory to pick up Xiao Nan and take him home. Why do we have to come to the state-owned restaurant for dinner?

Oh, forget it. It would be the same if I went to school to pick up Xiao Nan after dinner.

Although the house was small, his stepmother had made all the arrangements and remodeled the two rooms in the house. He, his younger brother and Xiao Nan slept in one room, while his father, his stepmother and Xiaoxi slept in another room.

When Xiao Nan gets home, he will definitely be very happy to see the new environment that has been renovated to welcome him.

Mu Xiangbei was also happy. With Brother Xiao Nan's arrival, the home became more lively.

"Mom, let's eat quickly and pick up Brother Xiao Nan later."

"Don't worry, your brother Xiao Nan will come to the state-owned restaurant soon."

Ye Jiang and Mu Liancheng discussed it and decided that if they rashly proposed to adopt Xiao Nan, the child might resist psychologically and refuse to agree.

Today, his uncle invited people from the Xu family to come to the state-owned restaurant to "take a look". After he beat the two families back, he would propose to adopt the child to see if Xiao Nan was willing.

As he was speaking, Jiang Dashan brought his daughter Jiang Xiaoli into the state-owned restaurant.

After finding a seat by the window, Jiang Xiaoli said to her father in great dissatisfaction, "Why did you ask me to come here for a matchmaking? Isn't Xiao Nan only fifteen years old after the Chinese New Year?

She's two years younger than me. If I don't go on a blind date with her, I'll be so embarrassed."

Jiang Dashan loved this old girl the most. He gave her all the delicious food at home, which also spoiled her.

The waiter served tea. Jiang Dashan was a wealthy man, so he ordered seven or eight dishes in one go before saying:

"So you tell the outside world that you're adopting him. You can look at him first, and if you like him, you can arrange a marriage first. Once the marriage is arranged, he can't escape. It would be perfect to invite him home when you reach the age of marriage."

Are there not enough arranged marriages among children in this town?

This kid is a high school student and he will be able to find a good job after graduation.

A child like this will have no trouble finding a partner in the future. If he doesn't settle down now, it will be difficult for his daughter to find a son-in-law with such good conditions in the future.

Jiang Dashan kept coaxing her, "Take a look first, and if you like him, we can talk later. If not, we'll leave right away. I heard from your uncle Xiao that Xiao Nan has grown quite handsome after not seeing him for a few years."

Jiang Xiaoli picked up the teacup and took a sip of tea, then put it down again because it was too hot.

"Well, I'll just take a look. When you go home, don't tell me you're here to arrange a blind date for me. Just tell me you want to adopt a son and come to the city to see him."

"Of course. Your father is not stupid. He has already said so to others."

They thought they wouldn't meet any acquaintances in Licheng, and they spoke loudly. Ye Jiang and his friends were at a close table and could hear everything clearly.

Mu Xiangnan knew a lot at his age. When he heard that Xiao Nan's uncle was bringing people to arrange a blind date for Xiao Nan and wanted to arrange him to be someone's son-in-law, he almost overturned the table.

Mu Liancheng pressed his son down and said, "What do you want?

Is it your turn to step forward?

Sit down and have a good meal."

"But Dad, they bully Xiao Nan because he has no parents. Go find Xiao Nan and ask him to come to our house."

The boy blushed with anxiety. How could he go on a blind date at such a young age? That idiot uncle was too much.

Ye Jiang said to Mu Xiangnan, "Don't worry, wait until Xiao Nan comes. If you see him being bullied and can't bear it, just hit him. Mom won't stop you today."

"Mom, this is what you said, just don't let my dad beat me when the time comes."

Mu Xiangbei also felt that nothing good was going to happen today, so he asked foolishly, "Mom, what is a live-in son-in-law?"

Ye Jiang picked up a piece of fish with chopsticks for him and said, "A live-in son-in-law means that they don't want you anymore and give you to someone else as their son."

"I don't want it. I don't want it."

Mu Xiangbei was so scared that he leaned towards Ye Jiang, "Mom, please don't give me away to others."

After thinking for a while, he added, "Don't send my brother to someone else as a son-in-law. I'll eat less in the future, so it will be easier to feed him."

Ye Jiang was so angry at the little guy that he laughed, "Don't say these things in front of your brother Xiao Nan later."

Xiao Nan was taken to the state-owned restaurant. When he looked up, he saw Teacher Ye and his family. He stood at the door in a daze.

Xiao Yuanbao pushed him and said, "What are you standing there for? Your Uncle Xu is sitting at the table by the window. The girl next to him is his daughter. Go sit over there."

Xiao Nan said, "The table over there is full of teachers and classmates from my school. I'll go over and say hello."

"Okay, just say hello and come over right away."

Xiao Yuanbao ran to Jiang Dashan's table, put Xiao Nan's bedding on the chair next to him, and started greeting him with a smile on his face.

Xiao Nan felt extremely embarrassed. His classmates (no, actually his brothers and sisters) and teachers were all there, but he was brought here by his uncle to be seen by someone and to be sold to that person as his son.

I can't run away and I don't know where I can go.

"Teacher Ye."

Xiao Nan came over and shouted, saying that if it weren't for Teacher Ye's financial support during the six months he had been in school, he would have starved to death.

"Well," Ye Jiang said with a smile, "You go over and eat first. Don't be afraid or cowardly. Teacher Ye is here and won't let anyone bully you."

Xiao Nan felt sad. How could Teacher Ye help him?

From the day he was abandoned by his mother, his fate was like this and no one could help him.

"Xiao Nan, come here quickly, don't make your Uncle Xu wait anxiously."

Xiao Yuanbao shouted impatiently.

Xiao Nan walked over with a red face, feeling like a piece of merchandise being picked.

"What do you think, Lao Jiang? My nephew is pretty good, isn't he? With his head and body, he looks like a grown man."

Xiao Yuanbao raised his eyebrows meaningfully and said, "It's not a loss to be your son."

Jiang Dashan had never seen such a handsome young man. The more he looked at him, the more satisfied he was. They couldn't find a better son-in-law than Xiao Nan in the whole town.

Jiang Dashan quietly kicked his daughter's foot under the table, "What are you looking at, Xiaoli?

How about it?"

Nowadays, many people start blind dating and marriage discussions at the age of 17 or 18. Jiang Xiaoli has dated several people at home, but was not satisfied with any of them.

She looked up at Xiao Nan and said unhappily, "Too thin."

Since he didn't say he was dissatisfied, that meant he liked it. Xiao Yuanbao was delighted at the thought of being able to bargain with Jiang Dashan for money.

"What's the big deal about being thin? If he eats more meat at your house, he'll grow stronger. He's been studying hard, and he's been at a stage where he can eat anything and not gain weight in the past two years."

Jiang Dashan saw that his daughter had no objection, and he looked at Xiao Nan and seemed very satisfied.

"I heard from your uncle that you got first place in the grade in the final exam?"


Xiao Nan just stood aside and didn't sit down.

The waiter started serving the dishes, and Jiang Dashan said hurriedly, "Sit down and talk. Let's eat first."

"No more."

Xiao Nan said, "I won't be adopted as their son. I'm leaving now."

As he said this, he went to get his bedding.

He had made up his mind that he would rather sleep on the street than go back with Xiao Yuanbao.

He wouldn't eat a single bite of Jiang Dashan's food.

Mu Liancheng watched this from the side and whispered to Ye Jiang, "This child is a man of character. No wonder you didn't let me mention it until his uncle came. If we had mentioned adopting him first, I guess this child would have refused without even a second thought."

Ye Jiang said, "Just wait and see. Xiao Yuanbao is about to lose his temper. Don't step forward when the fight starts. If you go over there and a fight breaks out, the situation will change. Just ask Xiaonan to go over there. If they do, they will suffer."

If an adult and a child fight, it would be strange if she doesn't kill Xiao Yuanbao.

Mu Liancheng thought that his wife was very thoughtful, "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Xiao Yuanbao stood up and slapped Xiao Nan in the face. Xiao Nan was caught off guard and was stunned.

The young man was stunned, and Ye Jiang and Mu Liancheng, who had just finished speaking, were also stunned.

How can you hit someone just because you want to? Ye Jiang immediately stopped Mu Liancheng who was about to go over and said to Mu Xiangnan who had been unable to hold back any longer:

"Xiao Nan, go over and watch over him. Don't let Xiao Nan get bullied again."


The boy's eyes were filled with anger. He ran over and pulled Xiao Nan away, then said to Xiao Yuanbao, "Are you worthy of being Xiao Nan's uncle?

I'm telling you, my mom said she wants to adopt Xiao Nan, so he'll have a family in the future, so don't even think about taking advantage of him."

"Who are you to meddle in our family's affairs? Get out of the way and don't delay my work."

Xiao Yuanbao was already impatient, and said to Jiang Dashan: "Old Jiang, are you watching carefully?

Just give me a promise. If you are willing, give our Xiao family one thousand yuan and you can take the person home."

Mu Xiangnan had a hot temper, and he heard everything clearly.

"What do you think of Xiao Nan? Are you going to sell him out?

My dad is a deputy head of a regiment, I will ask him to arrest you!"

"What's wrong with the deputy head? The deputy head can't control our family affairs."

Xiao Yuanbao is not afraid at all. If his good deeds are ruined, he will go to the army to complain. Who is afraid of whom?


He was not afraid, but Jiang Dashan was a little afraid. He asked his daughter, "Xiao Li, what do you think?

Do you want this person?"

Jiang Xiaoli is very disgusted with Xiao Nan now. He has a bad temper at all. Now that he is still young, he dares to act like a madman. If he is brought back home in a few years, he will be in big trouble.

"I don't want the son-in-law I met today. I don't like what he said just now. He will definitely be disobedient in the future. He is skinny and small and looks like he can't do any work. What's the point of having good looks? Can good looks buy food?"

"You...you guys..." Xiao Nan pointed at Xiao Yuanbao and the Jiang father and daughter with shaking fingers. He also understood.

Xiao Yuanbao was not going to adopt him as a son to another family. He was going to sell him to the family across the street as a son-in-law.

His face flushed and he wanted to leave right away.

"I will be fifteen after the Chinese New Year. No one can force me. I will not go anywhere and I will not knock on anyone's door."

Xiao Yuanbao was filled with hatred when he saw that Xiao Nan's upright character had offended the Jiang father and daughter.

"You little short-lived ghost, if my elder brother and his wife hadn't been so kind as to take you in, you would have died in the wilderness a long time ago. Am I going to let you die now?

What are you staring at?"

"I'm doing this for your own good. You have no parents, no relatives, and it's good enough for you to be someone's son-in-law. Why are you so picky?"

When he raised his hand to slap again, Mu Xiangnan rushed over and said, "You still want to hit me?

No way! "

Jiang Dashan saw that his daughter was unhappy. There was also a man in military uniform at the table next to him. Although Xiao Yuanbao was not afraid, he was still a little scared in his heart.

Jiang Dashan took out the bills and put them on the table to pay for the meal, then left with his daughter.

"Old Xiao, stop making trouble. My old girl doesn't like it. Stop making trouble."

Xiao Yuanbao was so angry because he felt a sharp pain in the chest from being hit by Mu Xiangnan just now. A deal worth one thousand dollars was ruined.

Since Jiang Dashan looks down on Xiao Nan, then Xiao Nan is useless in Xiao Yuanbao's eyes.

He is a useless person and he doesn't care about the life or death of this child.

Xiao Yuanbao poured all the hot water in the teapot onto Xiao Nan's bedding, leaving the debt collector without a quilt to sleep on at night, wishing he would freeze to death.

This time, Mu Xiaoxi acted the fastest, when everyone was so shocked by Xiao Yuanbao's retaliatory watering that they were unable to react.

Xiaoxi quickly ran over with the kettle on the table and smashed Xiao Yuanbao on the head with the kettle.

Let this bastard bully her brother, but he won't be burned to death.

Xiao Yuanbao's clothes were wet and his skin was burned red, but the other person was just a child of a few years old.

He might have been used to slapping his own children in the face, so he raised his hand to hit Mu Xiaoxi.

Xiao Nan and Mu Xiangnan both protected Mu Xiaoxi, glared at Xiao Yuanbao, and spoke at the same time.

"You dare to do that to my sister?"

Chapter 45

The hot water was poured on his body and cooled by the wind after a while, but the burning sensation on his skin had not yet dissipated.

It was hot and cold, it was so uncomfortable.

Xiao Yuanbao looked at the few aggressive little troublemakers in front of him, and the little girl among them was the most ferocious.

"Where are your parents?

You just throw hot tea on others, where is your education?

I will supervise you guys on behalf of your parents."

Xiao Yuanbao was angry and resentful. Not only did he lose at least a thousand yuan today, but his clothes were also wet, his skin was burned red, and he had to spend money to buy burn ointment.

Xiao Yuanbao was used to beating children at home, so he raised his hand to hit Mu Xiaoxi.

Xiao Nan couldn't help it this time, and he and Mu Xiangnan each grabbed one of his arms. Mu Xiaoxi took the opportunity to step forward and kicked him hard.

"Ouch, you hit someone. You little brats have no manners. Call your parents. You must pay for my medical expenses today."

"My Lord is here."

Ye Jiang walked forward, and Mu Liancheng was afraid that his wife would suffer a loss, so he followed her closely.

Xiao Yuanbao has a tendency to be violent, and he has to prevent Xiao Yuanbao from suddenly attacking someone again.

"Are you the child's parent?"

Xiao Yuanbao asked in disbelief.

This woman is too young. Xiao Yuanbao doesn't believe she can give birth to so many big children.

I heard from Xiao Nan that this person is his teacher. It's a pity that it's vacation time now, otherwise he would go to the school and make trouble, allowing a few kids to beat and injure people, and would definitely lose her job.

"I am the child's mother and also his teacher."

Ye Jiang said calmly, "I just happened to see you beating the child. Everyone in the restaurant saw it. What are you making a fuss about? If you want to make a fuss, let's go to the police station."

"It was your child who scalded me with hot tea. I haven't settled the score with you yet. Go ahead."

Xiao Yuanbao felt that he had suffered a great loss, and thought that if he went to the police station, the family would have to compensate him for his medical expenses, and it would be best if he could extort some money from them.

"Okay, let's go to the police station."

Just go, Ye Jiang is not afraid of him, and he even begged the hotel waiter to give a certificate.

The police officer from the police station understood the situation in no time. It was just an ordinary dispute. There was no fight and no damage caused. The aunties on the street could mediate the matter, so why did they come to the police station to cause trouble?

The man who was splashed with tea by a child is too pretentious. He wants others to pay a hundred yuan for his medical expenses. Who is willing to do that? Does he really think that other people's money comes from the wind?

Failure to mediate is pure disruption.

The local police mediated for half an hour, but Xiao Yuanbao insisted that he was scalded by a pot of hot tea from the child and that an explanation must be given.

The police officer looked at the delicate and pretty five-year-old girl and wondered how to punish her.

"Little friend, don't use hot water to scald others in the future."

The police officer "educated" Mu Xiaoxi in a gentle tone.

Mu Xiaoxi pointed at Xiao Yuanbao and said, "He hit my brother."

"Yes, he hit someone, and he went too far. He poured tea on the child's bedding, and the little girl poured the tea on him."

The waiter was so angry that he immediately stood up to testify that he had never seen a man with such a character and that he deserved to have hot tea poured on him.

"If you want to educate them, you have to educate them together. You can't just blame the child. Xiao Yuanbao was the one who made the mistake first."

The police officer was told by the waiter that he had wrongly blamed the little girl, and hurriedly said, "You know how to protect your brother, Xiaoxi, you are awesome. Uncle will criticize and educate that bad guy."

He knocked on the table in front of Xiao Yuanbao and said, "You were the one who started the fight. Why are you still making a fuss? No one is going to pursue the matter. Let's forget about it and go home."

"That won't work."

When Xiao Yuanbao saw that the local police were on that family's side, he was determined not to extort some money from them today.

He pulled the clothes in front of him to show the police his skin which was not very red from being burned by the hot tea.

"I got burned, and I need to be hospitalized for examination. Her family must pay for the medical expenses and nutrition expenses. Otherwise, just give me 100 yuan and I can go home and take care of myself."

Ha... this guy has no technical skills at all to extort money. With just the burns on his body, he didn't even need to apply burn ointment. There are no red marks left.

The local police were too lazy to pay attention to him. This guy was making unreasonable trouble and couldn't be driven away. It was so annoying.

Ye Jiang told the police: "He said he wanted to be hospitalized for examination. I agreed. After all, everyone saw that the hot tea was only splashed on the skin. We will only pay for his medical treatment for the burns. If other problems are found, we will not pay for the medical expenses."

She pushed Xiao Nan to the front and changed the subject, "The child was slapped. We also require hospitalization for examination. The medical expenses and examination fees must be paid by Xiao Yuanbao."

The police thought it was a reasonable idea and wanted to see what the man had to say.

"Okay, let's go to the hospital now and pay for each other's medical expenses and examination fees."

"I've never heard of anyone being hospitalized for a slap."

Xiao Yuanbao was unhappy, "You are obviously blackmailing me, I don't agree."

Oh, he also knows that this behavior is blackmail.

Ye Jiang argued, "You were burned by hot tea and you were required to stay in the hospital for ten days or half a month. Then my student was slapped by you. I suspect he got a concussion, which is a serious problem. He is still studying. If he is made stupid by you, how will he find a job after graduation? He won't even be able to find a wife in the future, and he won't have a son to support him when he gets old."

"The more I think about this problem, the more serious it becomes. I'm afraid that the medical conditions in the outlying city are not up to par. We must go to a large hospital like City C and get a comprehensive brain examination. How about you go to the hospital in City C to check out your burns? I'm a generous person, so I'll check your heart and lungs as well to see if your liver is damaged."

Xiao Yuanbao: "..." How come this woman is even more shameless than him? Is such a person really a teacher?

He has met his match. It seems that he cannot extort money today. It is obvious that this family is not short of money. If they really go to the hospital, he will be extorted for more examination fees, right?

The local police officer: "..." This girl is wasting her talent as a teacher. She should go to the neighborhood committee. There will be no problem for her to mediate conflicts among neighbors.

Mu Xiangnan: "..." The little stepmother is really amazing.

Xiao Nan: "..." Teacher Ye said that no one should bully him. Can she really deal with this rogue uncle Xiao Yuanbao?

Mu Liancheng recalled that when he was in Shanshui Village, Ye Jiang married him in a way that no one else could imagine, and took his three children away from Wu Zhilan.

Mu Liancheng felt particularly at ease knowing that the children had her as a mother. With Ye Jiang around, no one could bully this family.

He stood beside his wife and said, "Then don't delay, let's go to the hospital now. Comrade Xiao, do you have money? The hospital does not accept credit. You burned our Xiaoxi, and we will pay for your treatment no matter how much it costs. Similarly, you slapped my wife's student, and you must pay for a comprehensive examination."

Xiao Yuanbao thought angrily in his heart: Can a slap in the face damage your brain?

This family must be sick. Why go to the hospital? He doesn't have any money on him.

"Forget it, I won't bother with you and won't go to the hospital, but..."

Xiao Yuanbao pointed at the tea stains on his clothes and said, "This cotton-padded jacket of mine is new. It's so expensive to make clothes these days. This set of cotton-padded jacket and trousers cost me more than 30 yuan. You must compensate me for the money for the clothes!"

The police officer is angry, is he still thinking about extorting money?

The cotton-padded jacket he was wearing was old, and it looked like it was made several years ago. If there were tea stains on it, he could just wash it at home. Why did he ask for more than 30 yuan? Is it worth it?

"Comrade Xiao, please stop messing around."

"I was just fooling around. Everyone saw that it was her daughter who splashed tea water all over me. Shouldn't she pay for it?"

Everyone present was so angry at his unreasonable demands that they thought the parent would definitely not agree. She was good at speaking and would probably start scolding Xiao Yuanbao so hard that he couldn't raise his head. They might even have to mediate to prevent a fight in the police station.

But Ye Jiang just said calmly, "My child spilled the water, I admit it, we should pay for it."

The police officer thought that this girl would be so angry that she would go crazy. Would she just accept it just to get rid of this scoundrel as soon as possible?

It's just over 30 yuan. Even if you make a new one, it won't cost that much.

Xiao Yuanbao was delighted, thinking that if he could get less than a hundred yuan, at least he could get a few dozen so that he could go home and celebrate the New Year.

He quickly held out his hand and said, "It's almost the end of the year now. We are short of everything and many things are hard to buy. Please give me an integer, forty yuan, and I will go home and make my own clothes."

Ye Jiang sneered. He still wanted forty yuan. Where was his face?

"When I said I would compensate you for your clothes, I meant it literally, not in cash. There is a tailor shop in the service center outside the city. Let's go and measure your sizes. I can make you a suit of the same quality as the one you are wearing. That's fine, right?"

There is really nothing to say. Xiao Yuanbao originally wanted to extort money, but now that he can't get any money, he can't let them get away with it. It would be nice to extort a new cotton-padded jacket for his son to wear at home.

"Okay then, let's go and measure the size now. I have to rush home in the afternoon."

"Don't worry, we haven't finished talking yet. Once you compensate my student for his bedding, I'll take you to measure your clothes."

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yuanbao was shocked and knew that this woman was not so kind and was waiting for him.

What bedding should be compensated?

Isn't Xiao Nan's bedding in good condition?

She is crazy.

When they arrived at the police station, Ye Jiang asked the man to carry Xiao Nan's bedding over.

Mu Xiangnan was also smart. He immediately brought the bedding over and pointed out the tea stains and undried water marks on it to the police.

"We all saw that Xiao Yuanbao deliberately poured hot tea on Xiao Nan's quilt. If he wants my mother to compensate him for his cotton-padded jacket, he must compensate Xiao Nan for her quilt."

"You are crazy, kid."

Xiao Yuanbao said angrily: "Why don't you just wash and dry the quilt cover? You want me to pay you for this? You're just dreaming."

Mu Xiangnan said righteously, "Oh, you spilled our bedding and asked us to go back and wash it, then my sister spilled your cotton-padded clothes and you asked us to pay for it, you are just dreaming, right?"

"Anyway, if you don't compensate us for our quilts, we won't compensate you for your cotton-padded jackets. We are not afraid of you no matter where you go to reason!"

Ye Jiang looked at his son who was helping him and smiled happily.

"Yes, what my son said makes sense. Either we compensate each other, or we go home and wash and hang them up. Oh, and by the way, these two bed covers and quilts are newly made this year. Please make me two identical beds, and you can take the one you spilled."

She smiled and said, "We don't want your old cotton-padded jacket. You don't lose out this way. You spend the money for two quilts, not only do you get two quilts that you only used for half a year, but you also get a new cotton-padded jacket. You've made a fortune."

Mu Liancheng couldn't help laughing. His wife had dug a trap for Xiao Yuanbao, and now she seemed quite happy. So he decided to make her happier.

"Don't be angry, wife. Just think of it as buying a new set of bedding for the child instead of the money for a set of cotton-padded clothes. That's good enough."

Ye Jiang looked at him with a smile, "Anyway, you're the one who paid, I'm not angry."

Xiao Yuanbao felt like his lungs were about to explode. That woman must be secretly happy.

How could he afford to make a new quilt? Even if he had money, he would save it for his son's marriage, so what kind of quilt would he make?

Besides, compensating for a quilt is much more expensive than compensating for clothes, so he wouldn't do it.

How could I have met such a powerful woman? I can't win the argument no matter what I say and I can't get any advantage over her.

Xiao Yuanbao didn't mention going to the hospital or paying for the clothes, and left cursing.

Mu Xiangnan said happily: "Mom, can we go home now?"

"Xiao Nan hasn't eaten yet. Wait until he's full before going back."

Back at the state-owned restaurant, Ye Jiang said to the waiter, "Order a bowl of pork chop noodles, with an extra topping."


The waiter agreed and quickly brought out a bowl of hot noodles.

Mu Liancheng and a few children sat at a table nearby drinking tea. Mu Xiangnan asked, "Dad, can my mom convince Xiao Nan to come to our house?"

"It might work."

Xiao Nan is a very stubborn child. Mu Liancheng thought that if he were to talk to him, it would definitely not work, but if his wife were to persuade him, maybe it would work.

Xiao Nan was already very hungry. There were two large pieces of meat steak on the big bowl of noodles. The aroma tempted him and he couldn't help but pick up the chopsticks.

He held the chopsticks and did not move for a long time. This was just his teacher, not his mother. Why should he accept other people's kindness so calmly and without guilt again and again?

But he was so hungry that he couldn't think.

Seeing Xiao Nan struggling, Ye Jiang sighed, "Eat first. When you're full, Teacher Ye has something to tell you."

The boy couldn't bear it any longer. He lowered his head and ate the noodles in big mouthfuls, even drinking up all the soup.

After he finished his noodles, Ye Jiang said, "Xiao Nan, although your uncle has gone back this time, I'm worried that he will come again in the future. Fortunately, it's winter vacation. If he comes when you are in class and you can't attend class, what should you do?"

The young boy was in a daze. He didn't know what he could do if his uncle guarded the school gate every day.

"I...I will grow up eventually."

When he grows up, graduates and finds a job to support himself, he won't be afraid of being harassed by his uncle's family.

Ye Jiang said: "We are talking about now. You will graduate the year after next. What are you going to do in the next two years?"

Xiao Nan was speechless. He didn't know what to do. When he was hungry, he just wanted to have a full meal. When he was cold, he just wanted to have a bed to sleep on.

Now that he has enough to eat and can go to school, he really doesn't want to go back to Xiao Yuanbao's home.

"Xiao Nan, Teacher Ye has a way to prevent Xiao Yuanbao from bothering you forever. Do you want to listen to it?"

Xiaonan always says that Teacher Ye has a way to solve any problem.

Xiao Nan raised his head, "Then... Teacher Ye, you say."

"I have discussed with Xiaonan's father and have decided to transfer your household registration to our house. From now on, you will be my adopted son, and no one will dare to come to my house to bully you."

Xiao Nan was extremely surprised. Was Teacher Ye going to adopt her?

The boy turned to look at the table next to him. His three younger brothers and sisters were all looking at him expectantly.

Xiaonan and the others know that his family has decided to adopt him, right?

Why do they look so happy?

He is just an extra person.

"I..." Xiao Nan wanted to say that he didn't want to, but he couldn't say it. In his heart, he was willing, and he had always wanted a home.

Ye Jiang knew that the child still had concerns in his heart, and it would be inappropriate to ask him to accept a family that was relatively unfamiliar to him all of a sudden.

She smiled and said, "Xiaonan's grandparents also adopted a child before, my adopted sister. Her situation was similar to yours at the time, and only adoption could prevent her from being sold to others as a child bride by relatives."

"When you come to our house, just call me Teacher Ye as before. As for Xiaonan's father...just call him uncle. Everything will remain the same as before. After you graduate, you can go wherever you want."

Xiao Nan thought about it. He had been to Teacher Ye's house several times before. Although Xiao Nan's father was serious, he was quite nice to him and not too fierce. So could he really go to Teacher Ye's house?

He couldn't help but look at the table next to him. He really wanted to sit there. From now on, he would have a home.

But he couldn't move his legs.

Mu Xiaoxi blinked her big eyes and wondered what was wrong with her brother. He had been waiting for her for half a day and still refused to go home. He was not straightforward at all.

She ran over and pulled Xiao Nan's arm out, "Go home."

go home?

Xiao Nan didn't know what to feel and hesitated whether to go with his sister.

He was particularly conflicted. He had promised not to be anyone else's son, but at that time he thought Xiao Yuanbao wanted to sell him to someone else, so he naturally refused.

Mu Xiaoxi said again, "Go home."

Xiao Nan felt a little embarrassed. He really wanted to just follow Xiaoxi and he was making a final struggle in his heart.

Mu Xiaoxi was angry. This brother didn't want to go home, which meant he didn't want to be her brother, right?

Humph, if he doesn't want her, then she doesn't want this brother either.

"I don't want you anymore."

Mu Xiaoxi was so angry that tears rolled down her cheeks. She didn't even go back to her father or brother, but ran out.

"Mu Xiaoxi, you're running around again."

Xiao Nan was so scared. Why would his sister run away when they had a disagreement? The last time she ran into the woods late at night, she scared him half to death.

Now running again.

He hurried after him.

When Mu Xiangnan saw his sister running away, he hurried after her. He had to give Mu Xiaoxi a severe lesson once he caught her.

Mu Xiangbei also wanted to chase after him. It would be so happy if they all ran home together, but he didn't run away and was caught by his father.

Oh, so angry.

Mu Liancheng grabbed his youngest son by the hand and said, "Why are you running? You can't outrun anyone with your short legs. Just stay still."

Mu Liancheng held his youngest son in one hand and Xiao Nan's blanket in the other, and asked Ye Jiang, "Did the child agree or not?"

"Of course I agreed. It's all thanks to our Xiaoxi. Otherwise, Xiao Nan wouldn't have made up his mind so quickly. You should prepare all the materials and hurry up to complete the adoption procedures to transfer Xiao Nan's household registration."

"Okay, I'll do it now."

Ye Jiang paid for the noodles and watched the kids running around in front.

Mu Xiaoxi was caught by Xiao Nan. She asked something and Xiao Nan answered. Then Xiaoxi peeled an orange candy and put it in his mouth, which again triggered Xiaonan's jealousy and loud protests.

Ye Jiang smiled and sighed, "Another child, do you find it troublesome?"

Mu Liancheng didn't think it was too much trouble. "Three is the same as raising four. You don't mind, so why should I mind it?"

He suddenly thought that he wanted to have another child with Ye Jiang in the future, but he didn't know if she was willing.

Well, let's talk about the future later.

"Then should I bring Xiao Nan to City C to meet your parents during the Spring Festival?"

"Well, when you start your vacation, our whole family will go to City C and let the children spend the New Year with their grandparents."


"Xiao Nan, did you bring Xiao Nan back?"

Xia Xiaoling stood in the aisle and saw several children chattering as they went up the stairs. She then looked at Xiao Nan following behind and thought that her sister-in-law was not just talking casually and had really adopted the child for Xiao Nan.

Her family was remodeling the room a few days ago, and they brought the child home during the holiday. Xia Xiaoling admired Ye Jiang very much. She didn't mind the trouble. It is so troublesome to raise a child now.

"Auntie Xiaoxia, call me Xiangnan from now on. If you call me Xiaonan again, I won't be able to tell who you are calling."

Mu Xiangnan has emphasized this to everyone many times.

"Okay, I'll remember that."

Mu Xiangnan took out the key, opened the door, and pulled Xiao Nan into the newly partitioned room.

There were no major changes to the previous layout. A bunk bed with a desk was custom-made in the place where his father originally slept on the single bed. The upper part was the bed for sleeping, and the lower part was the desk.

There was originally a desk near the window. Mu Xiangnan said, "Look, there are now two desks in this room. We will have a place to sleep and do homework in the future."

The living room was made smaller than before, and another room was expanded and a large bed was installed.

Mu Liancheng finally no longer had to sleep in a separate room from Ye Jiang, but his daughter had to live with him for two years. This was the result of a long discussion with Mu Xiaoxi.

Xiao Nan thought that Teacher Ye had already made arrangements for him.

He felt very guilty. No wonder Xiaoxi was angry. She had worked so hard for so long and thought that he didn't want to stay here. Of course Xiaoxi was disappointed and wanted to run away.

On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Mu Liancheng's vacation was approved. Ye Jiang bought the train tickets in advance. As soon as Mu Liancheng got home, he took the four children and boarded the train to City C overnight.

Although it would only take a dozen hours and arrive the next morning, Ye Jiang still bought a sleeper ticket considering that she had children.

It was Xiao Nan's first time taking a train, and he was extremely curious about everything. Mu Xiangnan thought that he could now show off to his desk mate that he had taken a train before, so he took Xiao Nan to several carriages on the train.

This time, we brought four children and two adults, so the luggage was a bit much. Fortunately, Ye Jiang bought two lower berths in a sleeper car.

As soon as he got on the train, Xiaobei took off his shoes and climbed onto the bed to play with his sister. This was his second time taking a train, and he no longer felt as excited as he did the first time.

But I am still very happy to be able to go to City C to visit my grandparents.

"Mom, when can we get to grandma's house? I can't wait any longer."

"When you and your sister are tired from playing, you can take a nap and then we'll be home."

There were six berths in a hard sleeper car, and Ye Jiang's family occupied four of them. The second person to get on the train and share the same car with their family was Xie Yaoyi, who was returning to City C to celebrate the New Year.

"Why is it your family?

Are you going to City C too?"

Xie Yaoyi's ticket was for the upper berth. She stuffed her luggage bag under the bed and saw several large packages from Ye Jiang's family. She said, "Why bring so many things? They take up space."

"Has it taken up your place?"

Ye Jiang was not polite to her. Xie Yaoyi was probably spoiled at home before, and Ye Jiang would not spoil her.

"Let me tell you, why are you so angry?"

Xie Yao traveled light and only took a few sets of clothes with her. She saw that the small table between the beds was full of food and drinks, and she regretted not bringing some food with her.

This Teacher Ye is really something. She didn't even invite her to eat anything. Is she holding a grudge?

Xie Yaoyi said: "Teacher Ye, I didn't target you during the last school vote, so please don't hold a grudge against me."

"I don't have time to bear grudge against you. Teacher Xie won't be able to stay in Licheng for many years, right?"

"of course."

Xie Yaoyi said proudly: "My dad told me that there is a quota for the Workers, Peasants and Soldiers University. I may not return to Licheng after the New Year."

"Oh, congratulations."

Xie Yaoyi is already 28 years old, and is not young anymore. Ye Jiang asked secretly, "Isn't Teacher Xie in a hurry to find a partner?"

Xie Yaoyi: "..."

She doesn't poke where it doesn't hurt, and she still says that she doesn't bear grudges. This Ye Jiang is just seeking revenge.

The smell of gunpowder became stronger and stronger, but Xie Yaoyi refused to give in.

"If I can't find a good comrade who shares the same ideals and ideological awareness as me, I would rather be single. I won't be like Teacher Ye, who would just marry an old man.


After hearing Xie Yaoyi's sour words, Ye Jiang laughed and fell on her son.

Xie Yaoyi was puzzled. What was Ye Jiang laughing at? She could laugh even when she was teased by him. She was indeed a mentally ill woman.

How could a normal person be a stepmother to four children and enjoy it so much?

Mu Xiangbei calmed his mother down, "Mom, what are you laughing at?"

Ye Jiang smiled and said, "Your father was teased as an old man. Oh, how pitiful."

"My dad is not old."

Mu Xiangbei said angrily, "My father looks much younger than Aunt Xie. Aunt Xie has wrinkles on her face."

Xie Yaoyi: "..." Where are the wrinkles on her face? She's just a kid talking nonsense.

Mu Liancheng thought to himself, you are a 28-year-old unmarried lesbian, how dare you say that I, a 32-year-old man with three children, am old?

My wife doesn't dislike me.

"Comrade Xie, I am only four years older than you. You have no right to say that I am old. If you want to say something, only my wife can say it."

Xie Yao was so angry that she couldn't say anything to refute. She hated it most when people talked about her age. She was tired and didn't want to argue anymore.

"Hey, let me exchange the lower bunk with yours. It's easy for a child to climb up and down anyway. I'm too lazy to climb to the upper bunk, so I'll sleep on this lower bunk, okay?"

As he said that, he sat down on the bed opposite Ye Jiang and leaned on the quilt to rest.

Ye Jiang said calmly: "If you don't want to change, don't sleep on the berth I bought. If you want to sleep on the lower berth, go and coordinate with the conductor. I'm not your mother, why should I take care of you?


Xie Yaoyi: "Teacher Ye, your words are too harsh. Forget it if you don't want to change. Who cares?"

She climbed to the top bunk angrily.

She bought an upper bunk bed, so when she sat up she had to lower her head, which was uncomfortable, so she had to lie down.

I didn't bring any food before getting on the bus. Looking at Ye Jiang's family eating hot pastries, I cursed Ye Jiang several times in my heart.

Mu Xiangnan and Xiao Nan took a trip on the train and brought two people back with them when they came back.

Mu Xiangnan said excitedly: "Mom, look who this is, I just saw him in the sleeper car in front."

Ye Jiang looked up and quickly stood up to greet her, "What a coincidence, Aunt Lu. Where are you going?"

Lu Dayou supported his mother and followed Mu Xiangnan to the private room, smiling and saying:

"Mom, do you still remember Comrade Xiaoye and her man?

Last time we went to the provincial capital to see a doctor, they gave us sleeper berths on the train."

"How could I not remember that?"

The time on the train was leisurely and long. Aunt Lu was happy to meet Ye Jiang on the road. What a fate it was.

"My eldest grandson has worked in City C for several years. This year, his company allocated him a big house and he gave me a great-grandson. He insisted on taking me to spend the New Year with him. I refused to go and forced his father to buy a ticket to take me there. Oh, the tickets are so expensive. It's really a waste of money."

"Auntie, are you okay with your eyes?"

Ye Jiang smiled and asked her to sit on the bed to talk, "Your son and grandson are filial, but you are still not happy?"

Although Aunt Lu felt sorry for the money, she was of course happy that her grandson specially took her to the big city to celebrate the New Year and sent money back to buy her a train ticket, which made everyone in the village envious.

"My eye problem has long been cured. Now I can see people clearly. My dear girl, where are you going with your family?"

"I'm going to my parents' house in City C to celebrate the New Year."

Ye Jiang took an orange, peeled it and handed it to Aunt Lu.

Oranges that can be preserved until winter are extremely precious and cannot be bought even if you have money. Fortunately, Lu Dayou had made some preparations when he came over and gave the children a bag of roasted peanuts and chestnuts.

"The peanuts are grown by ourselves, and the chestnuts are wild chestnuts from the mountains. This year, each family in the brigade received a lot of them. They are very delicious. Let the children have a taste."

Ye Jiang responded with a smile. Xie Yaoyi was bored and was so absorbed in listening to their conversation that no one invited her down for a snack, which made her very angry.

Mu Xiangnan said to Ye Jiang, "Mom, Grandma Lu and the others bought the upper bunk, which is inconvenient to get on and off. Xiao Nan and I will sleep over there, and we will give the lower bunk to Grandma Lu."

Ye Jiang took a bag and put some snacks in it, including two handfuls of peanuts and chestnuts given by Lu Dayou, and handed them to Mu Xiangnan.

"Okay, go ahead."

Lu Dayou said apologetically: "Comrade Xiaoye, look, I've caused you trouble again."

"No trouble."

Ye Jiang smiled and said to Mu Liancheng: "You go with Brother Lu and help him move all the luggage over here, so it will be more convenient when you get off the bus tomorrow morning."

The man agreed and went with Lu Dayou to help him with his luggage.

Aunt Lu asked quietly, "My dear, why do you have another child in your family? He looks about fifteen or sixteen years old, right?"

"It's the fifteenth day of the lunar year."

Ye Jiang said: "He is a classmate of my eldest son, and he was just adopted by our family."

"I think she's a good girl, and she should be grateful. You have a good heart. Don't think being a stepmother is troublesome now. You will have a happy life in the future."

Ye Jiang nodded and smiled, "Thanks to your good wishes, I hope that my future children will be as filial as your sons and grandsons."

Xie Yao looked down from the upper bunk, feeling dissatisfied, "Teacher Ye, you refused to switch beds with me, but you agreed to do so with someone else? You are targeting me, holding a grudge, and being petty."

"You see me very clearly."

Ye Jiang replied bluntly, "I am such a person with such low ideological awareness that I am not worthy of being friends with Teacher Xie. You'd better stop talking to me. I am annoyed by you and me too."

Xie Yao turned over and went to sleep, not wanting to care about Ye Jiang anymore.


At 6:30 in the morning, the train finally stopped at the train station in City C.

Mu Xiangnan and Xiao Nan looked curiously at the bustling station outside as the train gradually stopped.

Today is New Year's Eve. There are crowds of people outside the station, and the platform is filled with people picking up relatives and friends and passengers getting off the train.

Everyone had an unstoppable smile on their face as they reunited with their loved ones.

Ye Jiang's mood became relaxed.

"Xiangnan, there are so many people at the station, don't run, or you two will be lost soon."

Ye Jiang didn't have time to take care of the luggage at this time. She was only responsible for taking good care of the two little ones.

There are too many people and they can be easily squeezed apart.

Mu Liancheng carried three or four bags by himself and called his son back, "Follow your mother, don't run."

Ye's father said he would come to pick up the child, but Ye Jiang couldn't see anyone through the glass window, so she could only get out of the car holding the child.


Father Ye spotted his daughter from behind the crowd and tried desperately to squeeze through it.

This is his precious daughter. Even if there are many people at the station, Father Ye can find her at a glance.


Ye Jiang's eyes were red. She had been a stepmother to several children for half a year, but in front of her father, she was still a child.

Ye Jiang also squeezed over, and was about to throw herself into Ye's father's arms and act coquettishly.

Seeing his daughter, son-in-law and several children coming home to celebrate the New Year, Ye's father was so happy that he hugged Xiaobei, who was held by Ye Jiang.

Mu Xiangbei called softly, "Hello, Grandpa."

Ye's father was so happy that he couldn't stop smiling.

Ye Jiang pointed at Xiao Nan and said, "Dad, I've given you another grandson. Are you happy?"


Ye's father had already heard that this was his daughter's adopted son, one year older than Xiaonan, and a student in her class.

His daughter was happy, and he, as a father, was also happy. Seeing that the child was still a little restrained, Father Ye patted him on the shoulder. Although he didn't say anything, Xiao Nan felt greatly comforted.

No wonder Xiaonan said that grandparents are so nice.

Xiao Nan followed suit and called out, "Grandpa."

"Hey, okay..."

After leaving the station, there were fewer people in the square outside. Father Ye said, "Let's go. Your mother is getting impatient. Let's talk when we get home."

"Uncle Ye, are you here to pick someone up as well?"

A man nearby ran over to say hello. He looked to be about the same age as Mu Liancheng, but Ye Jiang didn't know him.

Father Ye said, "I'm here to pick up my daughter and grandson. This is my son-in-law Mu Liancheng."

Father Ye introduced: "This Xie Yuheng is the technician I trained at the research institute."

Mu Liancheng and Xie Yuheng nodded to each other as a greeting.

Just when Ye Jiang was about to take a car home with Ye's father, he saw Xie Yao rushing over and hugging Xie Yuheng's arm.

"Brother, you are going too far. Why don't you go to the platform to pick me up... Ah Ye Jiang, why is it you again?"

Xie Yuheng smiled and introduced, "This is my cousin Xie Yaoyi. She said she wanted to come to my house for the New Year this year. Yaoyi, do you know Uncle Ye's daughter?"

Father Ye also asked, "A Jiang, do you know each other?"

Ye Jiang and Xie Yao turned their heads away and looked at each other unhappily. This was not at school, so there was no need to give her face.

It was obvious that Xie Yaoyi and Ye Jiang were thinking the same thing.

Each of them said, "Humph, I don't know her."
