
Here's another imagine.

This one was requested by JessicaHarris924 :Could you please do one where the reader and Kirk knew each other as kids and hated one another kids, and the reader was recently transferred to the Enterprise and they slowly start to build a love-hate kinda relationship. And thank you in advance if you do it.

so here it is, Requests are open. Enjoy!!!

(P.S. Thank you so much for over 500 reads on this book, it means a lot to me ❤️❤️❤️)


The last day of school was the best day of  my life for one simple reason, it meant I'd never have to see Jim Kirk ever again. It all started way back on the first day of school, I sat down and Jim sat beside me, I could tell by the stupid smirk on his face that we would not be getting along anytime soon...and I was right.

"Oh look, it's lady Frankenstein..."

"Oh look, it's Bigfoot..."

"Seriously??? Bigfoot??? Your dropping the ball there (Y/N)..."

"Whatever you git..."

"Why do you have to be such a cow...god, I hate you..."

"Good...because I hate you too..."

"Your so frustrating!!!"

"Well don't worry...thankfully, after today I'll never have to see your stupid little face EVER again..."



I thought that'd be it...we'd part ways, work on different ships and I'd never have to cross paths with that idiot ever again...unfortunately I wasn't that lucky...

The USS Enterprise was needing more crew and since my ship had to many ship members, I was one of the people selected for the first I was excited about the move...that was until I arrived on the ship and was met by the face I hoped I'd never have the unpleasantness of seeing again...

"Oh god...not you again!!!"

"Now, now (Y/N) that any way to talk to your new captain..."

"Wait a minute...your the captain of this ship!!!"

"Don't sound so surprised..."

"This day just gets worse and worse..."

"Don't think I'm enjoying this either you know...I was hoping I'd never have to run in your ugly face again..."

"Just stay away from me you freak..."

"I'd be careful about how you talk to me...I may hate you but I'm still your superior..."

"Well I hate you why don't I just go..."

"Uhh...I don't think so...I need a new assistant...and unfortunately...that's got to be you..."

"Oh joy..."

Since the day I arrived on the enterprise, Jim has made my life a misery...but I suppose, I haven't made his life any easier...he asks me to do the silliest of tasks, get me a drink...wash my uniform...get me a snack...but then he regrets them when I pour the drink over his head, wash his uniforms in dye and throw his food on his lap...because as I point out to him, he didn't specify how the tasks were to be completed...

"(Y/N)...get me a cup of tea...and NOT over my head..."

"Yes, your majesty..."

"Oh and drop the attitude..."

"I will if you will..."

"Now there's no need to be like that ugly..."

"I seriously hate you..."

"Well I hate you more..."

"I hate you even more than that..."

I noticed that Jim's started leaning down, his lips getting closer to mine...I then found myself leaning up towards him...

"I hate you so, so much right now"

"I hate you too..."

It was then that our lips met in a passionate kiss...Jim's hands went to my waist while my hands played with his hair...the kiss broke when we needed to breath, our hands didn't move from where they were but we just stared into one another's eyes...

"You sure you hate me???"

"Maybe not so much..."

"Well I think I might love you..."

"I might love you too..."

"So will you be my girlfriend???"

"Hmm...I'm not sure I love you that much..."


"Don't worry...I'm kidding...of course I'll be your girlfriend..."

" how about that drink???"

"Your unbelievable...get it yourself you dork..."

"Fine...but can you do one more thing for me..."

"And what might that be???"


And once again...I found his lips on mine...I could get used to being his assistant if this is what I have to do...


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X
