
Here's another imagine. Requests are open. Enjoy!!!


Your husband was currently on the enterprise while you were on earth. After giving birth to your daughter you and Bones decided it would safer for you to stay on earth with Ella meanwhile Bones stayed on the enterprise. The plan seemed good at first but after a few months you both really missed each other. You hated the idea that Ella was growing up without her dad and Leo hated the fact he was missing out on his little girl growing up. You had video chats with each other but it wasn't the same.

It was currently Ella's first birthday and Leo wasn't gonna be there. You planned a small party and invited your friends and family, everyone tried to have a good time but you all knew someone was missing. You decided to let Ella open her presents, she got new clothes and toys but once again you were reminded that Bones wasn't here. He didn't have any shore leave so didn't get a chance to organise a present for Ella, instead you just had to pick something and hoped he approved. The final thing you did was have Ella blow out her candles on her cake, you were all about to sing happy birthday when there was a knock at the door. You kissed your little girl's head before going to see who was there, you opened the door to be met by your husband.

"Leo!!!Your here!!!"

You quickly hugged him, he hugged you back, when you broke the hug you instantly placed your lips on Leo's, you had waited so long to be able to kiss him again.

"I've missed you so much..."

"I've missed you too darlin'"

"How are you here??? I thought there was still two months left on your mission"

"The mission finished early and besides, nothing was gonna keep me from coming home today of all days"

"That reminds me..."

You grabbed Bones by the hand and lead him inside, you brought him into the living room, everyone was so happy to see him, the biggest smile appeared on Ella's face, she was a bit of a daddies girl. You all sang happy birthday to Ella and (with assistance for Leo) she blew out her candles. Everyone cheered, Leo picked up Ella and spun her around in the air, she squealed in delight. Bones sat down and placed Ella on his knee, you sat beside them and took in the scene, today was perfect, everything was falling into place.

"Ahh...that reminds me, I've got something for you little lady..."

Leo passed you Ella before going into the hallway, he returned with a wrapped gift, he sat down and returned Ella to his knee, he handed her the gift and helped her open it. Inside was a teddy bear dressed like a doctor. Ella instantly hugged the plushy and you hugged her and Leo. You loved your family being together again.



"Thank you..."

"For what?"

"Being a wonderful father to our little girl"

Leo kissed you, and you kissed back.

"By the way, I'm staying"


"In staying here on earth, with you and's to hard to be away from you so until Ella is old enough to come aboard the enterprise is going on without me"

"But you love being CMO"

"Not as much as I love you two...I wanna see my baby girl grow up, and besides...we can board the enterprise again one day, when we are ready"

"I love you"

"I love you too darlin'..."


Hope you enjoyed it.

Requests Open.

~Clo X
