World of Tomorrow

Everyone was still in the park, listening to the futuristic-themed showed by Howard Stark.

Man: (on PA) "Welcome to the Modern Pavilion and the World of Tomorrow. A greater world. A better world.

Bucky, Bree, Rachel, Steve, Alec and Alison walked along.

Alison smiled. "Oh, my god. It's starting.

The group walked up to the stage.

Woman: (on PA) "Ladies and gentleman, Mr. Howard Stark.

A group of ladies in black were standing in front of a red car.

Howard Stark walked out onto the stage, taking of his top hat, handing it to a girl, kissing her deeply, taking a mic from her.

The ladies walked away. A girl called from the crowd. "I love you, Howard!"

Howard spoke through the mic. "Ladies and gentlemen, what if I told you that in a few years, your automobile won't even touch the ground at all?" The ladies took the wheels off the car, walking away.
"Yes, thank you, girls. With Stark Gravitic Reversion Technology, you'll be able to do just that."

Howard turned his machine underneath the car on.

The car began to levitate.

The crowd watched in shock.

Rachel smiled. "Holy cow."

The car began to malfunction, falling to the ground.

Howard spoke nervously. "Um I did say a few years, didn't I?"

The crowd laughed.

Steve looked around, seeing a flyer for a military themed part of the park.

Rachel looked around. "Hey where did Steve go?"

Steve was in line of United States Armed Services.

A man was in front of him. His face appeared in the reflection of a military man painted on the wall.

An automated voice said, "Keep moving soldier."

The man walked away.

Steve stepped up to the painting and mirror, but his head only came to half of thee mirror.

Bree, and Rachel approached Steve from behind. "Come on. You're kind of missing the point of a date. Alec and Bucky are taking us girls dancing."

"You guys go ahead," Steve told them. "I'll catch up."

"You really going to do this again?" Rachel asked

"Well it's fair, " Steve said. "I'm gonna try my luck."

"As who, Steve from Ohio?" Bree asked. "They'll catch you. Or worse, they'll actually take you."

A man, Dr. Abraham Erskine, walked closer, eavesdropping.

"Look, I know you guys don't think I can do this," Steve said to them.

"No we know you can do this," Bree said. " We just know that no one else thinks you can do this because they don't see you like we see you. We're just... we're worried about you, Steve. And you already know that were worried about Bucky, Alec, Alison and Rachel. If you go out too, everyone we know care about is out there."

"And I don't like leaving after Mom died, but I feel like I should follow after Dad's footsteps," Steve said.

Rachel nodded understandingly. "I know. And I know you're gonna find a way to make this work. " Erskin was still listening. "You're gonna keep enlisting until someone finally takes you, for good, or for bad. Yes, were worried about you by that is what family does. But I want you to be happy. And we know you're not happy. And you're not gonna be happy unless you get to do this. But come on. Spend one more night with us, Steve. Please. Come dancing with us."

Steve smiled a small smile. "You're celebrating aren't you? Not about the fact that you guys are leaving in the morning. No, you're celebrating our engagement and Bree's."

Bree smiled. "Now you see why we want you to go? Come on. You can come back before we leave."

Steve smiled. "All right. Let's go dancing."

The girls linked their arms with Steve's.

Steve, Bree, and Rachel smiled, walking away together.

Erskine watched them go thoughtfully, seeming to make up his mind about something.

It was the next day.

Bucky, Alec, Alison, Rachel and Steve were getting ready to aboard the trains to head out with the other soldiers.

Everyone was saying goodbye.

Rachel looked at Steve. "So at least last night wasn't another failed attempt to enlist." Steve started to smile. "You got in."

"I got in." Steve agreed. They smiled. "The doctor from last night, he wanted me along for the ride because he's developing some kind of experiment. And he chose me."

"That's wonderful," Bree said. "I'm not necessarily happy with you guys being out there in danger, but I am happy for you guys. This is what you want to do. His can I stop you?"

"Aw Bree," Alison said, wrapping her arms around her. Bree returned the embrace. "We're going to be okay." They pulled away. "And be back here before we even know it."

"When do you have to leave?" Bree asked.

"Now." Steve answered.

Bree smiled. "I had a feeling you were. Well, then, you guys shouldn't be late." Steve and Bree embraced for a long moment. "They would be so proud of you."

"I hope so." Steve said.

They all pulled away.

Bree and Bucky turned to each other, looking at each other for a long moment, glad that this was a good cause, but sad at the same time because of the separation. Bucky placed a hand on her cheek, kissing her slowly and passionately.

Bree savored the kiss for a long moment, pulling away. "Come home soon."

"Of course mistress," Bucky said." You'll be a star yet."

Bree and Bucky smiled small smiles. Bucky pulled her into his arms. Bree wrapped her arms around him, laying her head on his chest. They stayed in the embrace for a long moment, pulling away.

Bucky and Alec steeped next to Steve and Rachel.

Bree smiled. "I'll write to each of you every day. She pointed to Rachel, Bucky, Alison and Alec. "Look out for each other." She looked at Steve." And know though you'll know no one in your company, you'll never be alone." She put her hand over her heart." I'll be with you in here." She looked at all four of them." Come home unharmed or we'll lay a hurt on you worse than any soldier would."

Bucky, Rachel, Alison, Alec, and Steve gave Bree a salute in acknowledgment and goodbye.

"Yes ma'am."

Bree, Bucky, Alison, Alec, Rachel and Steve all smiled.

Every soldier had boarded the train.

All the soldiers were inside, looking outside to look outside.

All the families and fiancees and girlfriends were on the train platform, waving goodbye.

The soldiers were saying goodbye in return.

Bucky, Alec, Alison, Rachel, and Steve were sitting together able to see Jen and Bree from where they were.

Rachel waved goodbye.

"Bye, Bree." Bucky said.

"We'll see you soon." Alison said.

"See you." Alec said.

Steve smiled a small smile"Sister, I'll be home soon."

Bree waved goodbye, holding her engagement ring clad hand over her heart. "Bye guys."
