
It was the next morning, nearly the of meeting with Howard and Peggy.

Steve was in a military uniform, walking through headquarters toward a blonde woman. "Excuse me. I'm looking for Mr. Stark."

The blonde woman was busy reading a newspaper. "He's in with Colonel Phillips." She looked up, noticing who Steve was. "Of course, you're welcome to wait." Steve took a seat at a nearby table. The blonde woman turned to face him in her seat, holding up her newspaper to show him. "I read about what you did."

Steve nodded. "Oh, the... yeah. Well, that's, you know... Just doing what needed to be done."

"Sounded like more than that." The woman said. "You saved nearly 400 people."

Steve looked at her awkwardly, innocently not noticing that she was flirting with him. "Really, it's not a big deal."

The woman stood. "Tell that to their wives."

"Uh, I don't think they were all married." Steve said.

The woman walked closer seductively. "You're a hero."

"Well, that depends on the definition, really." Steve said to her awkwardly, uncomfortably, scratching his head.

The woman took a hold of his tie. "The women of America, they owe you their thanks." She pulled Steve back into a corner by his tie. "and seeing as they're not here..."

The woman pulled Steve into a kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Steve was completely surprised, unwrapping her arms from around him, pulling away. "Uh... you can't do that."

Rachel was in a uniform, walking around a bookshelf to see them. "I have a girlfriend. A fiance, actually. And you can't do that."

Rachel realized what was going on, hurt and angry, putting her hands on her hips. "Steve." Steve turned to Rachel innocently, hoping that she had seen that he wasn't open to it. "They're ready for you, if you're not otherwise occupied."

Rachel walked away down the hall.

Steve followed her. "Rachel, wait. It's not what you thought it was."

"I don't think anything, Steve." Rachel said. "Not one thing. Always wanted to be a soldier, and now you are. Just like all the rest."

"No, no, no, no." Steve said. "She came onto me." He grabbed her arm to stop her. "Rachel, please. You have to believe me."

Rachel turned to him. "So just because she was the one who was forward, it makes it okay?"

"No, that's not what I'm saying." Steve said. "I'm sorry."

Rachel didn't answer. "We're going to be late."

Rachel walked away, leaving.

Steve watched her go, looking sad.

Howard was showing Bree, Alison and Steve weapons, all three them who were wearing their military uniforms. He pointed to at the shield. "Carbon polymer. Should withstand your average German bayonet. Although, Hydra's not going to attack you with a pocket knife." He tapped on Steve's former shield. "I hear you're, uh, kinda attached."

"It's handier than you might think." Steve said.

"I took the liberty of coming up with some options." Howard said. He picked up a gold staff with a hook at the type, almost like a spear. "This one's fun. She's being fitted with electrical relays, so that even if you two hit your target, you two can send them reeling." He took the staff apart. "It's a tow-piece, in case you're in an uneven fight, you can still take them on." Bree took the staff pieces of the staff curiously, putting it back together. "Though, were still working on throwing techniques. There's still a few difficulties."

Bree turned around, throwing the hook of the staff into the wall across the room with strength and ease.

Howard and Steve looked at her surprised, impressed.

Bree shrugged. "I think it's ready."

Howard picked up a glove, handing it to Bree. "The electromagnetic rays in the gloves will also pulls the staffs right back to you."

Bree pulled on the glove, holding her hand toward the staff.

The electromagnetic pulled the gloves out of the wall, and back into Bree's hand.

Bree smiled. "It's perfect."

Howard picked up a steel sheild and sword, turning to Alison and Steve. "And this one is for you."

"What's it made of?" Alison asked

"Vibranium." Howard answered. "It's stronger than steel, and a third of the weight. It's completely vibration absorbent."

"How come it's not standard issue?" Steve asked.

"That's the rarest metal on Earth, what you're holding there." Howard answered. "That's all we got."

Alec, Bucky and Rachel walked closer, all wearing their uniforms.

"Are you quite finished, Mr. Stark?" Bucky asked. "We all should really be on our way."

Steve showed Rachel the shield. "What do you think?"

Rachel picked up a gun from the table next to her, firing four shots into the shield that completely protected Steve. "Yes, I think it works."

Rachel walked away, leaving.

Bree, Alec, Alison and Bucky were in shock.

Steve and Howard watched her go, awestruck.

Bree walked toward Howard, handing a piece of paper to him. "I had some ideas about our uniforms. It's the sketch I tried to give for the, um... The 'star girl' outfits, but they turned me down. I think this would be a more fitting uniform."

Howard took the paper. "Whatever you want."

The soldiers, suited up in their superhero costumes, Steve and Bree stormed a warehouse with Nazis, firing guns or taking bullets.

The soldiers, Steve, Alison and Bree stormed a warehouse with Nazis, firing guns or taking bullets.

A soldier tried to kick Bree. Bree used her staff to block the move, using it to hit him in the face, making him fall.

They left burned down warehouses for Schmidt to find.

At the base, a location was crossed off the map.

In the woods, Steve and Bree told the soldiers through the snow, letting them know the coast was clear.

Steve saw something, throwing his shield toward a tree, making a man with a gun fall to the ground. The shield circled back around toward Steve. Steve caught it.

Explosions started to occur.

Nazis ran closer with gun firing.

The four soldiers from the bar were in hiding.

Soldier 3 ran toward the road, hiding underneath a passing car, putting a bomb underneath, letting them pass by, standing.

The car exploded.

The soldiers laughed.

Somewhere out in the field, Bree was walking along.

A sharpshooter was in hiding, targeting Bree.

Bucky was also in hiding, sharpshooting the other guy before he had a chance to kill Bree.

Bree looked toward Bucky smiling.

Bucky nodded reloading.

At the base, another location on the map was crossed off.

On another battlefield the soldiers were fighting.

Alison hit a man with her sword, making him fall.

Bree was fighting two men, spinning the staff around to hit both in the jaws, making them fall.

There was an explosion behind Steve as he threw his shield straight ahead.

Bree stood on top of a tank, using the hook of her staff to break the lock off, opening it, using the hook too grab the back of a man's uniform, pulling him out of the tank, turning around, throwing him several yards away making him scream.

Bree threw a bomb into the tank.

Steve jumped off before it could blow.

The explosion behind Bree sent her a little more out. She was caught by Bucky, both of them falling and rolling over the ground, landing on their backs, looking at each other, breathing heavily. They leaned their foreheads together, smiling.

It was night at another bar for the soldiers.

Bucky/Bree, Alec/Alison were dancing the night away, having a good time, smiling and laughing, happy to be together.

Rachel was sitting at a table nearby table, watching them, sighing.

Steve walked closer. "Hey Rachel."

"Come to apologize?" Rachel asked, taking a drink of her alcohol.

"In more than one way." Steve answered. "Can I talk to you outside?"

Rachel looked toward the window where it allowed them to see it was raining, looking at Steve in confusion. "It's raining outside."

Steve nodded. "That's kind of the point. You love the rain."

Rachel considered for a moment, finishing her drink, standing. "I love you more. I just hope your apology shows how much you love me."

"It will." Steve said, sliding his hand into hers, leading her through the crowd and to the back door. They walked outside, gazing at the navy clouds covering the inky, black sky like it was a work of art.

They were soon getting drenched by the rain. The streets were unusually empty that night, and the silence was something to be treasured, but the Captain had something other in his mind. "I'm really sorry Rach. And to prove it, I'm asking you to dance in the rain with me."

Rachel couldn't help a small smile, no matter how mad she had gotten. "Dancing in the rain in one of my favorite past times. You used to hate it because you would always get sick."

"That was before the serum." Steve pointed out. "Now, I'm stronger, and I can't get sick. So please, Rachel... dance with me."

Rachel smiled, taking his hand in her own. "Alright." Steve spun Rachel around, pulling her closer to him.

Rachel held him close, smiling as they started to sway from side to side, dancing in the rain with no music. "I can never stay mad at you. You're too sweet. Honest. Innocent. Adorable."

She laid her head on his shoulder as they continued to dance. "You know, I'm really proud of you."

Steve smiled, snaking his arms around her waist to hold her closer.

Rachel smirked slyly, sweetly. "So, have you been brushing up on your dance moves?"

Steve chuckled. "Not as much as I should've. But something really bad happened, and I've been looking for a way to apologize for a few days. And I figured out that this was the best way. So, in order to earn forgiveness, I've been practicing."

Rachel raised her head from his shoulder to look him in the eye, smiling. "You've earned it." She led them out to the open street, wrapping her arm around his neck, lacing her other hand with his. She guided Steve's hand to her waist, stepping closer, making them only a few centimeters away. They continued to dance at a slow pace. "And I'm very honored to be dancing with Captain America."

"Trust me, miss." Steve said, suddenly dipping her in a dramatic bow, making her gasp at the sudden movement, pulling her to mormal stane. "I'm much more honored to dancing with Rachel Barnes."

Rachel and Steve looked at each other, completely unaware of their surroundings, just focused on either other.

Rachel took his hand, continuing their dance in a faster, more confident and fluid motion, spinning around. They were completely in time with each other.

Steve grabbed her by her waist, lifting her up, spinning her around over the ground.

Rachel laughed happily. Steve lowered her to the ground. They were no longer dancing, rather than looking at each other for an endless moment.

Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck, kissing him passionately. They continued to kiss in the pouring rain.

They pulled away.

"There's something that I have to tell you." Rachel said.

Steve was curious. "What?"

"I'm pregnant." Rachel said.

"Are you serious?" Steve asked.

"Yes." Rachel answered.

They smiled a small smile, kissing passionately.
