Chapter 4

Yuta listened patiently to Sukuna's plot to his freedom. He tried to imagine a life outside of murder, regret and constant remorse. Could it really be possible for someone like him to escape his current fate? He had no reason to distrust Sukuna, but what if this was a test?

"How do I know Geto didn't put you up to this?" he asked, pacing the kitchen as he waited for an answer.

Sukuna laughed, running a hand through his hair. "I should have expected as much. I'm here of my own accord, you have my word. I know your next question, and the answer is no."

Yuta leaned on the countertop in front of Sukuna, resting both arms on the cold laminate. "I'll ask anyway, why can't you protect me yourself? You just expect me to trust whomever it is that you are entrusting me to?"

Sukuna picked up Yuta's hands, turning them over. The callouses he had earned from many years of training with him remained. Sukuna pointed at the deep-set scar in the middle of his pupil's palm and smiled. "Shall we make another pact? Would that convince you that I bare no ill will?" He turned his own palm over, showing that he too hadn't used his technique to heal the laceration.

Yuta squinted his eyes in deep thought, Sukuna's scar giving him faith in his old master. "That still doesn't answer my question, why can't I return to the island and live with you?"

Sukuna leaned forward placing his hand on his chin. "Would you believe me if I told you that I am not strong enough to do so?" He shook his head letting out a quiet laugh at his own admittance to weakness. "I've always had a soft spot for you, Yuta. I want you to succeed in life, and it pains my soul to see you so far gone. This isn't what I trained you for. The darkness doesn't have to be so daunting."

Yuta remembered when he stopped fearing the dark. He had been looking at it the wrong way for so long. Instead of relying on his eyes to lead the way, he had to use his senses. Stop trying to see and learn to listen. He nodded, a small reminiscent smile warming his face. "What will happen to you?"

"I can hold my own." He replied in a solemn tone. "I do not fear death, and if it is my turn to go, then so be it."

Yuta felt rage boil from his soul, a flicker of cursed energy lighting his palm. "A life for a life? A fucking trade? What kind of cowardice shit is that?" He took a few deep breaths, calming the flame that burned in his hand. As his anger faded, so did the fire.

"I'm not going to just roll over and die, Yuta." Sukuna smirked, his arrogance returning like wildfire. He extended his scarred hand and waited for Yuta to acknowledge their agreement.

Yuta shook his hand, his skin clammy with anxiety. His lips pursed tightly as he stared blankly into Sukuna's old eyes. "So, what's the plan exactly?"

Sukuna leaned back in the chair crossing his arms. "Now you are asking the right questions." With a nod of approval, he began to explain how they would make Yuta disappear.

/ / /

Yuta was terrified as he stood at the front gate to a new chapter of his life. With one hand clutching the sword case strap, his knuckles started to discolor and turn white. His other hand hung idly at his side, starting to tremble as he edged closer to the intercom. Was he nervous that he wouldn't be accepted? That couldn't be it, Yuta didn't care much for unrealistic pleasantries.

After years of solitude, Yuta had realized how much he despised small talk. He feared having to put on a fake façade to please those around him. Would he be more pleasant if he wasn't his true self?

Sukuna placed his hand on Yuta's shoulder, instantly calming his worried mind. "Don't over think it. Just be yourself. You will finally be around people your age, hell, maybe you might even make a friend." He smirked as he pressed the intercom button.

Yuta paid no mind to the words Sukuna said to the speaker, his previous statement lingering in his mind like a plague. A friend? Why did the thought of getting close to someone scare him more than a corpse? He shook his head violently, trying to shake the intrusive thoughts from his mind.

"Stop worrying." Sukuna said in a low tone, giving Yuta a gentle push as the gate began to open.

"I'm not."

Sukuna shook his head as a smile appeared on his lips. They were met by a tall white-haired man, wearing circular glasses. His smile was blinding, almost frightening. Despite his chilling look, he exuberated a goofy presence.

Yuta leaned in towards Sukuna, speaking in a hushed tone. "If I ever look like that, kill me."

Sukuna doubled over in laughter, trying to compose himself as the man approached. "Gojo, it's been a while." he smirked, still thinking of Yuta's comment.

The two shook hands before Gojo turned his attention to Yuta. He studied his appearance before he leaned in, his face only inches away. He tipped his glasses down, exposing his crystal blue eyes. "My, my, Sukuna." Gojo said, letting out a deranged laugh. "You didn't tell me he was dead inside."

Yuta squinted his eyes with slight disgust, a scowl forming on his features. He crossed his arms and turned to Sukuna, "You're going to leave me with this idiot?"

Gojo threw his hands up in the air, his head falling back with laughter. With one hand on his chin, he turned his face to expose a twisted smile. "At least you have spirit kid, I'll give you that."

Yuta walked in silence, his gloomy aura growing with every step. Sukuna and Gojo spoke in high spirits as they made their way to the dorms. They stopped once outside, Gojo turned to Yuta with an award-winning smile.

"As of today, you are a student here. Welcome to the Jujutsu School of Arts." He said quietly, placing his hand on Yuta's shoulder.

Yuta could feel an overwhelming presence of cursed energy radiating from Gojo's hand.

Gojo leaned in a bit, speaking no louder than a whisper. "I know of your past. I must warn you from the beginning, should you kill another sorcerer within your time here, you will be executed." His face was like stone, exuberating the severity of his seriousness. He smacked his hands together as if wiping away dirt from them. "Now that that's out of the way."
