Chapter 3

Thunder loomed in the distance as Yuta sat on the patio. He watched the clouds twist into deathly shadows, a dark storm developing. He began to feel uneasy, anxiousness arose in his gut, causing him to double over in pain.

He squatted down, letting his palm rest on the ground. He needed to ground himself, let the earth send a shockwave of normalness to his brain. Regardless of his efforts, the feeling didn't shake. Was his divine punishment coming with the rain?

"Yuta?" Rika's calm voice spoke in his ear.

"I'm okay." He replied, holding his stomach. She always knew when to check in on him, almost as if their souls were tethered together. Did she also feel his remorse? Did she share it?

Yuta pulled out his pack of cigarettes, lighting one in the moist air. The smoke swelled, hovering above him like a cloud. He looked into the sky, the darkness churning as the storm raged like his heart. The last two names he marked off the list left him feeling overwhelmed, empty and alone. Heartless. How could he take the souls of those younger than him?

As rain started to drench the earth, he took a long drag from the cigarette before tossing it off the side of the patio. He returned inside his apartment and laid face down on the couch. His arm dangled over the side, his hand brushing against the floor.

The pain was starting to subside, as lightning lit up the dark living room. He began to drift to sleep as a knock on the door woke him.

Rubbing his eyes, he made his way to the door. Who was there? Yuta never had visitors, and as of late even Geto didn't visit hm. He looked through the peep hole in the door, feeling shocked at who he saw standing just outside.

Yuta pulled the door open, his face frozen with uncertainty and excitement. "Sukuna?" he said quietly, stepping aside from the door frame.

"Yuta." Sukuna said, walking through the door with his hands in his pockets.

Yuta closed the door behind them and followed Sukuna into the kitchen where he sat at the breakfast bar. "Can I get you something to drink?" he asked, standing by the fridge.

"No thank you." Sukuna replied, crossing his legs on the barstool.

Yuta took a beer from the fridge and used an opener to remove the cap. "So, to what do I owe this pleasure?" he asked, leaning against the counter.

Sukuna crossed his arms, tilting his head. "How are you?" he asked, a smug but concerned look on his face.

Yuta took a long drink from his beer before letting out a sigh. "Do you really need to ask that question?"

Sukuna smiled and dropped his head, only letting Yuta have a small glimpse of his smirk. "You've always had a mouth on you, haven't you?" His crimson eyes burned into Yuta's soul. Deciding to skip the pleasantries, Sukuna finally got to the point. "I'm here to offer you a different future."

"What the fuck does that mean?" Yuta asked, setting his beer down on the countertop. He was perplexed, confused and tired.

Sukuna leaned forward on his elbows, studying the expression on pupil's face. "Listen Yuta, first I'd like to apologize to you. I wasn't aware of the plan Geto had for you. To that, I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of how he was going to use you, and what he was going to ask of you. I know I could have checked in on you before now, and I regret not doing so." He took a deep breath, letting Yuta process his words.

Yuta pulled his pack of cigarettes from the counter and lit one, showing Sukuna he had his attention. "I never blamed you." he said quietly, averting his eyes.

Sukuna closed his eyes for a moment, taking a break from the sadness he felt for Yuta. When he first came to him, his eyes were filled with fear. Geto had scared him into submission, leaving him no choice but to be obedient to his every request. Over time he had grown to respect Yuta, for sacrificing a piece of him to endure. Now, he regretted letting him return to Geto.

The man that stood before him was broken, at wits end, devoid of his own ambitions and goals. He felt responsible for his current state but was determined to offer him a solution.

"You don't have to live this way. I know it seems that way, but I'm here to offer you a choice."

Sukuna's words lingered in the air like the smoke from Yuta's cigarette. A choice? Had there always been a choice for him? "A choice?" Yuta repeated, his eyes filling with desperation.

"I know you were never given one. I will warn you though, the past doesn't forget."

Yuta sighed, clutching the counter until his knuckles turned white. For so long he had been trapped in a vicious cycle of being obedient. Was it time to turn tail and run? When was that ever an option? "Explain." Yuta said finally, crossing his arms across his chest. He swirled the beer bottle in his hand, waiting anxiously for an explanation.

"I've secured you a spot in a safe haven of sorts. An organization that takes in sorcerers. Think of it like a new job."

Yuta scoffed and turned to the fridge, pulling out a beer. He removed the top and set it in front of Sukuna. "A new job, huh? Like I viewed what I do now as a job." He shook his head, as a deranged laugh escaped his lips. "Are you out of your mind, old man?"

Sukuna took the beer reluctantly and had a long drink before continuing. "Listen Yuta, I know you are probably pissed at the world. I know I would be. I need you to understand, that if you take this opportunity there will be consequences."

Yuta motioned for him to continue, as he took a drag from his cigarette.

"Geto won't take kindly to this type of defilement. He won't relent until he has you back. I know and accept the consequences. However, I need you to also agree to it. This means, you will be putting yourself in danger, and anyone you may grow close to in the future. If you can come to terms with that, we can walk out of here today."

Yuta snubbed his cigarette in the ash tray, choosing his words wisely. "Kill or be killed."
