Blue With Envy

The scene began with the group of heroes sitting at a table, eating burgers.

"I don't care what anyone says." Sonic started, holding his food up. "Meh burgers are the best burgers!"

Scourge furrowed his eyebrows. "I honestly don't know what to think." He glanced at the blue blur. "Either your double had gotten a really bad hard hit on his head lately, or his taste buds seriously needed to be checked."

"Probably both." Fiona giggled, insulting the blue speedster as well.

Maria raised a brow. "Is Meh Burger the only restaurant that sells burgers?" 

"It has to be." Shadow answered. "Because throughout all the other episodes that we've watched, I have not seen one single restaurant other than Meh Burgers."

"It's no surprise, given the fact our brother here has poor taste in food." Sonia said.

"And because there's no other reason why they keep going to that place." Manic added.

Sonic sighed, slumping in his chair. "Can we please stop talking about my taste buds and focus on watching the show?"

Eggman groaned. "For once, I agree with the blue cactus."

He took a bite out of the burger, humming at the taste. "Mmm! It's like Mardi Gras in my mouth!" He blinked, lowering his meal. "Only no one in my mouth is handing out beads..."

"Your double has lost way too many brain cells, echidna." Anti-Tails points out.

Scourge snorted. "Either that or he's been addictive to drugs."

"Or on steroids." Fiona giggled.

Rosy laughed. "Or maybe he's like that because he wants to prove to everyone how a big fat dumb head he is to everyone!"

Knuckles really, really, really wanted to break their jaws.

Barely a second after Sonic uttered those words, a green blur blew past them, the generated wind whipping his and Amy's quills.

Tails leaned in his seat, trying to get a better view. "Jet... was that you??"

The hawk tried to get a view. "Probably."

"Or maybe it's Scourge?" Amy guessed.

The green hedgehog frowned. The thought of him being in this horrible show makes him want to throw up. "Like hell."

Fiona scoffed. "My darling Scourge doesn't need to be in your ridiculous show."

"Hey it's not ridiculous!" Sonic protested.

Everyone gave the blue hedgehog a disapproving look.

"...Ok, maybe a little."

The blur circled a couple more villagers peacefully walking before skidding to a stop. It was a green anthro with vibrant clothing and white shades.

Storm blinked. "...Boss, you look different."

The hawk groaned in annoyance. "That's because it's not me, Storm!"

He lifted the shades and winked at the on watchers, gaining the villagers' attention. The stranger then pulled out a showy skateboard and threw it to the ground.

"He's not you, Jet, but he's close enough." Wave said, looking at the shrew. 

"Seriously, Wave?? How?!"

"Well, he's got the color down, the attitude, and the board that makes him think he's all that and a bag of chips." Knuckles snorted.

"Half empty or full?" Sonic questioned.


"Hey!" Jet exclaimed, sounding offended.

"What's he gonna do with that skateboard?" an old monkey asked.

The ox in front of him answered in awe, "I think he's gonna...ride it!"

The newcomer finger gunned at the group of villagers, and they 'ooo'ed in interest.

Silver blinked. "They...are easily entertained, huh?" 

"He's just like you, Sonic." Blaze said.

"What?! How?!"

"Didn't you use to gather a crowd every time you step in the city?"

"I do more than just that!"

Sonic wasn't too enthused about the new guy. "What? He's riding a skateboard. How is that impressive?"

Mighty snickered. "What's wrong, Sonic? Getting jealous of the new guy for gaining all of the attention?"

"I am not jealous of that shrimp!" Sonic yelled

"He's a shrew, Sonic."

"I know what he is, Tails! I was insulting him!" The episode just started, and already Sonic's getting jeal- annoyed with the shrew.

The green stranger dropped his shades back over his eyes and bolted forward on his board. He circled the gathering crowd before hopping onto the Meh Burger's hardwood floors, posing in front of two citizens eating.

Knuckles turned around and grinned. "He's got street-wise style!"

"Street-wise style?" Jet scoffed. "There's no way that this guy is that cool."

"Yeah!" Storm nodded in agreement. "We can do better stunts than that!"

"He's jumping six inches off the ground." Sonic deadpanned before sputtering when the newcomer rode across their table, spilling the blue speedster's drink on himself.

Scourge stiffed a laugh with a scoff. "He's starting to grow on me."

The skateboarder landed on the ground and skidded to a stop. He lifted his shades and finger gunned at the hero group. "Radical speed!" He smugly blew his finger and crossed his arms, smirking.


"That's radical speed?" Wave questioned. She has seen better boarding skills than that.

Sonic felt like he was being insulted. Of all the words that could describe speed, this guy had to choose radical. Speed deserved better than that.

The villagers cheered, and Sonic groaned. "Oh, for the love of-"

"Wow!" Tails gushed, eyes on the new guy. "Those were some sweet moves!"

"He...just rode on a skateboard." Tails slowly blinked, wondering why his twin was so amazed. He'd invented hovercrafts, for crying out loud! "He didn't do any tricks!"

Jet nodded with a huff. "I looked cooler than that stupid shrew, by grinding on a piece of metal with my Extreme Gear!"

The other rode a little closer. "Thanks, bro!"

Tails perked up. "You hear that? He called me 'bro!'"

The kit frowned. Bro?! Only Sonic calls him that!

"Yeah, I heard," Sonic drawled blandly. "He's quite a wordsmith."

"It's Swifty." The stranger introduced himself, posing on his skateboard. "Swifty the Shrew!"

"Well, Swifty... swift yourself away." Wave jeered.

Storm nodded. "Yeah! Nobody wants you here!"

The hawk scoffed. "Those villagers may think he's cool now, but just you wait at the end!" There's no one alive cooler than him! He is way past cooler than him. Especially Sonic!

Amy wasn't as impressed as the rest.

"I don't see what the fuss is about. He's just a shrew in gaudy clothes," she said with a flick of her wrist, unintentionally tossing her burger to the side.

However, it didn't get a chance to hit the ground. Swifty had called, "I got it!" and rushed over, catching the burger safely in his hand. He smiled as he held it up to a surprised Amy.

The pinkette quietly gasped, returning the smile. "You...caught my burger!"

Sonic's worry slammed back into him, full-force. "Oh no."

Knuckles snorted. "Hey Sonic look. Mr. "Radical speed" here is stealing your girl

Amy widened her eyes in worried. Her twin was seriously going to fall for... a Jet wannabe?! That other Amy needs glasses, and psychological help, pronto.

Fiona giggled. "Looks you found yourself a new boyfriend, Amy."

"New boyfriend?!" Sonic and Amy shouted in unison, shocked.

"Radical..." Swifty began, looking deep in her eyes. "...speed."

"I'm going to throw up," Carol groaned in disgust.

"You and me both." Knuckles added.

Swifty winked at her before showily gesturing to the burger. He then raised it to Amy's mouth, and she took a bite. After grabbing the burger herself, she repeated with a mouth full, "Radical speed!"

Sonic began to heave.

Lilac raised a brow. "...How can you make someone impressed by... catching their burger??"

"I have no idea." Was all Torque said.

Knuckles wished that he was recording all of this. "Jealous now, Sonic?"

"No. I'm just seeing him as Jet, and my stomach's not agreeing with any of it."

The green hawk gave him a death glare. "Don't compare me to that punk!" HE pointed at Scourge. "Why not him?! They look similar."

Scourge growled furiously. "Who the hell do you think you're talking to?!"

"Ummm, guys?" Lucy called out. "Maybe you should just watch the show, then go at each other's throats?"

"Give me a break." Sonic stood up, grabbing his burger. "I can feed people sandwiches, watch!"

He abruptly shoved it into Knuckles' mouth, and the echidna quickly spat it out, coughing. "Hey, lay off, man!"

Lilac frowned. "He's jealous alright. A little too jealous."

Amy squealed. "Young love! It's so romantic!"

Rouge inwardly scoffed. Sonic's double tried to Knuckles' him. What's so romantic about that? Lilac was right; Sonic is too jealous of that shrew.

Cory tapped her chin. "Amy would probably, willingly, go on a date with Swifty, just to get with Sonic."

Amy blinked. "...Yeah I don't think my love goes that far."

Before Sonic could respond, the walrus lady was calling over to them. "Help! Help!" She pointed to a toddler on top of a building, dangerously close to falling off. "My baby!"

Tails' eyes were wide. "Somebody needs to help that baby!"

A subtle frown marred Anti-Tails' muzzle. "...You can fly!"

Scourge rolled his eyes. "Useless, dumb brat." He glanced at Fiona. "What did you even see in that fool."

Fiona scoffed and smirked. "Just like you said. He's a fool."

Eggman groaned. "What I've gathered from going through this torture so many times is that if the episode is about one or two people, the rest of the characters become completely incompetent." He paused for a moment. "Except for my idiotic double. His actions were questionable all the time, barring a few instances."

Tails raised a brow, doubtfully. "A few instances??"

"...Forgive, a lot of instances."

Swifty smirked. "Say no more, compadre bromigo!"

He jumped onto his skateboard, glancing over his shoulder. "Time for some..."

Sticks, Tails, Knuckles, and Amy finished his statement with smiles. "Radical speed!"

Sonic audibly scoffed.

Jet agreed with his rival's double. Speed deserves better

Swifty darted on his board toward the walrus baby while the heroes – sans Sonic – cheered him on. Instead, Sonic walked away from the table. "Yeah? Well, I'm saving the day too!"

The azure hero turned back like Swifty did, trying for a catchphrase. "Time for some rescuing..." He crossed his arms. "...Baby..." Sonic scratched his chin. "...action...heroness?"

Sonic held his hand in his hands, feeling the secondhand embarrassment. "You can't force it! Catchphrases just come naturally!"

"Well..." Tails managed a smile. "At least he's trying?"

"He's the one who needs the duct tape..." Anti-Tails muttered.

Rosy humped. "If I had my hammer, I could shut him up for ya!"

His friends were unimpressed.

Sonic sighed. "I'll figure out a catchphrase later." He ran after Swifty as the shrew pulled out lit sparklers, a pair in each hand. The villagers cheered from the sidelines, and Swifty palmed a small rocket out of nowhere. He lit the rocket with the sparklers and let it go. Sonic gasped when sparks flew near his face. "Ow! My retinas!"

"Where did he get those things from?" Sonic asked, now feeling sympathetic towards his double. 

Up head, there was a blue ox standing in front of a cart holding a bucket of glue. "Glue! Get your fresh glue here!"

Swifty rode by, knocking the bucket out of the ox's hand, glue splattering all over the ground. Sonic ran right into the mess, his feet getting stuck.

Eggman needed to know where he could get that kind of glue from. He could have built Eggmanland twenty times over if he had it in his possession.

The shrew kept going without looking back. He came across a crane with a net attached to a hook. He spun the crane around, and the net flew over and covered the still stuck Sonic, making the hedgehog scowl as he struggled.

"I feel bad for you faker."

Sonic ignored Shadow as he was just going to disregard how laughably easy his twin got caught because people had bad days all the time. Some... were just worse than others. 

The walrus baby fell from the roof, and Swifty was there to catch him mid-air. The shrew drank a can of soda, and villagers took pictures as he fell. He landed safely on his skateboard, and he handed the baby over to his mother.

The blue hedgehog tapped his foot, raising a fist. "All my twin has to do is beat that guy's butt in a race! Show him who's the top dog!"

"And to win my double's heart!"

"...You just ruined the moment, Ames."

"No I didn't!" 

Swifty gave her a thumbs up before facing the crowd. "Remember, when you need a hero with style, give me a call!" He spun around in place. "I'm Swifty the Shrew! Catch you around dudes...and lady dudes!"

He rode away while Amy and Sticks stared after him, infatuated.

"Even the Sticks is impressed." Torque was completely confused at this point. "What is happening?"

"Insanity." Spade replied.

"Paranoia." Shadow added.

"I'd love to be his lady dude! Oh!" Amy sighed and fainted into Sticks' arms.

Amy was wheezing.

The badger pleasantly sighed. "Me, too... Oh!" She fainted, and Tails ran up to her to catch both of the girls.

His strain was obvious. "Fainting party!" The fox only lasted a couple of seconds before collapsing to the ground.

Anti-Tails furrowed his eyebrows. "You need to work out."

Tails heard his evil twin and felt bad and also thought about working out a bit in the future. His arms were kinda noodle-ly.

There was a scene change, and now the heroes were in Tails' house by his workshop.

Sonic was sitting on a couch, using a scraper to try to get the glue off his shoes. "Lousy Swifty and his lousy in your face street-wise style..." the speedster grumbled as he worked. "Lousy hip urban lingo..."

Sonic snorted. "He's starting to sound as old as Egghead there."

Eggman brooded, believing that duct tape or that crazy pink hedgehog's hammer would be a perfect gift right now. Along with some robots. And freedom. Freedom would be nice.

Amy and Sticks were sitting on a sofa opposite of him. The pinkette was smiling. "And did you see the way he pulled down his sunglasses and winked?" Her smile widened. "Oh, he's perfect!"

"I know!" Sticks gestured to herself before jumping up in excitement. "If he ever visited me, I'd disable all my booby-traps!"

Knuckles spit his drink all over the floor. "Her what?!"

Carol coughed on her chips. "What did she just say?!"

Maria covered her mouth in shock. "Oh my gosh!"

Sonic was gaping. "Wow...she"

Shadow rolled his eyes and sighed at the immaturity in the room. "She didn't mean it that way."

"You don't know that." Eggman wanted out of this theater even more now. "She's clearly not civilized."

"She wasn't civilized in the first place." Spade scoffed. "She probably doesn't know any better."

"Did I miss something?" Ray glanced around. 

"Yeah." Mighty nodded. "I do not see what the issue is here. She is simply speaking about traps."

"Yeah..." Tails was lost. "I don't understand eith-"

"Then we don't have to talk about it!" Sonic cut him off with a twitchy smile. "Let's keep on rollin'!"

Amy shook her head. "You never disable your booby-traps!"

Sticks did a little dance, squealing, "I know!"

"I still don't get it." Ray said.

Sonic's anger was palpable. "Ugh..."

Scourge rolled his eyes. "Yeesh, could you be anymore obvious, blue? 

"I just want to see them go on a date already!" Amy squealed impatiently

"I'm pretty sure it's coming." Knuckles snickered. He didn't like the show. Especially his twin. But, teasing Sonic about this was one of the few enjoyments he got from watching it.

Later, Sonic was approaching Tails' workshop. He opened the door and froze at the sight of Swifty watching the fox work on his plane.

Swifty was awed as Tails settled in the cockpit, him sitting in the seat behind. "This is one bodacious radical flying machine, dude-a-rino bro-guy!"

"It seems to be impossible for him to utter a single sentence that doesn't make me want to tear out his tongue." Rosy hissed, glancing at the yellow kit.

Tails flinched in fright.

Sonic had his hands on his hips, disgust and confusion clear as day. "'Dude-a-rino bro-guy'?"

The fox and shrew then chorused, "Totally radical engineering!" before performing a lengthy handshake.

"Want to be best friends with Tails?" Knuckles began, "Just call him 'bro', and you're set. Decent personality not necessary."

"Hey!" Sonic gained their attention, arms crossed. "That's my best friend you're bonding with, punk!"

"Yeah!" Sonic agreed. He then smiled over at the kit. "I mean, it's not like I'm against you makin' other friends, but you gotta use common sense. And you have a lot of that!"

Tails giggled. "Got that right! A simple 'bro' won't sway me that easily!"

"Really??" Fiona questioned, raising a brow. "Because earlier, when he called you 'bro' the first time, you were acting like a fanboy."

Tails glared at his former lover. "Shut it, Fiona."

Swifty held his hands up innocently. "Whoa! Chill-ax, blue man! What's the big dealio?" He hopped down from the plane.

Sonic huffed. "The big dealio is I'm sick of you! I'm sick of your gelled-back fur, and I'm sick of your hip urban lingo with words like...'Dealio'!"

Sonic clapped. "You tell him, other me!"

Amy pursed her lips. "It makes me wonder why he's using those words so much though! Is Swifty just trying to be cool so others will like him? He is actually a lonely person looking for a friend?"

"Ames, no, stop it. You're not your twin. You're not a psychologist."

A curious Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks entered the workshop as Swifty began to approach the blue hedgehog. "Let's not go agro, bro-zilla! Can't help if I'm more handsome, stylin', and..." He sprinted up to Sonic, grinning. "Totally faster than you."

Sonic, Tails, and Amy all gasped simultaneously.

"Nevermind what I said before! He's trying to make enemies, not friends!"

"Yeah, those are fighting words!"

Sonic leaned forward in his seat. "No, those are racing words! They're totally gonna settle this in a sprint to the finish!" And if his twin lost, Sonic was going to be the definition of a disappointed parent.

Sonic glared, voice lowering. "You're not faster than me."

"That's right!"

Swifty's grin didn't waver. "Bro, you got speed, but not-" He blurred as he circled a frowning Sonic, stopping with a hand on his hip. "-radical speed!"

"Stop saying that!" Sonic yelled in frustration as he walked away. "It's not even a thing!"

"Radical speed is totally a thing," Swifty taunted.

By this point, Eggman had gained a strong opinion about this shrew. "He's way worse than you rodent, and that's saying a lot."

Sonic nodded, disregarding the jab. "If both heroes and villains don't like you, there's a big problem."

Sonic turned around after taking a few steps, a smirk replacing his frown. "Oh, a race around the village will prove that it isn't!"

Sonic inwardly cheered, eager to see how his double blew the other out of the water.

Swifty didn't hesitate. "Sounds dope! Winner gets bragging rights!"

Sonic nodded, completely confident. "Agreed."

The shrew bounded up to him, pointing a finger. "And the loser...leaves town!"

"Wait, what?" Amy really didn't expect that. 

"That's a bit harsh, isn't it?" Wave asked. 

"He's going to try to make Sonic just up and leave?" Jet questioned. "Not even I would stoop to that level."

Espio hummed at that, feeling like something was off here. Well, someone was missing from this episode. "Eggman hadn't shown up in this one yet, and he'd been in every single episode. Maybe he's behind this?" That was the only thing he could think of.

Mila frowned up at that. "Are you saying that he might be working for Eggman?"

Carol facepalmed. "Don't tell me that he's another intern! Didn't the other Eggface learn from Dave?"

"Apparently not." Neera muttered. "And I have to say, this is a major downgrade.

"Eggman might've tolerated Dave for a couple of hours, but he would've tossed Swifty right back out on the street the moment he met him." Gong stated.

Sonic blinked at him in surprise. "Uh, wait, what?"

Swifty mockingly shrugged. "If you don't think you got the skills..."

"Oh, I've got the skills alright!" Sonic defended himself. "I'm so full of skills that skills are leaking out of my ears!" He thought about the words he just said. "I mean, not literally, because that would be disgusting."

Knuckles just shook his head. "I feel like he's making up for my double not talking, and I'm going to need him to cut that out. He won't remain second on my character list for long if he keeps that up."

Sonic glanced at his observing friends before focusing on Swifty once more. "See you at the race!" he shouted, running out of the workshop.

The shrew strolled back over to Tails, throwing an arm over the shorter one's shoulders. "Man, can you believe that guy? What a lameoid!"

Tails frowned, shaking off the arm. "That lameoid is my best friend!" He then looked a little guilty. "That didn't come out right..."

"Nah, he said it perfectly."

"Knux, it's kinda ironic that the hermit who looks over a rock by himself in the middle of a deserted island is calling the speed demon who races around and saves the day on multiple occasions from a determine robo-scientist lame."

"You failed to mention that I'm on a floating island protecting the single item that controls the Chaos emeralds which can manipulate time and space."

"Details, schmetails."

"Swifty, you're the lameoid." Amy spoke up. "You're one thousand times the lameoid that Sonic is!"

"You tell him, sister!" Amy exclaimed. "No one not in our group of friends can wrongly insult Sonic and get away with it!" She didn't care about the romance any more – okay, maybe a little bit – she just wished that a certain hammer made its appearance to knock some sense into that shrew.

The insult went over the shrew's head. "But look at my flashy threads and fly shades!"

Knuckles smiled. "Yeah! Look at his flashy threads and fly shades!"

Knuckles was taking deep breaths to calm himself.

"Knuckles!" Amy chastised before regarding Swifty, gesturing to the door, "Swifty, get out!"

The shrew wasn't affected, simply pulling out his skateboard. "So long, losers!" He stood on it and mock-saluted. "Swifty out!" He exited through the door Tails was holding open for him, the kit closing it a second after Swifty was gone.

"Good riddance!" Amy huffed.

"This just proves that he's working for Eggman or something similar..." Mila concluded. 

"He doesn't care about making friends at all." Tails added in agreement.

Sonic wasn't worried. "Well, whatever plan they have is gonna be blown to smithereens! No one has beaten yours truly!"

Shadow and Scourge scoffed.

"We've tied before, Shads, but you've never beaten me!"

"Sure, Faker."

"And as for you, Scourge-"

"I single handily beat up all of your friends, including you. The only reason I 'lost' was because you've tricked me into giving up my super form. Dumbass."

"Hey, a loss is a loss." 

There was a scene change, and now everyone was in the center of the village. Sonic, Swifty, and Mayor Fink were standing at the starting line, most of the villagers were on the sidelines cheering Swifty on, and the small hero group were awkwardly cheering for Sonic.

Sonic frowned. "Well, their loyalties aren't the strongest." They were cheering for a guy they hadn't known for a day, over their hero? That wasn't backwards at all.

Eggman rolled his eyes. "Don't act like this is new to you, cactus. You've had the population turn on you before." Being mistaken for a law breaking striped hedgehog wasn't exactly forgettable.

"It was for a good reason!"

Shadow glanced at the azure hedgehog. He was the one Sonic was mistaken for, and he still believed that the general public was stupid. "I don't think being blind is a 'good' reason, Faker."

"Well, compared to what we're seeing in the show, it is!" Amy yelled.

Fink began to speak. "Ladies and gentlemen, prepare for the race of a lifetime! The winner will have the right to brag whenever and where he wants! The loser will, um...let's see now..." He flipped through the book he was holding. "...uh, be banished from the village forever!"

Tails, Knuckles, Amy, and Sticks all stared in shock.

"Weren't...Weren't they there in the workshop when Swifty said it before?" Cory was more than a little confused. "Why are they all surprised?"

"They may have believed that the mayor would not agree with such terms," Neera replied. "Considering how the villagers are almost constantly in 'danger' and how dependent they are on Sonic's double and his friends."

A town with a good enough police force alone would be able to somewhat protect themselves from the other Eggman. If he was a real threat.

The Mayor glanced between the competitors before walking over to the sidelines. "That seems a little harsh, but uh, rules are rules!"

"What kind of rules are those, though?!" Maria was convinced that they made them up on the spot, for whatever reason.

Sonic wasn't going to get worked up. "Don't worry about it, Maria! None of it matters because Swifty definitely isn't gonna win."

"Yeah!" Amy cheered.

"There's no way that Sonic is gonna lose!" Tails cheered as well.

Anti-Tails just shook his head. "Famous last words..." He didn't know how this was going to go wrong, but it just was. They weren't at the end of the episode yet.

Swifty showed off his skateboard, and the villagers cheered. He gave them a cheery thumbs up.

Out of the way, Fink held up a starting gun. "Racers, on your marks, get set-" He glanced at his open book again. "-go!"

The two racers sped off, Sonic on his feet and Swifty darting on his board. It didn't take long for Sonic to overpower the other in the village – Sonic smirked because that was obvious – however, Sonic blinked and suddenly Swifty was ahead of him, taunting with a peace sign.

The blue hero gaped. "What the what?"

Tails was in the same condition. "He was just behind Sonic! How in the world did he do that?"

"Did he..." Maria began, looking over at Shadow. "...teleported?"

Scourge's brow furrowed. "That sounds ridiculous. I haven't seen one single Chaos Emerald anywhere in the show."

Shadow frowned as he couldn't help but agree with the green hedgehog. Honestly, he would be pissed off if some random person would be the first to perform it. 

"It's probably not Chaos Control. It might be some other trick." Vector guessed.

"A trick like Eggman!" Charmy stated.

"Either way, he's cheating!" Sonic crossed his arms with a huff. "What's the point of racing if it's not going to be fun and sportsmanlike?"

"If he knew that he was going to lose without doing so," Eggman uttered, the possibility of Swifty working for his double growing.

Sonic grumbled to himself, hoping that the other Sonic won anyway just to rub it in the other's face.

Sonic gaped. "How the...?" He didn't finish his question, instead gritting his teeth and speeding past Swifty once more.

Back at the starting line, Sticks was worried. "What if Sonic doesn't win?"

"He'll win!" Tails said surely. "Nobody's faster than Sonic!"

"Tell it like it is, Tails!" Sonic praised.

Sonic had regained first place, boosting far ahead of his opponent. He glanced back over his shoulder as he turned a corner between buildings, but like last time, Swifty was ahead of him when he faced forward again.

Metal tilted his head. "If it is not Chaos Control, then the shrew must have numerous siblings."

Knuckles winced. "Please no. One of him was bad enough."

"Radical speed!" Swifty lifted his shades and finger-gunned at the azure speedster.

"Radical shut your pie hole!" Sonic gritted out as he shot ahead again, not wanting to lose this race.

"I would've said some other choice words."

"We all know you would, Scourge."

It wasn't long before the finish line was in sight, and Sonic crossed it. He laughed, cheering. Calming down some, Sonic stated, "Okay, I won!"

He looked over to his friends, who all had sad expressions on their faces.

"They can't honestly believe that Swifty won fair and square, right?!" Amy wouldn't have believed it even if she'd been the one beating Sonic.

Tails wrung his fingers together. "It really doesn't matter what his friends think though..."

Sonic's victory smile hadn't waned. "This is the part where everyone cheers!"

There was cheering alright, but not from his friends. The villagers were celebrating Swifty's win, tossing him up and down in the air. Sonic's chin was scraping the ground when the shrew was deposited in front of the Mayor, a smoothie in his hand.

Fink put a lei around Swifty's neck as he sipped his drink. "Radical smoothie!"

"He doesn't deserve that smoothie, that cheating little punk."

Scourge disregarded Sonic's angry grumbles. "Anyone else wanting to pour that smoothie down his throat hole?"

Surprisingly, multiple hands shot up.

"He won?!" Sonic shouted in disbelief. "With time to get a smoothie?" He whirled around to ask the rest of his group, " I passed him! I saw it!" Sonic crossed his arms, eyes narrowing. "Something smells fishy about this race."

Down at Sonic's feet, there was a fish in a tuxedo sitting in a bowl. "I told you, I have irritable bowl syndrome!"

Despite everything, Sonic still managed to laugh. "Whoa, wait! Isn't that the fish from uh...that episode where Sticks had that fancy party?"

"My Fair Sticksy", Sonic." Tails said, not placing the fish or the joke. "But that's not the point!"

Swifty zipped over to Sonic, clearing his throat. "Ahem! I think it's time for someone to be all banished, yo!"

The hedgehog scowled at him while Tails, Amy, Knuckles, and Sticks looked on sadly.

Lilac was baffled. "Can't they do something??"

"No." Spade said, shaking his head.

"Like I said before," Eggman started. "Completely incompetent."

The Mayor was reading from his book again. "Sonic the Hedgehog, in accordance with town bylaw 77415, subsection B, paragraph nine..." He held up his right hand. "I hearby declare you uh, banished!"

Suddenly, there was a gavel in his hand, and a smiling Dave sidled up to Fink, holding a sound block. Fink pounded it, and the intern slid away.

"Of course he would be here!" Charmy complained. "Dave probably has something to do with Swifty winning!"

The group of heroes on the sidelines watched silently as Sonic was led away by two police officers.

Tails wasn't happy about any of this. "I would've gone with him!"

"I would've torn that ridiculous book in half," Knuckles said.

"I would've broken his board and glasses." Jet added.

"I would've went after those cops!"

"Ames, you can't really attack-"

"Look at them! They wouldn't – couldn't – have done anything!"

"...True, but still."

The cops eventually guided Sonic to a red dotted line outside of the village. Sonic gloomily walked over the line as they stood guard.

Sonic then grinned a bit too widely at the officers before sticking his foot out over the line.

"No," one of them – a beaver – said unyieldingly.

"So how much all of you want to bet that the villagers are going to need Sonic back in the village real soon?"

Gong shook his head. "There is no reason to bet, echidna. It's nearly certain that the villagers are being fools and will require help in some fashion."

Sonic shifted his weight and attempted with his other foot.


Sonic slumped and walk off...before coming right back and sticking his foot out again.


The blue hedgehog actually gave up this time, huffing as he folded his arms across his chest.

"I would've ran past them!" Sonic waved his hands in the air. "I respect cops and all-" Most of the time. "-but being banished over a race? Seriously?!"

"Now that you've mentioned it, it does sound ridiculous." Carol admitted.

Back at the village, Swifty was signing pictures as the rest of the heroes were still dealing with Sonic's loss.

Amy voice was soft. "I can't accept that Sonic is gone!"

"Then don't!" Amy loudly advised. "Go get him!"

"But Sonic is gone!" There was boisterous laughter, and they all turned to see Eggman floating over in his hovercraft.

Eggman sighed. "And there he is. It's about time." He almost got his hopes up.

Amy was going to comment on that fact that yeah, Swifty was definitely working with Eggman, but what the doctor rode in on caught her attention. "Didn't his hovercraft just burn up in a pit of lava last episode? How many of those does he have?"

"We don't know the actual time frame between each episode," Tails provided. "And plus, building stuff is kinda his thing..."

The man released a few more malicious chuckles. "You all fell victim of the charms of my greatest robot yet!"

Eggman didn't know how to feel about that bit of information. His double had willingly created a robot so obnoxious that it put the cactus himself to shame, and- "Either he hasn't built Metal yet, or he's absolutely a toaster."

Sonic snorted. "I know we started it as a joke, but at this point, I fully expect Metal to be making toast when he finally shows up."

Scourge scoffed. "Honestly, faker's faker wouldn't give a damn if it shows up in this show. He would simply want to see itself and prove that him being there wasn't completely pointless."

"Took the words right out of my mouth." Shadow mumbled.

Tails refocused on the show. "So, Swifty didn't have siblings, but since he's a robot, he could have multiple copies!"

Amy's expression twisted up in disgust. "Oh my gosh! That means that the other Amy almost fell for a robot? Maybe she and the other Sonic aren't actually dating, because she wouldn't be as love-starved if they were!"

Sonic secretly crossed his fingers.

"A robot?" Amy dubiously asked.

"Well, more like an army of robots!" Eggman pressed a button in his Eggmobile, and multiple clones of Swifty repeating 'Radical speed!' appeared next to the original.

The audience resisted the urge to cover their ears.

Tails gasped. "Sonic didn't lose the race! There were just multiple Swifties all along the track! I call shenanigans!"

"It's too late for shenanigans!" Eggman opposed. "Now, without your precious hedgehog hero to stop me, I can fulfill my lifelong evil dream!"

"I still don't get why Eggman seems to forget that Sonic isn't the only one with the ability to stomp him to the ground." Carol said confused.

"Because others never do." Knuckles grunted.


Eggman held up both of his arms, lightning flashing and thunder booming in the distance. "Building my own theme park!"

Tails opened and closed his mouth before getting out, "In...that village though? Don't get me wrong, it uh...has its quirks, but a theme park? Really?"

"At least have it in outer space or something!" Sonic suggested because that whole adventure was a hoot and a half.

Eggman couldn't even blame his double. His sights were small, so his schemes were be on the smaller scale as well. "Everyone has to start somewhere." Even doctors with supposedly high IQ who shouldn't just target a village with a population of twenty.

The heroes just blinked at him.

Amy cradled her chin. "That doesn't sound very evil..."

"It might even create some new jobs," Knuckles uttered.

"Huh." Knuckles was pleasantly surprised. "That's probably the smartest thing I've heard him say." He shook his head. 'No! Stop! He's still an idiot!'

"Silence!" Eggman yelled. "In my theme park empire, your entire village will be forced to wait in long lines, buy overpriced merch, and eat week-old turkey legs covered in..." He dramatically paused. "...preservatives!"

The villagers screamed in horror.

Eggman held his head in his hands. Yes, everyone needed to start somewhere, but his twin was starting off in the complete wrong way.

"Does he not realize that people can just... move away?" Mighty asked, genuinely confused.

Sonic barely managed to speak over his chuckles. "Or, y'know, that my twin won't let a stupid red dotted line keep me from letting him sell evil turkey?" He wiped away an imaginary tear. "Eggy, I need you to pull stunts like this so I can have a good laugh!"

"Only in your dreams, pincushion."

Eggman put up a finger. "And remember, it all started with a shrew!" He smiled as he placed a hat of himself on his head. Then, Swifty and all of his clones put up a statue of Eggman and Swifty holding hands, the human's unoccupied hand waving.

People started to run away screaming as Swifty clones burst into houses and tossed the furniture out of them.

Tails looked on in anger. "We need Sonic!"

Spade rolled his eyes. "Honestly, you really don't."

Outside the village, Sonic subtly slid his foot near the dotted line. The two officers shook their heads at him.

"What's their plan there?" Lilac questioned, curious. "Are the cops just going to stand there forever? Take shifts? Does the village even have enough officers to do that?"

"It does not matter," Neera answered. "For there are two minutes left until the episode ends. I'm sure the officers will become irrelevant in approximately thirty seconds."

With the heroes once more, they anxiously watched as the Swifties began to build the theme park.

Amy frowned, harshly addressing the Mayor. "Get Sonic back!"

"Well, it's not that simple!" Fink retorted. "Uh, he's been banished!"

"Then unbanish him!" Tails exclaimed.

Amy guessed this was better than just standing around. "Smashing the robots would've been best, but yelling at the mayor is good too."

Fink shook his head. "I can't just unbanish someone! Unbanishing requires an assembly of the village council!"

"But bashing him didn't?" Sonic didn't fully understand politics, but even he could tell something was wrong. "Because that's fair and just!" His sarcasm was palpable.

"Then assemble them," Amy ordered, exasperated.

Fink thought for a moment. "I suppose I could do that..." He ambled over to a group of villagers, opening his book. "I hearby call to order the unbanishing proceeding. Okay, let's see, huh, 'Hedgehog', comma, 'Sonic'. Middle name, 'The'." After flipping a couple of pages, Fink asked, "Now, where oh where is his 10-87-Q1B form?"

"Just do it already!" Amy snapped at him.

Amy grinned at that. Yelling did wonders.

Rattled, the Mayor immediately rushed, "All in favor of unbanishing Sonic so that he can save our lives, say 'Aye'!"

"Aye!" most of the members shout.

"All opposed?"

"Nay!" Dave was the only one against the idea.

"The person who activated a doomsday device and nearly wiped that dimension from existence is on the village council." Shadow didn't have the energy to question things anymore. "I'm surprised that the village hadn't imploded on itself yet."

Anti-Tails raised a brow. "That meat head built a doomsday device?"



Fink nodded. "I hearby declare Sonic unbanished!"

Outside the village, one of the cop's walkie talkie beeped on, Fink's voice coming through. "We've unbanished Sonic!"

The beaver jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. "Go ahead."

Neera's approximation had been a bit off – it being closer to a minute than thirty seconds – but she still got her point across. Banishing Sonic was meaningless.

Sonic perked up and instantly sped off. At the village, he zoomed by Leroy the Turtle at a DJ Station, the reptile giving the hero a thumbs up.

No one asked questions, for they knew they wouldn't get any answers.

Sonic didn't waste any time in destroying each Swifty in one hit, each saying, "Unradicial," before being trashed.

"You mean to tell me... they went down in one hit? So the others were just standing around doing nothing... FOR NO REASON!!!" Knuckles wanted to punch something. He didn't care that this show was comedy, it was utterly ridiculous!

Rouge was also disappointed. "It would've been better if each one had taken at least two hits."

Eggman believed that both sides of the 'fight' were lacking here. His double wasn't prepared – again – and the heroes...they were bad, but a little less bad than the doctor. Everything was just terrible.

The rest of the heroes smiled as the last Swifty's sparking head landed by them. Sonic grinned when Knuckles – and some villagers – went to pull the statue down with ropes. Everyone cheered when it toppled over.

"My theme park!" Eggman cried out in anguish, floating down to the defaced stone. "I was gonna make a killing off that merch!"

"Sure, Egghead, sure." Sonic snickered. "Because everyone was gonna buy hats and shirts with his ugly face on it."

Eggman was going to ignore that indirect taunt because they were almost at the end of the episode, and he didn't want to prolong it any longer.

In a ball, Sonic bounced off the statue and landed right into Eggman's hovercraft. He pulled on a couple levers and hopped out as the Eggmobile flew crazily upwards with Eggman yelling.

Sonic waved up at him with a smirk. "Catch you later, Eggface!"

The villagers cheered, and the speedster faced him. "I did it! I have a catchphrase! Ahem." He repeated the same phase slower with more snark. "Catch you later , Eggface!"

Sonic an exasperated hand down his face. "We're back to this?!"

"It's both adorable and concerning that he's trying so hard..." Fiona muttered sarcastically.

The villagers laughed, but it wasn't as enthused as before.

Sonic blinked before finger-gunning at them. "Ha! Catch ya... later... Eggface!"

The villager only mumbled, unamused.

The Mayor coughed as Sonic slumped. "Let's not kill it, son."

Spade shook his head. "Too late, it's already been shot, ran over, and burnt to ashes. It's dead and gone."

"Like this episode." Shadow didn't want anymore interruptions. They just needed to go. 

"Let's hurry up and start the next one so we can leave." Scourge retorted, impatient.

Amy nodded. "Yeah! Maybe the next episode will have some kind of couple interactions in it since this one sorta set it up!"

"I wouldn't count on it, Amy..." Tails said. They've gotten this far, and nothing really had been set in stone yet.

"Let me dream, Tails!" 

Lucy giggled and pressed the button to the next episode.
