New villain in town

                                                                      *insert intro*

Slade was walking threw town and heading to meh burger "hi id like one meh burger a soda and a bach of frizes with ketchup" dave rolled his eyes and came back with a fishy sandwich and a soda "this isnt what i oraderd" dave took off the paddys and gave slade just the fish and the soda "here" slade growaled "fine ill just take the soda" slade said takeing a drink from the soda then he spat it out "THIS IS DIET WHAT KIND OF MONSTER ARE YOU"Slade said storming off he looked around and all he saw is eggman yelling at someone the stealing something and almost running off with it until sonic and team stoped him slade decided to go tease eggman cause why not "psh i could do better than you" slade said smirking "hey villainly is hard oh but you wouldent know cause your not one"eggman said crossing his arms slade paused "ill show you" he said walking off "hmm i need to show that im better than eggman at villainly but how i mean i read comic books hmmm OO sonic said something about his mehc suit maybe ill steal it and use it to steal what eggman was trying to still PERFICT now how to get sonics suit"


Slade went up to sonics shack "knock knock" sonic groned "ugh not now amy I'm not in the mood" "uhh actually I'm not ur girlfriend it's Slade and uhh I was wondering if you could show me your meach suit" sonic got up and rubbed his head "first why do you wanna see my meach suit and second SHES NOT MY GIRLFRIEND". "Heh well i wanna see it cause i was reading a comic about robots and i thought it would be cool to see one its fine if not also you cant say your not dating the chemistry is there" sonic yawned "sure why not and NO WERE NOT" "sureee" sonic took Slade to were the suit was Slade was very excited to see it "oooooh its so cool i mean i prefer red but i see why blue tho ooo what's this do ooo what's this do" "that's the Lazer been and that's the hmm actually i don't know what that is" "can i please take it for a test drive please" Slade begged "fine but only for an hour or else it will take you over" "uh huh," Slade said jumping in the suit "alright then see ya"


Slade went to eggmans layer and knocked on the door "ooo that must be my package"eggman said opening the door "oh its you kid wait is that sonics mech suit " "nevermind that what were you trying to steal earlier" "why" "CAUSE I SAID SO" "if you really want to know it was parts for my new robots" "and that would be" eggman showed slade a blue print "the ones in red are the parts i need heh there so expensive these days" slade snached the blue print and left "hey i need those oh wait i have a nother one" meanwhile slade went out to get the parts "ok first part a pack of 239 bolts to easy now a need a distacson hmm ahh yes i hate this one those" slade got out of the suit and went up to the stand and started coughing "SOME ON *HACK* PLEASE HELP *COUGH COUGH* IM CHOCKING"Slade said while sneaking a pack of bolts in his pocket sudely ana came with knuckles "oh get up big baby" Ana said slade ran up to ana and hugged them "ANA BANANA WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE" ana growned and pushed slade off "well me and knuckles were getting supplies for our new house" "finaly my lamp will have its own room" knuckles said "yeah the living room" "no you said the bathroom" "no you said the bathroom" "no i said the bathroom" knuckles said ana laughed "slade put back whatever you stole" "what did i steal" "i know that trick" slade panicked "uhh ooo look a bird" slade said ponting "OO WERE" the two said they looked back to see slade was gone


"Ok next item on the

list a can of Ghulam that's unusual for a robot but ok" Slade said to himself he walked up to stand and successfully stole the last two items


He knocked on Eggman's door "ok if this isn't my package oh you again" "yes I got all the parts now say im a better villain than you" "stealing parts is one thing but it doesn't qualify you to be a villain now if you'd excuse me ill take my parts and go" Eggman said taking the parts Slade growled and went to the beach "stupid Eggman thinks that he's better than me ill show him" suddenly he saw something walk up to him Slade jumped up "gah what are you" it started to speak a foran language "hmmm i see you don't have a home for you and your tribe well can you fight.........oooo ok.....mmh...... well lll tell you this if you help me ill give you a place to stay you and your tribe" the thing agreed "perfect"


Sonic was sitting in his shack when suddenly the ground started to shake "huh" sonic said getting up "sonic come face the wrath of my uhh what are you guys again" "uiuiuiujhk" "my sea people friends and your very own mech suit" "gang we got a problem" sonic said taking out his comaucater then everyone munis ana showed up "ahhh his eyes are red the suit has taken control of him" knuckles pointed out "his eyes are red" amy said  "oh"  "and plus I reprogrammed the suit were it can't do that" tails added "I told you, man, the robot apocalypse is coming"  "that's not the least of our problems" sonic said when suddenly one of the sea people attacked him sonic tried to shake it off without hurting it sticks did the same as so did amy "awww it's cute can we keep" the thing hit knuckles and ran off "OW maybe not"   "how are we gonna defeat them  without hurting them" tails said sonic thought for a minute "tails go get those cages youv been been working on the rest of you go with tails i wanna play tag with these guys" the team nodded and left with the fox "hey guys look over here" sonic said waveing to them a little later tails came back with the cages the things were all tired out "NOW" sonic said everyone put a handful in a cage "WHAT HOW"slade said angerly  "oh you just wait until ana here's about this" sonic tesed slade picked up the cages and left and the team high fived 


a little while later Eggman saw Slade sulking "what's wrong with you"    "well i tried to be better than you witch I almost successfully did so but sonic stopped me"   "haha well least you tried see ya loser" Eggman said walking off sigh "aren't we supposed to end on a joke" suddenly an icecream fell on slades head "how original"
