Knuckles and Anas casino

                                                                    *insert intro*

Ana and knuckles knocked down eggmans door "HEY AS I SAID THOSE DOORS ARENT CHEEP" eggman said "oh well pay for it later after you give us the lone you owe" ana said 'yeah it was due 3 months ago" knuckles added "but im almost out of molla" "its only 13000 dollars not that much" "mmh molla" "plus you dont want us to get the courts involved" "fine let me go get my cheak book" eggman pushed a button witch put the two in a elactiric cage "really" ana said deactivating the cage "i control weather aka lightning" "ugh ill go get the book" eggman wrote them a cheack and they bolth left "so what did we need the money for again"knuckles asked "a illigel business witch will be legal because i have a fake id saying im 18" "what buisness" "a casino bissness" "but thoses are baicly a scam what about the people" "the money will be for a good cause" "and that cause is" "unpaid loans" "oh" "like do you know how much it cost to build a house on top of a cave and the crytails cost per peaces" "hmm i guess so WHEN ARE WE GONNA BUILD" "now" "BUILDING MONTAGE"


The two got to building the casino knuckles was using the drill but fell off and ana was building the wall after the structure was built the two got to painting knuckles spilt some paint on ana and ana spilt some paint on knuckles causing the two to end up in a paint fight "after 6 months we finished" "yep" "ok should we go shopping for formal wear" "yeah but also for sports tape mines is covered in paint" "sure"


After the two finished shopping they were at their grand opening "ladys and gentlemen and uh yeah we are so glad you are here at knuckles and anas casino"knuckles said "please enjoy your selfs" ana and knuckles cut the ribinon with gold sizers the croud ran in "im happy that you guys stared this but arent you 16 and anas 14" sonic said "WHAT nO im 18+" ana said "and im 56" knuckles said "uhh knux you don't look 56" "im a very handsome 56-year-old" sonic mumbled something under his breath but no one could hear "plus arent you 15 so you cant go in" "what i can go in fine i won't tell anyone your real ages" "the ages that arent ture" knuckles yelled "hmm you know iv been thinking maybe we need like a good cop bad cop dynamic" knuckles said "your right" "I CALL BAD COP" the two said "NOW I CALL BAD COP, STOP COPYING ME" "it was my idea!" "how about we rock paper shoes it" "fine" "ROCK PAPER SIZZORES SHOE" Ana ended up with paper and knuckles ended up with scissors "HA i win" knuckles said "no scissors get gift-wrapped by paper" "no it doesn't" "ugh i shouldn't have taught you that" "cheek in for two please," amy said "hmm arent you 13" knuckles asked "im not i forgot my age" sticks said "fair enough you may enter" knuckles said letting sticks enter "SHES LITERALLY ONE YEAR YOUNGER THAN-" "shh no yelling you will distribute the people in spa area knuckles said amy turned to see that ana was letting in tails and sonic "WHAT WHY IS TAILS GOING IN HES WAY YOUNGER THAN ME" amy shouted "actually he had a fake id so he is allowed to go" Ana said "i- wha-"


Sonic and tails were eating chilli dogs at the spa area "there's something about these chilli dogs that hit different" sonic said "mmh wonder what they're made of" "its my secret chilli recipe" ana said handing the two lemonade " since when did you know how to cook" sonic said "school duh"

Sticks was having fun rolling in the mud area and knuckles was gambling ana hit him in the back of the head "what are you doing" "gambeling you should try it its fun" "what are you seriously falling for the scam" "mmh I BET 50 BUCKS" "REALLY why am i not surprised maybe you should get back TO HELPING ME WITH THE COUSTAMERS THE LINES PRETTY LONG" "Yeah i will in abit" knuckles said rolling the dice on the tabel ana waited for 30 secondes before frowning and leaving "hello sir how may i help you- KNUCKLES COME HELP ME" All knuckles was doing was gabeling "AW you look so cute in that" "uh thanks now just go in no id required for you" Ana said pushing slade in "now can i go in" amy said holding up a fake id "no" sudenly eggman came in pushing everyone aside "hello im here to gambel" "oh hi eggy you may go in" ana said leting him in "how come he doseint need an id" "cause he looks like an old man now scram."


"I bet 1600" Eggman said putting down his cash "whoa there if you're going big then im going big i bet 5000" a mobain said "ibet 900" someone else said "i bet 12300" "i bet 1000" knuckles said "OK ANA IF YOU DONT LET ME IN IV HAD A HARD PAST 2 WEEKS AND ALL I WANT IS TO RELAX IS THAT TO HARD," Amy said tearing up "STOP THAT" ana said amy only started to cry "I-mean -i-i im going threw a break up please," amy said "uhhh E-E-E-EMOTIONS GET AWAY STOP YOU CAN GO IN JUST STOP," Ana said amy went in and smirked,   "GOLDFISH" Knuckles said "what its not even goldfish its........... Well i don't know but still, I WANNA REMATCH" Eggman said "haha Eggman lost" "fine if i lost then you will lose" "what" eggman pushed a button and his robots came out and started to put oli all over the place "knuckles what is Eggman doing" "i have no idea but what i know we should probably get everyone out" "kay SONIC GET EVERYONE OUT" sonic nodded and started to get everyone out and so did tails "oh come on i just got in here," amy said getting out of the tub after everyone got out Eggman exploded the place  ana just stood there in shock "ok ans i got everyone out"    "h-h-how are we gonna pay for the loans the house too"  ana said knuckles taped their shoulder and ana looked back "huh knux not now"   "fine guess you don't need the almost 1 million dollars i earned from gambling"   "1 million?"  "yup"knuckles said handing ana the money  "Oh knuckles what would i do with out ya" ana said ruffling his fur 
