The Search

Sir Handel Pov:

We have been looking for days. There are no survivors anywhere. I had been getting worried that we would not find anyone. Whiff had made it to the mainland after the blast happened. He was infected. The contamination spread to the part of the mainland connected to Sodor. All other places around here had locked down so nothing could get in from here. Molly had passed by the Steelworks. We saw Hurricane and Frankie, they were infected and waiting for engines to come into the works. We also saw the corpses of Merlin and Theo. They looked like they didn't even know what was going to happen to them. " Face it Molly. We won't find any survivors. We are the only ones." "We will not give up hope. There will be someone" said Molly. I doubted that would happen. Aganist all odds, we found someone. There in a shed, was Murdoch. "Hello, Murdoch?" He was asleep when we found him. " Whose there? Molly, Sir Handel, YOUR ALIVE!" Murdoch told us how he escaped. " Me, Stepney, and Arthur took a very long and heavy train to the mainland before the blast. We had to stay here for the night before we could go home. Stepney and Arthur wanted to go look around. At that time it wasn't dangerous, so I let them go. They haven't come back yet though." After we heard that, we had to go look for them. After a while, we actually found them okay in a shed, kind of. They looked scared, like they had seen something. Arthur spoke up. " When we were looking around at the beautiful mainland, we heard an engine puff up behind us. It was Hiro, but he was terribly infected. He started to chase us, so we had to run. We eventually got away from him and hid in the sheds." Stepney said that they had been there for a couple days. We all   went together to look around for any more survivors. We made it to a station, the name was faded out. There was a coach there with workmen in it. Right next to the coach was the one and only, Alicia Botti. She told us why she was there. " I was supposed to be taken to an opera the day of the blast. There was a foreign engine here to take me some where we could hid, but she fled when an infected Hiro started to chase after her. I have been her for a while." We asked what she looked like. " Well, she was a green tank engine with an Italian accent." All together we realized who it was. " Gina!!" " We have to find here. She dosen't know these tracks!" Murdoch made a plan. " Stepney, you and Arthur take Sir Handel and the coach with you and search for Gina and
see if she is alive. Me and Molly need to look for someone." Us three went to look for Gina. On our way out I heard the other two say something. " We have to find him Molly." " We will find him. He is the only one that can help us. Neville is the way to safety."
