Old Friends, New Memories

Present Day:

   Murdoch Pov:
We headed back to Sodor, only to find it destroyed. Vicarstown looked terrible and there were dead bodies everywhere. We did not expect it to look so bad so far from the blast. We kept going because we knew what we had to do. Molly lead the way because she knew where Ulfstead Castle was. She said that Neville liked to go there and hang out woth Millie, Stephen, and Glynn. He also liked the scenery from atop the hill. That was the first place we were going to look. When we got there, it looked desolate. There was nobody there and there was rubble everywhere. It wasn't that close to the blast but close enough to be destroyed. We looked in the sheds to see who was there and we were horrified. There in the sheds was Glynn and Stephen, hollowed out and broken. Molly looked so sad. She was a good friend to them and them to her. While she was crying, we heard a voice. "Hello? Is anybody there?" "It's Murdoch and Molly. Is that you Millie?" "Yes, it is me. Come into the castle, quick. I will lower the drawbridge." She lowered the drawbridge and let us in. "I am so glad you guys are here. I haven't seen anyone in a couple of days." "What happened here, Millie?" "Well, when the blast happened we were in our sheds. We felt the blast hit us, but all it did was damage the buildings. We were fine. Since we were okay, we continued work on the park. The next day, we were starting the day when we heard a low but load scream. We saw the monster that was once Oliver. He went towards Glynn and destroyed him. His screams were unsettling. Next he went towards Stephen. There was no where he could go, he was going to die. The last thing he said was to get into the castle. Me and all the rest of the people went into the castle and put up the drawbridge. We heard the beast leave but we kept the drawbridge up. That was it until you guys got here." Molly was in shock but need to know more. "Do you know of amy other survivors?" "We got a call from Edward's driver. Him and Henry are okay. They found Toby too." We were happy to here some of our friends were okay. "Has Neville been here lately?" "Actually, he was here when the blast hit. When he heard it he ran off. I haven't seen him since." "Millie, me and Molly need to know where your magic buffers are." "They are right over there, wait did you say MAGIC!?" Before she could respond, Molly had disappeared into the mist. "Are you coming?", I asked. "Really? Sure!" We both set off into the buffers and faded into the sky. We made it to the railway. "Millie, welcome to the Culdee Fell Railway." She was amazed by the magic here. "This is cool and all but where are all the engines?" We were wondering the same thing. There were no engines bustling and working. The only engine there was Culdee, resting in his shed. "Culdee! It is Molly and Murdoch." "Hey guys! How have you been? Who is your friend?" "I am Millie. Nice to meet you." "Culdee, what happened here?" " So, before the blast, we were doing well. We had a busy railway. Obviously, we had to recover from Godred's death but we would be fine. When the blast hit, we thought we were fine. But when some engines tried to go through the buffers, they were getting fried, like something was glitching the buffers. I am the only mountain engine left. Rusty is somewhere around here and Lady has disappeared. We don't know where she is." "Has Neville been here lately?" "He was here after the blast but he just sped by and went through some buffers. He didn't say anything." "Which buffers?" "The one's over here." "Thank you and goodbye for now." "I think I am going to stay with Culdee for now to keep him company." "Are you sure, Millie?" "Yes, goodbye for now." "Goodbye." After the formal goodbyes, we head through to search for Neville once again.
