
The day had started off exactly how I would have expected, I woke up late, shoving my uniform on before rushing off to attempt to be on time. It was my third day at the prestigious hero school and it lived up to its reputation, while teaching us the basics from algebra to osmosis it also had the hero course. My problem with the school at the moment was not its fault, more mine, and that was my lack of companion; Uraraka was the closest I'd come so far and well honestly I needed to set my game up a little, I'm not that unlikable.

Arriving at the school gates I was met with a bombardment of reporters. Amongst all the noise and shouting I could make out a few of the things they were saying, 'Tell us about All Might' and 'Can you get All Might for an interview'. The press must have heard about him becoming a teacher. The question is how to get through this, deciding force was the best option I pushed through ignoring as many reporters as I could. Before one grabbed onto me followed by an All Might question, 'What is the symbol of peace like in person?' Giving the reporter a glare I yanked my arm out of their grip, "I don't know, maybe I'd be able to answer if I could get into my school." Before the reporter could ask anything else I continued to push through, eventually making it through.

To my surprise when I entered the classroom I was early, well I was here before Aizawa.  "Norkio!" I turned to the voice that had called my name, surely enough it belonged to bubbly brown haired girl, "Hey." I walked over to her with a small wave. She was at with broccoli and glasses, I hadn't spoke to the two yet but they did seem friendly. Upon my arrival to the table glasses stood up, his torso bending a full 90 degrees to bow, "Hello, I am Tenya Iida, nice to meet you!" His hand shot forward at an inhumane speed, precariously I shook his hand, "Noriko Ito, just call me Noriko or whatever I don't really mind." The boy now identified now as Iida nodded his head, repeating my name lowly to try to remember it. I looked over to the green haired boy expected some introduction but he was a jittering, blushing mess, "Iz-zuku Mido-oriya." I just nodded slowly, not too good with social interactions I suppose. "I'm so excited for today!" Uraraka said her hand balled into a fist and look of determination present of her face, "Why what's happening today?" Midoriya asked, now having recovered from moment, "Nothing! Just another day at UA." She had a smile plastered on her face and it was the kind you couldn't help but reciprocate.

Aizawa entered the room groggily, everyone rushing back to their seats and quietening down, "Good work with yesterdays battle training. I've looked over your grades and evaluations...'' He began to reprimand Porcupine and Miydoria, telling one to grow up and the other to stop injuring themselves. The two had some built up issues and the whole class could tell, during the fights yesterday people thought it went too far, and that it should have been ended faster. Yet the two had survived, I could only assume with the help of Recovery Girl. I wondered away from my thoughts and returned back to reality and what our homeroom teacher was saying, "Sorry for the sudden announcement, but today," the whole class panicked a little, multiple scenarios as to what it would be running through their head, "You'll pick a class president." Everyone sighed in relief, ''Such a normal school like thing!" People began to jump up saying they wanted to be it while other just sat, myself included, waiting for this to be over. "...that our true leader must be chosen by election!!" My ears perked up at this and I turned to Iida, his hand was in the air dead straight and unwavering. Others also hearing this began to protest pointing out the flaws, "People will just vote for themselves though!" "And Iida we haven't known each other long enough to build trust." I couldn't help but agree with the redhead and frog girl, but also this was the best way to choose. Iidas hand then flung in the air in swift motions as he explained, "That's precisely why anyone who manages to earn multiple votes... will be the best suited individual for the job!!" 

"I got three votes?!" I turned to look at Miydoria, his eyes were wide in disbelief it was clear to see he hadn't expected to be voted, and Iida he was staring at his desk, clutching the sides, "One vote... I thought as much! This is the harsh reality of this sacred office.." he hadn't even voted for himself, you may ask why I know this, because I was that one vote. I thought it was pretty obvious to the class who the best option was. Yaoyorozu was Vice President, which also made sense during the battles she had analysed all fights and clearly impressed the class. 

Stepping into the lunch hall I looked around, this was my problem, my lack of established friends meant I had no table to sit at, and surely enough every table was taken. I was about the turn around and go to the roof before I saw a hand waving at me signalling me to go there. I smiled as I reached the table , "Hey!" Three of them returned the gesture, I was surprised I'd been invited to this table, I hadn't really spoke to any of them, other than Kaminari who had waved me over. He was sat with Porcupine, the girl with pink skin and the one with red hair. "You're names Ito right?" The red haired asked, I nodded, "Yeah Noriko Ito, you don't have to be formal though just called me Noriko." The boy nodded in return, "Well I'm Eijiro Kirishima!" I smiled and turned to the pink haired girl, "I'm Mina Ashido." Kaminari spoke this time, "And you know who I am, and the hothead is-" "Porcupine." This set the hot head off, "Listen here Bitch stop calling me that, its Katsuki Bakugo!" I could almost see explosion being formed, before I could say anything back a bell went off followed by, "All students. Please evacuate in an orderly fashion. Security level 3 has been broken." The cafeteria quickly erupted into ruckus, everyone standing and pushing each other, occasionally you could hear someone shouting. 

In the few minutes since the alarm I had managed to loose the table and the 4 who were on it. I had been pushed to the very back of the room to which was a lot less cramped, out the window I could see the reason for all this, the press? I could see Aizawa and Present Mic at the front of the crowd trying to calm them down and stop them from storming the school, all this for an interview with All Might. I didn't know what happened, but the students all suddenly stoped moving, in the distance I could just about hear Iida's voice assuring students it was not a serious threat.

Back in the classroom after all the chaos, Miydoria stood at the front, 'I believe... That Iida is better suited to be class president!"I blanked out after that. looking to the side out of the window, in the distance I could see the gate to UA. It had been completely destroyed, something that seemed too impressive for the press to do...
