
 Noriko's POV

"Gather around, Class 1-A, using your student numbers, form two neat lines so we can load the bus efficiently!" Iida ordered, his hand flying about the air with authority. Despite his coordination, everyone boarded the bus and sat where they pleased. 

Sitting in the first free seat, I turned to look who was sat next to me- Todoroki. Sensing my light stare, he turned to face me. His face was stoic as he spoke, "Why are you staring?" I could feel my face flush as my hand instinctively rushed to itch the nape of my neck, "Uh, nothing- sorry," he turned to face the window, a small frown on his face "I can sit somewhere else, I mean I wo-" 

He cut me off from my tangent, "Sit there, or don't, I don't care. I'm not here to make friends." While his tone audibly had not changed, his words seemed harsh and sharp- enough to make me frown as I stared at my hands in my lap. What was his problem? Does he think just because he has strong quirks he can be a dick to everybody?

To avoid my slight aggravation with the two toned hair boy, I listened into the class conversation, "But if we're talking the double whammy of flashy and strong, its Todoroki and Bakugo," Kirishima said loudly, a friendly smile ever present on his face.  I could almost feel myself twitch at what he had said, yes the two are strong but did he have to feed their already overgrown egos? Plus, my inner competitiveness was slightly upset at the distinct lack of mention of me.

"Bakugo's always fuming, so he won't be popular." Asui said innocently, as if she had not just cussed the class ball of anger.

"You bitch!! I'll be popular too!" Bakugo screamed from the seat in front at the poor girl, strangling the bus as he did so. Said girl did not flinch, instead she took this as proof of her point. I couldn't help but admire her balls for that.

"Asui, careful you made the Pomeranian mad, he might bite." I said jokingly, a small smirk on my face. Bakugo turned to me, a look of murder on his face.

"It's only been a brief while since our socialisation has commenced and yet we already have been made apodictically cognisant of your personality, redolent as it is of a turd steamed in a sewer." Kaminari said, confusing almost everybody on the bus.

"Huh!? What the hell kinda vocabulary is that!? I'll fucking kill you!!" Bakugo screeched, whipping his head to the boy, yet again fiercely gripping the railings. I mean he did have the point, why was he speaking like he had a word count to reach? An insult should be short, sweet and understandable not a riddle.

"We're almost there. Settle down already..." Aizawa said with his usual bored tone. 

The bus soon arrived a huge glass dome appeared. As we got out the bus I realised how the building towered above us all. I began to tune back into the conversation in time to hear Thirteen explain, " Flood wreck, landslides, forest fires... etc. etc... This is a practical training area I created to simulate all kinds of accidents and disasters; and its name is... Unforeseen Simulation Joint!" 

Miydori and Uraraka were stood fangirling over Thirteen. Turns out, his is one of Uraraka's favourite heroes, which was fitting for the girl. Under their breath the two teachers began to talk, from my distance I couldn't hear anything but I did notice Thirteen flash three fingers to Aizawa.

Before we could start Thirteen had a thing or four to tell us, "..I'm certain you're all already aware, but, my quirk I called 'Black Hole'. No matter what material may get sucked into its vortex, it will turn into dust." Miydoria began to mansplain how it was the perfect quirk to remove wreckage before Thirteen could finish, "It is, however, a power that could also easily be used to kill people..."

The tone was much more serious as he explained how all quirks could be dangerous. He further went to explain how Aizawa's test taught us the potential of our quirks and All Mights taught us the danger of using it against others. 

"All right, first thing's first..." Aizawa began before stopping. His eyes were trained on the fountain. I followed his gaze, a small black hole had appeared and was slowly materialising, growing larger and larger....
