"Fräulein Bauer?" Calls out a stern looking woman.

Stefanie looks up, realizing that she is calling her name, "Right here," she replies, standing up.

The woman walks towards her and begins to speak, "I am Linda Schmidt, the director of the Borussia Dortmund Media Department."

She offers her hand, which Stefanie shakes, while continuing to talk, "Thank goodness you responded to our advertisement, we were becoming desperate for a new photographer after the other quit right after the season ended."
Stefanie smiles, "I saw the flyer in my apartment lobby and I couldn't resist."
"Good, good. Here, let's go to a room so I can do a formal interview." Linda leads her over to a room overlooking a soccer field. She offers the seat facing the windows to Stefanie and takes the other seat. "Ok, ready to begin?"


After about an hour of actual interviewing, and another hour of just talking, Linda rises out of her seat. "Stefanie," she says, "You are a special girl. And because we haven't received any applications for this position all summer and because you are who you are, you get the job."

Stefanie's eyes widen and a smile appears on her face, "Danke Frau-"

"Call me Linda, please."

"Danke Linda, I'm happy to get this job and doing the things that I love."

Linda gives her a kind smile, shuffles her papers, and adds on to what she was saying, "Bitte, Stefanie, but we still have some things to talk about. With your schooling coming soon, it may cause some conflicts. I'm not saying we can't work something out, but I don't want you to frequently put stress on your partner. Ah, speaking of her, I would like you to meet her. She is most likely on the field taking pictures since practice is in full swing now." She nods to the window where Stefanie could see figures running around.

"Come, I'll show you how to get there," Linda says, motioning to her and grabbing her papers.

Stefanie gets up and follows behind her, feeling like a toddler walking to her first day of school. They pass the front desk then continue on, turning right when the hallway ends. Stefanie looks around, trying to gather everything in, and sees pictures of past teams. When she looks forward again, Linda is opening a door, leading to the outside world. She keeps the door open for Stefanie, and immediately she feels the summer heat. She looks to the field, making eye contact with a tall figure with blonde hair. He keeps on looking and Stefanie looks away, following Linda once again. She could still feel his eyes on her when she reaches the field, following Linda as she turns left, away from the watching figure. They come to the corner of the field, where a girl, a little younger than Stefanie, is kneeling, looking at her camera.

"Isabel!" Linda says and the girl's head pops up. Her blonde braid bounces as she turns her head towards the pair. She smiles and stands up, putting the camera around her neck.

"Linda, it's good to see you," she says.

"I would like you to meet Stefanie, your new partner," Linda says.

Isabel looks over to Stefanie and sticks out her hand, "Isabel Schneider, Borussia Dortmund photographer and fußball enthousiaste."

Stefanie shakes her hand and replies, "Stefanie Bauer, previous London Knights photographer and hockey enthousiaste."

Isabel raises an eyebrow, "London has a hockey league?"
Stefanie laughs, "London, Canada does."

Linda speaks before the two girls could continue their bickering, "Isabel, you are responsible of explaining everything to Stefanie. I have to go back up to the office now."

The ladies say their goodbyes as two figures approach from the field.
