MASSIVE Changes!

This month is a huge month for me. I'm juggling studying, exams, getting back into art after my portfolio sucked the life out of me in September, and trying to complete NaNoWriMo. Some of you might know what that is, but if you don't, it's a global writing challenge that occurs every November and requires participants to write 50,000 words for one novel over the course of the month. Naturally, trying to keep up with that and study for my ten exam papers is not fun, and I'm very very behind on my word count. As in, fourteen thousand words behind. But over the last two days I've caught up a little bit and I managed to write more than 8,000 words - as well as a large chunk of a very special project I've been working on since Snowdrop finished.
Anyway, my 'novel' this month is a massively edited version of Snowdrop. I will finish the 50,000 words this month, even if it means pulling several all-nighters and stealing my mother's latte sachets even though I don't actually like coffee all that much. At the rate the chapters are going so far, the third version (a third evolution of a pretty bad Pokemon, you could call it) should be at least twice as long as the current version. That's... That's like, 45,000 words I have to write in the next 12 days. I CAN DO IT. I MUST.
The new version will include a few characters being majorly changed, such as Acacia, Odius, and even to an extent Melia. There will be new plot points, the ending might be tweaked a little bit (for reasons you shall see in due course, though feel free to guess if you'd like!) and overall, it's going to be a butt-tonne better than ever before!
I'm also starting a series of comics to fit with each chapter. They're just silly little artworks to make the mood a little bit lighter, because if I'm being honest I've cried while writing a few scenes.
The new chapters will be uploaded on December 1st, in one big block so you're not waiting for new chapters and so things don't get confusing with the new details.

I really do hope you enjoy it, because I'm having so much fun writing it.

~ LibrarianWho
