At Last...

Nine months, forty-five cannons, twenty-two chapters, forty-four thousand five hundred and nine words, five hundred and sixty-four reads.
I can't thank you enough.
From those of you who have stuck by me since the very beginning, to the newest readers who have only just clicked here, I'm genuinely grateful for you all.
In particular, I would like to thank screamraeken, whose constant support and votes on every single chapter were, at one point, the only thing that made me update. (You should really go and check out their Hunger Games fanfiction, Victorious. It's so wonderfully written, quite possibly my favourite fanfiction so far. *poke* Go and read it!)
It's wonderful seeing the reads climb, because this is my most successful story so far -- thanks to you. I've never got this far with something I'm genuinely happy with, and without your support I'm almost certain I would have given up like I did with many other stories.
I cross-published this on Quotev, and I've read comments that have made me laugh ("I'm not crying - you are!") and comments that have made me warm and fuzzy ("I crave a sequel!"), and each and every one of them means so much to me. Although I'm finished, I will still check back regularly and try to answer comments as often as I can. I can most likely assure you that I will be coming back, because I want to update the chapters with the third version of Snowdrop. Think of it as the third evolution of a Pokemon.
Again, thank you so much for sticking with me even when I've not updated for weeks. Without you, I wouldn't have gotten this far. It's been an amazing journey and I can't wait to do it again.
So finally,

Adios, and thank you!

~ LibrarianWho
