Chapter III || Crash and Burn

Time doesn't seem to pass quickly enough, but eventually it was time for you to take f/n home. You both got into the backseat of the car and the car pulled out of your driveway. F/m (family member) was driving. 

You stared out the window blankly, not wanting to look f/n in the eyes after the stunt you pulled. It's too late to tell her now anyways... you reasoned. Just a few minutes, she'll be home, and I'll have gotten away with it. The only thing that could go wrong is if—

"Hey, where's my shirt?" You look over at f/n, who is searching through her bag for her new shirt. 

"Hm? Is it in another pocket?" You try to remain calm, not wanting any fluctuations in your voice to give you away.

"Maybe," f/n opens another pocket of her bag and looks through it "but I remember putting it in the big one... or... at least I thought I did?"

You feel your heart rate increase as you watch her search for it. Oh no, you think. I guess she does care about it... at least a little. You feel the guilt rise throughout your body, your face turning red. 

"I know I put it in here before I—" f/n looks over at you, squinting. You say nothing. "Hey, wait a minute!" F/n grabs you suddenly. The shirt had come untucked, and was visible underneath your hoodie. You panic.

"H-hey! What are you doing? Let go!"

"Tell me you didn't—" f/n pulls your hoodie off. You feel your face get hot with shame and guilt. F/n gasps. "ARE YOU SERIOUS?!"

"Well hey, I—" suddenly, f/n grabs at the shirt, attempting to pull it off of you. 

"Give it back!" You don't want her to see your bra, but the main thing is, you don't want to give the shirt back. You decide to fight back. 

"Hey! No! Get off of me!" You try to shove f/n off of you, but she's bigger and stronger than you are, and she holds on.

"No way! Give it back! It's mine!" You keep fighting against f/n. 

"No it isn't!"

"I paid for it! Give it!"

"Hey! You two stop fighting back there!" F/m calls at you and f/n. But you'd gone too far. You keep pushing f/n off you.

F/m reaches back to break you two apart. You immediately stop fighting. 

"F/M, THE CAR!" You scream. 

F/m looks back to the road, but it's too late. The car slams into a busy intersection. Glass flies into your face as a car hits your door hard. You hit your head on something. The last thing you hear is screaming.

Everything goes black.

{and you died! Woohoo! That feels so weird to type. I hope you enjoyed this chapter! I'll try to include the snek boi in the next one, but we'll see. Sorry if it feels slow-moving at first, I just don't want to rush anything. Now that the story is getting more interesting, I'll probably be quicker writing the chapters. Stay tuned! —Kawaii ^◡^♡}
