Chapter I || Show-Off

You hum to yourself while you do the dishes, sing quiet tunes that you made up while you make your bed, and sing along to the music playing through your headphones while you draw. You love music, and you love to sing. Sometimes it even gets you into trouble. You love your best friend, f/n (friend's name), too much to tell her that she's tone deaf. Though, she has no problem telling you to stop singing while you do things. She can be blunt sometimes, but it's just the way she is. It doesn't stop it from stinging a bit, though.

"Shh! Y/n! No one likes a show-off!" She scolds you as you embarrassedly stop singing. You just blink when she starts singing to herself seconds later. This happens often, and you've learned that it's best not to correct her. You don't like being called a "show-off", but you've heard it enough times that you recognize maybe you are one. You can't help yourself, you hum while you do practically anything. That's where the trouble is. Other people don't seem to think that's exactly normal. You're always getting hushed and shushed for singing, you try to keep yourself from doing it, but sometimes you just can't, and you get told off for it by f/n or someone else whom you're annoying.

"Y/n! I told you to stop! It's so annoying!" You blink as you realize that you were doing it again while you were thinking. 

"Oh... sorry. I didn't realize that I was—"

"You don't have to show off all the time. We get it, you sing or something." You blink. F/n was being a bit more hostile than usual.

"I'm... sorry? I wasn't trying to show—"

"I'm trying to draw here, just be quiet." F/n scoffs as she looks back down at her paper. You both loved to draw, and often did it together. 

"S-sorry..." you mutter under your breath as you pick up your pencil and start to sketch again.

When you finally finish your drawing, you look at it, proud of yourself. Hey, this turned out pretty good! F/n calls for your attention and shows you her drawing, that she finished minutes before you did. "It looks good, I like it!" You hold your paper out to show her yours. "I finished too!  Really like it! I honestly didn't expect it to be this good!" You say with a laugh. 

F/n looks at your drawing for a few seconds, then scoffs at it. "You don't have to show off, y/n, we get it, you're perfect at everything and have a perfect life." You're taken aback by that comment. You're definitely not perfect at everything, just like you definitely do not have a perfect life. 

"Wh-what? I'm not perfect!"

"Yes you are! Or at least you act like it!" You cock your head, confused and surprised. 

"I... don't think so..." you shuffle your fingertips anxiously. "I don't try to..."

"Whatever, just... stop showing off. No one likes a show-off." Yikes. She sure likes to call you that, doesn't she? You open your mouth to say something, but nothing comes out, so you just close it and embarrassedly play with your pencil.

You smile at and wave to f/n as she gets in her mom's car and drives away. You had a nice time hanging out with her, but you notice your smile subconsciously fades once she's out of sight. You sigh as you close the door. She has the same interests as you, and you both enjoy them, and even enjoy doing them together, but she always calls you a "show-off" for just trying your best. 

Your grandmother—whom you practically live with, since you stay at her house so often—apparently notices that something's off about you. 

"Y/n, are you okay?" She asks, her sweet voice comforting you like it always does. 

"Yeah, it's fine. I'm just... missing f/n. Even though she just left." While that is partially true, part of you is relieved that she's gone. She can be a lot to deal with sometimes, but when you have fun together, you have a lot of fun. You shrug and decide that it's worth it. 

"Hm... I made some f/f (favourite food) for you, it's on the stove. It might help you cheer up."

You smile. Your grandma's recipe f/f was the best you've ever had, and you almost never get tired of it. "Thanks, Grandma. I think I'll have some."

After eating, you sit on your bed, holding your soft f/c (favourite colour) pillow close to your chest. You think about f/n's comments and your eyes can't help themselves but water a little bit. Why am I so upset about this? She's right, after all. I am a show-off, and it makes her feel bad. You squeeze your pillow tighter as your tears flow silently down your face. You hate the thought of making others feel bad about themselves, especially your friends. A good friend is supposed to make her friends feel good about themselves. I just make her feel worthless. That thought stings your heart. But it wouldn't hurt to be a little nicer about it... 

You squeeze your pillow as tightly as you can, your nails digging into it slightly as you start to tremble. No! That's so unfair! I'm so selfish! I never think about how I make other people feel! I just do whatever I want and make other people feel miserable! You bury your face into the softness of your pillow, getting the  fabric wet with tears. I'm no good! I'm so rude to her all the time and then act like it's her fault! You silently scream at yourself as your thoughts consume you. 

You can't help but gasp a little as your grandmother opens your door. Your lights are all off except for your coloured LEDs. Right now they were set to sf/c (second favourite colour). "Y/n, what's wrong?" Your grandmother calls, worried, from your doorway as she comes over to sit next to you.

"Oh, i-it's nothing..." you try to muster your best, normal, totally-haven't-been-crying voice as you wipe tears away from your eyes. "It's just... um..." you think of some good excuse to be crying. After all, "I'm sobbing in self-pity" isn't a very good reason. "I'm just thinking about... things..."

"What sort of things, y/n?" 

"I..." you sigh, and decide to tell her what's on your mind. "F/n always tells me I'm a show-off, and, well, she's right! I'm just really upset that I make her feel so bad..."

Your grandmother softly smiles at you. "You're not a show-off, y/n. If anything, you don't have enough self-confidence. I think f/n's just jealous."

"Jealous?" You can't believe that. Who'd be jealous of me?? I'm awful! "Why would she be jealous of me?" It would explain her hostile behaviour towards your accomplishments...

"Y/n, you do some things better than she does. She wants to be as good as you."

You can't help but laugh a little. "Me? Good? Better?? Ha... sure..."

"It's true, y/n. You don't need to feel bad about yourself." You don't say anything in response to that. If I make her feel bad, then I feel bad about that...

Your grandma pats your leg in an effort to comfort you, then sets a plate down on your dresser. "Well, I just came in to give you this. I thought you'd want them." You look up at the sweet-smelling plate to see freshly baked cookies, your favourite kind, sitting neatly on the plate. 

You smile. "Thanks..." your grandma nods to you as she leaves your room, polietely closing your door behind her and turning on your light on her way out. You look up at the cookies. 

I don't deserve them...

{I hope you enjoyed chapter one! Sorry that there's no Pen yet and that you haven't even died yet (that felt weird to type that sentence), I want to establish character backstory and plot without rushing anything, so sorry if it feels a little slow to start. Chapter two is already started and will probably be posted later today, if not tomorrow. Thanks for reading! —Kawaii ^◡^♡}
