
~Zaks POV~

I feel someone hold my shoulders down. Keeping me from sitting up. Then it becomes quiet, the chaos this room was a second ago, is now calm. Then I hear Darryl talk, breaking the harsh quietness.

"Zak calm down its okay," his voice broke. I could tell he was crying for a while, "please just stay laying down, everyone here is trying to help you."

Then I hear another voice as Darryl un-pins me from what must be a hospital bed, "Zak," I hear a kind female voice speak up, "what is the last thing you remember? We found you unconscious."

I try to think back, "All I can remember right now was Darryl waking me up to go somewhere," then I remember, "It was Amanda, she was a fake," I begin to get angry, "she took me out offered me no assistance. She watched me struggle, and when she saw me struggle she wasn't satisfied. She wouldn't believe me no matter what I did. She didn't trust that I was blind," the memory faded, but my anger grew, I began to cry. Through sobs I told the lady, "I don-- t remember anything after that. It was just quite all if a sudden."

The room goes silent in thought. The only sound I could hear over my sobbing was Darryl, crying softly on what must be the corner of the room and the beeping of several machines in the room.

I hear some mumbling, "Zak, you seem to be fine, your vitals are normal and you are now conscious.

~3 hours later~

(+ a perscribedly drugged Zak)

I am finally back in my house. Everything feels so strange. I look up at Darryl, still woozy from the drugs they put me on.

"Hey, Darrrrrrryl?" I question.

"What-?" He says curiously.

"You remember that time you kissed me? YOu know, I kinda liked it. I miss seeing your face, you are really cute." I slur.

"Uhhh," Darrly utters in complete confusion.

~Darrly's POV~

I thought he was asleep! I talk to myself. I didn't know he knew that was my little secret that no one would ever know. He isn't fully thinking though, but why would that be one of the few things he would think of when he'd talk to me.

"Hey Zak, it's really late," I look over at the clock, 5:00 pm, "I think you should go to bed, it's getting really late."

I guide his unbalanced and blind self to his bed. He quickly falls asleep.

It's a good thing he didn't get a concussion. I don't know how to last with him like this, if he wouldn't have been able to sleep. I rub my burning face.

I tip-toe into to his room. While he sleeps, I softly grab his caramel hand, dripped over the side of his bed. I sit on the very edge of his bed while holding his hand. I hear him mumble, softly. Partially sitting up then repositioning himself over a little further and laying back down.

Then, his hand tightens on mine, and he pulls me into the space he had made. We lay down together.

He turns over and smiles looking at me, "Darryl, thank you." He starts to softly cry.

I feel my eyes get hot. "Ah, Skeppy don't cry I am going to cry too," I feel the tears roll down my cheeks.

We both just lay in his bed crying for a while, like a group of emotional teenage girls. We have both gone through so much recently though, we needed to release the stress and pain somehow.

I wake up the next morning. Arms holding me close, I realize that I fell asleep in Zaks' room. I fell asleep crying in my best friends bed, and now he thinks I am a stuffed toy and he is hugging me.

My face burns so much, I want to hug him back, but I don't think he realizes that he is hugging me.

I fall back asleep.

~Zaks POV~

I wake up with something warm laying in my arms. 


I feel Darryl quickly sit up. "WHAT HAPPENED?"



"I what????????????"

"Yeah, I came in last night to comfort myself, so I sat by your bed," I am not telling him I held his hand. "And you just pulled me into bed, and then we cried, and I think I just ended up falling asleep, with you..."

"I need to go take a shower," I stand up off his bed and leave him to be.

That was so awkward. I tell myself, I really wish he didn't react like that. MAyBe I Could hAve hugGED Him Too then.."

~Zaks POV~

I walk into Darryl's room. "Darryl, come here." I sit on his bed. I feel his weight sit down beside me a foot or so away. I scoot over so that our legs are touching. I then look over at him, "I am sorry."

"For what?" He asks.

"For this I tell him," I quickly grab his hand and pul him close. I feel his warm breath on my forehead. I then kiss him, not pulling away too quickly. I want him to know, how I feel now too. HE spilt his feelings for me, time for me to too.



EHHHHHH I LOVE THIS CHAPTER SO MUCHHHHHHH!!!! sk alkf iaoudsluqwehjkfasdh;u ejkfwdsa ;ohiwefdsj . ;ewhds.jn ;ehdusvjk8 weodhislzj8r o;hsdvzlnjc, m!! I might update again tonight DON"T HOLD ME TO THAT GRUDGE WE ALL KNOW I MIGHT NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP IT ;-;


Also, as always thankyou for all the over whelming support everywhere! Here, on twitter, and even on amino <333333 You are all the bestsss

If you have any ideas comment hehe, or any tips, thoughts, comments, or anything even hate. COMMENT AT ME YAy


ALSOO, LET me know if you like the more "offensive" vocabulary use or not. And her 900+ words, first time in forever. WOw feels amazing. I am going to continue typing this author note till I see 1,000. Then you can feel good about yourself for reading 1,000 words <3
