
I wake up, hopefully in the morning.

I heard footsteps, "You are such a heavy sleeper, I have been poking you for like 5 minutes. It's like 10 am."


"Get up, you told me you had a date. Come on!"

"Fine. I'll get up and walk around, then continue to go back to my bed."

"GEt uP SKEPPY!!!"


"Get up, you have a date." I hear my door close.

I get up and rumage through my dresser feeling my clothes by hand to figure out which is which. I end up finding my skeppy hood, and a nice pair of pants.

Yes very unformal, for a date, but I don't want to appear as someone other than myself, so I dress up how I normally would. I get dressed and leave my room. Remembering I showered last night, I decided to not take a shower.

"Darryl, where are you?" I ask.


So, authors note

uhmmm... I toltally didn't lose motivation, haha. Thamkyou all so much for the love and support, based on how this chapter goes basically depends on if you guys like it or not, I am just having a issue with the plot and all that. I know how I want the story to end.... but how do I want to get there. ALSO JUST HAD A THOUGHT, if you want to edit for meeeeee here is my twitter, dm me there or on wattpad (i am most likely to be found on twitter btwwww) annd so if you want to help, I will be creating editor submissions tongight <3

So help, is appreciated. And, I no doubt want to continue this story, I just need to plan it out I think, having a editor could really help me out thoooooo!! THANKS LOVES PEACE peace <3

Also, this editor note was unedited if you wanted to see how bad i am oof lol

twitter is BusZ15 (bc wattpad took the @ at out ) I have redone this so many times I am seriously sorry if it notifies you everytime I try to update this this is my last attempt to fix this so I hope it actuallllllly works BYE!
