It's Almost Time To Go

3 days later, the park employees and Starla are now preparing Twilight and Spike's goodbye party as they have seven days left to see Twilight. Twilight heads to the Coffee Shop with Mordecai as they decided to grab a cup of coffee together, "Oh my, you are literally so feathery!" Twilight measures her hand size with Mordecai, he laughs and opens the door for her. As they order two medium sized coffee and scones, they sat down and had a deep conversation about life.

"Well, when I look at the stars I just want to make a wish and pray it'd come true." Mordecai demonstrates how a shoot stars fly passes with his hands. "But on the other hand, what do you wish for Twilight?"
Twilight says faintly.
"I just want a positive world out there, see happiness everywhere where everyone is at peace." She looks at the sky as memories of her friends flows through her mind. But then, a gun was fired outside of the store and two robbers broke in the door. Margaret his behind the counter, the two men had guns, one pointed at guests and one at Margaret. Margaret was then ordered to put money in the bag and as she was about to put them in the bag Twilight stepped in.

"Stop it." Twilight rages, "Stand back or I will shoot you." The man ordered. Mordecai gets up and holds Twilight back but she refused, the man then pointed at Mordecai but Twilight placed her hand in front of Mordecai, Margaret watched Twilight's brave and angered look and realised that Mordecai has been distant from her because of Twilight. "She's protecting him..." Margaret says in a sad voice. "Leave him out of this and if you hurt him or anyone i'll deal with you." Twilight says emotionless.
"Damn it lady I said stand back!"
The man fires his gun in the hair and then Twilight then used her magic to grab the gun and punched him the face, she then uses her magic to create a shield to stop the other man from shooting her.
The man then grabs Margaret holding a knife against her neck.

"Let her go." Twilight slowly walks towards Margaret.
"Go any closer and her head will be chopped off." The man yells.
Twilight stopped, then smirked at the man. Her eyes glowed white, pink and purple magic surrounded Twilight.
"You think you can get away with this? People here are terrified and you can do so much better instead of doing something like this. If anything Mordecai taught more then friendship and I intend to use it and carry it with me." Twilight says in an echo.

Benson and the other park employees walked in, Rigby ran to Mordecai and Benson stood there in shocked like everyone else.
"You choose to do bad because you didn't want to try harder, but you can try to kill me but the power of friendship will always win." Twilight's wings, ears and tail appear then rainbow magic comes out of Benson, Pops, Rigby, Muscle Man and Skips then a spiral of magic fell on top of the men and they were turned to their original form, old men.

The old man dropped his gun and knife, Margaret was free.
"How did you know I wanted revenge?" The old man asks Twilight as she helps him to stand up.
"Because my abilities have taught me to see through people. You wanted the money to help your daughter who was taken away, but you can't do bad things. Find justice for yourself." Twilight tells the man as he cried, he was then arrested.

The park employees came towards Twilight telling her how good they feel after that. That they feel empowered and stronger, Mordecai was really proud of Twilight. "So how did you get your powers back exactly?" Spike asks excitedly.
"Well... I guess when I wanted to save people it got activated again. I'm not sure but i'll research more into it when we get back to Equestria." Twilight smiles.

After that, everyone went back to the park.
